56: Joe DiMaggio and the Last Magic Number in Sports (54 page)

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Walker, Gee, 304, 307

walks, batting averages and, 327–28

Walrus, The
, 121

Walsh, Ed, Jr., 296

Walters, Bucky, 283

Waner, Lloyd (“Little Poison”), 66

Warneke, Lon, 64

War-O-Graph, 290

Washington Post, The
, 266
, 290

Washington Senators, 26, 62, 67–70, 78, 212–16, 218–20, 221–22

Weatherly, Roy, 302, 307

Wertz, Vic, 315

Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?
(Allen), 313

Whilhoit, Joe, 292

Whirlaway, 83

White, Bryon, 314

Whiten, Mark, 190

Williams, Ted, 39, 42, 70–73, 83, 86, 149, 234, 281, 311, 314

All-Star Game, 282, 283, 284–86

awards and accomplishments, 71, 228, 315, 316

batting average, 73, 192, 227, 253–54, 312, 328

DiMaggio and, 227–28, 282, 285–86

hitting streak tendency, 328

military service, 315

Red Sox bullpen and, 70

Rose and, 253–54

salary, 227

walks, 70–71

Wilson, Black Joe, 236

Wilson, Hack, 342

Winchell, Walter, 158

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 326–27

World Series, 33, 39–40

World War II. See also military draft

air raid wardens, 149

baseball and morale, 35

Churchill and, 289–90

concerns about, 200–201

growing involvement in, 60–66

I Am An American Day, 24–26, 29

Italian-Americans and, 41–44, 290

military draft, 28–29, 62, 82, 100–101, 122, 200, 208, 277, 290, 306

news of, 169, 223, 282, 306,

opposition to involvement in, 65–66

trial blackouts, 62

George E. Badger
, 59

war in Europe, 57–66

war preparations, 82–83

Wright, David, 187

Wright, Taft (Taffy), 124, 127, 137

Wyatt, Whitlow, 283


attitudes toward, 33, 40

championships, 33, 34

DiMaggio’s hitting streak and, 181

followers of, 106–9

Indians and, 74–76

night games, 68

Red Sox and, 51–53, 72–73

slump, 17–21

winning streak, 289

World Series wins, 33, 39–40

Yankees clubhouse, 173

Yankee Stadium, 23, 31, 38, 76, 231–32

brawl between Yankee and Red Sox players, 51–52

Gehrig honored at, 279

I Am An American Day, 24–26, 29

York, Rudy, 233, 282, 285

Young, Cy, 188

Young Yankees, 176

Yount, Robin, 196

Zachry, Pat, 259–61

Zimmerman, Ryan, 187–88, 189

About The Author

, a senior editor at S
, writes on a wide range of subjects. Before joining SI, he was a staff writer at Newsday and contributed to
The New York Times
The New Yorker
. He earned an M.S. from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, from which he received a Pulitzer Fellowship. He lives with his wife and children in Westchester County, N.Y.


Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, N.Y.


Photograph by National Baseball Hall of Fame Library

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