3013: MATED (3013: The Series) (5 page)

BOOK: 3013: MATED (3013: The Series)
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“It is nice to meet a friend of
Alexis,” Xavier said in his deep, rich voice as he casually placed a hand
around Alexis’ waist, pulling her to him. Galan stepped closer so he was
practically pressed to her other side. Skylar’s eyes widened as she watched
them and Alexis was even more bewildered by their possessive display.

“Ah, nice to meet you as well.”

“Are you ready to move?” Alexis
said, trying to act normal when she was feeling anything but. Her heart was racing
at the feel of Xavier and Galan’s heated skin against hers even through their
layers of clothing. She had to stop from simply closing her eyes and enjoying
the feeling of Xavier’s hand rubbing her side gently as they stood there and
forced herself to focus on the conversation.

“Almost. I have a month before I
actually start with the new unit they’re putting together. I sure will miss
you. Who knows where they will station us.”

Alexis laughed, glad for the
distraction. “You’ll be too busy with your new unit to miss me.” She turned to
look up at the men at her side. “Skylar used to be a liaison officer, but she
just transferred to the interrogation unit.”

“What is that?” Galan asked.

Skylar smiled. “We investigate
crimes. It’s going to be so exciting. I can’t wait to start, but I can’t help
wishing you were coming with me.”

Xavier frowned. “This
interrogation unit sounds dangerous. I would not want Alexis doing anything
that could put her in peril.”

“And you think being a liaison
for alien races never puts liaison officers in danger?” Skylar laughed. “Lexie,
you should tell them some of the more exciting stories…especially the one about
the Reema group last month. Boy, were they a pushy bunch.”

Alexis flushed at the memory then
paled as she felt a flood of rage coming from the men so strong it almost
brought her to her knees. The sensation was so much stronger since she was
touching them that she hadn’t been prepared for the rush of feelings. Gasping,
she found herself  in Galan’s strong arms, the front of their bodies plastered
together as he held her up.

“What is it, sweetling? Are you

“No, I’m fine,” she lied. Her
senses were calmed by the concern she felt from him, but the steel-hard spike
of his erection pressing against her had her freaking out for a completely
different reason. Reminding herself they were on a street where anyone could be
watching her unprofessional behavior, she took a deep breath and fought the
urge to hump his leg to gain some relief.

“Please put me down.”

Galan’s jaw clenched, but he did
as she asked, holding onto her as her feet touched the ground. “I believe I
should carry you to your domicile.”

“I’m fine, really.” Alexis found
herself rubbing her hands on his arms. She told herself it was to soothe him
and not just because she wanted to touch him. Feeling the waves of pleasure
coming from him, she smiled shyly before stepping back only to bump into
Xavier. He stroked a hand over her hair and the gentle touch made her want to
purr with pleasure.

Holy jump drives, what was wrong
with her?

“Ah, Alexis? Could I have a

“Sure,” Alexis said, blushing at
her behavior. With her head down she excused herself from the two Dragon
Warriors then walked a few feet away with her friend.

“What the hell is going on? First
of all, those are two of the hottest men I have ever seen, and honey, they are
all over you,” Skylar said in a rush. “Go, Lex!”

“I don’t know what is happening
to me,” Alexis groaned. “Ever since I met them I’ve been unable to control
myself. And it’s not just these two. There are two more back at the suite.”

“Four? Seriously? You lucky
bitch,” Skylar hissed as she grinned.

“Sky, I can’t. You know I would
get fired if I let anything happen. And I don’t think I can be around them
anymore without something happening. I can’t seem to control myself around

Sympathy clouded Skylar’s eyes
then they took on a speculative gleam. “Why the hell should you control
yourself? No one has to know. And it’s not like you’d be the first officer to
indulge a little. Plus, you deserve some happiness after what those assholes
put you through. Don’t hold back just because of the job.”

“You think? I mean, I feel that
they want me, but I don’t know if it’s me or they just want to be with a human

“I don’t think that’s it. They
barely looked at me when I joined you, and I’m sensing some crazy shit coming
from you guys. When I came over, their energy was surrounding you, and yours
was merging with theirs. It still is. It’s like their energy is reaching for
you even though we are standing over here. And honey, they are watching you
like they want to eat you alive. I say, let them.”

