21 Marine Salute: 21 Always a Marine Tales (9 page)

Read 21 Marine Salute: 21 Always a Marine Tales Online

Authors: Heather Long

Tags: #Marines, Romance

BOOK: 21 Marine Salute: 21 Always a Marine Tales
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“Yes!” And then Logan picked her up. A strong woman, she could bench press two hundred and fifty pounds, handle a fifty caliber and still held the best time for the urban obstacle course at Camp Lejeune, but their pure masculinity dwarfed her. In Logan’s arms, she felt soft, feminine and all woman. She’d stolen a kiss on the way to the bedroom, barely glimpsing Zach’s determined expression as he followed them. The sound of his pants hitting the floor sent a sensual thrill tingling through her thighs. For one brief moment, she worried she’d peed, but then Zach’s hands were on her ass, the tormenting bite he’d pressed to it, drawing her need taut. She wanted him inside her. She wanted both of them.

Logan pulled away from her kiss and she moaned at the loss of it. The fingers filling her sent electricity racing up her spine and then Logan stroked his thumb over her sex. Her hands fell to the bed, fingers digging into the bed sheet. She rocked between them, aching with need. Zach’s hand slid away and she whimpered.

Why did he stop

But then his cock nudged her entrance and she strained back to meet it. His hard thrusts stretched her, pain and pleasure twining. He was incredible, driving deep into her, the friction delicious and she wanted more. Logan’s hand continued to flick, roll and rub her clit. Her nipples burned with every brush of his arm, the fabric of his shirt rasping across one, tormenting it and leaving the other aching for a similar touch.

She twisted along his arm, pressing her hips back in invitation to Zach. Stretching forward until eye level with his groin, she glared at his clothes.


The errant thought drowned in a torrent of feeling as a second orgasm spiraled through her belly, shooting jets of liquid heat through her muscles. Zach’s answering groan filled her and his cock vibrated inside of her. Struggling with raging need, she reached for Logan’s belt and worked it free, the buttons and zippers no challenge versus the drive to touch him, taste him.

His fingers halted and she felt, more than saw him begin to pull away. Tilting her head back, she shook it in mutiny.

“Let me touch you, please.” The raw, wanton voice didn’t belong to her, but the plea worked. Logan hesitated, but stayed still as she tugged his pants and simple black boxers down. Zach’s hands stroked her back, his softened cock still pressed deeply within her and she divided her focus, squeezing his cock with kegels. Who knew that exercise would ever be so useful? He caressed her spine with delicate nips and gentle kisses. A wandering finger rimmed her anus.

Laughter shuddered out of her. She’d wanted to experience every sexual opportunity, to be a woman. Tingles of pleasure stroked through her. Her nerve endings sizzled and every pulse of her heart sent another wave of bliss skating over her skin. She felt beautiful, exquisite and utterly feminine.

Logan finished kicking off his pants and boxers and yanked his shirt over his head. The mottled skin she’d glimpsed along his neck and hand ran all the way down his side. His left thigh puckered with the twisted scarring of burnt flesh. Pain for him rolled through the cloud of pleasure holding her body hostage. Pain for the agony these injuries must have cost him. Pain for the stiffness of his posture.

Behind her, Zach eased away, but she let him go without comment. Wonder filled her as she looked up the length of Logan’s body, meeting his closed expression. He expected rejection.

He is about to be disappointed

Stretching forward, she kissed the scarred skin of his hip. She parted her lips, her tongue gliding over the rough ridges. A surgical scar dimpled the mottled flesh and she stroked a caress along the length of it. She rose and watched his face. He braced himself, desire peeking through his caution. Kissing her way down the chest, she laved attention to the scarred and the unscarred skin. The hard muscle beneath her fingers trembled, but she indulged herself. She wanted to touch him.

She wanted to taste him.

She wanted to give back that pleasure he’d given her in the sitting room. At his groin, she massaged the softened length of cock. She didn’t know what led to his accident or how he’d earned the scars decorating the left side of his body, but she recognized the trauma, the fear and the reluctance. Lapping gently around the head of his flaccid cock, she tasted fear. She eased the length between her lips, careful not to hurt him with her teeth.

