31 Days of Autumn (25 page)

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Authors: C.J. Fallowfield

BOOK: 31 Days of Autumn
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Day Eighteen

Thursday 10


I carried on running, admiring Dan’s physique in the
mirror opposite. He had a sheen of perspiration covering his bare chest as he
ran on the machine next to me, wearing just his shorts and trainers. I grabbed
my towel off the rail in front of me and mopped my brow. I wasn’t sure if it
was the actual running, or staring at him, that had me so hot and bothered.
We’d arrived back in London a couple of hours ago, having left as soon as
Oliver finished school. I’d been surprised that Dan had come. We were only here
overnight for Oliver’s MMR injections tomorrow, which he was missing a day of
school for, because Dan didn’t trust any other doctor to do them. I was kind of
glad though. Even though yesterday had been a false alarm, it had shaken me.
The children were in bed and we’d decided to de-stress with a good run in our ground-floor
gym before we had an early night. I missed my stride, stumbled, and flailed as
I tried to right myself, then landed with a thud on my backside on the
motorised fast-moving rubber. I was catapulted backwards with a scream and
landed in an ungainly heap on the cushioned gym floor. I covered my face,
mortified, as I heard Dan roar with laughter.

‘Tell me there’s no recording of that,’ I

‘Sadly not, but that will teach you to
concentrate on your steps instead of my body,’ he chuckled.

‘Like you weren’t checking me out, too.’ I peeked
through my fingers to see he’d stopped both machines and was towering over me,
still trying to contain his mirth.

‘I’m a professional, I can do both at the same
time. Are you ok?’

‘Just embarrassed,’ I mumbled.

‘Here, take my hand,’ he offered, leaning down.
I reached up to grab it, quickly pulling before he had a chance to brace his
arm and haul me up. He yelled as he toppled forward and landed half across my
body. It was my turn to laugh as he tried to catch his breath.

‘Such a professional,’ I giggled, then screamed
as he started to tickle my ribs.

‘I’m a total professional at all times. I could
tickle you until you do a Brooke and pee your shorts,’ he laughed. I kicked my
legs and flapped my hands as I screeched with laughter, tears rolling down my

‘Stop, stop, please, or I really will.’

‘What’s in it for me if I stop,’ he asked, his
voice taking on a low, husky tone. Dan’s voice was always sexy, but when it
dropped an octave like that, it spoke to every part of my body and mind.

‘Me, even wetter,’ I whispered breathlessly. He
shifted and grabbed my hands, pinning them above my head.

‘I like you wet,’ he purred.

‘Correction, you love me wet.’

‘I stand corrected, Mrs. Davenport. I do indeed
love you wet, but then again, I’ve never known you any other way, such is my
sexual appeal.’

‘It’s a good job we’re married and in love, or
that arrogance could really turn a girl off.’

‘You called me arrogant when you first got to
know me,’ he murmured, dipping his head to lick my wet chest from between my
breasts up to the hollow of my throat.

‘I did,’ I nodded, my chest starting to heave.

‘But it didn’t turn you off, did it?’ He nipped
my jaw, blowing on it, before kissing his way up to the corner of my mouth.

‘No,’ I confirmed, shifting underneath him as
my body began to sing with need.

‘You know why I fell in love with you, Mrs.
Davenport?’ he whispered seriously.

‘My sarcastic wit and ability to infuriate you?’
I suggested.

‘That too, but it was that you didn’t just love
my face and body, you loved my heart. A heart I didn’t even realise I had
anymore, but you saw it, you encouraged me to use it, and once I did, there was
never going to be any room in it for anyone but you and our children. You own
me, Ellie.’

‘Don’t,’ I moaned, my eyes filling with
emotion. ‘You know what it does to me when you say things like that.’

‘How about when I do things like this?’ he
asked, licking, then nibbling, the side of my neck.

‘O my God, I swear if the children wake up now,
I will disown them.’

‘Another reason I love you. No matter how much
you love sex with me, and you
 love sex with me, you always put
them first.’

