1865 (5 page)

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Authors: Cojacker Verdi

BOOK: 1865
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“It’s a long story, but I’ll make it short. I wanted to start my adventure-something new in life. Don’t get me wrong. I miss my home in Forth Worth, Texas, but everybody picks their own path. Do you understand why, Desert Fox?” said D.H.

“Yes, I do. Everybody needs to pick their own path in life-even me and the rest of the Indians here in this country,” said Desert Fox.

Both of them smiled and laughed pretty hard, and they stayed up all night talking. Both of them are having a good time hanging out and becoming good friends and getting to know each other. The sun is about to come up, so both of them decide to leave. But they didn’t leave without saying good-bye and shaking hands.

Luckily for both of them, nobody saw them or watched them-not even Thomas and his gang. D.H. had to admit one thing: he hadn’t had that much fun talking to somebody in a long time, and it kind of felt good.

D.H. got back to town, and everybody seemed to be awake and fresh. But one person was wondering why D.H. came back into town. There had to be a good reason, so he decided to go up and ask him, because the mayor is a caring person who cares about others he cares about himself. D.H. notices that the mayor is starting to come up to him, and he’s hoping and praying inside that he won’t ask him why he is coming into town. If he does, D.H. has no choices but to lie.

“Good morning, Mayor. How can I help you out today?” said D.H.

“I was wondering why you were coming into town. Were you up all night?” said Mayor Jacobson.

“I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to go on a horse ride. I’m sorry if I scared you in any way,” said D.H.

“That could explain why you came into town. I’m glad that you are all right and that nothing serious happened to you from those gangsters out there, planning who knows what to us. The next time if you are going out for a ride, please tell me, would you-so just in case you are missing or hurt, I’ll know where to be to help you,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Don’t worry. I’ll remember. Thank you for caring, Mayor,” said D.H.

The mayor walked away, and D.H. thought to himself, That was a close one. The last thing that he wants is somebody causing trouble. D.H. feels bad. He’s not used to lying, and he hopes that he will never lie again. Right now, he’s going to his hotel room to get some rest, since he didn’t sleep all night. He thought to himself that he earned it without any worries.



ast night was something that D.H. will never forget, spending time with his new friend Desert Fox. It’s lucky for D.H. that no one will ever find out about last night. Not even the mayor will ever know, and usually the mayor is the first to know about everything. D.H. is very lucky, and he wondered to himself how lucky one person could get. But he isn’t going to push his luck that much, because you can’t always depend on luck.

Meanwhile back in the Indian area where Desert Fox is hanging out and staying, he is sitting near the campfire wondering how he’s going to get Thomas “The Killer.” Desert Fox is still so angry, and more than anything Desert Fox wants revenge for what he has done to him and his people.

One problem for Desert Fox is that he doesn’t know where the killer is hiding out, but he wants to rest until he finds him and he’ll personally take care of him. Desert Fox and D.H. have a strong agreement that Desert Fox will personally take care of him when they find him. One problem is that the both of them don’t know where he and those gangsters are hiding, but they’re hoping that soon they will find him.

So far, none of the Indians knows what is bugging Desert Fox, and so far Desert Fox doesn’t want anybody to know. This is to personal for him, so no one will ever be crazy enough to ask him. The only person that knows Desert Fox’s secret is D.H., and he trusted him with his life.

Right now at Cold Creek, D.H. is thinking something similar about where Thomas “The Killer” is hiding out. D.H. is willing to help everybody in Cold Creek thinking about it over and over. Sooner or later, he and Desert Fox will find him, and D.H. promised Desert Fox that he’ll take care of him personally.

Late that night, Desert Fox made it to the cemetery where his wife was buried. She passed away five years ago, but he promised her that he would avenge her for what Thomas “The Killer” did all those years ago. Then suddenly Desert Fox heard something like somebody was coming near to him. It was lucky that he had his gun with him.

