201 Organic Baby Purees (14 page)

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Authors: Tamika L. Gardner

BOOK: 201 Organic Baby Purees
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2.   Drain soaking water from beans and rinse.

3.   In a medium saucepan, combine beans with enough water to cover, and bring to a simmer with lid tilted.

4.   Cook 1–1½ hours or until tender.

5.   Drain and rinse either cooked beans or canned beans, if using.

6.   In a medium saucepan or sauté pan, heat extra-virgin olive oil over medium heat.

7.   Add onion and garlic.

8.   Cook until onion is tender, 3–5 minutes.

9.   Add beans and cumin, and heat through for 1–2 minutes, or until desired temperature is reached.

10.   Remove from heat, and mash with a potato masher or fork.

Fresh Strawberry Yogurt


There's no need to purchase strawberry yogurt when your baby can have yogurt with freshly puréed strawberries. Purchasing vanilla yogurt gives you more flexibility to add any kind of puréed fruit your baby enjoys.


6 ounces whole-milk yogurt, plain or vanilla

1 strawberry, hulled and puréed

Combine all ingredients and serve immediately.

Strawberry and Cantaloupe Joy


Cantaloupe and strawberries make a joyful combination for teething babies. The soft texture of cantaloupe is soothing on a baby's gums. You can also soothe baby's gums by freezing this purée and making a sorbet. Make sure the cantaloupe is fully ripe for best results.


2 strawberries, hulled and cut in quarters

1 cup chopped ripe cantaloupe

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Pulse blender a few times for a chunky purée.

Minted Bananas and Strawberries


You can't go wrong with bananas and strawberries. Liven up the combination with a touch of fresh mint. Look for mint in the produce aisle at the grocery store.


1 pint fresh strawberries

1 large banana

10 large fresh mint leaves

1.   Rinse strawberries and remove hulls (leaves and central core) with a sharp knife. Cut into pieces.

2.   Peel banana, removing any brown spots. Cut into pieces.

3.   With a sharp knife, cut the mint leaves into thin strips.

4.   Place all ingredients in a steamer basket. Place in a pot over about 2 inches of water. Bring to a boil, and steam for about 5 minutes. Remove fresh mint leaves.

5.   Serve in pieces, or mash to desired consistency.

Frutti-Tutti Tofu


Silken tofu makes puréeing easy. Firmer bean curds may need additional liquid and may not be as smooth. Remember to look for tofu made with non-GM soybeans.


1 large strawberry

1 ounce silken tofu

1.   Wash the strawberry and remove the stem.

2.   Combine the tofu and the strawberry in a food processor or blender. Purée until smooth.

Freezing Tofu

Freeze leftover tofu in small containers or ice cube trays. Freezing and thawing it tends to cause better absorbency, although adults may frown at the soggier texture. However, baby will love it!

Wild Bananas 'n' Cream


Baby will go wild for this delicious dessert! Try adding cinnamon and a pinch of sugar for the rest of your crew. The light cream makes it healthier for everyone to enjoy without worrying about packing on pounds. However, just like with most things, allow your baby to enjoy this in moderation and not more than twice per week.


1 ripe banana

¼ cup light cream

1.   Peel the banana, removing any brown spots. Cut into slices and place in food processor or blender.

2.   Add cream.

3.   Purée to desired consistency. If desired, add more cream to make a smoother purée.

4.   If your baby likes his food with more texture, fork-mash instead of using the food processor.

Bananas and OJ


This recipe, rich in potassium and vitamin C, also tastes great as a smoothie. Look for signs of citrus allergies as you introduce your child to oranges for the first time.


Juice of 1 medium orange

1 ripe banana

1.   Slice the orange in half. Juice it using either a juicing machine or a manual juicer. You can also simply squeeze firmly over a bowl. Strain out any pulp or seeds.

2.   Peel the banana, removing any brown spots. Cut into slices and place on a plate.

3.   Fork-mash the banana, slowly adding in the orange juice. Continue mashing until the texture is such that your baby can eat it with a spoon.

Potato Parsnippets


Yukon Gold potatoes offer an unsalted buttery-rich flavor and creamy texture. Remember to get medium-sized parsnips for better flavor.


4 Yukon Gold potatoes

2 medium-sized parsnips

Water to cover

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

¼ teaspoon salt (optional)

1.   Peel potatoes and parsnips.

2.   Roughly chop vegetables and place in a medium saucepan.

3.   Cover with water.

4.   Bring mixture to a boil; then reduce heat to a simmer.

5.   Cook until vegetables are tender, approximately 10–15 minutes depending on size of chopped pieces.

6.   Drain, reserving cooking liquid.

7.   Return vegetables to pot, mash with a potato masher or fork, stir in extra-virgin olive oil and salt (if using).

8.   Add reserved cooking water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until mash is the desired consistency.

