21 Pounds in 21 Days

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Authors: Roni DeLuz

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The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox


To my dear children, Whitney, Toron, and Tony, Jr.: I pray that you learn early in life that God's love is like no other, and that cleansing your body and mind clears the pathway for the best things in life to come to you.

To all of my clients: You are all very special and have become dear to me. I truly enjoy my life and it's because of you.

n 2004 I met Dr. Roni DeLuz by phone when she called to discuss my approach to treating infectious diseases and other chronic and degenerative problems. Dr. Roni had heard about me from some of her patients, at least one of whom I had treated in my clinic in Juarez, Mexico (I also have an office in El Paso, Texas). While I am a traditional medical doctor—I am trained as a general practitioner, though I completed postgraduate studies at Columbia University in New York in parasitology and public health—I have worked in several parts of the world, where I have been exposed to healing treatments that are either unavailable or not widely practiced in the United States. Throughout Europe, medical professionals employ a wide range of approaches that can be considered complementary therapies. I have lived and practiced in England, which I consider to be the prototype of a modern society where alternative therapies are taking hold. The British medical system has implemented a permanent program to provide its citizens with information on alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy, and herbal medicine, in every public medical setting. In Germany, many practitioners perform in what Americans consider alternative fields. In England, as well as in Belgium, the Netherlands, and other countries, I have set up clinics and trained doctors how to perform chelation and ozone therapies, treatments not practiced by American medical doctors. As a result of this type of exposure and additional training I have received, I take a different approach from the orthodox way many American medical doctors treat patients. Dr. Roni knew this.

Over two or three months Dr. Roni and I spoke several times,
during which we spoke about the kind of work we do in our respective practices. Eventually, she asked if she could come to visit me in Mexico so she could see what I do. I happily said yes. After meeting her and learning that she had some medical problems, I offered to treat her. In exchange, she offered the same. My goal was to lose 8 to 10 pounds. I had been a long-distance runner for many years—I've run in the New York City marathon three times. But between working long hours and being single, I had begun to become less disciplined about eating and had gained a little weight.

So when I went to Dr. Roni's retreat in Massachusetts in January 2004, I already knew quite a bit about her work. But I was quite surprised to discover how deep and comprehensive her protocol—her approach—is. I detoxed for 16 straight days, which was as long as I could afford to stay away from my practice. To be honest, in the beginning I found detoxing difficult. During the first 5 or 6 days, I was about to quit and say goodbye. I didn't like the eating restrictions, I felt isolated from my work and patients, and I have to admit I was uncomfortable with the roles being reversed—I was used to being the caretaker, not the person being taken care of. But after 6 or 7 days, my state of mind began to ease. I began to feel reconciled with the approach. Then it got kind of fun. It was really rewarding to see the changes. I was losing a pound per day. I was feeling better physically—I was actually feeling very good. My spirits were better and I felt more optimistic. A mental well-being that apparently I had lost suddenly returned to me. By the end of the 16 days, I had shed 16 pounds. It was absolutely amazing!

As both a medical doctor and someone who has experienced the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox firsthand, I know that Dr. Roni's approach is a good one. It looks at the person holistically rather than focusing on just their health problem. It helps people confront themselves, their habits, and the behaviors that have caused the problem. And it helps them to lose weight, prevent disease, or regain health, depending on their circumstances. I particularly recommend it for people who have problems with overeating and obesity. The program offers what could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to experience a fresh start, a new begin
ning that can help prevent health problems or the recurrence of existing ones, and to learn how to nourish themselves properly for life. This is particularly true for those who are able to go to Dr. Roni's clinic.

I believe that anyone who needs to regain health
do the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox. Many times, we can improve our health naturally. That is the key part—naturally. I think it's important to accomplish what we can by using the most naturally oriented approaches to preventing or eliminating excess weight and diseases. Rather than relying on “quick fixes,” medication, or medical interventions to help us get or stay healthy, I believe in practicing prevention and supporting our body's own ability to heal itself. By educating ourselves about proper nutrition and by learning how important it is to have the proper intake of the right foods, we empower ourselves to improve our health for the rest of our lives.

