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Authors: Jessie M

62 Days (8 page)

BOOK: 62 Days
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He leaned breathlessly down to groan into my ear. ‘That’s what I’m doing to you Ray… Fucking… You… Like… Crazy… God… You… Feel… Good! … So… Fucking… Good!’

He thrust his hips at me sharply, in between each word, getting as deep as he could get. A few moments of beautiful hard fucking later and I was spiralling over the edge again. My internal muscles pulsated around his cock, sucking at him until his control was gone. He surged into me again, fast and wild, driving us both beyond the limits. Beyond everything.

I may have blacked out for a moment, because when I became aware of my surroundings again, I could feel his dead weight on me, pressing me deep into the softness of the bed. I could feel the cooling sweat on my skin, and the heat of it where our bodies met. I could still feel him buried inside me. I squeezed him tightly inside, his wetness began seeping out a little. Mark was still gasping for breath against my ear and his muscles were trembling against me.

I ran my sweaty tingling palms across his damp skin and felt it twitch.

I smiled in complete and utter wonder. Inside and out.

He finally lifted his head and his eyes found mine. His face lit up with a lovely big smile. He pressed his lips against my mouth softly.

“My God Mark, I’m stunned.”

“So am I.”

“That was just so amazing.”

“Shall we have some more in a minute?”

“I’m ready whenever you are.”


I wake up the next morning in a lovely hazy aroused state of being… he is tightly pressed up behind me, his hand on my waist. He is kissing and licking up and down my neck and behind my ear. I snuggle up against him for a moment feeling his hard erection pushing against my back. I am suddenly taken over by an urgent need and quickly bend forward and push him inside me. We lay locked together like that for a few seconds. A wave of heat swamps me as I savour his hardness buried deep within me and I squeeze myself tightly around it.

“Like it the second you wake up, do you?” he asks with a small laugh.

“Any second of the day suits me.”

He pulls me hard against him, his arm firmly around my waist and starts to move slowly in and out. My mind is swimming with the soft and gentle thrusting inside me. But I desperately want to see him. I lift my leg over his, trapping his leg between mine. I turn slightly, almost on my back, so I can look at him. I reach for his sex and sleep mussed up hair and rub and tug it blissfully as I stare into his eyes. His hand travels slowly across me, his fingertips brushing hot circles on my soft sleep sensitised skin. My stomach contacts with a deep pleasure as his hand moves around my breasts, squeezing them softly, pulling at my hard nipples. My breathing is heavy, almost gasping… we move slowly together, but it is more than hot between us, I feel as if I am floating on Mark sensation… I can’t get enough of this… of him.

It is simply divine.

“Come on, up you get gorgeous… in my bathroom.” He pulls me up from our lazy after sex rest interval and I follow him in.

 I love the steamy hot shower and we get to make a whole lot more superheated steam too. Unfortunately we miss breakfast hours, but miraculously we manage to get dressed and out before lunch. We’re in Paris. We do need to see some sights, not just each other.


At lunchtime, whilst we are sitting in our coffee and cake café, I am given the choice of Notre Dame or the Louvre today and tomorrow we can do the other. I choose the Louvre. Not that I’m an art buff particularly, but I am not feeling in a cathedral mood today.

We find ourselves a taxi and soon arrive at the Musee de Louvre. Mark is so very hot this afternoon. He is giving me a fever. I get some extremely heated sexy looks coming my way, which I hope I return with a similar passion plus some steamy waist holding clinches as we wander round the galleries. It is a truly stirring combination. The most beautiful art ever produced and Mark’s very up close company. I stand and stare for ages at Canova’s Psyche and Cupid marble statue. The rapturous expression on the woman’s face as Cupid the winged angel kisses her senseless touches my heart. When we see the most famous Da Vincis and Raphaels on display Mark stands behind me and kisses my neck each time. Finally I stand in the crowd in the Mona Lisa room before her famous serene image with Mark pressed up tight behind me, his hot breath just behind my ear. I hope she doesn’t mind what I’m thinking and feeling right now. I’m wishing we were back at the hotel again, to hell with this priceless art show.