The bed dipped behind her and a warm, wet wash cloth stroked her sex. Her heart thudded like an eager puppy, delighted at Zach’s return. Rolling Logan’s cock around in her mouth, she gently sucked the head. Emboldened by his sharp inhale, she used one hand to brace herself and the other to cup his balls. A turgid lift of skin told her the scars had spread out to try and emasculate him, but he remained whole.

Even if he didn’t feel that way. A drop of fluid beaded along the head of his cock and she paused in mid-stroke to lick the slit, drawing out the flavor. Quivers rolled up his length, the member stiffening. Pure delight filled her as she drew him deep.

Logan’s fingers fisted in her hair as his cock engorged. It strained her jaws, and she opened wider, stroking the hardening length with every lick. His balls swelled under her hand. His thighs shook with effort and she bobbed her head forward, encouraging him to thrust. Behind her, Zach washed her sex gently.

It was all she could do not to push back. Logan’s hands tightened in her hair, his cock thrusting deep and she swallowed, tasting his desire, richer than the steak they’d dined on. Her gaze skittered up and he stared at her with wonder, the wariness gone.

“I want….” he began and she eased back then, bumping Zach.

“What do you want?” she asked, favoring the thick, red head of his cock with another kiss.

“You.” He withdrew, and Zach flipped her onto her back and tossed a condom to him. Jasmine stared at them, dazed at the swift change in position then gasped when Logan lifted her thighs, spread her wide and sank into her.

Sensitive and swollen from Zach, she was barely prepared for the thick length stretching her. Logan adjusted their position until her calf rested against his neck. Zach stretched out to next to her on the bed and tilted her chin, kissing her. The hint of stubble on his cheeks added another layer of sensation to the sensual assault on her body and Logan surged.

Zach’s kiss stole her breath even as Logan’s cock pounded deep enough to knock on her womb. Her insides turned to liquid and she came, crying out Logan’s name and then Zach’s. That pulled the last of her sanity with it and she arched up, her gaze colliding with Logan’s. His face twisted into a grimace of pleasure and his cock jerked as he came.

He slipped away, but Zach pulled her toward him, stroking, tormenting and urging her until she came again. Hands drifted over her body, mouths tormented her nipples, Zach wrapped her fingers around his cock. She stroked him to hardness again and then he was inside her. They cradled her and drew out her orgasm. They took turns stretching and filling her until she thought she’d explode from delight. Drunk on pleasure, they collapsed.



They took breaks for food, more beer and laughter.

So much laughter.

She rose up above Logan, rode him, watched Zach stroke his own cock back to life. Arching her head back, she laughed to the ceiling.

I am woman. Hear me roar



Logan leaned up on an elbow. Every joint in his body protested at the position, but he wanted to watch her sleep. She’d snuggled between them and drifted off a little after three in the morning. Her nipples were swollen and distended, reddened from their lavish attention. The room reeked of sex.

The sweet scent of Jasmine covered him. He could still taste her cream. He’d taken her twice and seriously considered a third go, but she slept so soundly, so sweetly it left him loathe to wake her.

His cock ached from friction, but the twitch of motion against his thigh delighted him. He’d thought she’d be repulsed when she’d seen the scars. Seen the way they twisted his skin, disfiguring him. He wasn’t Zach with a physique to match his sunny disposition, but she’d kissed his scars, taken his flaccid, useless cock and teased life back into him.

That first orgasm damn near blinded him. He’d hardly expected a second, a third or a fourth. Her ass was tighter than her sex, but she’d taken him, every hard inch as he’d glided along the narrow passage. Across the bed, Zach shifted and mirrored Logan’s pose, propping his head on his hand.

“Better?” Stupid question, but his best friend had a right to ask it.
To think I considered playing blackjack as an alternative to this

“Oh, yeah. I owe you.”

“Nope, you don’t.” Zach trailed a finger down her side and frowned.


“Bullet scar.” Worry threaded through Zach’s voice and Logan leaned forward to examine the puckered mark along the right side of her abdomen. “A through and through.”