Alexis shivered at the image that
generated in her head. She wanted them with a passion she’d never felt before,
and it seemed they wanted her as well. Could she really have a fling with them
knowing that it could cost her everything when she had never done anything like
this before? Looking over at them to find their glowing eyes were locked on
her, she decided it was worth it.

For one night with them she would
risk it all.

“Jesus, you three need somewhere
private before you combust. Your energy flare-ups are starting to affect me. I
love you and all, but this is just pervy.”

Alexis didn’t even look over as
she heard Skylar’s statement. “See you later, Sky.”

Skylar chuckled. “Yeah, I’ll see

Alexis walked back over to Xavier
and Galan with her eyes on theirs. She looked down as they both held out a
large hand to her.

“Take us home with you, Alexis.”

Taking a deep breath, she placed
her hands in theirs and did exactly that.

When they reached her living
quarters she was surprised, and slightly disappointed that one of them didn’t
just pick her up and slam her back against the closed door. Instead, both men
glanced around her one bedroom unit, looking very out of place in the small

She had a nice place, but it was
nowhere near as opulent as the guest suites were. Feeling awkward, she pushed
away from where she had been leaning against the wall watching them. “If you
will just give me a few minutes I can pack a bag and—”

Her words were cut off as she was
whirled around. She slammed against Xavier’s hard body as he hauled her up
against him. “You know that we want you.”

“Yes,” she admitted breathlessly.

His eyes narrowed. “But you doubt
our sincerity? There will be no untruths between us. Ever.”

Speechless, she looked at him
with wide eyes. Shit, had they hear her conversation with Skylar? She felt
herself pulled gently out of Xavier’s hold as she was lifted into Galan’s arms.

“This is how I wanted to hold you
earlier, but I did not want to embarrass you in front of your people.”

She wrapped her arms around his
neck as he carried her over to her couch. Sitting down, he positioned her on
his lap and she felt his hard cock nestled under her ass. She curled into him
as Xavier stomped over to stand in front of them, his silver glowing eyes
bright with anger.

“Why are you so mad?” she

“Do you really think we want you
just because you are the first human we encountered?”

Alexis gaped at him. Shit! They
heard her talking to Skylar!

She floundered for something to
say then decided to just go with the truth since they seemed to be able to read
her almost as well as she did them. “I’m an empath.” She saw their eyes widen
in shock and hurried to continue. “I can’t always sense what you are feeling,
but when your emotions are strong or when you’re touching me, it’s easier.”

“Then you can sense how much we
need you,” Galan said cautiously.

“I can feel your lust. Yes,” she

“What we want from you goes far
beyond lust, little one,” Xavier said, his glowing eyes burning bright with
some unrecognizable emotion. To her surprise he pushed the coffee table out of
the way and went to his knees in front of where she was perched on Galan’s lap.
“We want more than one night with you. What we ask is far more than you might
be willing to give, but we will do our very best to make you happy if you
choose to give yourself to us.”

Alexis stiffened, unsure what he
was saying. “I…I don’t know what you mean.”

Galan used his hand to move her
chin so she was staring up at him. “We want to claim you as our mate, Alexis.”

Shock had her reeling. They
couldn’t be serious. That was like…permanent! They had just met a few hours
ago, how the hell could they want a lifelong commitment with her? She licked
her dry lips nervously and heard both men groan. Ignoring the waves of lust
pouring from them she struggled to understand what they were saying.

“How can you say that? You don’t
even know me!”

Xavier reached out and placed a
large hand on her chest, right over her frantically beating heart. The heat of
his skin was like a soothing balm, and her body hummed with anticipation. There
was sheer determination shining back at her as she met his gaze.

 “Since the first moment we saw
you, we felt the mating pull. We have searched worlds for the one who would
complete us, and we know it is you. You are the one we have been waiting for.”

“But it would not just be us. It
would be Thorn and Brydan as well,” Galan added. “As Dragon Warriors, we travel
the universe searching for other life and knowledge we can send back to share
with our people. But all Dragon Warriors travel with companions. Usually
another twinset or two, so the long journey is not as hard to bear.”

“As brothers, Galan and I share a
bond from birth that means we share all thoughts and memories of the previous
day each rising, like a mind merge. But we also have a blood bond with Thorn
and Brydan that means we all must take the same mate.”

Alexis frowned as she struggled
to keep up with what they were telling her, not entirely sure she liked the
idea, but she was also intrigued. “So, you want to share me with your friends?”

