8 Mile & Rion (8 page)

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Authors: K.S. Adkins

BOOK: 8 Mile & Rion
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‘I'm a dreamer.’

~Diana Ross

I’m not smacking myself in the head for taking Tank up on his offer. Okay, I am. Yes, we’re just friends but Loyal saw right through my bullshit and it’s embarrassing. Bottom line is, I was running. I can’t stay cooped up with him any longer, if I didn’t get out, I was going to dry hump him. I was just dumped by Peter who never was worth a shit anyway, but I needed to feel pretty for a change. I needed to be noticed on equal footing, even if it was with a friend. I thought I handled it politely, stepping out into the hall so he couldn’t hear me. He was more than capable to handle those collections alone and I needed a diversion anyway. The second he leaves, I leave.

When I hear the garage open, I know he’s taking my car and heading out. He needs the cash and I need the collection, so it works. Grabbing my bag, I slip on my flats and haul ass down to the corner of the building so Tank can pick me up. As always, I can hear him before I see him. Tank (AKA Thomas) and I go way back. We grew up together, raised a lot of hell together and when I left for school, I didn’t see him nearly as much as I used to. He worked with us for a while, but like most enforcers it wasn’t a forever thing. Next to Rio he was my best friend. We stayed in touch but I missed him terribly. Now he’s in town, wants to catch up and I wasn’t missing out. Tank always has the best stories and I needed my friend for a while.

Another thing about him? Tank loves women. Women love Tank. He’s the bad boy women think they can tame but never do.

When he sees me, he parks, jumps out, and pulls me up with one strong arm twirling me in a wide circle with ease. “Tank!” I squeal. “I missed you!”

“Fuck it’s been a minute, Junior,” he says, squeezing me tight. “Look at you, drop dead gorgeous is what you are.”

“Handsome as ever,” I tell him as he sets me down.

“Got that surprise for you,” he announces. “Hop in.”

Using the step, I jump up into his F-350 and we cruise down 8 Mile. I realize for the first time in almost two weeks I’m almost me again. “Gimme!” I tell him wanting my surprise.

“Patience, Junior,” he says laughing, then for a while we talk about my dad until we pull up to Slows BBQ. Helping me out, I jump down and take his hand while he leads me inside. When we get in, he looks over the crowd for someone but I stay silent content to watch him. “Ah,” he says, taking my hand again. “This way.”

Once we get to a table I peek around him and see the most beautiful woman sitting there. “Is this her?” she asks him, smiling up at us.

“This is her,” he says, moving me forward. “Rion this is Shayla, my wife.”

“Wife?” I ask letting out a huge squeal. Then pushing him out of the way, I tackle her with a hug. “Tell me everything! Don’t leave anything out! You are so gorgeous! You smell like happiness too! Tank, you lucky fucker!”

For the next hour or so they both dazzle me with how they met and fell in love. After years of meaningless flings and bad choices, Tank finally found his one and only. Shayla was everything I would want for him too. Just the small amount of time with her told me she was good, she was real and she loved my friend hard. She hit the lotto with him though. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man so in love before. I’ve only had the love of my dad and Rio to go by, but this kind of love is different.

This was the kind of love I wanted. The kind of love I dreamed about but kept to myself. Senior and Rio meant the world to me and we had no secrets, except this one. My dream of sappy forever love was mine alone.

As the night wore on I could tell they wanted to be alone, I mean duh they’re newlyweds! I was so grateful that I could share this with them, that he would think to introduce me to her was special for me. These two were a reminder that it does exist and that I needed to be patient. Then I started thinking about Loyal and realized I missed his crabby ass.

“Thank you,” I tell them, “for including me. I’m so happy for you both, I have no words.”

“I had to meet you in person,” she says smiling at him. “If even half the stories about you were true, I knew I’d love you like Thomas does.”

“Once I’m back on my feet, I’d love some girl time,” I tell her but when he looks worried I reassure him too. “I got this, Tank. I just need a little time.”