Zach was right. The scar mirrored a second one on her back. The bullet grazed the side of her belly, just an inch lower and it could have punctured her intestines. Quiet anger stirred inside of him, rousing from a year of slumber in the cave of apathy.

He met Zach’s gaze and both men shifted, examining the rest of her. A knife mark showed on one calf and second puckered mark revealed a bullet scar along her left collarbone. Logan planned to find out what sonofabitch took a shot at her and snap every bone in his hand before he snapped his neck.

“Iraq.” Her drowsy voice halted their inspection.

Logan’s heart squeezed.

She stretched her arms out, reaching first for him and then to Zach, her fingers curling to caress their cheeks. “A sniper. But we got him. So you don’t have to look so pissed.”

“What were you doing in Iraq?” Zach asked the question that echoed through Logan.

“Assignment. Did I mention I’m a Gunnery Sergeant?”

Holy hell. She’s a Marine

“Active?” Zach’s voice tightened on the question.

“I meet with my CO in the morning.”

“You’re going back?” Logan frowned. He didn’t know whether to laugh or shake her.
Is she out of her mind

“Yes.” Her voice cooled. “I’m a Marine.”

Logan’s gaze cut up to meet Zach’s. Marines went back. They went where they were needed. If the Corps would let him, he’d go back, too. But they’d discharged him on permanent disability.

“Well, I guess it was too good to last.” She began to sit up and as one, they pushed her back down.

“Night’s not over, sweetheart.” Zach grinned and the wariness edging Jasmine’s expression eased.

“No?” She flicked a look between them.

“No,” Logan agreed and slid his hand right down to her still wet sex, and drove two fingers into her, enjoying the way her eyes widened. “You just caught us off guard.”

Her mouth formed a little circle as Logan began to stroke her gently, probing the swollen flesh of her sex with two fingers. She wouldn’t forget tonight.


“Yep,” Zach agreed, kissing a path along her cheek. “But surprise doesn’t mean retreat.”

“Are you on leave?” Logan stroked a thumb around her clit, not quite touching it. When her hips lifted, his hand retreated and she moaned. “Answer the question.”

Zach licked across the red rosette of one nipple and blew a breath, adding to her agony. Logan waited until her hips stilled to press a third finger into the hot flesh of her sex.

“Two weeks. My unit deploys on Friday, but my CO wanted me to have the time to consider whether I wanted to remain active or not.” Hard panting punctuated the words. Logan rewarded her answer with a roll of his thumb over her clit. She bowed her back as Zach favored her nipple with his teeth, dragging it upward.

“Nice,” Logan complimented him. “You want top or bottom this time?”

“I want her mouth,” Zach commented. “I want her to swallow every inch of me. If that’s all right with you, ma’am.”

Logan laughed at her strangled gasp, scooting down her body to press a long, vibrating kiss to her clit. She bucked her hips and he pinched her ass in reprisal. “If you move, I stop.”

“Not fair.”

“Nope. But this isn’t about fair.” Her musk teased his nostrils. He really could get drunk on her. “This is about making sure you don’t forget us.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem,” she chuckled, her sex quivering invitingly up at him.

“Then I have one condition.” Zach shifted on the bed, edging up near her face, his cock in full salute.

“Name it.” She didn’t blink, her gaze fastened on Zach’s midsection and Logan nipped her clit, dragging her attention back to him. They’d shared women before, a quick fuck, a night of fun, and never looked back. But Jasmine was
. Zach’s tone told Logan that he felt the same way. He didn’t mind sharing her with Zach, as long as they were on the same page.

“Your next leave belongs to us.”

Hell yes they were on the same page. Logan had forgotten what being whole was like, what it was to be a man. He wasn’t giving that up. He wasn’t giving up Zach’s part in it either. Watching the two of them, watching Zach fill her, lit the match.

“Both of us,” Logan agreed, swirling his tongue around the swollen nub. “You just tell us when….”

“…and we’ll be there.” Zach feathered his fingers over her cheek and lower to cup her neck.

“Both of you.” She pressed a kiss to the swollen tip of Zach’s cock and Logan grinned.

Semper fi

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