Galan shook his head. “It is not
like you mean. You must understand that over the last hundred years we have
formed a blood bond with Thorn and Brydan that is almost as strong as the one I
have with my brother. It had aided us in battle, allowing us to read one
another as if we are one. This means that when we touch you, they will know it
and crave you just as deeply as we do.”

“We have known for a long time
that all four of us would claim the same female, but you need to be prepared to
have four mates instead of two,” Xavier explained. “We want you to understand
that we need you to accept all of us into your life…and into your heart. If you
do, we will make sure you never regret leaving with us.”

“Wait!” she cried out as Xavier
reached for her and she saw the hurt cloud his glowing eyes. She wanted to
soothe him, but she was dizzy with what she just learned and couldn’t focus on
anything else. Holy hell, she needed to think! Getting up, she felt Galan’s
hesitation as he released her so she could pace the room.

“Leave with you? So, the four of
you want to mate with me, but what does that mean? You want me to travel with
you? I’m so confused.” Talk about shocking the shit out of a girl! This was
definitely not what she expected when she woke up this morning.

Xavier couldn’t take it any
longer. He stormed over to her and grabbed her by the arms, holding her in
place. “We want you for our mate,” he growled. “You feel it. You were meant for

“But I don’t know what that
means!” Alexis cried out. “All the information that I have on your people
doesn’t say anything about what mating actually is!”

“Then let us show you,” Xavier
said a second before he slammed his mouth down onto hers.



Chapter Four


Oh, stars…

Alexis’ breath caught as she was
swamped with the greatest pleasure she’d ever encountered before, her senses
bombarded with a combination of his lust and her own. Xavier’s kiss was
intoxicating as they fed off one another and she wanted more…needed more. Their
tongues tangled together, stroking, tasting and she gasped as his sharp fangs
nicked her lip.

She was panting as she was spun
around and pulled forcefully into Galan’s arms. Caught off balance, she fell
against his hard body. Her mind slow to comprehend what was going on when all
she wanted was Xavier’s lips back on hers, to feel both of them touching her.

“Do not bond her!” Galan growled

Xavier let out a vicious snarl
like a wounded animal as he stomped away from them. Alexis’ eyes widened as she
watched him. Now that the pleasure had abated slightly so she was able to
think, the ache in her lip became more noticeable. She reached up and touched
her lower lip and pulled her fingers back to find a small trace of blood on

Galan gently cupped her face so
she was facing him, his glowing eyes bright with hunger. “We do not want to
force you into mating us before you are ready, but it is difficult for us to
hold back our nature. If you mate with us we will need to create a blood bond
with you.”

Well, shit...

“You mean you have to drink my
blood? Like a vampire?”

“Just a little, and nay, it is
not like a vampire. It is more of an exchange. If we drink from you it will
allow us to feel what you do and make it so we can communicate in our minds. We
can wait for you to decide to complete the ritual that will make you ours, but
if you do we will need this to feel closer to you.”

“Damn it! You give her the
means to escape us!”
  Xavier snarled through their bond.

“I am giving us the means to
have her, you bloody fool!”
Galan snapped back.
“I will not force the
blood bond on her, and she cannot take our blood without beginning the
conversion. If we do that before she is ready, we will lose her trust. You
heard her friend. Others have betrayed her in the past. I will not begin our
mating that way.”

Xavier let out a breath, calming
“You are right, brother. But this pains me not to bind her to us.”

“For me as well, but we cannot
break her trust. Control, brother.”

Xavier growled low in his throat
at the reprimand. The need to feel Alexis in his arms, to claim her, was
bordering on madness. The scent of her arousal was intoxication. It made his
cock throb painfully in his pants, but he struggled to control himself. He
could not simply pounce on her like he wanted too without giving her time to
come to grips with what they wanted from her. She needed time, and they would
give it to her, because losing her now was not an option.

Oblivious to the brother’s
exchange, Alexis’s nibbled on her lower lip as she felt a wave of arousal hit
her like a meteor. Galan growled and the sound turned her on. She wanted him to
do it again so she could feel that rumble in his chest that made her nipples

Shit, she needed to focus!

“So, if I take your blood, will I
also be able to read your mind?”

“Aye, Alexis. You will have
access to our thoughts and memories. You will also be able to call for us with
just a thought if ever you need us.”