“If you need me---”

“I’ll call, I swear. My cab should be here, but plans soon, okay?” I promise them and then stand up to hug them both before leaving. “I’m going to walk her out Shay, be right back.”

“Ok honey,” she says. “See you soon, Rion.”

“You betcha, Shay.”

As we clear the door to head out for my cab, I squeeze his hand hard. “I missed you, Tank,” I tell him honestly. “I haven’t been a good friend.”

“You were getting an education, working, now this with Senior and the business... I had my own shit to work out,” he says squeezing me back. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you needed me.”

“You’re here now,” I tell him giving him a hug. “It was good seeing you and she is perfect for you, I can’t believe you’re married.”

“Kinda thought it would be you there for a while,” he says, “but you were right, we’ll always be tight as friends.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck I was about to whisper something cheesy like “bff’s forever” but I didn’t get the chance. Because before my next breath, I was torn from Tank’s arms and found myself in Loyal’s.

“You want to live, you will step back,” he says to Tank in a menacing voice.

“Uh, Junior,” Tank says looking pissed himself. “Tell me you know this guy.”

“Tank this is Loyal, he’s helping me collect. Loyal this is Tank my---”

“You ever touch her like that again I’ll----”

“Thomas?” Shayla asks, clearing the door. “Who is that man holding onto Rion?”

“Well this is fun,” I moan, rolling my eyes. “Let go!” I order Loyal then turn around and level him with my best stink eye. “This is the amazing Shayla, my best pal Tank’s

When he just blinks then crosses his arms, I feel my eye start to twitch. “Shouldn’t you be collecting?”

“Already did.”

“Oh,” I mumble, “What are you doing here?”

“Came for you,” he says not giving an inch. “Told you no harm would come to you, meant that.”

“Harm?” Tank asks “What harm? I wouldn’t hurt her.”

“It’s fine---” I start, but Loyal cuts me off.

“Someone broke in, choked her, threatened her and I’m her protection. Who she told was going out
but left

“Choked you?” Tank yells.

“Threatened you?” Shayla yells.

But I don’t hear any of that. Loyal spied on me and I’m rather miffed and excited about it. If he wasn’t interested he wouldn’t spy, right? Okay whoa, no. Spying is bad.

“It’s under control,” I toss out to the newlyweds. “But you spied on me,” I accuse him. “I said I was taking the night off, that’s it. So you, what? Followed me? Last time I checked, I only pay you for collecting.”

“Last time I checked I made it clear you didn’t need to pay me at all, but you didn’t listen,” he says bluntly. “Get in the car.”

Looking over at Tank and Shayla I feel badly for involving them in this. “Get in the car, Junior,” Tank says, taking Loyal’s side over mine. Stomping over to the car he managed to leave right out on the street without a ticket, I whip the door open. Getting in with as much attitude as possible Tank leans in and whispers, “You should have told me.”

Closing my eyes in shame, I whisper back, “I’m sorry, you know why I didn’t. You know why I never will.” then finger wave to Shayla after buckling my belt.

Tank was the last person I’d ever tell my problems to. Not only did he go through hell to stay straight, he found himself a beautiful wife. I would never destroy that and if I told him, I would destroy it, mark my words. Tank would go to war for me except I don’t even know who we’re fighting. He’s spent enough of his life in a cell and he would never see another one because of me. It was too risky and I had to trust that Loyal alone could help me.

Watching him wedge himself inside of my car under any other circumstances would have me peeing my pants, but suddenly I’m too pissed off to laugh. Instead, I turn in my seat and let him have it.

“You’ve got some fucking nerve---” I growl at him, but before I could finish my verbal tongue lashing, he gives me one of his own.

Grabbing my face, he crushes his mouth against mine and I completely forget what I was so pissed off about. Doesn’t matter really. His tongue lashing was way better than mine anyway.

Oh and when he sucked my bottom lip between his teeth, I was a goner.


‘For the most part, that message hasn't changed a lot over the years - love is still love, and heartbreak is still heartbreak.’

