Read 3 Lethal Rider-Lords Of Deliverance Online

Authors: Larissa Ione

Tags: #Paranormal

3 Lethal Rider-Lords Of Deliverance (11 page)

BOOK: 3 Lethal Rider-Lords Of Deliverance
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“It’s not a matter of time,” Val said. “In the last hour, I’ve gotten dozens of reports of organized forces all over the world attacking embassies, police stations, military installations.”

“They’re going to start an Apocalypse without the damned Horsemen.” This was exactly what they’d been afraid of. The true, Biblical or
Apocalypse wouldn’t start, but the technicalities hardly mattered. If they saw decades or even hundreds of years of war between humans and demons, it would feel apocalyptic enough. Kynan stood. “We need to contact all Aegis cells and start emergency recruiting.”

He thumbed the Aegis symbol flashing on his phone’s screen, and when he brought the cell up to his ear, Regan’s whispered voice, saying she was heading to the Harrowgate outside Than’s keep, sent his pulse into critical overdrive.
The message was old—A bloodcurdling scream from outside the conference room cut into his thoughts, and half a second later, it was joined by more screams, shouts, and gunfire.

“What the fuck?” Chad leaped out of his chair and threw open the door.

The next few seconds were a blur of blood and gore, as Chad rocked backward and hit the floor, an arrow piercing his eye and blowing out the back of his skull. Pestilence stalked inside, his armor splattered with blood and bits of flesh and hair, and when Ian swung at him, the Horseman swatted him aside as if he was a fly.

Outside the room, the sounds of battle escalated. Kynan drew his stang and went after Pestilence, but the big male ducked out of the room and was gone.

“Ian! Zach!” Ky helped Ian to his feet. “We’ve got to protect the artifact chamber.” The tens of thousands of items The Aegis stored there—some historical or religious, some imbued with magical or demonic powers—could become devastating weapons in the hands of someone like Pestilence.

The three of them sped down the hallway, their path impeded by demons and fighting Guardians.

“They released the prisoners.” Kathy, Regent for one of the Frankfurt cells, dropped a spindly Croucher demon with a roundhouse kick to the throat before stabbing it in one of its three eyes with the silver end of her stang.

That explained all the pissed-off demons, many of whom they’d re-captured after they’d escaped containment with the vampires who attacked Regan.

A Cruentus demon, an ugly motherfucker that lived to kill, rounded the corner ahead and came at them at a lumbering run. Ky and Ian met it, both of them slicing deep into its skeletal chest. Its claws struck out, raking Ian across the abdomen. Blood welled, but the cuts were shallow, and only pissed off Ian more.

“Kynan!” The shout came from behind, and he whirled just in time to see Pestilence bury his fist in Zach’s gut and brutally rip out a bloody mass of organs.

Smiling, Pestilence left the dying Elder and strode toward Ky and Ian. Kathy, who had dispatched the Croucher, did her best to become a part of the wall, but as Pestilence walked by, he casually slammed his palm into her throat, killing her instantly.

He hadn’t even looked in her direction.

“Run,” Ky snapped, giving Ian a shove. “I’ll stall him. He can’t hurt me.”

“He can’t,” came a deep, dark voice, “but I can.”

Kynan didn’t need to turn to know that a fallen angel was standing behind him. Didn’t need to turn to know that while he planned to fight until he couldn’t fight anymore, the angel was going to win.



“I want you, Regan. More than I’ve wanted anyone, and damn you, I’m about to give in.”

Thanatos’s sexy, deep voice rumbled through Regan like a drug, turning her bones liquid and her brain to mush. Somewhere inside her mind, she knew this was a dream about the night she got pregnant, just like she knew it was useless to try to wake herself up. Every time she had this dream, she tried to change it, as if doing so would also change the outcome in real life.

“No!” Thanatos’s lips moved, but the buzz in Regan’s ears drowned out the sound. The mead. She shouldn’t have drunk the mead…

Shifting, she poised her naked body over the head of his cock.

“Don’t do this. Regan!”

Don’t do what? She heard him, but the words didn’t compute. Not when her body vibrated with need. She

sank down on him, taking him all the way to the root. Pleasure roared through her, almost orgasmic already, and they’d only begun.

She moaned, grinding on him, loving the feel of his hard shaft sliding over all her sensitive spots. She wished he’d touch her, wished he’d reach up and caress her breasts or better yet, grip her hips in a bruising hold and anchor her against him. Why didn’t he do that? Why wasn’t he touching her? She wanted him to give himself to her with so much force that she’d feel him forever, because this would be the last time with him.

But wait… why would it be the last time? Hazy thoughts filtered through her brain… something about having to leave here after this. Leave? No way.

Ecstasy burned in her veins as she pushed all thoughts of anything except sex aside and lunged forward to score her nails on his chest, marking him. Claiming him. She threw her head back and cried out as his hips came off the bed to take her deeper. Faster… she had to move faster. Her body was no longer her own. It had taken the reins and she was letting it run.

“Stop,” he rasped, but Regan’s brain heard it as “more,” and she moved faster. She wasn’t going to slow this down, drag it out. There would be time later for decadent, leisurely sex. “Regan, stop now!”

More now!

More? She couldn’t do any more than this. “No way… oh, oh, yes.” Her body convulsed with pleasure, and at the same him, his orgasm took him, his big body bucking beneath her. She came again, before the first climax had even waned, and she had to cling to his shoulders or go flying.

So good…that had been so…good.

You took my virginity.

Regan blinked.

You drugged me and defiled me.

