33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle (41 page)

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Authors: Nikita Storm,Bessie Hucow,Mystique Vixen

BOOK: 33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle
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"Fuck me!" She cried out as she wrapped her long, slender legs around my hips. Then she leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "put a baby in me. No one but us will know."

The tip of my cock hovered at her entrance and she squeezed her legs, egging me to dive deeper into her well of seduction.

"Oh God, you're so big. Unlike Marc over there. At least I can feel you inside of me." She laid it on thick and I followed her lead.

"I bet Marc lost his way when he tried to fuck you. His dick was so small that I'm surprised he could find the entrance." I was having fun with this and as long as Marc didn't mind, I didn't either. Yes, it was strange, but I've done many strange things in my life and this was just another one.

Fire erupted around my cock as I plunged my dick deep into her pussy. "Wow," I said for Marc's benefit, "you've never been stretched before have you? You're almost like a virgin."

Her eyes went wide. "You know, you're right. Since I've only ever fucked Marc's eraser dick, I
a virgin. I'm not even sure that he got past my hymen."

I don't know about Marc, but if this had of been me listening to this crap in the corner I would have been extremely upset. Marc, however, seem not to mind a bit. In fact, looking at him, it seemed as though he liked it. The stiff cock in between his hands told me that was the case.

The very thought of me knocking up a married virgin black woman was more than I could handle. Between the heat and the strength of her vaginal walls, my cock began throbbing inside of her. I knew that feeling and I knew a very well. It meant that I was going to be spewing forth my virile cum into her ovulating, receptive womb any moment now.

I laid on top of her and pressed my body against hers. She leg-locked my hips in that position as though she were afraid that I would pull out and shoot on her tits instead. That was probably what she had her husband do.

I slowly rocked in and out of her warm, inviting pussy. When I felt myself getting close, she pushed me over the edge by whispering in my ear.

"Jerry, I want to carry your baby. I want to feel your hot seed shooting deep into my ovulating womb. I promise to keep Marc's cum out of me until I know for a fact that I'm pregnant with your baby. I don't want to take any chances."

Between her pulsing hot vaginal muscles and her super-hot words tickling my ear, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to hold out any longer. "I'm about ready to shoot inside of you!" I said. I could hear Marc fapping even faster as he heard her words. Apparently I wasn't the only one turned on by squirting inside of his wife.

I stroked long and hard in and out of her, but when she told me to impregnate her, I lost all control. My thick cock swelled with my potent baby-making sperm.

I was actually going to go through with it. I was going to knock up my hot, black, next-door neighbor. And I was going to do it while her husband watched.

I pinned her to the bed and kissed her hard on the lips as I thrust my cock deep inside of her womb. I wanted to leave her satisfied with the power of my dominance. I wanted her to know who was in charge.

"Take me! Take me as your woman!" She cried out as a powerful orgasm ripped through her mocha body. "Dominate me! I give you my permission to do anything you want with me!"

No further words needed to be spoken. My cock erupted suddenly, spewing forth hot jets of lava into her unprotected fertile womb. White cum spewed into her black body, dominating her at every turn.

Spurt after spurt I sent into her fertile womb as I held my cock against her cervix. I had never had such powerful orgasms in my life and I don't think she had either.

I was definitely going to take Marc up on his offer to fuck her anytime I desired. He might just find himself sleeping on the couch, because I didn't intend to let her go.

Latisha screamed with passion as she felt my cum jettison into her fertile body. It took several minutes before either of us calmed down enough to even move, let alone speak.

I heard grunting from the corner of the room and turned to see Marc's hand a blur on his dick. I really felt sorry for the guy. His full, erect cock wasn't even as big as mine when it was soft. But he didn't let that stop him. Latisha and I watched him as he jerked himself off to a futile climax. My cock twitched inside of her one last time when she whispered into my ear:

"I'm pregnant with your baby."












Knocked up and Milking


Nikita Storm

I was scared, of that there was no doubt. This wasn't supposed to be happening to me. Why couldn't it have happened to someone else? I was just nine-teen and fresh out of school.

