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Authors: Kurt Eichenwald

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: Some details of the November 14 meeting between Powell and Graham from a telex from the American embassy in Ottawa to the secretary of state dated that same day and captioned “Secretary’s November 14 meeting with Canadian Foreign Minister Bill Graham”; a Canadian government e-mail dated December 2, 2003, headed “Re: conversation between Secretary of State Colin Powell and Minister Graham”; the May 30, 2005, testimony of Graham before the Arar Commission; a June 16, 2005, document compiled for the Arar Commission headed “RCMP: Chronology of Public Information and Events”; the June 2, 2005, testimony of Graham before the Arar Commission; and the O’Connor Report. Also see “U.S. Asks What Canada Could Offer Iraq Attack,”
North Bay Nugget
(Ontario), November 19, 2002; and Jim Fox, “U.S. Wants Canadian Cooperation,”
St. Petersburg Times,
November 17, 2002.


: Some details of the debate over the Qahtani interrogation plan from the FBI/OIG Report and the Armed Services Report.


: Some details of the discussion in Prague between Graham and Powell in the Czech Republic from the June 2, 2005, testimony of Graham before the Arar Commission; and the O’Connor Report.


: Some details of the meeting between Bush and Blair from a contemporaneous memo summarizing the discussions that was read to the author and the Campbell diaries.





: Some details of Qahtani’s interrogations from “Interrogation Log, Detainee 063,” recording questioning from November 23, 2002, through January 11, 2003; “Summary of Administrative Review Board Proceedings for ISN 063,” conducted by an administrative review board at Guantanamo; a handwritten letter from Qahtani; and “Summarized Witness Statement of Major General Geoffrey D. Miller,” taken on March 18, 2005, as part of the Schmidt-Furlow investigation. Also see Bob Woodward, “Detainee Tortured, Says U.S. Official,”
Washington Post,
January 14, 2009.


: Some details of the D’Ambrosio-Pignero meeting from D’Ambrosio’s formal statements to the Milan district attorney. Also see “Decree for the Application of Coercive Measures.”


Some details about the memo discussion and Rumsfeld’s reaction, including the note he wrote, from the memo dated November 27, 2002, by William J. Haynes for the secretary of defense, headed “Action Memo,” with the subject line “Counter-Resistance Techniques.”

Chapter 14


: Some details about Mora’s discovery of the interrogation issues from a memo stamped July 7, 2004, and written by Mora, headed “Memorandum for Inspector General, Department of the Navy; Subject: Statement for the Record: Office of General Counsel Involvement in Interrogation Issues” (
Mora memo
). The existence of the memo was first disclosed by Jane Mayer, “The Memo: How an Internal Effort to Ban the Abuse and Torture of Detainees Was Thwarted,”
New Yorker,
February 27, 2006.


: Some details of Mora’s meeting with Morello, and his impression of the Beaver analysis, from the Mora memo and the Beaver analysis.






: Some details of Mora’s meetings and contacts with Haynes from the Mora memo.


: Some details of Leso’s experiences and interactions with James were first reported in Larry C. James,
Fixing Hell: An Army Psychologist Confronts Abu Ghraib,
Grand Central Publishing, 2008.

: Details of the Blix-ElBaradei presentations before the U.N. from a transcript of the event.


: Some details of the interrogation experience from a partially declassified FBI 302, reflecting a September 7, 2004, interview with an unnamed agent for case file 297-HQ-1327669-A; handwritten notes of an FBI interview with an unidentified witness from an interview conducted on September 2, 2004; a partially declassified e-mail from an unidentified sender to an unidentified recipient, dated July 9, 2004, with subject line “GTMO”; and James,
Fixing Hell.


: Some details of Blair’s meeting with his senior military officers and defense minister from “Record of the Meeting Between the Prime Minister and Chiefs of Staff to Discuss Op Telic: 15 Jan 03,” MA/CIO, “Briefing to Prime Minister by CDS and DCJO (Ops),” January 15, 2003; Matthew Rycroft, letter headed “Iraq: Military Planning,” January 15, 2003; and official record, “Brief to PM: 1715 Wed 15 Jan 03.”


