Read 55 Erotic Sex Stories Online

Authors: Kelly Sanders,Kiara Keeley,Conner Hayden

55 Erotic Sex Stories (6 page)

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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I wondered, as Robert joked about his partner Steven, if Robert knew what he was in for next.  I knew he was ripe for the picking but I wanted to be sure I did not come off like an office slut.  Rather, I was not about to give myself away for nothing.  I knew I had to play my cards carefully as opposed to my colleague Mary.  Watching her with Steven was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.  I knew he would take what he wanted from her and then discard her like the rest of the young secretaries that have made the fateful mistake.


Another hour and a few more drinks later, Mary was off to the bathroom.  Steven followed behind her closely.  Robert looked at me and commented on their behaviour.  I hinted to him that discretion should be more important to a man with such a high profile and a wife at home.  Robert chuckled and looked at me deep in the eye.  He told me he appreciated a woman with a head on her shoulders.  I saw the opening and took a shot with a reply that make him laugh and think.  I told him that a woman with physical assets and no brains was better off “giving head” instead of trying to advance herself with her intellect.  He instantly got the hint that I was not a prude but I was not going to sleep with him for nothing but that I may have a price.


Robert placed his hand on my thigh as he moved a little closer.  I did not protest and allowed him to get a little more comfortable while Steven and Mary were off in the bathroom almost certainly going at it.  Robert leaned in closer and spoke quietly in my ear.  He commented on my perfume and my good looks.  He told me he preferred strong women over demure ones.  He also dropped a few hints on how unhappy he was with his wife.  Apparently she had been his girl since college and the sex appeal had fizzled out a long time ago.  All the signs were pointing in my direction so I figured I would play along.


I told Robert that a girl in my position had to be careful to watch out for herself.  Being young, single and attractive was a bad combination.  I had no mentor or husband to look out for my career and I did not want to be a secretary for ever.  I told him that I wanted to become a paralegal but had no money for school.  I could hardly believe my ears when he blurted out that if I could keep a secret he may be able to help me.  I had no idea Robert was such an easy target but I guess the combination of the five vodka martinis he drank with the prospect of having sex with a hot twenty four year old set him off.


One thing led to another and we realized that Mary and Steven were not coming back so I told him I was going to check on her and smirked at him.  Taking the hint, he said he would see where Steven was.  We both left the private booth we were sitting in and walked towards the rest room.  The lounge was fairly well packed with suited business men and fashionably dressed young tigresses.  It seemed like every young woman in the city was looking for a “leg up” and I wondered if any of the guys even knew they were in the game.


As we got to the hallway with the bathrooms, I noticed that there were several doors.  Each one was marked with a unisex symbol and seemed like private bathrooms.  There were four on the left and five on the right.  I walked to the first door on the left and it was locked.  I knocked lightly and called Mary’s name.  A couple of seconds passed and I heard her reply out of breath to me.  I asked if she was alright and she told me she was, and then I heard her begin moaning again.  Robert stood right behind me listening to the whole thing.  He slid his hands around my waist and buried his face in my neck.  He asked me if I would like to start looking for a paralegal program to enter into tomorrow morning.  I smiled and turned towards him.  Without a word he took my hand and walked me to one of the private bathrooms that were not occupied.


As soon as Robert closed the door behind us he pushed me against the sink and began kissing me passionately.  I was fairly attracted to him so it did not take much for me to let the sex take over.  He was a rather good kisser too, so the passion triggered the urge inside me and I began feeling a tingle.  I reached down to Robert’s bulge and felt how excited he was.  His rod was rock hard and it turned me on to see his reaction when I squeezed it through his suit pants.  He panted and kissed my neck taking nibbles like a hungry bear.  I let the moment flow over me and began feeling the moisture between my delicate pink labia lubricate me.