I believe that Dr. Roni's approach is the right approach for dealing with excess weight and related problems. Though we medical professionals are often wary about complementary and alternative approaches, I think we must also exhibit openness. Particularly in the United States, I believe there is a lot of work to be done in that regard. Fortunately, I believe this is starting to happen; I have seen many American doctors and practitioners overseas, learning what is happening in other countries. We should not close our eyes to alternative approaches that work. The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox works. I highly recommend it.

Alberto Martinez, MD
El Paso, Texas

he Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox is not a traditional weight-loss program. You will definitely lose weight, but unlike when you diet, you won't feel hungry, experience cravings, or later experience the yo-yo effect of dropping 10 pounds and then gaining back 15. You won't have to count calories, points, indices, or rankings, or do anything else that requires math. There are no bland or repetitive foods, like grapefruit, grapefruit, grapefruit. You won't spend a lot of money. And I promise not to make you squeeze into any Spandex.

The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox is a
cleansing detoxification program
. We're all familiar with people detoxing from drugs and alcohol, but we rarely think of cleansing our bodies of other noxious substances. Yet we're all exposed to them daily in the environment and our homes and workplaces. Substances like cigarette smoke; smokestack emissions; pesticide runoff; carpet, paint, and bleach fumes; artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives; antibiotics and hormones; dry-cleaning fluid residue; nail polish; and hair color harm our body and compromise our well-being. Over time, toxic elements accumulate in our cells, gunk up our organs, erode our quality of life, and cause many of the low-grade discomforts that are all too familiar to many of us—allergies, fatigue, heartburn, headaches, and a loss of energy. Toxins make us more susceptible to serious chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact, these poisons foul up the delicate inner workings of many people's bodies so much that they gain unwanted weight
and it becomes nearly impossible for them to slim down. Many overweight people know from experience that weight loss is often about a lot more than eating the right foods and counting calories. For many, toxins are interfering with their bodily functions so much that being fat is not their fault!

In this book you will learn how to detoxify your body, purposefully flushing many poisonous substances out of your system. As you detoxify, you will naturally lose weight—no starving, no counting, no Spandex! The average person who does the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox for 21 days loses 21 pounds. They do so safely, healthily, and with no yo-yo effect. Depending on how fast their metabolism is, many people lose even more weight. Some (mostly men; I'll explain why later) lose upwards of 30 pounds. People who detox for shorter time frames lose less. As they eliminate toxins, many people relieve or even heal themselves of annoying and even chronic health conditions that have been undermining their quality of life.

In these pages you will find three detoxifying weight-loss programs to pick from: the 21-day Diet Detox, the 7-day Tune-Up, and 2-day Weekend Cleanse. While I recommend that everyone follow the 21-day Diet Detox at least once yearly and/or the 7-day Tune-Up seasonally and/or the 2-day Weekend Cleanse, you can pick the program that feels most comfortable and achievable given your goals, lifestyle, and commitment level. Serious about shedding 20 pounds and improving your eating habits once and for all? Want to jump-start major weight loss? Need to lose weight because your health is at stake? Try the 21-day detox. Want to lose the 10 pounds that crept onto your waistline over the winter? The 7-day plan will get you close quickly. Feeling a little out of sorts because you lived it up on your birthday? Give the 2-day clean-up a whirl. Even if you decide to adopt just a few of the healthy habits I describe, you'll shed toxins for sure, and a few pounds along with them. You'll also experience clearer thinking; shed anger, guilt, and stress; and alleviate allergies and any propensity you have to retain fluids. And here's some good news: the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox is not “all or nothing”—you don't have to do it perfectly. We'll show you how to “cheat” and get back on board.
Even if you don't follow every step, you'll still lose weight, release toxins, and improve your well-being (although at a slower pace).