A second later, Desert Fox turned around and saw his old enemy, Thomas “The Killer,” smiling at him. But Desert Fox is ready for anything, even if his gangs are around him. Thomas “The Killer” is staying a good distant away from Desert Fox and both have there guns out ready for anything.

“It’s been a long time, old friend,” said Thomas.

“We’re not old friends. You murder my wife and children every single day of my life. I think about killing you for what you have done,” said Desert Fox.

“I’ll do it all over again if I wanted to, so don’t do anything stupid like finding me, `cause I’m always one step ahead of you,” said Thomas.

“We will see about that. This time I’ve got help, and I’m going to outsmart you like you did to em all those years ago,” said Desert Fox.

“Oh, so you’ve got some help. That could explain that shooting a few weeks ago-you have help. If it’s a war you want, a war you will get. Good-bye,” said Thomas.

Desert Fox didn’t say a word. He’s going to be ready for anything that pops out. Thomas “The Killer” disappeared into the dark. Desert Fox never thought that he would have a face-to-face talk with his enemy. It’s best for him that he will not say a word about this to anyone, because the last thing he wants is somebody worrying about him.

After a whole hour, Desert Fox decided to leave the cemetery. So far this has got to be the strangest and most dangerous experience that he ever had in his whole life, but he’s glad he came out of it alive. He came right back to the same spot as before without saying a word about where he went. Desert Fox doesn’t want anybody to worry about him to much.

Meanwhile back at town, the mayor notices D.H. coming near the restaurant, so the mayor decides to join him. So far, he’s still wondering what D.H. was doing the other night. D.H. notices that the mayor is following him, so the best thing to is to stay relaxed. He’s got nothing to lose. Maybe the mayor wants to join him for breakfast or something.

“Hi, Mayor Jacobson. How are you doing this lovely morning? Care to join me for breakfast?” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Yeah, I’ll join you. It would be pretty nice to have the company for a change,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“All right, It’s on me today, Mayor,” said D.H.

“Oh, thank you,” said Mayor Jacobson.

Both of them enjoyed their breakfast, but for sure D.H. knew that he was going to ask about a few nights ago. But D.H. remained relaxed, pretending that he didn’t know anything. The mayor knows everything that goes around here in Cold Creek, so it’s best to keep things to himself about that night.

Both of them finished their meals, and the good mayor didn’t say a word about that night. It’s best to mind his won business. But somehow the mayor will find out that he’s the one that’s been helping everybody by fighting off those gangsters. The only thing that he can do is to stay out of it until D.H. asks for some help. But the mayor knows that he is keeping things under control, but he’s hoping that on one will get hurt.

This is the Old Wild West. People don’t run away from their problems. They fight their problems out in the open. That’s what the mayor was thinking. Right now, the mayor is thanking God for delivering somebody like D.H. So far, the mayor is going to thank his lucky stars if he’s right about D.H.

Nighttime came. D.H. spent all day in his room worried half to death knowing that the mayor might be on to him. Right now, D.H. is walking back and forth all worried to death trying to think things through. The last thing that he wants is to go to jail, or much worse, get hanged. Maybe-just maybe-he should got to the mayor and have a talk with him about it. But no, D.H. thought to himself. He could get into a lot of trouble for this so it was best to keep it to himself and Desert Fox.

From now on, D.H. has to be careful so no one will find out what’s going to happen. The last thing that he wants is somebody getting hurt or much worse. So far, D.H. is hoping that Desert Fox doesn’t have this much trouble with his people. He’ll hate himself if anything bad happens to him.



ight now, it’s pretty shaky with what’s going on with D.H. and Desert Fox. Both of them are in hot water, but they have to keep each other informed on what’s happening with the enemies and with the mayor of Cold Creek. D.H. knows for sure that Desert Fox will contact him later on today about whether it’s safe or not to meet tonight. So far, they need to work something out, to put their heads together to get out of this jam.