Following the sexed up Louvre we have a massive lemon flavoured ice cream and a rather heated laze on the grass in the Jardin de Tuileries.

That’s about it for our simply marvellous half day out. We wander down the banks of the Seine and then it’s back to the hotel for a pre dinner rest again.

We both lay down with a tired flop on the stripey bed.

“It’s been a very warm afternoon.” I say. And in more ways than one.

“It was quite hot, fun though, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, d’you know I’m not quite sure which part of today was best… the first naughty kiss in that dark Louvre corridor, the very, very long one in the garden, or the big steamy one in the lift just now.”

“I liked the ice cream best myself.”

I turn over and try to tickle him as punishment. It seems he’s not ticklish. Unfortunately I am and I get a big dose of tickles in return. I’ve not laughed so much in years. We calm down a little and we lie on our sides for a minute, looking at each other.

“I’d never control you.” He says brushing my face with his fingertips.

My heart flips up and down and sideways. I start kissing him like mad, my tongue forcing itself against his and suddenly we are dragging off our clothes in desperation. My mouth runs all over him in a licking fever. I want to taste every wonderful part again and again. He moans out loud and pulls me up roughly, holding me close against him. We stare into each others eyes in a heated frenzy of desire. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. Completely wild and so needy, I want to consume him whole. Have every part of him inside me somehow. It tips me over the edge of reason when I see and hear how much he enjoys what I do to him. He flips me on my back and taking hold of my hands lifts them above my head. He pushes himself  deep inside me in a fast hard thrust. I shout out his name in ecstasy. How can he do this to me? I never want these amazing wild feelings to stop.

Sadly we must stop or we won’t get dinner. So, after our early evening session of very intense lovemaking we finally make plans for another French traditional meal. I have a suggestion.

“I’d like Boeuf Bourguignon tonight. I’ve made it myself, but I’m sure the French wined up version is so much nicer than a packet mix.”

“That’s a very good choice. It  just so happens to one of my favourites. Now follow me sexy, clean up time,” I’m led off by the hand to my bathroom for a spot of sexed up and steamy scrubbing up, Mark style.

Dinner is of course quite fabulous. I have decided I love French food, however weird some of it is. I am now a fan. And French wine is even better.

As we make our way back for our last night of sex on steroids, I am feeling even more overwhelmed by Mark than I was yesterday. I know exactly what this feeling is. I am completely and utterly head over heels in love with him. It’s probably not a good place to be. I know that, but that’s just me all over. It seems I’m rather good at getting myself in bad places.

We enter our suite and I go straight into my bathroom. I look in the mirror. My face has changed over the weekend. I really don’t look sad and lost anymore. Mark has obviously found me, as he said he would. But I wonder to myself, have I found him? Even in a small way? It’s not something I can ask him, is it? ‘
Do you love me a little
?’ No can do. I am assuming he doesn’t, as I always err on the side of caution. I am a natural pessimist. Well I am these days, anyway. I am also assuming that Mark has other women he sees and I am going to be added to that number. Just someone he sees. Not a great love in his life. Like Carrie and her Mr. Big from Sex in the City… I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with all this yet.

I have finished in the bathroom and go back to the bedroom and sit on the bed next to him. I’m concentrating on getting my feelings under control and in order, just in case he spots something written in my eyes, when he asks me a question.

“What do you want to do about us when we get back?”

My head instantly swims with love again… I want to carry on seeing him of course… move in with him, become Mrs Rachel Williams… well, perhaps that last part is a far fetched fantasy… but what I end up saying is, “Whatever you want Mark.” My dominated brain must be stuck in a rut.

“No, it’s completely up to you, what do you want to do? You can tell me anything.”

