12 Christmas Romances To Melt Your Heart (55 page)

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Chapter 7

, we’re going to talk about this, whether you like it or not.” He narrowed his gaze. Why in the hell would she even think for one second he regretted kissing her?

“I don’t pretend with women. Hell, I don’t pretend with anyone. I am who I am, and if people don’t like it, then I really don’t care.”

She cocked her head as she listened to him. She looked as if she was trying to decide whether he was telling the truth or not.

“When I kissed you, it was because I wanted to kiss you. I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while. I just never had the chance or the opportunity.” It was his turn to act defensive. He crossed his arms over his chest. “And how do you know my type anyway?”

She shrugged. “Ever since I’ve known you, you’ve always dated blondes.”

“So you are basically judging me on what I did back in high school?” His chest tightened.

“I just assumed…”

“Right. You just assumed, like everyone else, who I am.” He took a step back.

“Jake, I’m not your type. You can’t seriously be saying that there is something between us?” The look of disbelief was scrawled all over her pretty face.

Wow. That hurt way more than he liked admitting. Picking up his ego off the floor, he turned back to the stove and concentrated on the meat sizzling in the skillet.

“Jake, I didn’t mean to…’

He shook his head. He needed time to cool off to make some sense of what was going on.

“Maybe we should just give each other some space. Something tells me it’s going to be a long night,” he said quietly.

He didn’t watch her as she went back into the dining area. He did have some pride. Instead he concentrated on making the lasagna that he knew he no longer had an appetite for.

He just hoped the rest of the night would pass quickly.

liza’s stomach
churned as she sat alone in the booth near the window.

She’d never meant to hurt Jake’s feelings, but she’d just succeeded in doing just that. How could she explain that she’d never thought someone like him would be interested in her? And why was he even acting like he really liked her?

A tiny voice inside her head nudged her, telling her that maybe, just maybe, Jake did like her, and as more than just a friend.

She shook her head. He could have any woman in Cloverton, hell, any woman in Tennessee. Why would he want her?

She took a deep breath and wished she hadn’t left that wine in the kitchen. She could certainly use a glass right now.

Miss Kitty jumped up on the table and batted at Eliza’s hand with her paw.

“I know, I know you’re hungry.” She should have grabbed the tuna before escaping from the kitchen. “I need wine and you need tuna. Well, we’re both outta luck.”

She rubbed her cat between the ears and rested her chin in the palm of her hand as she looked out the window. This was totally not how she’d planned on spending her night. And if she had dreamed of ever getting trapped with a gorgeous guy, she sure as heck never would have expected to turn down his advances. But once again her insecurity crept in to whisper in her ear and mess up her plans.

What was done was done. Besides, it was probably better to get everything out in the open before she got hurt. No need to spend her Christmas pining over a guy who was just going to end up breaking her heart.

“Got to keep it moving, Miss Kitty,” she whispered into the dark as the snow picked up even more speed. The streetlamps cast a cozy yellow glow against the snow that was quickly accumulating along the sidewalks and streets. The electric lines swayed under the growing weight of the snow and ice. It was getting dark fast, and she wasn’t sure if the streetlamps would even still have electricity in a few hours.

Standing up, she gathered her courage and headed for the kitchen to grab the candles and the bottle of wine.

The aroma of Italian food assaulted her nose the second she stepped inside the warmth of the kitchen. Jake was busy arranging the layers of cheese, flat noodles, and meat in a stainless-steel cooking dish. He didn’t bother looking up as she entered.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke. “I forgot Miss Kitty’s food.”

“It’s on the counter. I poured some milk in a saucer as well.” Jake kept his gaze on the food he was preparing.

Her heart tugged within her chest. He’d been so thoughtful to go the extra mile for her cat. No guy had ever done that before. Most of the guys she knew didn’t even like cats.

Swallowing back the knot forming in her throat, she spoke. “Thank you.” She skirted the counter and picked up the food and the saucer of milk and placed them on the floor. Miss Kitty trotted over and quickly began to devour the feast as she let out a continuous purr of pleasure.

“I opened the wine, if you want to go ahead and pour yourself some. I didn’t know if you wanted to wait to have it with your meal or not.”

“I usually have a glass while I cook.” She reached picked up the wine bottle and poured some into both wineglasses. She handed him a glass. “But you’re the one cooking, so you definitely deserve it.”

“Thank you.” He took the glass and lifted it to his lips and took a drink. “Hmmm. This is pretty good.”

“You drink wine too?”

“Yeah, I do. Did you think I just drink moonshine and poach animals?” He arched his brow.

She laughed and shook her head. “No, it’s just you are quickly becoming an enigma to me.”

