90 Days (Prairie Town Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: 90 Days (Prairie Town Book 2)
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     “Okay, Mr. I-Have-Connections-Everywhere.” Aggie rolled her eyes. “But if she’s trying to toss a wrench in the most glorious wedding Prairie Town’s ever seen, I want in.  Let me help you take her down.”

    “Will do.” Callum laughed.

    “Just promise me you won’t tell Benji.  I don’t want him getting involved with her again. She’s crazy.”

     Aggie pursed her lips together, afflicted.


     “Fine.” Her shoulders slumped.  “I won’t say anything to Benji.”

     “Thank you.”

     “I suppose you’re welcome.” Aggie replied sullenly.  “You two have a good night.”

    Watching Aggie hang her head and leave the room, Lydia released a low breath and snuggled into Callum’s waiting arms.

     “Are you sure you shouldn’t tell Ben?” He asked in a quiet voice, tracing his fingers up and down her arm.

     “Not yet.” She replied, wracking her brain with reasons as to why Tara would want to out her to the world.  That incident had been almost two years ago.  Why was it so important now?  What was she trying to gain from it besides ruining somebody else’s life?  It didn’t make sense.

     “Well, you know what you’re doing, babe.  I guess we’ll just—”

     “Um, guys?” Aggie appeared in the doorway again.

     “Yes?” They said in unison.

     “Benji’s gone.”





















Chapter 8




     He wasn’t
the type to eavesdrop, but when Aggie went to investigate the yelling coming from down the hallway, his curiosity got the better of him.  Besides, he’d only been pretending to be asleep so he didn’t have to listen to Aggie’s never-ending dreamy sighs over Jeb.

    What he hadn’t expected to hear was Tara’s name, and worse, the reason behind it.

     A rage he’d never felt before overcame him as he returned to the living room, retrieved his phone, and quietly slipped outside.  The phone was already ringing when he stepped off the bottom step and fished his key from his hoodie pocket.

    It only took a few seconds for Tara to answer.

     “What do you want, Benji?”

     “Hello to you, too.” He bit the words out, trembling as he unlocked the driver’s side door and got in.  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Tara?”

     “What are you talking about?  I’m not doing anything.”

     “Don’t you fucking lie to me.  I know what you did and it’s fucking sick, shit.  If you think you can get away with it, you’re wrong. You’re dead wrong.  I won’t let you ruin Lydia’s life.”

     “Lydia? I don’t know what you’re talking about, Benji.  I haven’t talked to Lydia in over a year.”  The tone of her voice was sad, not defensive.  She had been crying.  “Look, now isn’t a good time, okay? Can I call you later?”

     His nostrils flared and he slowly shook his head.  So that’s not how he imagined the conversation going.  And damn it, why did he even care that she had been crying?

     “What’s wrong, Tara?”

     “My father just passed away.”

     “I’m sorry.” Damn it.  And now he felt guilty?  What the hell?

    “It’s fine… I mean, it’s not, but thank you anyway.  Look, I really haven’t talked to Lydia.  Whatever you think I’ve done, I haven’t, all right?”

     “Okay.  Sorry.”

     “It’s fine.  It was really nice hearing your voice again, Benji.”

     “Yeah. Erm… you, too.”

     He ended the call and watched the numbers flash on the screen.

     “Way to jump to conclusions.” He mumbled.

     Aggie and Callum could rest well knowing he’d marked Tara off the list, but that left them with an even greater mystery.

     If she hadn’t made the phone call, then who did?

     His phone started vibrating in his hand and he nearly dropped it.  Glancing at the screen, his worries suddenly disappeared into thin air.

     “Hello, Laney.” He greeted her, smiling as he pressed the phone to his ear.  “Fancy hearing from you at this hour.  What’s up?”

     “Hey, Benji.” Her sweet voice said on the other end. “You weren’t asleep, were you?”

     “No. Quite the opposite actually.”

     “Oh.  Yeah, same here.  I just can’t fall asleep.”

     He waited a few seconds, listening to her breathing and nibbling at his lip ring.  “Everything okay, Laney?”

     “Yeah.” She replied ever so quietly.  “Just thinking.”

     His pulse quickened.  “About what?”

     She laughed and it sent a freaking flaming arrow of happiness straight to his heart.  No matter what crazy shit was going on in the world, her laughter was truly the best medicine.  He wanted to hear it as often as possible.

     “Just things.”

     “Just things, huh?”

    “Yeah. Just things.” She giggled again and he couldn’t help but to smile goofily.  There was just something about Laney and happiness.  It was a perfect combination.

     “Do you want to come over?” Her question caught him off guard.
off guard.  “You can say no if you want to.”

     Only a stupid man with absolutely no sense of adventure would say no to her.

     “Sure.  Mom and Pop okay with that?” He teased.

     “I can sneak out.”

     That thought alone caused his skin to heat to new levels.  Laney was going to sneak out of her house just to spend some time with him?  What would they do?

What won’t we do?
  He thought with a mischievous smirk.  Oh, the possibilities…

     “Okay.  I can be there in about fifteen minutes.  Be on the lookout for me?”