: Some details of the meeting with Chirac from the Australian Iraq Report; Thomas Koenig and Katie MacMillan, Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, “The UN Weapons’ Inspector Reports on Iraq in the US-American, British, and German Press,” undated (
Loughborough Report
); and Blix,
Disarming Iraq.

: The order to set up the working group, and the details of how it should operate, were communicated by Rumsfeld to Haynes in “Memorandum for the General Counsel of the Department of Defense, Subject: Detainee Interrogations,” dated January 15, 2003.

Chapter 15


: Some details of Römer’s role from
“George W. Bush et le Code Ezéchiel,” Allez Savoir: Le magazine de l’Université de Lausanne
39 (September 2007).

: Information about “Gog and Magog” from Daniel Kretzmann, “Understanding the War of Gog and Magog,” July 29, 2009; Sverre Bøe,
Gog and Magog: Ezekiel 38–39 as Pre-text for Revelation 19, 17–21 and 20, 7–10,
Mohr Siebeck, 2001; Book of Revelation, 20:1–6; Book of Ezekiel, 38–39; Douglas Berner,
The Silence Is Broken! God Hooks Ezekiel’s Gog & Magog,
(self-published) 2006.

: Reagan made his comment about Gog and Magog in 1971, as governor of California. The full quote is:

Ezekiel tells us that Gog, the nation that will lead all of the other powers of darkness against Israel, will come out of the north. Biblical scholars have been saying for generations that Gog must be Russia. What other powerful nation is to the north of Israel? None. But it didn’t seem to make sense before the Russian revolution, when Russia was a Christian country. Now it does, now that Russia has become Communistic and atheistic, now that Russia has set itself against God. Now it fits the description of Gog perfectly.

: Some details of the event at Versailles and the statements by Chirac and Schroeder from Dr. Daniela Schwarzer,
“France-Allemange: Si loin, si proche?”
Stifftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, December 2008; Lutz Rüstow et al.,
“Festschrift zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum des Carolus-Magnus-Kreises 1954–2004,”
2004; Jon Henley, “Europe’s Big Two Unite for Versailles Lovefest: France and Germany Celebrate 40 Years Since Reconciliation Treaty,”
January 23, 2003; Philip Delves Broughton, “France and Germany Are Friends Reunited: The 40th Anniversary of the Elysee Treaty Is Marked by Bonhomie and Back-slapping,”
January 23, 2003; John Leicester, “France, Germany Counter U.S. War Talk, Call for Peaceful Solution on Iraq,” Associated Press, January 23, 2003. Some behind-the-scenes details of Chirac’s opposition from a telex from the British embassy in France to David Manning headed “France: Iraq; From: Paris,” and dated March 3, 2003; also see a March 13, 2003, letter from Peter Ricketts from Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Ambassador Sir John Holmes, headed “France and Iraq.”


: Bush’s statements from a transcript in
Public Papers of the President, George W. Bush 2003,
Vol. 1, Government Printing Office.


: Details of the Rumsfeld press conference from a transcript of the event. Details of the global response from John Hooper and Ian Black, “Anger at Rumsfeld Attack on ‘Old Europe,’ ”
January 24, 2003; Lorne Cook, “France, Germany Fume over Rumsfeld’s ‘Old Europe’ Remark,” Agence France Presse, January 23, 2003; and Matthew Lee, “US Diplomats Cringe at Rumsfeld’s ‘Old Europe’ Comment,” Agence France Presse, January 23, 2003.

: The final version of the Yoo memo, headed “Memorandum for William J. Haynes II, General Counsel of the Department of Defense; Re: Military Interrogation of Alien Unlawful Combatants Held Outside the United States,” was dated March 14, 2003.

: Details of the Blair note from excerpts reviewed by the author.