“How’s that?” He frowned. “I think I’m pretty straightforward.”

“Yeah, and that’s what I don’t get. Usually people have a motive behind their actions. Good or bad, there’s always a reason why people do the things they do.”

“Sounds like you’ve been burned before.”

She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “It’s just life. I think my perspective was solidified when I was in high school.”

“What happened?” He narrowed his gaze as he gave her his full attention.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” She motioned toward the casserole. “I know you’re busy.”

She took another sip of wine and let the liquid calm her nerves.

“I want to hear.” He opened the oven and popped the dish inside. “Besides, we have an hour until it cooks.”

“What was your favorite part of school?” She arched her brow.

“I don’t know. Sports, history, math.” He creased his brow as he settled a hip against the stainless-steel countertop and took another sip of the red wine. “Why?”

“Because growing up, it was always made clear to me where I do and don’t fit in.” She took a big drink and placed the glass on the counter. Bracing her hands on counter, she hopped up and sat on it. She swung her legs as she took a deep breath. “When I was in kindergarten, Susie Thurmond punched me in the stomach in the girl’s bathroom. Later I asked her why she did it, and she said she didn’t like my clothes. “

“Susie Thurmond? The youth pastor at the Methodist Church?”

She nodded. “And when I was in elementary school, the other girls would never let me play softball. They said I sucked and nobody wanted me on their team.” She tossed back the wine. “I learned very quickly what my station was in life. “

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Jake, it means when you are born into a small town, you are born into a category. My category was book nerd who couldn’t get a date in high school.” The wine had warmed her and given her the liquid courage she needed. She pointed a finger in his direction and smirked. “Your category was popular hot guy who could have any girl he wants.” She waved her hand in the space between them. “That’s why we can’t happen. We are in different categories.”

Chapter 8

the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” He curled his hands into fists and stalked toward her.

Her heart sped up in her chest as he stopped between her legs, inches in front of her. He looked pretty pissed, but for some odd reason, it was turning her on. His face radiated anger. Still, she didn’t care.

“That’s just how things are here.” She shrugged and grabbed her wineglass. His fingers wrapped around her wrist. With his free hand, he tugged the glass out of her hand and set it on the counter out of her reach.

“Hey.” She pouted. “I need that…”

“No, you don’t. But I do have something you need.” He framed her face with his hands. Calloused fingertips brushed against her jaw, and she trembled at the intimate sensation of his touch.

“I’m going to kiss you, Eliza. Not because we’re trapped here, but because I’ve wanted to kiss you ever since high school. I wanted to ask you to the prom, but I knew you would just turn me down because you thought I was just some dumb jock. You never saw how I looked at you because you never looked my way. If you had, I wouldn’t have waited this long to do this.” He bent his head and stopped. His gaze held hers with an intensity that made her heart ache.

“This time when I kiss you, I don’t want you to think, I just want you to feel. Understood?”

She nodded, too thrown for a loop to say a word. Her body heated as she waited for his mouth to cover hers. She’d kissed him before, only in her dreams, But right now, under the heady sensation of the wine, he was about to kiss her again. For real.

She was tired of holding her breath and waiting, so she didn’t wait any longer.

She wrapped her hand around the back of his neck, wound her fingers through his silky dark hair, and pulled him closer. His mouth descended on hers, and she welcomed him with an open-mouthed kiss. She sighed in appreciation as his tongue dipped inside her mouth and tangled with her own. He tasted of sweet wine and spicy male.

He stepped closer and let his hands fall to her shoulders. His hands trailed down her arms and rested at her hips. His fingers gripped her hips and he pulled her closer until their bodies were pressed together. Her nipples pressed against his muscled chest, hardened and peaked. She leaned into his warmth, needing more. His erection pressed into her stomach, and she wiggled against him, wanting to feel every inch of his body against hers.

“Damn, Eliza,” he breathed out as his mouth trailed kisses to her neck. “You’re making it hard to walk away from you right now.”

“I don’t want you to walk away.” She arched her neck as he sucked the sensitive skin into his hot mouth. Her skin pebbled with desire as pleasure shot through her entire body.

“Good. Cause I don’t plan on going anywhere. Not even after we get out of here.”

“Stop talking.” She guided his mouth back to her lips and kissed him deeply.

He chucked against her lips at her eagerness. She dragged her fingertips down his chest, feeling each ridge of sinewy muscle through his shirt.

She pulled his shirt out of his jeans and slid her fingertips underneath, touching bare flesh.

He hissed and pulled away, searing her with a heated look.

She held his gaze as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. When she reached the last button, she shoved the material off his broad shoulders and down his arms, revealing a wall of defined muscle the likes of which she’d only dreamed about.