     “I’ll definitely be watching for you.” She promised breathily.  “Bye, Benji.”

     “Bye, beautiful.”

     Placing his phone in the passenger’s seat—where Laney would soon be sitting—he had to remind himself that nothing was going to happen.  They were just going to talk, right?

     Talking was good.

     He started the car and released a nervous breath.

     “Talking.  Yep.  We’re just going to talk.”




     Oh, God.  What was she thinking?  Calling Benji to say goodnight was one thing, but spontaneously inviting him over just so she could sneak out of her parents’ house
Romeo & Juliet
style?  She’d lost her ever-loving mind.

     “Deep breaths.” Checking her appearance in the mirror, she made sure she didn’t look like she belonged on the set of
The Walking Dead
and tried to calm her racing heart.

    This was a seriously big deal.  Even though she and Benji hadn’t really talked about anything possibly happening between them before, she needed to talk to him about that kiss.

    It terrified her beyond belief, but she had to know: Did it mean as much to him as it did to her?

     “I will not freak out.” She said to her reflection.  “I’m going to talk to him and tell him like it is.  I’ve been hurt in the past and my sanity is questionable, but any man would be lucky to have me.”

Her mind laughed. 
Do you hear yourself right now?

    As much as she wanted to ignore that stupid voice in her head, it was impossible.  It was always there.  Sometimes it was quiet, but right now it was as loud as ever and she hated it.

     “I am a good catch.” She whispered, glaring at herself through the reflective glass.  “I am worth something.”

     And surely to goodness Benji thought that if he’d kissed her. He had to…

Who am I kidding?
  Her heart sank as she placed her hairbrush back on the vanity and frowned.
I’m not that great. I’m not even pretty.  My life really sucks.

     No!  She would not let that part of her mind win.  Benji was on his way and he wanted to see her—that counted for something.  If he thought she wasn’t worth his time, then he wouldn’t have agreed to come over.

    The voice in her mind didn’t have anything to say to that.

     “Hmph.” She nodded, giving herself a small smile.

I am pretty.

    Lydia looked a lot like her.  They both had the same big eyes and the same plump lips.  Their hair was thick and curly, but manageable on most days.

     She had a nice figure, too.  Her breasts weren’t too small and they weren’t too big.  To her, they were just right.

Will Benji think so?

     Flames of embarrassment and waves of arousal washed over her simultaneously.  Heaven only knew how many times she’d dreamed of such things happening between them; Benji’s fingers caressing her skin and his lips upon hers.

Well, one of those things has happened.  Who’s to say he won’t do the other?

Her phone chirped and she snatched it up, her heart jumping for joy—and maybe a little terror—as she read the text.

  Come out.

     Her fingers felt like ice as she tried to reply to him.

Be right out.

     “Oh, god. Oh, god.” She grabbed her hoodie, which was hanging off the bedpost, and pulled it on, all the while envisioning what would happen once she got inside his car.

Nothing.  Nothing besides talking.  I just want to talk.

       True, she did want to talk, but she also wanted to hold his hand and kiss him.  She wanted him to reassure her that life wasn’t totally sucky and she wanted to hear him say he returned her feelings.

     “Oh, shit.” Maybe she could go without the latter part.  Perhaps that was for the best.  Just being in his company would be enough, wouldn’t it?


    Smoothing her hair down and inhaling as deeply as possible, she carefully opened her bedroom door and began the tedious task of slipping outside without being noticed.

     Hopefully her father was snoring loud enough to keep her mom from hearing anything.

Almost there.
  She thought as her feet touched the bottom step of the staircase. 

Almost there.
  She thought as she very, very slowly unlocked the front door and pulled it open.

Almost there.
  She thought as she closed the screen door and tiptoed off the porch.

Almost there.
  She thought as she caught sight of Benji’s car at the end of the driveway.

Almost there.
  Her heart began to race as she walked towards his car and bit her bottom lip nervously.

  She stopped on the passenger side and released a shaky breath, putting on her best smile.

     The door suddenly popped open and the dome light came on inside.  Benji’s grinning face greeted her as she climbed inside, grateful to feel the heat on full blast.

     “Well, hello there.” He said, resting one hand against the steering wheel casually as the other fell against his thigh.  “I don’t see any yelling parents. I assume you got out ninja style?”

     “Yes.” She let out a small laugh and held her hands out towards one of the vents.  “It’s really cold out there tonight.”

     “Unusually cold.” He toyed with the dials and then pointed the vents on his side towards her.  “It’s going to be real hot next week, though, almost one hundred degrees.”

     “Really? Well, maybe I’ll get a tan.” She giggled.

     “Maybe I will, too.” He smiled.

Oh, god.  Are we really talking about tanning?

She instantly wanted to kick herself.  Surely there was something better to talk about?

     “So did Jeb ever calm down?” He asked, as if he could read her mind.

     “Yeah, eventually.” She nodded, relaxing in her seat and inhaling the scent of his cologne. Lord Jesus, not that smell again.  It did wickedly, wicked things to her.

     “Good.  Lydia did, too.” He raked his upper teeth over his lip ring and she eyed his every move, her heart skipping a beat here and there as he began talking about his evening. 

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