40 Green Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss and Detox Book

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Authors: Jenny Allan

Tags: #health, #smoothie recipes, #green smoothie recipes, #detox, #Weight Loss, #smoothie recipes for weight loss, #cleanse, #cleanse diet

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40 Green Smoothie Recipes

for Weight Loss

By Jenny Allan


Smashwords Edition



Copyright © 2013 by Jenny Allan

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Table of Contents





Gleaming Green Spinach and Lettuce Smoothie

Energy Booster Spinach and Collard Greens Smoothie

Minty Papaya Green Smoothie

Green Piña Colada Smoothie

Kiwi Green Smoothie

Minty Green Smoothie

Avocado Lime Smoothie

Tropical Kale Green Smoothie

Summer Salad Smoothie

Apple Broccoli Detox Smoothie

Fig and Ginger Smoothie

Basic Banana Smoothie

Poor Man’s Green Smoothie

Green Chocolate Smoothie

Super Green Smoothie

Mango and Celery Smoothie

Fruity Green Smoothie

Green Coconut Smoothie

Banana Avocado Green Smoothie


Tropical Green Kale Smoothie

Spinach Yogurt Smoothie

Green Lime Pie Smoothie

Tropical Green Blast Smoothie

Caramel Banana Green Smoothie

Mango Spinach Green Smoothie

Zucchini Vanilla Green Smoothie

No-Fruit Green Smoothie

Pineapple and Coconut Spinach Smoothie

Sweet Lettuce Punch Smoothie

Sweet and Sour Green Smoothie

Orange Julius Green Smoothie

Mango Green Tea Smoothie

Peach Yogurt Green Smoothie


"Pistachio Ice Cream" Kale Smoothie

Strawberry and Oats Smoothie

Broccoli and Blueberry Super Smoothie

Orange Strawberry Dandelion Smoothie

Green Muesli Smoothie








Not a few people have found a mean adversary in usual weight loss diet programs. It’s always a challenge to strike a balance between cutting down on caloric intake and enjoying what you actually ingest. A healthy and low-caloric meal after all is not always rich in taste.

Then there are the bouts with hunger that a dieter often meets along the way. Still hungry after eating just a tiny sliver of lean meat that lacks tastiness and flavorful appeal? Do not worry; you can always chomp on as many crisp, raw vegetables! But you want to manage your weight and health to live a fuller life, how can you do that if you do not find joy in eating?

Because of the difficulties involved in adapting to a weight loss eating program, many have turned to a green smoothie diet in order to meet their needs. Incorporating healthy juices from fruits and vegetables in your diet has been proven to be an effective weight loss program that lets a dieter reap the benefits of a horde of essential vitamins and nutrients found in vegetables and fruits without dangerously starving oneself thin. Combining vegetables, fruits and sometimes grains into a healthy, filling and tasty smoothie drink that packs in a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers and other healthy benefits proves to be a much better alternative.

Going green on your smoothie is simple. All you need are fresh greens and your preferred fruits. The general recommendation is to combine about 6 parts fruit with 4 parts greens, but no one is stopping you from taking it easy at first and then increasing the amount of greens later as you grow more accustomed to your greens. It is also up to you to use just water or concoct a creamier alternative by using non-dairy (and therefore non-fattening) milk or natural yogurt. Want a more filling alternative? Add heaps of natural grains like oats, bran or muesli to load up your smoothie.

When preparing your smoothie, remember that some greens are stronger in flavor compared to others, and that some vegetables will taste better with certain kinds of fruits. The key here is to keep an open mind and experiment until you find what you like best. It is also important to use a variety of greens in your smoothie by alternating greens and fruit combinations. Doing so will not only give you a wider array of nutrients but also prevent alkaloid build-up in your system.

Drinking green smoothie for weight loss is usually done either through fasting or by meal replacement. Fasting means you take in nothing else but smoothies for a whole week or two, and then return to your normal diet afterwards. While it is a fast and safe way to reduce weight, fasting is often not recommended for prolonged periods of time. If you want a more sustainable way to incorporate green smoothies in your diet, however, meal replacement is your better option. Here, you replace one or two of your full meals—preferably breakfast because this is the optimum time for your body to take in juice from greens and fruits—or that occasional heavy snack with juice. By replacing a meal with a green smoothie, you can actually do a holistic lifestyle change for a healthier and fitter you now and in the years to come.

This recipe book, 40 Green Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss, aims to help you start on a diet filled with fresh greens. This book offers a variety of green smoothie recipes that incorporate only greens and fruits, those that use non-dairy milk and yogurt, and even grain-filled smoothies (sometimes called ‘thickies’) that are easy to follow and will hopefully encourage you to begin and carry on a healthy and effective way to lose weight.

Green Milk-Free Smoothies



Gleaming Green Spinach and Lettuce Smoothie

2 glasses


3 cups chopped romaine lettuce (or about 1 head)
2 cups chopped spinach leaves (about half of a large bunch)
½ cup sliced celery
½ cup diced apples (about ½ medium sized whole)
¼ cup diced pear (about 1 medium sized wholes)
½ cup sliced banana
½ tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 cup water


1. Wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly before handling them.
2. Put romaine lettuce, spinach and water together in a blender. Process at low speed until mixture becomes smooth.
3. Add celery, apple and pear. Blend mixture at high speed.
4. Lastly, add the banana and lemon juice and puree until well blended.
5. Pour into glasses and serve fresh.


Add ½ cup each of parsley and cilantro for an even greener smoothie. Using stems are okay, but chop them so they do not ruin your blender or smoothie maker.
Add an inch of ginger to recipe for an extra zing.

Smoothie fact:

This smoothie is 7 parts green vegetables and 3 parts fruit, so this will help you put more greens into your diet than you normally could in one sitting. This well-mixed green smoothie is easy to digest, which will make your body absorb more vitamins and minerals. Plus, this smoothie is amazingly filling, so it will keep you from reaching for that carbohydrate packed snack just to pacify your hunger pangs.

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