13 Day War (80 page)

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Authors: Richard S. Tuttle

Tags: #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Young Adult

BOOK: 13 Day War
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King Arik moved to the queen’s side, and Prince Oscar immediately moved to the center of the room before the talking began again.

“If I can just add a bit to King Arik’s words,” he began, “there is more we must do with the prisoners than just feed them. Men cannot remain idle for long periods of time without becoming discontented, and we don’t know how long it will be before we repatriate them. I think it is essential to find meaningful work for the Zarans. I have drawn up plans that will employ tens of thousands of them in making ships for their voyage home, but we need to come up with other useful purposes that we can get them engaged in. None of the Zarans will be forced to work, but I suspect most of them would want to remain active in one fashion or another. If any of you come up with ideas, I would like to hear of them.”

Prince Oscar left the center of the room and the noise level rose considerably as everyone began talking again. Jenneva turned to find Alex chuckling to himself.

“What is so funny?” she asked.

“Oscar has found a way to expand his fleet,” replied Alex. “The Zarans will gladly work on the ships to take them home, and he will own those ships once he delivers the prisoners. I fully expect him to start a trading route to the Sea of Tears as soon as the Zarans are delivered home.”

“And he is already soliciting other ideas,” laughed Jenneva. She looked into Alex’s eyes and smiled warmly, “It is good to see you smile again, Alex. You, too, have been a gift to the Alcean people, and you should never forget that.”

“The people of Alcea will never forget it,” said the queen as Arik and Tanya joined Alex and Jenneva in the corner. “This country owes a great debt to both of you, but then they always have. When are the two of you leaving for Zara?”

“In the morning,” Alex answered. “We have governments to topple and princes to crown.”

“And battles to wage,” added King Arik. “May the gods watch over both of you.”


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