As he kissed my neck and chest, groping at my boobs through my shirt, I told him I liked it from behind.  He wasted no time at spinning me around and lifting my skirt.  I wobbled slightly on my high heels as I felt Robert rip my thong from my tight narrow waist.  I gasped in surprise at his passionate and forceful action.  I watched him in the mirror as he lifted the moistened panties to his face and breathed in their delicate scent.  The smell of my womanhood seemed to drive him crazy.  He began to undo his belt buckle as I quietly reached into my small purse for my cell phone.  He let his pants drop to the floor around his shoes as I pointed the camera at his stiff man meat through the mirror.  I told him how excited it would make me to look at it after we were done and masturbate so he proudly showed it to the camera.  He squeezed it and wagged it like a boy with a new toy as I leaned over the vanity taking video of him on my cell phone.



After a few revealing minutes of video recording I told him I could not take it anymore and I wanted to feel him inside me. It drove him wild to hear me talk dirty to him and he wasted no time at all. I continued rolling the video as he spat on his fingers and lubricated the head of this throbbing cock. I got a good shot of his face as he positioned his cock in front of my crotch, ready to penetrate me. I backed up and sat on the wash basin, and raised my legs up to give him access to my aching pussy. He pushed the head of his cock between my pussy lips and spread them wide open. I sighed as he began to fuck me, my head bobbing onto the mirror behind me. His eyes remained fixed on his hard cock as he watched it sliding in and out of my tight, wet pussy.


I turned off the camera and put it back into my purse, pushing it aside to focus on making him feel like a man. I pushed my firm round ass against his thrusting cock, moaning softly and grabbing his hands to place them on my breasts. He groped them firmly as he fucked me hard. I groaned with pleasure as he played with them, stretching out my arms in ecstasy. Although it felt amazing having him thrusting his dick inside me, I did not want to loose sight of the goal I had in mind.


Admittedly, as he got harder and harder, I became more into the sex. My pussy began to lubricate heavily and it added to his fever. He began pumping me harder and faster and I actually felt the beginnings of an orgasm brewing, but I held it off for as long as I could. His rampant thrusting was rocking my whole body back and forth, and I was afraid that I might crack the mirror behind me. He was grunting and breathing heavily as he screwed me, hardly taking his eyes away from the sight of his thick penis being swallowed whole by my dripping wet labia. My lips were wrapping around it completely as it disappeared all the way inside me. The feeling I got as they touched the skin around the base of his cock – knowing that I couldn’t possibly take any more cock – was nearly sending me over the edge.


I told him as he worked away at my now throbbing pussy that I was going to cum. He stopped thrusting, and then pulled his cock out and jerked it as I hopped off the top. I stood looking into the mirror as he stood behind me, caressing my ass cheeks and then slapping them lightly. I jerked forward as he penetrated me, sliding his huge cock between my pussy lips again from behind. He placed his hands on my hips, gripping them firmly as he pulled my body back onto his dick. He watched over my shoulders as my breasts wobbled in the mirror. I was bent over with my hands resting on the sink where I had just been sitting. A small pool of pussy juice had formed where my crotch had been – I had never been so excited, or so wet!


He continued to slam it inside me, knocking me forward with every powerful thrust. I lowered my hand to my crotch and stretched out a few fingers. As he fucked me I started to rub firmly at my clitoris, spreading my sticky, warm pussy juice over it as I built myself up to an orgasm. I was crying out and swearing loudly as he groaned behind me, almost drowning out the sound of our skin slapping together. He spanked my ass a few times and then reached down to grab my hands. I had no choice but to do as he wanted, as he was so strong. He grasped my wrists and held them behind my back as he continued to fuck me. With my hands bound I had no choice but to rest my face on the counter, spreading the pool of pussy juice around as my body shook back and forth. He pushed me closer to the mirror and let go of my hands, instead choosing to hold my shoulders up as he peered into the mirror over them. He kissed my neck underneath my ears, nibbling at the soft skin as he pushed me hard against the hard top. I could hear his breath getting extremely loud and exaggerated, and I knew he would cum soon.