Pineapple Cabbage

If your baby isn't sure about this dish, try offering it at another time. It may take awhile before a child accepts new tastes and textures, but it's certainly worth the effort!


½ head green cabbage

½ cup 100 percent pineapple juice

½ tablespoon unsalted butter

1.   Slice cabbage and cook in a large saucepan over medium heat with pineapple juice. Cover. Cook for 20 minutes or until tender.

2.   Remove cabbage with a slotted spoon. Purée in blender with butter until you reach a smooth consistency.

Indian Rice Pudding


This popular Indian dish ensures that your baby gets both the carbohydrates and calcium he needs for energy and strong bones. Ideally, use white rice because brown rice takes longer to cook and may come out too thick.


½ cup white rice

1 cup water

1 cup milk (or soy milk)

1.   Put rice and water in pan. Heat to boil; then reduce heat and simmer until water is absorbed, about 20 minutes for white rice.

2.   Once rice is cooked, add milk to the pan and mix well.

3.   Cook at medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring often. Mixture will thicken.

4.   Allow mixture to cool and mash with fork to desired consistency. Serve lukewarm.

Apples 'n' Cream


After going apple picking, make this dessert for baby. Choose Fuji, Pink Lady, or Gala apples for a sweet dessert. Top this off with cinnamon or nutmeg if you like.


1 apple, peeled, cored, and cut into 1" pieces

½ cup water plus more as needed

¼ cup milk (or soy milk)

1.   Place apple pieces in small pan with water—water should almost cover apple pieces.

2.   Bring to a boil; then simmer over low heat until apple pieces are tender, about 10 minutes. Check while cooking to make sure that there is still water left, and add more water while cooking if necessary.

3.   When cooked, remove apples from heat. If there is a lot of excess water, drain off.

4.   Add milk to pot and mash with a fork or potato masher until desired consistency, mixing well.

Baby Ratatouille


Ever see the animated movie
, where this brilliant rat becomes a famous chef? You'll become famous after making this French vegetable stew for your family!


1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

½ small onion, diced

½ small eggplant, diced

1 small zucchini, diced

16-ounce can stewed tomatoes

½ teaspoon oregano

½ teaspoon parsley

½ teaspoon basil

1.   Heat the oil in a medium saucepan. Sauté onion until it begins to brown and turns translucent.

2.   Add the eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes into the saucepan. Bring to a boil; then reduce to a simmer.

3.   Cook for 20 minutes. Stir in the herbs; then cook for another 20 minutes. Allow to cool; then fork-mash before serving.

Tomato and Mushroom Pasta


Tomatoes grow effortlessly in a pot or backyard with hundreds of varieties to choose from. If you have a few vines growing, pick a ripe tomato off for this recipe.


2 cups water

½ cup pasta

1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil

¼ cup white button mushrooms

1 medium, fresh tomato

teaspoon basil

1.   Bring the water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add the pasta, then cook for 10–15 minutes, or until pasta is very tender.

2.   Heat the oil in a small frying pan. Sauté the mushrooms for 6–7 minutes, or until tender.

3.   Wash and dice the tomato, removing the stem and any tough white parts. Add to the frying pan with basil and sauté for 15–18 minutes, or until very tender.

4.   Drain pasta and toss with the mushroom-tomato mix.

5.   Allow to cool; then fork-mash before serving.

Asian Chicken Fried Rice


Give your baby a taste of Asian fare with this quick and easy fried rice recipe. This recipe also works well with beef.


½ tablespoon sesame oil

½ boneless skinless chicken breast (about 4 ounces), cooked and diced

¼ cup cold brown rice, cooked

2 tablespoons fresh sweet peas (or frozen, thawed peas)

1.   Over medium heat, add oil to skillet.

2.   Add chicken, rice, and peas. Sauté for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat.

3.   Fork-mash or add to blender and pulse for a chunky purée. Add water to thin.

Mild Chicken and Coconut Curry Purée


Add a little color of green to this recipe with a sprig of parsley or broccoli florets for a beautiful presentation.


1 tablespoon mild red curry paste

1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil

½ boneless skinless chicken breast (about 4 ounces), diced

1 small white potato, diced

½ cup coconut milk

1 cup chicken stock or water

1.   Cook the curry paste and oil in a medium saucepan for 2–3 minutes, watching carefully to make sure it doesn't burn.

2.   Add chicken to curry and brown the chicken for 3–4 minutes.

3.   Add potato, coconut milk, and chicken stock to the saucepan.

4.   Simmer for 25–30 minutes, or until the potato and chicken are cooked through. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

5.   Allow to cool; then fork-mash before serving.

Garlic Asparagus with Parmesan


Here is a tasty asparagus recipe for your baby. The extra-virgin olive oil and garlic really boost the nutritional value of this vegetable and provide the fatty acids needed to promote healthy brain development. Skip the purée step when serving for the family.


6 fresh asparagus spears, trimmed

½ tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

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