‘Right now, I’d like to put us first. Don’t
tease, I’m in the mood for hard and fast.’

‘Perfect,’ he growled, nipping my earlobe. He
released my hands and sat upright, straddling my thighs, his fingers gripping
the edges of my lycra shorts. I lifted my hips, suddenly more breathless than
when I’d been running flat out on the treadmill minutes ago. He wasted no time
pushing my knickers and shorts down. I ran my hands over his damp torso. He was
nearly forty, but he hadn’t gained an ounce of fat in all the time I’d known
him. He shoved his shorts down, commando underneath, and his heavy cock bounced
as it was freed, draining my mouth of saliva. It was a thing of beauty. ‘Turn
over,’ he ordered. ‘I want to watch your face in the mirror.’

I did as I was told, lifting each knee as he
tugged my clothing off over my trainers. I loved his confidence that he pretty
much always assumed that I was ready for him. One hand gripped the base of my
ponytail, yanking my head back and forcing my eyes on his in our reflection, while
his other hand positioned himself. I shivered in anticipation and bit my lower
lip to muffle my cry. No matter how many times we fucked, I always cried out
when his girth stretched me. It was the most incredible feeling. I groaned as
he speared me, his eyes closing for a moment as he held still, my muscles
gripping him in a tight spasm.

‘Please,’ I begged, thrusting back against him.
His eyes half opened, flames dancing in his pupils as he tugged my hair even
harder, forcing me up onto my knees.

‘Eyes on mine all the time, Ellie,’ he ordered,
wrapping one arm around my shoulders to anchor my back to his chest, his free
hand moving down to hover over my engorged clit.

‘Yes,’ I mewled. He slowly pulled his hips
back, nearly pulling all of the way out of me, then rammed back, hard and fast,
just as he’d promised, his index finger connecting with my clit at the same
time. He quickly moved his hand from my chest to smother my mouth, muffling my
cries of pleasure as he thrust into me with short, fast jabs, hissing through
his teeth as he did. My body ignited, heat radiating out from my centre as I
started to pant.

‘When I said fast … I didn’t mean that fast,’
Dan breathed over my shoulder, a hint of an amused smile on his contorted face.

‘It’s … your fault, you’re … too good,’ I mumbled.
I felt his chest swell with pride, as well as his cock, only adding to my
impending crescendo. His finger and hips started to move faster, his heavy
breathing in my ear like the sweetest whispers of love, making me giddy. We
affected each other equally, neither of us was whole without the other. I
couldn’t imagine my life without him, and I didn’t want to. I slapped my hand
down over his between my thighs, pressing hard, my other hand reaching up to
squeeze one of my breasts through my crop top and sports bra. The ache in them
was so intense.

‘I’m so going to enjoy sucking those nipples
again when that breast milk is out of your system, I’ve missed them,’ he
groaned, nibbling my shoulder, still looking up to keep his gorgeous eyes on
mine as we performed a well-practiced dance. Everything felt so natural and
instinctual with him, yet each encounter also felt fresh and new, like we were
experiencing everything for the first time.

‘Dan,’ I whimpered against his palm, my thighs
starting to tremble as I desperately tried to hold back the flood.

‘Damn it, Ellie, you have no fucking restraint
at all, do you?’ he grimaced, fighting his urge to come as well. I shook my
head as I felt something inside me ignite and my shoulders drove back against
him, my back arching as everything in the room seemed to dim. All I could see
was our reflection in front of me. ‘Come then, baby, don’t fight it, take me
with you.’

I gave him a silent thank you with my eyes,
letting my brain switch off from everything and anything but the waves of
pleasure battering my body. Hard as I tried, I had to close my eyes. Keeping
them open took too much out of me, I wanted every ounce of energy on the beauty
of my climax and feeling Dan explode inside me as he yelled my name. I
collapsed back against him, my nostrils flaring as I tried to keep up with my
need for oxygen. He released my mouth, tugging my hair again to tilt my head
back so that he could kiss me. This time it was a slow and tender kiss that
told me just how he felt about me, without him even saying a word. He wrapped
his arms around me after, nuzzling my neck as we just breathed in unison,
smiling at each other in the mirror. He groaned as his phone went off with
Stuart’s own personal ring tone, Dolly Parton’s
Working 9 to 5
, which
always made me laugh. Not only did poor Stuart never work nine to five, he was
not a Dolly Parton kind of music fan.