All day, D.H. remained normal, pretending nothing is bugging him at all. But he’s hoping that he gets a note to meet Desert Fox tonight at the same time and same place. Right behind him is good old Mayor Jacobson. He’s a nice guy all right, but he wants to make sure that he’s wrong-that D.H. isn’t trying to take on the gangsters all by himself. Somehow, D.H. has to outsmart him, but D.H. will find out tonight if he’s going to meet Desert Fox. He’s hoping that the mayor will find out tonight if he’s going to meet Desert Fox. He’s hoping that the mayor will be sound asleep and wont know what he’s going to do.

D.H, acting very relaxed, pretending not to have a care in the world, and knowing that the mayor is right behind him. After a long day passed, D.H. decided to go to his hotel room. Luckily for him, he’s a pretty good jumper, jumping down from the second floor to his feet without any trouble.

He calmly went inside the hotel without any worries, and right where D.H. was waiting, there was a note on top of the desk near his bed. The note said, “Meet me at the same place at the same time. Come alone. I have been though enough already, and I don’t want any surprises. From Desert Fox.”

It looks important, and he sounds like he’s been through enough already these past few days, just what he has been through with the mayor these past few days. The question is how to escape, knowing that the mayor is out there watching him like a hawk. Then suddenly D.H. remembered he could go though the back without any trouble. So far the mayor hasn’t checked the back. Nobody does here in this town of Cold Creek.

Tonight for sure he’s sneaking out without any trouble. D.H. has never outsmarted a mayor before, but there is a first time for everything in life. At eight in the evening everybody locked their doors and windows so nobody could break into their home, even those gangsters-and that goes double for the mayor. D.H. went behind the hotel building and snuck out without anybody knowing, go onto his horse, and took off without any trouble.

Right on time there is Desert Fox, but he looks pretty angry, so this is going to be one of those talks that those two won’t forget. D.H. got down from his horse and right away got down to the business of what those two are going to talk about.

“What’s the matter, Desert Fox? It looks like you saw a ghost or something,” said D.H.

“I had a close encounter with Thomas a few night ago, and believe me, it isn’t something you would like,” said Desert Fox.

“Believe me, I can understand how you feel about talking to that monster, but I don’t understand one thing. Why didn’t you shoot him when you had the chance?” said D.H.

“That’s a good question, and I don’t know. But I should of shot him when I had the chance,” said Desert Fox.

“Don’t worry about it. If it’s hard for you to talk about, you don’t have to say anything. I’m an understanding person. But I’m going to some problems down at Cold Creek,” said D.H.

“What kind of problems?” said Desert Fox.

“It’s that mayor that’s making me crazy. I have to sneak out so he won’t follow me. I got to tell you the truth, I can’t deal with this anymore. But I’m not complaining at all,” said D.H.

“I can understand why that would make you go crazy. But I’m glad that you are not complaining, `cause only a nutcase complains all the time,” said Desert Fox.

“Tell me about it. I’m not used to complaining all the time, but I need your help, Desert Fox. What should I do?” said D.H.

“Stay low and act normal. At the same time, me and my people will take care of the town on our own. All right?” said Desert Fox.

“All right, I’ll do that. Thank you. But I got to ask you a quick question. What about you?” said D.H.

“don’t you worry about me. I’ll be alright…But thank you for caring, D.H.,” said Desert Fox.

You’re welcome, Desert Fox.” said D.H.

Meanwhile where the gangster are hiding, they are having their own private meeting at this very moment. Thomas is all smiles knowing that he got to Desert Fox. This is going be a meeting that Thomas will be happy with. However they are currently getting down to business. There is something he needs to talk about.

“All right, guys, we need to get down to business on this. We have to do something about Cold Creek. I know that the town is getting help from Indians here in these parts.” said Thomas.

“Indians?! That’s impossible!!” There aren’t any Indians here in this part of the country,” said Frank.

“Well there are. Most likely they are ready for us. I don’t know how,” said Thomas.

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