I hate these types of questions, what do I say? Don’t want to sound too keen, don’t want to sound disinterested… it’s hard to pitch the answer right. “I’d like to see you sometimes.” That was a good answer. I was pleased with that one.

“Only sometimes? Not all the time?”

Jesus, what’s he doing? Dragging it all out of me? I feel like he’s pulling my teeth out. “Maybe a little more often than sometimes then.”

I get rewarded with a nice Mark smile for that. Then he starts to tell me something about work.

“I’m up in Manchester for the week from Monday lunchtime. I’m coming back on Thursday afternoon. I’ve got some brownfield sites in mind up there and Caroline and I are doing an in depth project valuation. So, I could see you Friday if you like? Do you want to come to my office, maybe get the afternoon off work?”

Well who the hell’s Caroline? That’s the first thing that pops into my head. I imagine a beautiful leggy and big breasted blond evaluating things with him out in the wilds of Manchester. I keep quiet and try to bury the raging jealousy he has somehow provoked. “I think I can swing a half day off. I’d love to see your office.” I am being very calm and measured with my answers today. I should win a prize for coolness under extreme duress. What I really want to shout out is ‘I love you, be with me 24/7… No Caroline allowed.’

It wasn’t until a little later that I realised. He is letting me make all the decisions. He is not controlling me or pushing me or dominating me in any way. As if I wasn’t head over heels already… This understanding sends me into a love tail spin.

He pulls me towards him a little and looks directly in my eyes.

“A little more than sometimes, eh? One day you’ll have to give me the real answer.”

I ignore that very intuitive comment and dive on him. I’ve had enough head analysing for one day. I just want to get to the heated feelings part now.

It seems my newly love struck phase is elevating my heated feelings to a whole new level. I can honestly say I have the most amazingly hot out of body experience on that bed tonight. He has completely saturated my body and mind. Every single cell of my being is full to the brim with him. He presses all my hottest buttons over and over until they can’t take any more pressing. I know I’ve pressed a lot of his as well.

One thing’s for sure, it’s going to be a long old week waiting for him to get back from Manchester.


The following day’s highlight, Notre Dame cathedral is a perfect note to end our weekend on. We make our way to the
Île de la Cité, one of the two natural islands in the Seine,
on the metro. We emerge from the underground station and walk a little distance and go inside the cathedral. It smells musty and old and it’s full of fabulous gloomy atmosphere.

We walk down the impressive nave flanked with its huge stone pillars and stand in awe looking at the altar. The blue blaze of lighting and the statues surrounding it are out of this world. Finally we go up and explore the towers. Then we wander around outside. I especially love the ugly gargoyles and chimeras sitting up on the façade grinning their evil little grins at all the passers by. I take lots of zoom photos of those to examine later.

After that we have lunch and head off back to the hotel to grab our bags and finally set off for home.

I fall asleep with my head on Mark’s shoulder on the train in the late Sunday afternoon sunshine. Last night had been a very, very late and energetic night.


We arrive back at my apartment at 8pm in the evening. I consider asking him in and then rethink. We’ve had quite enough togetherness for one weekend. I can let him go home now. He has a life other than me.

Thanks for a wonderful time Mark.” I am glowing all over with the memory of it all.

I had a wonderful time myself.” I get one of his best sexy looks and I can’t resist him one last time.

I give him a very long kiss goodbye and then force myself to get out, taking my bag from the back of the car. I turn and wave from the apartment block door and go inside as he leaves.

I miss him already and I haven’t even started going up the stairs yet.

I send a text to Suze as soon as I get home.

Home now. Had a great time. You were right.”

She doesn’t reply… which is odd, as Suze always has her phone attached to her finger. I’m assuming she’s busy, either with someone, or in the shower.

I send another to my mum and resist the urge to send one to him. I’ll let him contact me. Hopefully he won’t take forever to get round to it.

I unpack and get things ready for work and then make something to eat. I am just sitting down for a little pre bed TV when I get a reply from Suze.

BOOK: 62 Days
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