I managed to squeeze my hand back down to my clitoris to rub myself again. He thrust into me a few more times and then groaned ecstatically as he removed his bulging cock from my vagina. He jerked his glistening shaft  a couple of times and then unloaded huge spurts of hot, milky semen onto my ass cheeks. I could feel the drops of his cum hitting my skin like warm rain, and as he sighed and stood away from me he watched in amazement as I brought myself to orgasm. I rubbed frantically at my clitoris, dripping pussy juice down my inner thigh as his cum dribbled down the back of my legs. I trembled as I sent myself over the edge, with my legs shaking uncontrollably. He gripped my body as his cock started to go limp, and held me in his arms whispering dirty words into my ears as I came. His hot breath on my neck was the icing on the orgasmic cake.


After we cleaned up, Robert insisted on taking my private cell number so he could call me on his way home. I told him he could have it but that I did not want this to become a torrid love affair. I gave him the excuse that I did not want to be the “other woman.” I also added in passing that the video would keep me company while I was home alone and needed some visual stimulation while masturbating. Of course he made me promise not to show anyone. I responded by telling him to keep his promise and we would have a good thing going. Of course I knew I took the video for insurance not to get fucked in the process of fucking. I also asked him if the haggard old bitch of and assistant had a paralegal degree. He took the hint and told me that she did not. I asked how “attached” to her he was. His responded accordingly and knew immediately what I wanted.


The next day at work, I received an email confirmation from one of the best law programs in the city. It was accepted and enrolled in the upcoming paralegal program. I had never even applied. Apparently Robert was showing me that he got my message loud and clear.


It took me six months to complete the program. I passed with a perfect score on the test and got my certificate. I found out that the program was paid for by a private benefactor who chose to remain anonymous. Interestingly enough, the program was offered at the same law school Robert graduated from decades ago.


On lighter note, six months and one day later, Robert’s secretary mysteriously resigned. I will give you one guess who he hired to replace her the very next day.



Getting Even



I was with Jerry for three years.  We lived together in a
loft apartment and I thought we had a great relationship.  I found out about three days ago that he was cheating on me.  I did not want to believe that I could be so stupid to miss the signs but I was.  My best friend Marci saw them out in a club last week and warned me but I did not want to listen.


A few days ago I was cleaning the apartment and found a pair of earrings that did not belong to me.  Worse yet, I found a pair of black lace panties in the trash can in the bathroom.  I never owned a pair of lace panties.  I only wear g-string underwear.  I knew they were hers, or at the very least, they belonged to someone other than me.


I did not know how many times Jerry fucked around on me and I really did not care to know.  All I knew was I was going to get even with him if it was the last thing I could do.


I called Marci on the phone and asked her to come over.  It was
four o’clock
on a Saturday afternoon and jerk off Jerry said he was going to see a ball game with one of his friends.  I did not know if I could believe him or not but I knew he would be gone for most of the afternoon and well into the night.


When Marci got to my place I showed her what I had found.  I asked her if she would let me stay with her for a few days until I could start looking for a place to live.  She told me I could stay with her as long as I needed to and that she was happy that I was not crying.  I was not upset or heartbroken, I was simply mad; mad at myself and pissed at asshole for making me feel stupid.


I told her that I wanted to get even and I was going to do it the best way I knew how.  We spent the next three hours packing my things.  I took everything I brought into the house and all my personal items.  My clothes made up the bulk of what I owned but I also had a lot of kitchen stuff and framed prints to pack.  When we got finished it looked like nobody even lived in the apartment.  Almost everything that was in the place was mine.  All that was left was the mattress, which we left on the floor because the bed frame was mine, a few dishes in the opened cabinets, his clothes and his CD collection.  Everything else was packed and ready for the movers to take to storage.  I packed a suitcase with some clothes so I did not need to go to the storage unit for a while and we waited.

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