I'd taken a pill I found at a friend's house, thinking it was just a Tylenol or something. Little did I know that little pill would end up changing my whole life. As of yet, I wasn't exactly sure what that damn thing did to my body, but I certainly wasn't the same.

Before walking into my friend's apartment, I was a happy-go-lucky nineteen-year-old college freshman who had the whole world at her fingertips. I was a tall, athletic blonde with small breasts and no desire for any of the familial trappings all my friends seemed to have.

Now, because of that fucking pill, I found myself thinking more and more about finding a hunky man to inseminate me and father a child inside of me. Seemingly overnight, my size AA cups grew to C's. Mom thinks it's a growth spurt, but I know better. It was the pill.

At first they began to swell and then become tender. No big deal, right? Then one morning I awoke to liquid all over the bed. I haven't wet the bed since grade school. That was when I realized that the liquid was coming from my chest. I tasted it. Breast milk. Fuck.

That's when I confronted my best friend about the pill. She just shrugged and told me that all the girls were taking it - some kind of new street drug or something. She didn't know what it was and hadn't yet tried it. She did have the name of it, at least.

Armed with this information and scared out of my fucking mind, I made an appointment with my local doc and here I am in the waiting room. Like I said: I'm scared. I don't know what's coming over me. My breasts have stopped growing - thank God - but they're constantly leaking. Not only that, but I find myself constantly sizing guys up - not on their looks, but on how good of a provider they can be to my baby.

The baby. Oh God, the more I think about it, the more I know that I MUST have one. There is no maybe about this. I've never wanted a kid before - they're too much work. But lately it's all I can think about.

It's fucking insane.


"Cathy Stiles?" A woman called out and looked around.

"That's me," I smiled, trying to bury the butterflies in my tummy.

"If you'll follow me," she said and held the door open for me.

I grabbed my purse and followed her. She put me through the usual paces and then sat me down in a sterile white room full of drawings of the woman's body. There was a vagina here, a breast there and baby suckling on a breast on that wall.

I wish I hadn't seen that as a tear welled up in my eye and I began involuntarily crying. Hell, I really didn't know why I was crying. But I soon began bawling. All I could think about is that woman had a baby and I didn't. I actually contemplated cutting out the baby from the poster and taking that home with me. Yeah, I was in bad shape.

"Oh, hello," the doctor waltzed in and looked down at my paper, "Cathy. What seems to be the problem?"

It took me several minutes before I could stop crying and even look at him, let alone answer his question.

"Well, I--" I stopped dead in mid-sentence as my eyes feasted upon the future father of my baby. I don't know who the hell he was, but I had to have him. My pussy contracted involuntarily as I envisioned him knocking me up.

He waved his hand in front of my eyes, bringing me back to focus. "You what? You seem deep in thought."

"It's hard to explain, doc." I said, glancing back at the nursing baby before turning my attention to this very handsome, older man who just so happened to have a nice job and could probably afford--

"Earth to Cathy!" His deep voice boomed in the small room, snapping me out of it.

"Yes? Oh. See, doc, I took this pill and..." I looked away shyly.

"And you don't know the effects?"

He shook his head in disappointment and my heart fell. I needed his approval. I needed his baby.

"Yeah, I thought it was a Tylenol or something," I admitted.

"Did you bring it with you?"

"No, but I have a name. It was my friend's and she didn't know what it was." I felt foolish even discussing this with this strange, attractive silver-haired man. There was probably nothing he could do for me. My life was so fucked.

"What is it?"

I told him the name and his eyebrows shot up. He certainly recognized it. Maybe he could help me.

"What are your symptoms?" He asked.

"Well," I pointed to my large, leaky breasts, "these have become enormous and started leaking milk."

"Anything else?" He prodded.

I thought about that for a moment. "Oh and all I can think about is having a fucking baby."

He placed his fist under his chin. "You didn't have these thoughts before taking this pill?"