The concept of blood bonding
fascinating. With her empathic powers she was able to feel emotions, but how
much easier would it be for her to be able to understand the feelings coming
from them? Still, she wasn’t naive enough to think that something like this was
a decision to make on the spur of the moment. Mating with an alien race through
blood was far more permanent than getting branded with a chosen mark on her
face like humans did when forming a bonding unit.

This would be elemental…and forever.

“If I chose to mate with you I’m
fine with the blood bond thing. Just…please give me a little time to decide.
There is obviously some strong attraction between us, but this isn’t something
I can just jump into. It’s a huge decision for me.”

Elation surged through Galan, and
he could feel the same satisfaction soothe Xavier’s anger. His brother was a
commanding force, and often forgot that a gentle touch sometimes got better
results than demands. They might give her time, but there was no way they would
let her go now that they found her. Alexis belonged to them, and they would do
whatever it took to make sure she was mated to them when they left Earth.
“Thank you, Alexis.”

She blinked. “For what?”

“For considering mating with us.
We know that it is a big decision, but we will make sure you never regret it.”

She reached up to stroke his
cheek and he could see the confusion in her beautiful violet eyes. “It’s so
strange. I just met you, but I feel like I know you.”

Galan turned his head to nuzzle
against her hand. Gods, he wanted to her more than he’d ever wanted anything in
his life. The feel of her in his arms felt so right, so perfect that he had to
force himself not to just rip her clothing off and drag her to the floor where
he could drive himself inside her. He wanted to take her, to slam himself so
far into her that she would never be free of him. “Your heart knows us. You
were meant to belong to us and you honor us with your trust. We will not fail

Alexis’ heart clenched hearing
that. Most of the people in her past that she had depended on had let her down,
but there was something about Xavier and Galan that made her want to trust
them. She wanted to belong to them and to have them belong to her. It was
absolutely crazy. None of this made sense, but it felt…like it was meant to be.

“I want you,” she whispered, her
voice shaking with nerves. “I do want all four of you, but I’m scared about
what will happen…”

“Then let this be enough for
now,” Galan replied.

She nodded and watched as both of
their silver eyes blazed with a hunger. Her breath caught as Galan’s lips came
down to meet hers, taking her in a soft, searing kiss that make her tremble.
Alexis angled her head, needing to get closer to him and gasped as she felt
Xavier come up behind her, reaching around to cup her full breasts in his large

She lost herself in the kiss,
immersing herself in the feel of them, loving their hands on her body. When she
pulled back, she blinked in surprise as she suddenly realized that Xavier had
removed her uniform top and bra while she had been busy kissing Galan. Her skin
was flush with arousal, her nipples hard points that were aching to be touched.

As if sensing what she wanted,
Galan lowered to his knees in front of her.

“These are perfect,” he purred
moving his head to suck her nipples. Her head fell back on Xavier’s chest,
trusting him to hold her up as Galan sucked on one nipple then switched to the
other, lashing the taut bud with his tongue before sucking hard. She could feel
each pull of his mouth like a lightning bolt that shot straight to her core.
Xavier turned her head and settled his mouth over hers, forcing his tongue deep
with a growl that made her weak with need.

They were taking her over and she
let them. Galan’s hands made quick work removing her boots then he went to work
on her pants, also pulling her panties down her legs so she was standing naked
between them.

“You are a vision, sweetling. A
dream come true,” Galan said reverently.

“Perfection,” Xavier agreed with
a rumbling purr. “I cannot wait to feel your beautiful body welcoming me inside
you.” Their words made her shiver and she gripped Xavier’s head, pulling it
back down to her so she could kiss him again.

More, she needed more.

Sharp hunger drove Alexis to rub
her body back against Xavier, loving the feel of his steel- hard erection
against her back. They were so much bigger than her, but she felt completely
safe in their arms, sheltered between them. A gasp tore from her lips as Xavier
lowered his hand between her legs, circling her clit with his finger.

Xavier drank down her moan as he
pushed two fingers into her slick heat. She was dripping wet, and it pleased
him to feel how much she wanted them. Never before had just seeing a female
made his cock grow hard as stone.  He let out a growl as he stared down at her beautiful
body, running one of his hands over her lush curves and hips as he used his
other to push his fingers inside her. His body trembled with need to take
her…to bend her over the couch and ram his cock deep into her tight pussy until
he filled her with his seed, but she wasn’t ready yet. They were so much bigger
than their tiny mate, and he knew his large cock would hurt her if she wasn’t
prepared to take him.

