1945 - Blonde's Requiem (21 page)

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Authors: James Hadley Chase

BOOK: 1945 - Blonde's Requiem
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I woke to find Reg bending dyer me, a look of irritation on his worldly-wise young face.

I blinked, yawned and sat up.


t think I was asleep,

I said, swinging my legs off the bed and running my fingers through my hair.


s just the way I think. I

ve been doing a lot of thinking since you

ve been away.

I bet you have,

he said sarcastically.

And I

ve been tramping my feet down to my knees.

I looked at my watch. It was just after three o



I said, startled.

I didn

t know it was as late as this. I haven

t had any lunch.

Never mind about your lunch,

Reg returned.


ve got news.

Sit down and tell me,

I said, picking up the telephone. I called a drugstore across the street.

Audrey Sheridan

s in town,

he said.


ve just seen her.

What are you doing here then?

I said, looking at him sharply.

Why didn

t you tail her?

Before he could reply the drugstore came on the line and I ordered sandwiches and a half pint of bourbon.

Go on,

I said, as I hung up.

I didn

t have a chance,

he returned in disgust.

She was in a taxi. It was moving fast and she looked out of the window as it passed me. By the time I

d found a cab she was out of sight. I cruised around looking for her, but it was hopeless. She was going too fast.

I lit a cigarette and went over to the desk.

Well, I guess it

s something to know she

s still around. If Starkey knows she has the photograph, her life won

t be worth a dime.

That goes for you too,

Reg said, sitting down in an armchair and resting his feet on the bed.

Yeah, only my life

s worth a lot more than a dime to me,

I reminded him.

What else did you find out? How about Dixon?


t you guess?

Reg said.

The old story. Esslinger sent a hearse for it, the hearse caught fire and all that

s left of Dixon is a handful of ashes and a few charred bones. I

d have been in sooner only I had to go over to the printing shop and get the news on the front page. No one knows how the fire started. The hearse suddenly went up like a furnace. The driver was lucky enough to get out with a whole skin.

I grunted.


I said.

Yeah, that was smart. It makes the picture all the more important to me as well as Starkey. Once the picture

s destroyed it lets Starkey out.

We ain

t sure Starkey did kill Dixon, are we?

Reg asked.

Near enough,

I returned.

Either he or Jeff must have killed him. There

s something I can

t figure out about the Street-Camera Studio. It might be someone was trying to frame the kidnappings on to Starkey. Dixon had those photographs, don

t forget. Suppose he -was putting a squeeze on Starkey?

Reg looked puzzled.

What sort of squeeze?

I don

t know. If I knew that I

d be getting somewhere. But suppose Dixon was blackmailing Starkey about the photographs, wouldn

t that be motive enough for Starkey or one of his mob to kill him?

Yeah, I suppose it would,

Reg said doubtfully.

I don

t think you

re on it yet. Maybe you

re nearly there, but I don

t think it

s right.

I know,

I said, scratching my head,

but I

ll get around to it. Suppose you go over to Esslinger

s and see if you can pick up Marian? Tell her you

ve seen Audrey. She might run into her.

Reg said he

d do that and took himself off.

A few minutes later a boy came with the sandwiches and the bourbon and I settled down to eat.

Except for a few telephone calls from people I didn

t know the rest of the afternoon passed peacefully enough. I smoked, finished the bourbon and generally idled the time away. I had no idea what I was going to do when it got dark, but I knew I would have to do something. It depended on what the others brought in.

Just before seven o

clock Reg and Latimer arrived. I was sitting at the desk as they came into the office.


Reg said.

I thought I

d find you still asleep.


s only because I

m setting a good example,

I said, waving them to chairs.


s Marian?


ll be along,

Latimer said, swinging his legs over the arm of the chair and lighting a cigarette.

Nice dame that. I could go for her in a big way if she thought along the same lines as I do.

Reg scowled at him.

Lay off, you lug,

he said fiercely.


s my secretary, and I don

t stand for bums horning in.

Skip it, you two,

I said.


s hear what Latimer

s got to report.

He shook his head.

Not much. I saw Macey. He fed me the same old bull. The police expect to turn up the missing girls any minute now. I could tell by the way he said it he was lying. He now admits that there is a kidnapper at work and says that Wolf s at the bottom of it trying to stir up trouble for his department.

He didn


Latimer nodded.

Yeah, but he thought I was his pal, otherwise he wouldn

t have said it.

Tomorrow we

ll spread that right across the front page.

Police Chief Says Industrial Magnate Faked Kidnapping


Missing girls expected to be found today


I said, looking at Reg.

Then we

ll quote Macey just as he said it to Latimer. If that doesn

t start something, I give up.

Latimer scratched his head.

I don

t know what he

ll do to me,

he said mournfully,

but if that

s the way you want to play it, it

s okay with me.

I turned to Reg.

Get something out along those lines and see what it looks like. Snap to it, brother.

Reg went into the outer office and a moment or so later I could hear the whir of a typewriter.

Anything on Jeff Gordan?

I asked Latimer.

He was playing poker at Lefty

s until one o


he told me,

and then he went home. No one went with him and he would have to pass the old Cranville Gazette building on his way.

Looks like he hasn

t much of an alibi. Dixon was knocked off around two o

clock. You don

t know where Starkey was at that time?

Latimer shook his head.

I could find out,

he said.

It might be worth checking.

You do that,

I said, glancing at my watch. It was now half past seven.

Where the devil has Marian got to?

Maybe she

s found something,

Latimer said, getting to his feet.

Well, if you don

t want me anymore I

ll get off. I

ve got a dame to meet, and after I

ve fed her I

ll try Lefty

s again and see if I can pick up anything on Starkey.


t tip your mitt,

I said.

I want to surprise that punk.


ll watch it,

Latimer returned, and went off.

I wandered into the outer office and checked through Reg

s story. We worked on it for a while and then I sat back with a satisfied grunt.

I guess that

s about right,

I said.


ll give Macey a hell of a headache and maybe Wolf will sue him for libel.


ll deny it,

Reg said, shaking his head.

I don

t like this idea, pal. It

s a bad story. If Macey and Wolf both go for us, we

ll be closed down.

I grinned.

Be your age,

I said.

Wolf owns the damn rag. He

s got a stack of dough. Suppose Macey does sue, it won

t hurt Wolf much but it

ll do a hell of a lot of good.

Reg began to grin.


he said.

It might at that. Well, you

re handling this. If you think it

s okay, I

ll get down to the printer with it.

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