12bis Plum Lovin' (4 page)

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Authors: Janet Evanovich

BOOK: 12bis Plum Lovin'
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"What makes Beaner special? Can he whip up a tornado? Can he levitate a Hummer? Can he catch a bullet in his teeth?"


"No, he can't do any of those things."


"Well, what can he do?"


"I'm not telling you. Just try not to get too close to him."


Bob padded in from the kitchen and stood looking at the leftover pizza. I gave him a piece; he ate it in three gulps and put his head on Diesel's leg, leaving a smear of tomato sauce. Diesel scratched Bob behind the ear, the tomato sauce not worthy of registering on Diesel's slob-o-meter.


It was eight o'clock when I parked my yellow Ford Escape in the small lot attached to Ernie's Bar and Grill. I'd been to Ernie's before, and I knew it was more bar than grill. The grill was mostly wasabi peas and pretzels. The bar was mostly middle-aged white guys who drank too much. It was just one block from the government complex, so it was a convenient watering hole for enslaved bureaucrats who were putting in their hours, waiting for death or retirement, whichever came first. At eightj o'clock the bar had emptied out the merely desperate and was left to console the truly hopeless.


"Beaner's been here for two nights running," Diesel said. "He's in there now. I can sense it. Problem is, I can't approach him in a public place. I know he's holed up somewhere nearby, but I can't get a fix on it. I want you to try to get him to talk to you. See if you can find out where he lives. Just don't let him touch you. And don't get too close."


"How close is too close?"


"If you can feel his breath on your neck, it's too close. He's five feet, eight inches tall, weighs 180 pounds, and looks late forties. He has brown hair, cut short, blue eyes, and he's got a raspberry birthmark on his forehead that extends into his left eyebrow."


"Why don't you follow him when he leaves the bar?"


"Not an option, unless he leaves with you." I gave Diesel a why not look, and Diesel mumbled something.


"What?" I asked. "I can't." More mumbling. "You want to run that mumbling by me again?" Diesel slumped in his seat and blew out a sigh. "I keep losing him. He's really sneaky. He turns a corner on me, and he's gone."


"The stealth Beaner."


"Something like that. He scrambles my radar."


"You don't actually think you have radar, do you?"


"No, but I have GPS. And sometimes ESP. And Monday nights I get ESPN."


Okay, he was a little nutty, but at least he had a sense of humor. And hell, who was I to say whether or not he actually had ESP. I mean, I sort of believe in ghosts. And I sort of believe in heaven. And I sort of believe in wishing on birthday candles. I guess Diesel and ESP aren't too far removed. Sort of in the area of radio waves, spontaneous combustion, and electricity. After all, I don't understand any of those things, but they exist.


"Sometimes you just have to go with it," Diesel said. I left Diesel on that note and sashayed off to the bar. It was easy to spot Beaner in the lineup of losers. He was the only one with a raspberry birthmark on his forehead. The stool next to him was unoccupied, so I climbed onto it and made sure there was some air between us.


Beaner was drinking something amber on ice. Probably scotch. I ordered a beer and smiled at him.


"Hi," I said. "How's it going?"


He didn't return the smile. "How much time do you have?" he asked.


"That bad?"


He threw back the liquid in his glass and signaled the bartender for more.


I took another stab at it. "Do you come here often?" I asked him.


"I live here."


"Must be hard to sleep on that barstool. How do you keep from falling off?"


That almost got a smile. "I don't sleep here," he said. "I just drink here. I'd drink at home but that might indicate alcoholism."


"Where's home?"


He made a vague gesture with his hand. "Out there."


"Out there is a big place."


"My wife kicked me out of the house," he said. "Changed the locks on the friggin' doors. Married for two hundred years, and she kicked me out of the house. Packed all my clothes in cardboard boxes and put them out on the front lawn."


"Jeez, I'm sorry"


"What am I supposed to do now? Things were different the last time I dated. It was simple back then. You found someone you liked, you asked their father if you could marry them, then you got married and climbed on board." He took possession of his new drink and tested it out. "Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm saying that was right. It's just the way it was. And I knew that way. Now it's all about talking and sensitivity. I've been married for all this time and suddenly she wants to talk. And it turns out we've been having bad sex, and now she wants to have good sex. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to find out you've been doing it wrong for two hundred years? I mean, how friggin' annoying is that? She said I couldn't find my way south of the border with a road map."


"I might know someone who could help you."


"I don't need help. I need my wife to come to her senses. This whole mess is the result of someone trying to help. Things were fine until some meddler stuck her big fat nose into my marriage. If I get hold of her I'll fix her good. It'll be the last time she meddles in someone's marriage."


"But if she was trying to help—"


"She didn't help. She made things awful." He chugged his drink, dropped a twenty on the bar, and stood. "I've gotta go."


"So soon?"


"Things to do."


"Where are you going? Are you going home?"


