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Authors: SE Jakes

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When Derek pulled back, he asked, “You want to keep trying to scare me away by being defiant or are you going to let me take over now and fuck that tight ass any way I want to?”

Glen drew in a stuttered breath and his body trembled. “I haven’t…submitted—or bottomed—in a long time.”

“Since John?”

“A year after John died, I tried but…” He was holding it together well but he seemed horrified at the small amount of emotion he was showing. “I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”

“Because you need to.” Derek stroked his biceps, still tasting the man on his tongue. “Show me where your bed is.”

Glen did, and Derek followed him into the bedroom with the king-sized bed covered in a gray comforter and a headboard definitely meant for tying someone up to.

Derek could give Glen the same effect just as well with a command. He pushed the younger man into bed after pulling the covers down, and Glen sat against the pillows, looking uncertain.

Derek stripped his own shirt and knelt between Glen’s legs. The boy looked confused when Derek stroked him and then licked a path along his abs and inner thighs.


“Yes, Glen.”

“I thought…”

“Don’t think.” With that, he took Glen’s cock deep in his mouth, sucking hard, loving the way the boy’s body arched in surprise.

To get to “Love Me Tender”, they’ll have to shake things up.



© 2012 Ally Blue


Kevin Fraser has a good life—a good job, good friends and a nursing degree within his grasp. There’s not a lot of excitement to be found in Asheville, but so what? He doesn’t need excitement. Or love, for that matter. Until a big man with an Elvis fixation and the voice to match shows up in his ER and changes his point of view.

A diabetes diagnosis isn’t the end of the world, just one more problem Owen Hicks doesn’t need. It hasn’t been easy finding his place in the Cherokee tribe, his family and the world at large since he came out. On top of that, learning to manage the disease that killed his mother is a daunting challenge. He counts himself lucky that the nursing student he befriended in the hospital is willing and able to help.

As their fast friendship deepens into something both of them want—yet fear—pressures from without and within stretch their bond to the breaking point. The only way to find the strength to love each other is to find the courage to let go…and hope love is strong enough to bring them together again.

Warning: This book contains medical drama, relationship drama, sex, silliness and a Cherokee Elvis. Sorry, no fried banana sandwiches. Thank ya very much.


Enjoy the following excerpt for

Half an hour later, he’d finished the pizza, polished off the lager and started on another. A regular one this time. He’d decided he liked the taste of the non-pretentious ones better. He was lounging on the sofa, his regular-guy beer in his hand and his bare feet on the coffee table, watching ultimate cage fighting—or poor man’s gay porn, as Andy called it—when someone knocked on the door.

Kevin scowled. “Just a sec!”

Setting his beer on the table, he pushed to his feet and shuffled to the door just as his unknown visitor knocked again. Or maybe
was the wrong word.
would’ve worked, since the door vibrated in its frame.

“Okay, okay! Geez.” Kevin unlocked the door, turned the knob and threw it open.

Owen stood on the other side.

Kevin gaped at him. “Owen. What—?”

That was as far as he got. Pushing Kevin inside, Owen kicked the door shut, pulled Kevin close and kissed him.

For a second, sheer surprise held Kevin motionless. Then Owen grabbed Kevin’s ass with one big hand and slipped the other up the back of his shirt, and the rush of desire drowned everything but the need to get closer.

With a moan that sounded as desperate as it felt, Kevin plastered himself against Owen’s chest and opened wide for his kiss. Owen made a soft, helpless noise when his tongue and Kevin’s slid together. His fingers dug bruises into Kevin’s flesh. Heart racing, Kevin used Owen’s wide shoulders to lever himself higher. Just a little, just enough to kiss Owen harder, deeper.

Owen’s grip on him tightened. His feet left the floor, Owen’s hand on his butt urging one leg to angle up and around Owen’s hip. Pressed groin to groin, Kevin felt the unmistakable hardness of Owen’s cock through his jeans.

Owen rolled his pelvis. His erection rubbed against Kevin’s. A flash flood of heat roared through Kevin’s body, fraying his consciousness at the edges.

Fainting like a wuss was just
allowed to happen. Especially

With a monumental effort, he broke the kiss. “Bedroom.” He gave Owen’s shoulders a light smack. “Put me down.”

Owen obediently set him on his feet, looking dazed. “Bedroom?”

Kevin nodded. “Lube. Condoms.” Cupping Owen’s groin in one hand, he leaned in and nipped at his chest through his ancient UNC T-shirt. “C’mon.”

“Lube’s good.” Owen lifted Kevin’s chin and kissed him again, a light, teasing kiss that made Kevin want to rip his clothes off and attack him right there on the throw rug in front of the door. “Do we
to use rubbers though? I don’t have anything and I’m betting you don’t either.”

“I don’t, but that’s not the point.”

“Hm.” Owen trailed his lips down the side of Kevin’s neck.

Shivers ran down Kevin’s spine. “Shit. Don’t make me go all medical professional on your hot ass. No rubbers, no…” He wracked his brain for something to rhyme with rubbers, but either nothing did or Owen was screwing up his ability to think straight. “Other…s. Other stuff. Dammit.”

Owen snickered. “That sucks.”

“Yeah, well, I hope you like sucking, because that’s all there’ll be without protection.”

Owen drew back, his gaze heavy. “I guess we’re using ’em then, ’cause I want you to fuck me.”

Oh, God.
Kevin’s knees went weak. He licked his lips. “I want me to fuck you too. C’mon.”