“So wet,” Xavier purred against
her ear. “Do you like the pleasure we are giving you, little one? Tell us. Tell
us what you want, Alexis.”

“Oh, god. I want you,” she
panted, moaning as he began to finger fuck her faster as Galan went back to
work sucking on her nipples. “Please, Xavier. Please…”

“You shall have us,” Xavier
promised in a dark, heated growl. He wrapped his other arm around her middle,
holding her back against him. “We will fill you so full you will not remember
what it is like not to have us inside you, but first we need to make you come.
Our cocks are large and we do not want to hurt you.”

“I have lube in a drawer by my
bed in the other room,” she explained then winced at how that sounded. “Most
relationships now are ménage so I’ve been with two men at—”

Both males snarled, cutting her
off. “We do not want to hear about you with any other males. You belong to us
now,” Xavier growled dangerously.

Alexis felt something inside of
her shift. Normally, that kind of statement would have put her back up, but
coming from them, it only enhanced her need. She wanted to belong to them.
Everything they had said to her was like something out of her wildest fantasy.
It was almost unimaginable how four strong Dragon Warriors would want someone
like her when they could have anyone they wanted. She pushed that thought away,
simply letting herself enjoy the moment as she ground her ass back against
Xavier, making him suck in a harsh breath.

“Then take me,” she challenged.

 “Aye, we will. First, we need to
get your tight little pussy soft and slick with your cum to get you ready for
us, little one. Come for us. Come and then we will take you.”

His fingers surged in and out of
her pussy faster as the palm of his hand rubbed against her clit. Her body
shuddered with her release as she exploded, her cream soaking Xavier’s hand as
he curled his fingers to stroke the spot high inside her that made her damn
toes curl.

She would have fallen, but they
held her up between them. Closing her eyes, she let out a low moan as she rode
the waves of ecstasy that wracked her body. Alexis had never come so fast and
hard simply from being fingered before, but it didn’t hurt that their fingers
were the size of small cocks. That thought made a laugh slip past her lips and
she realized she felt drunk with pleasure. She opened her eyes again and saw
Galan standing before her completely naked, looking at her with such raw
emotion her heart skipped a beat.

“I could listen to your laughter
for the rest of days,” Galan whispered softly, as if he meant it.

And he did…she could feel it.

She smiled as she looked at his
gorgeous body. He was all hard muscles, covered with golden skin that
practically glowed in the sunlight shining through the window. With his vest
removed she could see that the dark gold and silver tattoos on his arms were
actually covering most of his body. The intricate scrolling pattern started on
the back of his hands, trailing up his arms and covered his shoulders and back
then trailed down his sides to end at his hip bones. The design curled over the
top half of his chest, almost looking like two dragons claws and she found the
sight strangely arousing.

The dark lines made him look even
more fierce, like the dark warrior that he was, but Alexis wasn’t afraid. No,
she was turned on to the point her body shuddered with need. Hoping she wasn’t
panting, she looked down and her jaw dropped when she saw Galan’s massive cock
jutting out from between his thighs.

Oh. My. God!

As an enhanced female she would
normally be able to take a large dick with no problem, but Galan was huge! His
impressive cock was thick and long and she could see the veins lining the hard
column pulsing under the skin. The mushroomed head was larger than a humans,
and the sight of him made her mouth water with the need to taste the pearly
liquid seeping from the tip.

Damn, this might kill her, but
what a way to go…

Always up for a challenge, she
smiled at him and saw the flare of heat in his eyes as they burned brighter.
She pushed him toward the couch, knowing full well she couldn’t have moved him
unless he let her. Once he was seated, that luscious, thick cock of his jutted
out so it slapped against his stomach and the sight of it made her mouth water.

He held out a hand to her. “Come
to me, my lady.”

Alexis didn’t hesitate. Stepping
forward she climbed onto his lap so her legs were straddling him. She held onto
his broad, muscular shoulders as she got into position, loving the way his
biceps bulged as he moved. Leaning forward she captured his mouth again. Taking
over, he ravaged her as he lifted her, settling her slick entrance over the
head of his cock.

“Tell me you want me,” Galan
growled against her lips as he held her over his rock-hard cock that speared upward,
ready to fuck. In response Alexis kissed him deep, thrusting her tongue into
his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck. He yanked her head back by her
hair and looked into her violet eyes. “Tell me!”

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