My eyes flicked to the bartender when he took the twenty and the empty glass. A beat later, I turned my attention back to Beaner, but he was gone.


"Where'd he go?" I asked the bartender. "Did you see him leave?"


"I saw him get off the stool, but then he got lost in the crowd."


I left money on the bar and went outside to Diesel.


"He's gone," I said. "We were talking, and he got agitated, and he split."


Diesel was lounging against my car. "I saw him for a second when he walked through the door. A couple people came out with him, and somehow he disappeared behind them before I could get to him." Diesel pushed off from the car, went to the drivers side door, angled himself in behind the wheel, and turned the key in the ignition. "Let's go-"


"Wait a minute. This is my car. I drive."


"Everybody knows the guy gets to drive."


"Not in Jersey."


"Especially in Jersey," Diesel said. "The testosterone level in Jersey is fifteen percent higher than it is in any other state."


Chapter 4


It was still early, so we stopped at a supermarket on the way home.


"What about the shopping cart?" I asked Diesel. "Do you have to drive that, too?"


"I'd get my nuts repossessed if I didn't drive the shopping cart."


A half hour later, we loaded our food onto the checkout belt, and Diesel gave his credit card to the checker.


"Boy, you've got lots of food," the checker said.


"A man's gotta eat," Diesel told her.


I took a peek at the card. "There's no bank name on this card," I whispered to Diesel.


"It's an Unmentionable card," he said. "Good in three solar systems."


I was pretty sure he was kidding.


I crammed the last of the food into my kitchen… lunch meat, beer, cheese, peanut butter, pickles, bagels, ice cream, cereal, milk, orange juice, apples, bananas, bread, cream cheese, coffee, half-and-half, crackers, cookies, chips, salsa, carrots, mixed nuts, and God-knows-what-else.


Diesel took a bag of chips and a beer into the living room and remoted the television on. "This is great," he said. "I can catch the end of the hockey game."


I settled next to him and reached into the chip bag. Bob had been sleeping in the bedroom, but the rustle of a chip bag was a Bob alarm, and in a beat Bob was up and expectantly standing in front of me. I fed him a couple chips, and he flopped down on the floor with his head on my foot.


"Beaner isn't such a bad guy" I said. "He's just frustrated. He's been married for a long time, and all of a sudden his wife isn't satisfied with the status quo. I think Beaner would like to fix things, but he just doesn't know how to get up to speed. He doesn't know how to go about talking to his wife. And he says, according to his wife, he sucks in the sack."


"So give him a pill."


"It's not about that. Women don't care about that. That's a man problem."


"Yeah, I get it," Diesel said. "But a pill would have been easy. This is just plain embarrassing. Maybe I don't have to shut him down. Maybe we can reprogram him."




"Unmentionables who've crossed the line aren't happy to see me. And bad things happen when Beaner isn't happy. So either you're going to have to convince him to chill and talk to me, or else you're going to have to get him alone somewhere. I can't seem to follow Beaner, but I can follow you."


"What about his listening-and-understanding problem?"


"I suck at that," Diesel said. "That's girl stuff. You're going to have to explain that to him."


"Only if you help me with Annie Hart's cases. I've scored a big zero with two out of three, and I'm not sure the third one will fly."


Diesel's cell phone buzzed.


"Yeah," Diesel said into the phone. "Now what?"


He slouched deeper into the couch and listened with his mouth set tight. "Yeah," he said. "I hear you. I'm working on it. Send everyone a case of whatever the hell it is they need."


"And?" I said when he disconnected.


"Beaner can't find Annie, so he's visiting her friends and relatives, causing havoc."


The next call was from Annie.


"I'm working on it," Diesel said. "I can't approach him in public and have him contaminate a room filled with innocent people." He nodded and listened. "You have to be patient," he said. "I have a partner. She's helping me with your cases, and she's helping me find Bernie Beaner." More talking on the other end. "No, I'm not bringing her to you. You have to trust me."


Diesel disconnected.


"How'd that go?" I asked him. "Does she trust you?"


"Not even a little. She's coming over here."


"What about Bernie? I thought it wasn't safe for Annie to go out because Bernie might get her."


"She'll get help," Diesel said. "She'll be okay."


I took another handful of chips, fed a couple to Bob, and turned my attention back to the game. A few minutes later, my doorbell rang. Diesel got the door and ushered Annie Hart into my living room. She was a little shorter than me, a little plumper, a little older. She had short, curly brown hair and lively brown eyes and a nice mouth. She smiled at Diesel and me, and the smile produced crinkle lines at the corners of her eyes. She was wearing a bright red hooded jacket, jeans, and boots, and she had her purse tucked into the crook of her arm.


Diesel introduced us. "Annie Hart, this is Stephanie Plum. Stephanie, meet Annie Hart."


I stood and extended my hand. "It's a pleasure."


"Have you seen the files?" she asked me.

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