This time, Owen let Kevin take his hand and tug him toward the bedroom. Not that they managed to get all the way there without stopping for a kiss or three on the way. In fact, by the time they’d reached the short hallway leading to the two small bedrooms and tiny bath, Kevin had given up on walking like a normal person and turned around to move backward, the better to unbuckle Owen’s belt as they went. He told himself it saved time.

He got the belt undone as the two of them stumbled through his bedroom door. Before he could start on Owen’s jeans, Owen swept him into another mind-melting kiss. Kevin stood there, clinging to Owen for dear life while each curl of Owen’s tongue around his sent a little more of his brainpower spiraling down into his cock along with most of the blood in his body.

“Fuck, you kiss good,” Kevin breathed when he and Owen finally came up for air.

“I was thinking the same thing. About you, I mean.” Owen grinned. “We’re in your bedroom.”

Kevin laughed. “So we are.” Taking hold of the hem of Owen’s T-shirt, he tugged it up until he hit arms. “Off.”

The teasing expression vanished from Owen’s face, replaced by the lust Kevin expected and a vulnerability that surprised him. Owen pulled off his T-shirt and let it fall to the floor. Kevin leaned in to suck up a purple mark on Owen’s collarbone.

“Oh. Fuck. Kev.” Owen tugged at Kevin’s shirt, wordless but eloquent.

Shaking with eagerness, Kevin peeled himself off Owen’s bare chest, tore off his own shirt and lunged forward again, intent on decorating that gorgeous expanse of bronze skin with more love bites.

Owen stopped him by grasping his shoulders. “Bed now. Go.”

Kevin went, dragging Owen with him by the belt loops. They tumbled onto the bed with Owen on top. Kevin wound his fingers into Owen’s hair and angled his head to kiss him again. He ran his free hand over Owen’s back and shoulders, tracing the bulge of hard muscles with his palm. Hooking a leg around Owen’s waist, he used all his strength to try to force the big, solid body down more firmly onto his.

Owen resisted, holding himself up on his forearms. “I’ll crush you.” His voice was a rough, strained whisper against Kevin’s lips.

“Don’t care.” Kevin dipped his head to suck at the juncture of Owen’s neck and shoulder. Owen moaned low and sweet, and Kevin committed that spot to memory.

“But… Oooh. God.” A hard shudder shook Owen’s body when Kevin dragged the tip of his tongue up Owen’s neck and around the back of his ear, another fact Kevin stored away for later use. “Fuck. Sorry, but I’m not a patient guy, and you’re seriously turning me on here. Can we fuck now?” Owen pushed back enough to look into Kevin’s eyes. “There’ll be plenty of other times for taking it slow, I swear.”

Kevin stared at the sincerity in Owen’s face, the brown eyes wide with a kind of solemn desperation, and had to laugh. “In that case, yes, let’s fuck now. Horny bastard.”

Owen’s fake-stern face fell apart in a matter of seconds. Grinning like a demon, he sat back on his knees, bent and dug his tongue into Kevin’s navel. Kevin dissolved into surprised laughter. “No, stop it!” He tried to push Owen away.

“You’re ticklish?” Owen’s grin turned sly. He held Kevin’s wrists to the bed and traced his tongue in a feather-light circle over Kevin’s lower belly.

Kevin pressed his lips tightly together, but it didn’t do any good. His chest shook with stifled laughter, and he couldn’t keep himself from squirming.

Which clearly delighted Owen. He snickered. “We are
playing with this later. Right now, though…” Letting go of Kevin’s wrists, Owen untied the drawstring on the ratty sweatpants Kevin wore and eased them over his hips.

The way Owen looked at him then—like he was a long-sought treasure—made Kevin wish he could hang on to this moment. Keep it like a picture in his wallet.

Impossible, of course. The moment passed, as they all do. Not that Kevin could feel sorry about that, when Owen got Kevin’s sweatpants off, spread his thighs and deep-throated his cock as if it was easy.

Maybe it is, for him
, mused the tiny portion of Kevin’s brain not caught up in the best blowjob he’d had in ages.

Bound by Danger




S.E. Jakes





The danger that drew them together could send them over the edge…


Men of Honor, Book 4

Playing the role of enforcer in the Killers motorcycle club, all CIA operative Clint “Tomcat” Sommers has to do is make sure he has a body to show for his work. Thanks to his ability to move stealthily and easily between the two worlds, the CIA is damned close to making one of its biggest MC gang busts.

Two years undercover have taken their toll, but there’s no backing out now. Tomcat’s only reprieve from the pressure is fantasizing about the newest member of the gang.

Worry for his cousin’s involvement in the Killers drove Navy SEAL Jace Reynolds to agree to infiltrate the gang to do some short-term surveillance for the FBI. The deal: do the job, and his cousin gets witness protection. When he meets Tomcat, though, his fantasies kick into overdrive. Meeting men while on active duty is tough. Acting on his desires within the club could have deadly consequences.

Despite the risks, Tomcat’s and Jace’s off hours flare hotter than a full-throttle burnout. But the smoke is bound to attract unwanted attention. And when Tomcat suddenly disappears, the secrets both warriors keep could send one of them to the grave.


Warning: Contains two hot men undercover—and under the covers. Both with secrets under wraps that could cause everything to unravel in the deadliest way imaginable. If you’re inspired to try something new on a motorcycle, go for it. Just don’t blame the author for any pulled muscles.

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They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249


Bound by Danger

Copyright © 2012 by SE Jakes

ISBN: 978-1-60928-834-1

Edited by Jennifer Miller

Cover by Angela Waters


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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