9781618857835FrozenFuryBeckNC (9 page)

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Gage began to disagree with her but was stopped when Amelia placed her finger
to his lips.

let me finish. Despite all I’ve said to the contrary, you’ve been right with
pushing me. My anger is causing me to fight even when I don’t really want to in
here,” Amelia pressed his hand to her chest, above her heart. “The final
blessing in the circle—the one we receive at our Pronouncement—is what we need.
It’s what I need so I can move on from my soul sin.”

ready to proceed with the Pronouncement?”

nodded her head in agreement.

Gage responded, “You have no idea what I’ve been going through trying to hold
Mamma off. She and your mother have spoken and were ready to begin plans until
I told her we’d need more time.”

the next full moon is just a week away and if we wait…” Amelia shook her head
instead of continuing her thought. She couldn’t contemplate living so defiantly
with her mate for that much longer. “I just can’t.”

felt the smile spread across his face and was relieved. Her reasoning might
sound cold and calculated, but she just knew if she could overcome this, she
and Gage could have their happily-ever-after like her other sisters before her.

then, it sounds like you’ll be busy while I’m away. I’d declined breakfast with
my family but now, I think it’s perfect for us to join them.”

Amelia agreed before pausing. She had one more thing to ask of him. “First
though, I need, um, I need to feed.”

is a request I could happily fulfill.” The words hadn’t left Gage’s lips before
he’d rolled her over and planted himself above her. This was exactly where she
wanted him. Obviously hearing her thoughts, Gage spoke into her mind, “
This is exactly where I want to be
.” He
ran his lips against the skin of her neck and she shivered.

want to be yours, Gage, and put our crazy beginning behind us,” Amelia
presented him with a statement not made clear by her soul sin’s interference.

watched her as if memorizing her features. He held her head still with his
hands in her hair. She whimpered ever so softly at his tightened grip on her
hair, at the deep hunger pounding through their bond. She’d never wanted
anything more than this, than her mate.

leaned into her neck and breathed in her scent as he scraped his teeth up and
down her neck and then across her shoulder before finding that perfect spot to
bite into her life-sustaining vein. When he growled and sank his teeth into her
neck, Amelia’s body reacted as if being lit on fire. His need for her bolstered
her resolve to see this through, to rid herself of her soul sin and reach for
her happiness. This—her mate—was her happiness. She could feel it inside him. She
could feel it inside herself.

body shook under his tongue’s strokes against her flesh. Gage drank deeply and
as he swallowed her blood, she couldn’t hold back the moans of pleasure. She
rubbed herself against him to try to relieve the pressure she felt at her core,
but with every press she only burned for more. Amelia knew they were both ready
to explode when he finally relented and rolled onto his side beside her.
“Your turn.
Drink from me but for the Goddess’s sake, be
quick about it. I’ve got more pressing matters to attend to.” Gage winked and
pressed his firm erection into her hip.

crawled up his body and circled herself on his chest. Gage held her with his
large hands on her buttocks. She bowed her head into his neck and breathed him
in for just a moment before the scent drew her tongue out to stroke against his
pulsing vein. She found the soft, tender skin where she could easily pierce,
and bit into Gage.

rush of warm, salty liquid spilled over her tongue and Amelia closed her eyes
at the bliss of taking her mate into her like this. It was simply delicious.
There was no other way to feel so close to him. It was everything she needed
and she drank until she was full and another need overtook her.

from him and sealing the bite, Amelia sighed.

know. I’m hanging on by a thread but I wanted to be sure you had enough before
doing this.” Gage brought one of his hands from her bottom around to dip into
her core. She was wet and ready for him.

wrapped up in their need to be close before Gage would leave, they made love in
a quiet, gentle way they’d never done before. The tenderness unlocked another
piece of Amelia’s heart.

as they lay holding one another, Gage asked, “Is there anything you can do to restore
your power and give you strength during this transition?” Gage’s concern touched
her. She had someone who wanted to protect her. Oddly, it didn’t anger her.
Amelia realized with a smile that it felt good.

best way is to be surrounded by
Circle of
women, especially those blood-related. It’s the reason our
parents bought us the house we lived in together,” Amelia explained.

me all about your sisters and the prophecy. I mean, I know of the prophecy.
What I want to know is your thoughts on it.”

considered before answering. It was, after all, complicated. “I believe it’s
likely we are the ‘seven born of one’ that the Seventh Prophecy speaks of. There
have been a few other families with seven sisters before us but something has
always prevented all to mature into adulthood.”

relaxed as Gage ran his fingers along her back and when he said nothing, she
continued, “Since I’m the eldest sister and Layla the youngest, we have the
largest part to play. The prophecy states that ‘the first sister shall bear
another seven and the seventh shall release the deadly sins so long as all are

heard Gemma doesn’t agree it is the oldest and youngest sisters.”