: Blair and Frost’s statements from a transcript of
BBC Breakfast with Frost,
in the program “Prime Minister Prepares for War,” first broadcast on January 26, 2003.

: Details of the confidential Goldsmith memo from Goldsmith, “Iraq: Interpretation of Resolution 1441,” January 3, 2003, draft as handed to Blair on January 14, 2003. Blair spoke of his anxiety about the Goldsmith memo, and his decision to keep it secret, in his January 21, 2011, testimony before the Chilcot Inquiry.


: The statements before the Security Council from Blix and ElBaradei’s prepared statements of January 25, 2003. Also see Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD, “Intelligence on Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction,” December 2003 (
Australian WMD Report
); CRS WMD Report; and Research Paper 03/22, “Iraq: Developments Since UN Security Council Resolution 1441,” March 13, 2003 (
House of Commons Iraq Paper


: Some details of the Bush-Blair meeting from contemporaneous notes taken during the discussion. Some details of the staff discussions from the Campbell diaries.


: Some details about the Bush-Blair press conference from a transcript of the event.


: Details of the Lovelace and Witsch e-mails from the original documents.


Some details about the draft working group report from “Working Group Report, Detainee Interrogations in the Global War on Terrorism: Assessment of Legal, Historical, Policy, and Operational Consideration,” April 4, 2003; also see the same publication, but the earlier draft from March 6, 2003; the Armed Services Report; and the Mora memo. Also see “Memo from Air Force Office of the Judge Advocate General for the SAF/GC, Final Report and Recommendations of the Working Group to Assess the Legal, Policy and Operational Issues Relating to Interrogation of Detainees Held by the Armed Forces in the War on Terror,” February 5, 2003.

: Some details about the COBRA meeting from the Campbell diaries.


: Some details of the Rice-Blix meeting from Blix,
Disarming Iraq;
Commonwealth of Australia, Information and Research Services for Parliament, “ ‘Disarming’ Iraq Under International Law—February 2003 Update,” Brief no. 16 2002-03 (
Australian Iraq Report
); the Loughborough Report.

: The failure of the American intelligence agencies to share information with Blix from Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, “Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq,” July 7, 2004.


: Some details of the Abu Omar abduction from a formal statement given by Pironi on April 14, 2006, to the Milan district attorney. Also see “Decree for the Application of Coercive Measures,” filed with the Judge Presiding of Preliminary Investigations in Milan, filed under article 292 c.p.p., no. 10838/05. Also see November 19, 2007, PowerPoint presented to European Parliament by Armando Spataro, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of Milan, “The Kidnapping of Nasr Osama Mostafa Hassan Alias Abu Omar.”

: Details of the Blix-ElBaradei presentation before the U.N. on February 12 from a transcript of the event. Also see the Australian WMD Report; the CRS WMD Report; and the Loughborough Report. Also see Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, “Statement by the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, to the United Nations Security Council, New York, Friday 14 2003”; and Blix,
Disarming Iraq.


: Some details about the Blair-Blix conversation from Blair’s testimony of January 21, 2011, and Blix’s testimony of July 27, 2010, before the Chilcot Inquiry. Also see “Prime Minister’s Statement of 25 February 2003 to the House of Commons”; the Australian WMD Report; and the CRS WMD Report.

Chapter 16


: Some details of the capture and initial interrogation of KSM from “Verbatim Transcript of Combatant Status Review Tribunal, Hearing for ISN 10024,” March 10, 2007 (
KSM hearing
); Indictment,
United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed et al.,
(S14) 93 CR 180, filed in Federal District Court in Manhattan; KSM Charge Sheet; Detainee Assessment of KSM; Nick Fielding and Christina Lamb, “Natural Born Killer,”
Sunday Times
(London), March 9, 2003; Oliver Burkeman, “How Mobile Phones and an £18m Bribe Trapped 9/11 Mastermind,”
March 11, 2003; Rohan Gunaratna, “Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,”
June 1, 2005.


: The German, French, and Russian statement from an English translation of a copy of the original document.

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