No matter which detox you select, you'll look and feel younger. Since the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox stimulates your body to produce fresh new cells at a remarkably rapid rate, it is more antiaging than any expensive wrinkle cream you can buy at a department store or any scrub or peel from a chi-chi spa. It will literally turn back the clock on your body and your life. If you're like most people, you believe that wrinkles, memory loss, fatigue, arthritis, and vision loss are natural and inevitable symptoms of growing older. Well, I've got news: they're usually sure signs of a body that is overburdened with toxins. The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox will relieve these symptoms in a remarkably short period of time. You will feel more energetic within 1 to 2 days. Your skin will become supple within a week, and acne will start to clear up. Your eyes will become brighter and begin to sparkle. Any yellowness in the whites of your eyes or excess “baggage” or “raccoon circles” under them will diminish within days. As you progress through the 21 days, your fingernails will strengthen and lengthen; your hair will grow quicker, longer, and shinier; and your allergies will be alleviated. While not everyone experiences the same effects, some common beneficial results include:

  • Soaring energy and less need to sleep or take a “power nap”
  • Better mental clarity, memory, and focus
  • Fewer headaches and backaches
  • Less arthritis, knee aches, and joint pain
  • A reduction in cellulite
  • Fewer colds and a stronger immune system
  • Fewer symptoms of PMS, hot flashes, night sweats, menopausal symptoms, and other hormone swings

In spite of these benefits, you may be feeling skeptical or even a little intimidated. Most of my clients are surprised to learn that doing the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox is actually pleasant. You get to enjoy an infinite variety of vegetable soups, fresh veggie juices, and nutritional supplements. Since you create them your
self (following our guidance), you control what they taste like. Partial to Italian flavors or Asian food? No problem. You don't have to deprive yourself of the flavors you love. Concerned about being hungry? Don't worry. You will feed yourself every two hours or less, staving off those uncomfortable hunger pangs. Looking for rapid results? You'll lose weight and see your body change very quickly because you will feed yourself large amounts of nutrients in small doses. As you lose weight, I'm going to encourage you to pay extra attention to your self-care. If you're like most people, you may not know what it looks and feels like to really nurture yourself. I'm going to ask you to take gentle walks, get a few colonics, and journal about the mental, physical, and spiritual sensations you experience as your organs and cells literally unclog themselves. And, because your body naturally balances itself as you engage in the detox, you will no longer experience the cravings that cause many people to pig out and make it difficult to adopt the healthier eating habits they want to incorporate into their lifestyle.

Concerned that you may be too sick to detox? Don't worry. The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox is very safe. Because it involves consuming maximum nutrition in small doses obtained from food sources, it is very, very healthy to engage in regardless of your physical condition. Of course, it's always important to consult your doctor before making any lifestyle changes, but there is nothing risky about the program. That's definitely not the case with other diets and may not be with other detoxes. Got high cholesterol? No problem. Unlike dieting, which can be dangerous when you're ill, the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox will give you energy and nutrients rather than make you feel weak or tired. Diabetes? It won't cause your blood sugar to spike or dive. Cancer? It will help strengthen your immune system so your body can naturally fight the disease in ways radiation and chemotherapy cannot. Hypertension? No problem. Many find their blood pressure drops significantly as they clean up their system. Many people enjoy the “miracle” of their body healing itself.

But I'll be honest with you, there's no way around it: You will have to change your lifestyle over the next 21 days—and, hopefully, beyond. For the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox to work,
you will have to chuck the chips, cheeseburgers, cookies, and ice cream. You can't eat processed food while you're on the program. I will clearly explain the lifestyle changes you will need to implement. I've broken everything down into plain English and simple steps to make modifying your lifestyle easier. I'll give you:

  • Clear and commonsense examples explaining how this approach works
  • Quick-start lifestyle changes, and detoxification and weight-loss techniques that you can begin to implement immediately without reading the entire book
  • Comparisons of the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox with other diets
  • Fun quizzes to test your detox savvy
  • Answers to questions detoxers frequently ask
  • Troubleshooting tips
  • Testimonials from real people who participated in the program

Congratulations on committing to making a change. Now let's get going!

Roni DeLuz, RN, ND, PhD
Vineyard Haven, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts

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