~Casey Kasem

For the first time in my life I was lost to a woman, completely unconcerned with my surroundings all because of one kiss. This moment was all about
. Her taste, her breath, her slim fingers gripping the front of my shirt, demanding more from
. This is the best kiss I’ve ever had even if I did it to shut her up. Okay, so I’ve been dying to taste her and I saw an opportunity, whatever.

I took the car, drove down the street and followed her too. So fucking what? It took all of my training not to get out and kill the guy, but I waited. I knew nothing would happen inside the restaurant, but I wasn’t letting her leave with him afterward. And the fucking guy was married. That was a swift reminder before any mission you need good Intel. I didn’t have good Intel. I was listening to my dick.

Feeling all sorts of foolish about that, I knew I deserved whatever she was going to dish out.  But there was a need driving me harder than apologizing. It was driving me to claim her before someone else did. The competition was out there and I didn’t like the reminder. I even did it knowing I wouldn’t take it any further, knowing I had no right to.

When she moans into my mouth I want to pull her across the seat to straddle me, but then she grips me even tighter and I force myself to stop. I can’t do this, I don’t deserve this. It was selfish and foolish of me to try. Pulling away from her I had to pry her fingers from my shirt. When she looks up at me, I drown in the glaze of lust in her eyes and I force myself not to dive back in.

“Why did you stop?” she asks quietly.

“Won’t happen again,” I tell her, moving her away, then putting her car in drive. Ignoring her on the way back, I could feel her anger rising with every block we passed. She was making fists in her lap and fidgeting in her seat. Pulling into her the garage I’m not even in park when she climbs out, slams the door and hits the steps.

Entering the apartment I didn’t even set the keys down before she said her piece. “I don’t know what it is about you, Loyal. I’ve never wanted something so badly that I would keep coming back for more knowing I’m going to be shot down for it.” I didn’t say anything because it was the look of defeat on her face that stopped me. “You’re trouble, heartbreak and lust all in one big mean package. I’ve known you a few days,” she says quietly. “In reality I really don’t know anything about you at all other than you were a Marine, you speak of a woman named Jill when you sleep and you can’t seem to make up your mind about me. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you want me too. You fight it, but in my car you kissed me first. Tomorrow night, I’m going to go to dinner at the Rattlesnake Club at seven pm. If you show, then I’ll know you’re willing to take a chance on me. If you don’t, then I’ll get the hint.” Just before closing her bedroom door she whispers, “I really hope you show, Loyal.”

That night I waited until her breathing evened out before I kept watch over her while she slept. When the sun came up and I felt secure enough to allow myself a few minutes of sleep, I left her room and crashed on the couch. I was in and out, but I heard her get up and move around. At one point she stood over me and I could feel her eyes on every part of me. Then she leaned over and I thought she was going to crawl on me or maybe try and fuck me, but instead she covered me with a blanket, which was worse. Christ, if she wanted to use me to get off I’d probably make the exception but no, she wanted me comfortable.

About an hour later, I heard the door close to the apartment and knew she went to work. Grabbing my own shower I give myself a pep talk and head over to the office myself. Knocking once I walk in and see she’s on the phone taking bets. Holding up one finger she opens a drawer, tosses a few files out then turns her seat away from me.

Taking the hint and today’s collections, I grab the keys from her apartment and head out to work. I was going to get her the money she’s owed and I was going to be at that restaurant by seven pm.

I gave it a lot of thought last night. Watching her, thinking about what she said. Maybe I can change, even just a little bit. I could tell her more about me, let her see me and allow her to make up her own mind. Do I think it’s possible I could offer her anything? I wasn’t sold on it. Jill never wanted to know what I did, but I know Rion would. The last several nights my nightmares have been tolerable, not once did I wake up swinging. I felt good that I might be getting to a better place with it. She doesn’t seem to mind that my head is wrong. If my reaction to Tank was anything to go by, I’d gladly tear someone apart for her. That’s gotta mean something.

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