Horror welled up.

You traitor!

He was yelling at her, threatening to break her neck, and then she was running out into the snow, where Pestilence and ice trolls were coming at her—

Fighting a scream, Regan opened her eyes. She wasn’t stuck in the nightmare anymore, but she
in Thanatos’s bed. She drew in a controlled breath, taking in Thanatos’s earthy, masculine scent, and knew she was safe.

At least, she was safe until she gave birth, and then Thanatos would likely kill her for what she’d done.

He stood near the fireplace, his muscular upper body bare except for the tattoos that depicted scenes from his past, his lower body covered in a pair of baggy workout pants that sat dangerously low on his hips. His head was bowed, the braids at his temples falling over sharply defined cheeks, the tendons in his neck standing out in stark definition. She had a feeling his eyes were open.

This was Than’s bedroom, but how had she gotten here?

Her mind was sluggish as she searched her memory, and when it came back to her, she whispered a curse. Thanatos whirled around and was at her side in a heartbeat. She hadn’t even seen him move.

“Regan.” His voice was a deep rumble. “You’re awake.” He palmed her forehead. “How do you feel? Are you cold?”

She pushed up on one elbow, which wasn’t easy, given
that she must have fifty pounds of blankets on top of her. “I’m hot, actually.”

Thanatos peeled away several layers of blankets and propped some pillows against her to help brace her as she sat up. Surprised by his attentiveness, it took her a moment to find her voice again. When she did, she had to struggle to find the words to ask what she needed to know.

“What happened? With Pestilence. The demons.” Lame. She’d struggled for those

“The demons will never bother you again.” His answer was little more than a growl. “Don’t worry about Pestilence. I’ll keep you safe.” The way he said it, as if he were pledging his very soul to the cause, eased her fears, at least for now. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?” He gestured to a covered platter and a carafe. “I had my staff prepare hot broth and sandwiches for when you woke up. Artur remembered how much you loved his ham and cheese subs.”

“I’m starving.” Regan might not trust vampires, but Artur had been nice to her, and he made the best freaking subs. Her mouth watered at the sight of the food. “I love the way Artur toasts the bread.”

“I do too.” The barest hint of a smile touched his lips. “With just a smear of butter.”

She nodded. “He said the secret is real Irish butter with a touch of—” A sharp, shooting stab of pain nailed her in the belly, and she hissed.

“What is it?”

“Baby,” she gasped. “I think I just had a contraction.”

His hand came up to her cheek in a tender gesture that nearly made her gasp again. “Is it time?”

“I think … I think it’s a Braxton Hicks.”

“A what?”

“Sort of pre-labor pains. I’ve been having them for the last week or so.”

The Horseman didn’t look satisfied with that answer. “You shouldn’t have tried to run.” He dropped his hand, and she hated the way the lack of his touch left her feeling cold again.

“I’m in danger here,” she insisted, but Than shook his head.

“The vampire who tried to kill you at headquarters wasn’t one of mine. And I promise you, the vampire who tried to stop you from leaving won’t touch you again. None of them will.”

Regan wasn’t so sure about that, but she had nothing to go on but a gut feeling. And while she trusted her instincts, Thanatos was another story.

At a tap on the door, Than unfurled to his full, impressive height. “Enter.”

The door opened, and one of the vampires entered with a huge, dark-haired male wearing a black paramedic uniform. He carried a red duffel, and his right arm was encased in tattoos. This was Shade, one of the demon brothers who ran Underworld General. And the one who had used his incubus gift to ensure she was pregnant, even though she’d changed her mind.

He strode across the room, passing through a splash of shadow where the firelight didn’t reach, and maybe Regan’s eyes were tricking her, but he seemed to disappear until he stepped back into the light.

“Showoff,” Than growled. “And it’s about time.”

The demon shot the Horseman an annoyed glare. “You might not be aware that we’re teetering on the end of the
world, but we’re overflowing with casualties. We don’t have time for house calls.”

“You need to make time for this,” Than said. “The baby Regan carries could trigger the Apocalypse if he dies.”

“I know that. But I haven’t even been to my own home in two weeks.” Shade dropped the medic bag. “So fuck off. I got here as soon as I could.” He strode over to Regan. “The message I got was that we’re dealing with hypothermia?”

“Obviously,” Than said, “she’s better. No thanks to you. But she’s having … what are they called? Breaking Dicks?”

“Braxton Hicks,” Shade muttered. He went down on his heels next to the bed. “How are you feeling?”

Regan hesitated. Kynan might trust his demon in-laws, but she was not only less trusting, but she’d literally been born to fight them. A hatred of demons was in her DNA.

“Human.” Shade’s tone was no-nonsense, but not unkind. “You trust me as much as I trust you, but we have a common goal here. I like the planet the way it is. If that means making sure you and the little foal are medically sound, I’ll do everything I can. Now, tell me how you’re feeling.”

She bristled, but ultimately, Kynan was a good judge of character, so she supposed she could suck it up, just this once. Besides, the baby was half… whatever Than was, so a demon medical specialist could only be an asset.

“I feel a little weak, but okay.”

“How did you treat her?” Shade asked Than.

“Warm blankets. Body heat.”

She sucked in a breath, her gaze flicking up to the
Horseman, who looked at her as though daring her to bring up the body heat thing. Yeah, he didn’t have to worry about that. The idea that he’d put that hard, lean frame against hers… she shivered at the forbidden image.

“How long was she unconscious?”

BOOK: 3 Lethal Rider-Lords Of Deliverance
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