I shook my head. "I've never given it a second thought. Oh, and I also seem to be hormonal and extremely, hyper, I've-got-to-fuck-anything-that-moves horny lately." I began to cry. "I don't know what's wrong with me, doc, but I can't go on like this."

He came over and wrapped his big, powerful arms around me and I immediately stopped crying. I felt so safe and relaxed in his arms that I never wanted to leave. I could smell his Old Spice aftershave which reminded me of my grandfather. For the first time since this whole episode began, I felt whole again.

"I'm afraid that this whole thing is worse than you think," he said, once I got myself under control.

My face fell as the weight of his words crashed down on me. "Really, doc?"

He nodded. "Because of the drug, your body has gone into a super-hormonal state. Not only have your breasts grown and started lactating, but you're also fertile. The pill has - for lack of a better term - put you into mommy mode."

I looked up at him hopefully, tears at the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill down my cheeks. "Is that why all I can think about is getting pregnant?"

He nodded.

I paused for a moment, wondering if I wanted to hear the answer. "Is there anything you can do about it?"

"Well," he said, clasping his hands together as a slight smile crept across his face, "that depends."

"On what?" I asked. "Doc, I'll do anything to get rid of this! Anything!"

He sat down next to me on the exam table. "This condition has only one cure."

"I have to get pregnant, don't I?" My eyes began to water. I knew it.

He nodded. "But there's a catch," he added. "Let me ask you, have you come across any men since the pill that you believe should be the father of your child?"

His green eyes bored into me and I had to look away out of shame and embarrassment. He surely couldn't know, could he? No, he was just trying to help me find someone. I involuntarily looked at the suckling baby picture and a sharp pain hit me in the ovaries. I had to tell him.

I nodded.

"Good." He smiled. "Who?"

It took all the courage I had to say it. "You, doc. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one."

He looked shocked. "Me? Why would you think I'd be a good provider?" The whole time he had a smile on his face and his eyes were lit up.

"You're a doctor," I said, trying to reason.

"There are many other successful men out there who would be good pro --"

I decided that if I was going to get anywhere, I was going to have to call out the big guns. While he was blabbering on, I slyly stuck my hand down my panties and brought out a gobfull of fertile woman scent and brought it to his nose.

It worked! The second my fecund scent wafted into his nostrils, he stopped his bullshit talking.

His eyes went wide. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"More than serious, doc," I spread my scent around his nostrils, "I'm desperate."

"I'm married, Cathy..." he said wistfully.

"That's okay," I whispered, leaning closer to him. "I'm not looking for someone to marry me. I just want to get knocked up and have enough support for the baby."

"That's it?" He seemed surprised.

I nodded and kissed him full on the lips. He didn't resist or pull away. I felt my pussy tingle and wetness creep into my panties as I again smelled his aftershave and felt his protective presence.

After not resisting, but not reciprocating, I pulled away and he stood up. I didn't know what he was going to do and I was scared that he would reject me. That would've completely devastated me.

"Listen, Cathy," he said, popping his pen back into his pocket and picking up my chart. "I have one last patient that I need to see. Let me think about this and I'll be back in when I'm through with her."

Her? Her? Oh my God, now I was picturing another woman in the next room over doing what I did and making advances on him. Maybe she'd taken that drug, too. "Please hurry, Doc."

"I will." He smiled. "I'm going to turn out the light. Why don't you lie down for a bit. You'll feel better."

I nodded and watched him walk out, flipping the light off as he did. Other than the green emergency EXIT light, it was completely dark and I was alone with my thoughts. A moment of staring into the darkness and I decided to take him up on his offer and lie down.

My mind kept returning to his aftershave and his silver hair and the roughness of his voice. Before the pill, I had never given older men a chance. Now that I needed a baby and provider, they were all I could think about.

I felt my wetness with my finger and decided to do a little exploring as I daydreamed. I closed my eyes and reenacted the scene, feeling his lips on mine. Sparks flew through my body in the darkness as my finger found my sensitive clit. I moaned and spread my legs wider for easier access.

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