She believes it might be referring to the first and last to be mated, and that
none of the prophecy will be fulfilled until all of us are mated. Either way,
the important thing is that once this prophecy is fulfilled, we’ll never have
to worry for our children. The little girls will be born without sin.”

what of the little boys?”

shook her head. “I don’t know. I suppose that’s the scary part of it all. We
all hope it releases the men from their need to mate to sustain life but that’s
the part of the prophecy not yet interpreted.”

sister Davina has been working on interpreting the old documents since she was
old enough to understand.” Gage nodded and continued stroking her gently along
her hip now.

thought she owned a bookstore.” Amelia was confused. She’d never known his
sister had any part in the Valendite world. Davina was a bit of an oddity since
it was rare to have both genders born to a mated pair.

side job,” Gage snickered. “Mostly, we think she does it just to bug Mamma.
Davina has always been a bit of a hellion and she loves to read. Even though
she boasts a linguistics degree, she chose to open her little bookstore. ”

be interested to hear what she’s learning. Goddess, I bet Gemma would kill to

knows. Actually, Gemma and Davina have been sharing their information already.
It’s just an incredible thought that our children might be freed from the curse.”

agree. It’s an incredible thought.” Amelia grew quiet as she considered the
difficulties she’d had with her own sin throughout her childhood.

also glad you won’t suffer anymore,” Gage’s voice in her mind made her smile.
Then he groaned. “Now I suppose it’s time we get up and get ourselves to
breakfast before
Mia Mamma
looking for us.”


* * * *


strolled into the Santucci’s dining room with Amelia’s hand securely in his. He
felt ten feet tall as he presented his mate to his parents. Sure, they’d
already met her but that was as Layla’s sister. Today, they’d know her as his

heart sped up and, feeling her reaction, Gage squeezed her hand reassuringly. His
parents were the only ones in the room and Gage thought this would ease her. He
tugged on her hand and brought her to his side as he moved to his parents.

father knelt onto one knee in front of Amelia and took her hand from him. He
hadn’t expected his father to do this so immediately when they entered. Shit,
now he was thinking that he should’ve warned her. He should’ve prepared her for

,” his father spoke as he looked into her
eyes. “I welcome you into our family. We are blessed to have our final son with
such a remarkable mate.”

smiled and nodded at his father though she spoke no words. Gage had never seen
her so docile. He wished he could wrap her up in his arms and ease the
discomfort she was feeling. Instead, he gathered her hand back from his father
as he stood again.

you,” Amelia finally responded. Gage suspected she was just as emotional about
the formal acceptance as he was.

know you’ve already met Amelia through her sisters but I wanted to formally
introduce her today as part of our family. This is my father, Valentino and my
mother, Adelina.”

is an honor, Amelia, quite an honor,” his father spoke in his broken Italian

It is good to finally have you join us. Gage has been squirreling you away in
his home,” his mother added as she glared an icy look in his direction.

she has been recovering and adjusting. I’ve not been hiding her,” Gage defended
himself against the accusation.

now. Let’s not speak of those unfortunate events,” Adelina chastised him as she
swept her arm towards the table. He’d already been admonished in private over
his actions that first night in the lab. Thank the Goddess his mamma seemed to
be allowing that to rest in the past. “Come. Let’s sit to eat. It might only be
us. Layla hasn’t been up to breakfast in a few weeks now as the baby draws nearer.”

Gage asked. He’d hoped they would all be here.

already flew out this morning. His team has to be in position when yours arrives.”
Papa explained what Gage should’ve known had he read the morning’s mission

more business. This meal is in honor of our newest daughter, Amelia,” Mamma
raised her glass of mimosa in toast. Everyone at the table followed suit and
looked towards Amelia who wore a beautiful blush across her cheeks.

you, Mrs. Santucci.” Amelia smiled.

more of this Mrs. Santucci. Someday you will call me Mamma. Today please call
me Adelina,” she paused as Papa pulled out her chair and then took her seat as
noise from the foyer caught their attention. “Here is another to join us.” Mamma
looked up and smiled, “Davina, darling child, come to Mamma.”

a kiss on the cheek, his sister sat beside Mamma and turned to Amelia as their
mother spoke. “Meet my daughter, Davina. I do not think you have met except a
passing by at one of the Pronouncements. Davina is the baby in our family.”

Davina rolled her eyes at their mother and then smiled towards Amelia. “It’s
nice to see you. The message from Gage that you’d be at breakfast was a
surprise. We weren’t sure we’d meet you until a little later.”

interrupted. “Actually, we’ve decided to move forward with plans for the

the hurry?” Davina asked.

sat forward, preparing to answer, but Amelia stopped him with a hand on his
arm. Quietly but still with confidence, she responded to Davina. “We think it
will help with my soul sin. I have been cursed with Anger and it doesn’t seem
to be leaving me so easily. It’s made uhm, well, things, difficult.”

Amelia took a sip of water to ward off any further questions. Understanding
seemed to dawn on Davina’s face. She winked at Amelia.

is settled then.” Adelina clapped her hands, unphased. “We will begin right
away planning for your Pronouncement. We’ve become pros at this. Even with just
family, it will be quite the event.”

mindful that it will need to be here at the compound. Too much trouble is
surrounding us now for any of us to go anywhere until TEU eliminate this
threat.” Valentino spoke in a commanding voice, one that expected compliance.
Goddess, he sounded so much like his son.

perfect. I wanted to have it in the wedding grove here,” Amelia agreed.

smiled and tiny sparks flew above her. She was so pleased that her magic
erupted. “Yes. That’s so wonderful. I love this name, the wedding grove,” she
laughed. “It is absolutely perfect.”




Chapter Six


walked into a room filled with women she adored. Her family had grown over the
last year. Mamma Santucci sat beside her mother on the sofa at the far side of
the room. Layla, Paige, Davina, and Gracie were gathered around the table. By
their comments, she suspected they were already looking through bridal
magazines. They had done a lot of work in a little amount of time.

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