‘Sorry, baby,’ Dan apologised, pulling his
phone from his neoprene armband. ‘This better be damn important, Stuart,’ he
answered, one arm still wrapped around my waist. I felt his body stiffen
immediately and saw his face cloud over in the mirror. ‘Fuck. When did it
start? …. Why the hell has it taken so long to let us know? … Shit,
No, if Marv can’t stall it, I need to see the code and talk him through it. I
need the jet ready within thirty minutes and you’ll need to patch me into him
until I’m at the screen. The firewall should hold up for about another ninety
minutes even if he can’t slow it down. Fuck.’

‘Dan?’ I looked at him as he tossed his phone
on the floor, grabbed my hips, and pulled out of me.

‘I’ve got a serious crisis, Ellie. There’s a
virus attacking my mainframe and my tech team can’t slow it down. Best estimates
are it will decimate my firewall and have access to all of my data soon if I
can’t stop it.’

‘Can’t you just unplug all of your computers?
Or do a backup and wipe them before they break through?’ I asked, pulling a
face as he shot me an incredulous look. ‘Ok, that’s a no.’

‘That might be exactly what they want. They
might have piggybacked to grasp data as we do a final backup to our offsite
server,’ he advised as he quickly pulled on his shorts. I grabbed mine and sat
down to pull them up. ‘I need to be in San Francisco as soon as possible.’

‘I’ll get packed fast and tell Jenny to get the
children ready,’ I nodded.

‘Fuck, Ellie, I’m sorry, but I need to go
alone. I’m going to have to work with Marv as I fly if I have any chance of
slowing this down until I get there and take over. You’ve seen the screen that
filters the data processed, it covers a whole fucking wall over there, so it’s
going to take some serious concentration to work on a small one. I can’t have
any distractions until I’m done. You may not hear from me until it’s over.’ He
grabbed my face and kissed me as there was a knock at the door.

‘Sir, it’s Andy. I got the call from America. The
car’s ready for you.’

‘Let me pack your case while you talk,’ I
nodded, feeling heartbroken. He’d never been to America without me, I couldn’t
remember the last time we even spent a night apart, not to mention I felt
useless. I had no idea how he did half of the stuff he did, looking after him
and our children was my skill in our relationship.

‘No time, I’ve got to go now. I have clothes on
the plane. I love you, baby, but I have to go right this second, every minute
is critical. I’ll call you as soon as I can, or Andy will give you updates.
Kiss the children for me tomorrow.’ He kissed me again, quickly answering his
phone as he strode towards the door. ‘Talk to me Marv, what the fuck is

I stared after him, stunned, as he unlocked the
door and started walking down the corridor bare-chested without even a
backwards glance.

‘Dan,’ I called, rushing out after him. Jenny
was holding the front door open as Andy and Dan shot past her to the waiting
car, the engine already running. ‘Dan.’

‘He’s got to go, Ellie,’ Jenny warned, holding
out her arm and shaking her head as I saw Dan jump in the back seat, talking
ten to the dozen, a seriously worried look on his face.

‘I love you,’ I called, just as he slammed the
door and the car wheels spun up the cobbled street. ‘What the hell just
happened?’ I asked her, fighting tears. Minutes ago we’d been so close, now
suddenly I was all alone and I had no idea when I was going to see him again.

‘Not sure myself, all I know is Andy got the
call to say that Dan needed to get to San Francisco and it was, in tech terms,
life or death. Are you ok?’

‘No. I never even had a chance to say goodbye.
He hasn’t eaten, he isn’t dressed, and I know how stressed he can get. He needs
someone to look after him, I should be going with him.’

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