She grinned as she ran her fingertips over his chest. He captured her hand in his and brought it to his mouth. He sucked the pad of her finger into his mouth and pulled, making her turn to liquid.

His eyes darkened with desire, and she knew what he wanted. It was what she wanted too.

“We can wait.” His voice was husky as it filled the void between them. “I’ve waited this long for you. I’m willing to wait however long it takes.”

“No. I’m tired of waiting.” She pulled him close and kissed him, sucking his tongue into her mouth.

He cupped her butt and lifted her off the counter.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere more comfortable,” he whispered against her neck.

Chapter 9

e grabbed
two candles and a lighter before finding her mouth with his.

She tightened her legs around his waist as he carried her toward the swinging doors that led into the restaurant. He turned and backed his way through the doors and into the restaurant without breaking the kiss.

Sweet and hot, she was everything he’d imagined and more.

His heart pounded in his chest as he made his way back to the booth where they’d sat earlier. He gently placed her on the table and pulled back slightly.

“Hang on.” He placed the two candles in their little holders and held the flame of the lighter to each. A soft, gentle yellow light shone against the darkness. He placed the candles on the other end of the table near the window.

He stepped in between her legs and cradled her face between his palms.

“Kiss me,” she whispered.

“You’re so damn beautiful.” He was certain she could hear his heart beating. There was no going back now.

She smiled, sending his breathing into overdrive. He slid his fingers through her silken hair as he continued to gaze into her caramel eyes. He didn’t just want to tell her how he felt. He wanted to show her.

“Jake, what do you want?” She cocked her head and stared up at him with heavy eyes. Her lips were glossy and swollen from his kisses.

“I want you.”

“You can have me.” She ran her hand up his chest to his neck to pull him in for another amazing kiss.

He stopped before their lips met.

“What’s wrong?” Doubt flickered through her eyes.

Damn. It was now or never.

“I need you to know something, Eliza. I need you to understand that I don’t just want one amazing night with you. I want more. I want a million nights with you.”


He cleared his throat. “I’ve cared about you for a very long time. And I’ve never had the balls to do anything about it. Until now. I want you with every cell in my body, but if you think this is just a one-night stand, then
isn’t going to happen.” He brushed his thumb against the side of her cheek as his heart filled with so much emotion it was overwhelming.

“I don’t understand.” She licked her lips. “You don’t want to sleep with me?”

He barked out a laugh and shook his head. “I want nothing more than to make love to you right here on this table. And I want to do it again tomorrow night and the next night and a thousand nights after that. I want something more than just sex. I want a chance at a relationship with you.”

Her eyes glazed, and she blinked. Silence followed and he shifted his weight, feeling like a fool.

“You like me?”

“I more than just like you. I think I’m in love with you. In fact, I know I’m in love with you. I always have been.” His heart seemed to stop in his chest as he waited for her reply.

“I’m not asking you to make a commitment forever. Not yet.” He sure as hell hoped for it. One day. “I’m asking you to take a chance on me. On us. And if you think that sex will complicate it, then I’m willing to wait.”

“Eliza, please say something.” Fear of rejection rushed into his head.

“Jake.” She held his hand to her cheek and closed her eyes. “This is not one-sided. I’ve been attracted to you for a long time.”

“You have?” Hope rose in his chest.

She dragged her hands up his arms and laced her fingers behind his neck. “Yes. And I would like to see where this goes.”

“You would?”

“You may be right about waiting to have sex.”

His hope dropped.

“But I have to say I’m very turned on right now.”

“You are?” His heart leaped.

“Why don’t we compromise?” Her lips quirked up in a sexy smirk that made his body rock-hard. Her hand slid down his chest and skirted under his shirt. He shivered under her touch as she trailed her fingertips across his bare chest.

“What did you have in mind?” he managed to say.

“Well, we should start off just kissing.” She pressed her lips to his and then pulled back. “See where that goes.” She kissed him again. “And push it right up to the boundary line.”

He lifted her off the table and set her on her feet.

With strength and speed he didn’t know he had, he pulled out the table between the two booths. The candles wobbled and tilted, but he caught them before they turned over. Picking up the candles, he set them on the window ledge and continued to move the table out of the way.

He turned around.

She stood there under the glimmer of candlelight looking more perfect than he’d ever imagined.

He eased onto the booth and held out his hand. She placed her hand in his was pulled into his lap. Brushing his fingertips across her cheek, he pulled her mouth to his. He moved his lips across her, slow and unhurried. He wanted to take his time, letting the memory of how she felt, how she tasted, be burned into his mind.

liza leaned
into the kiss as she parted her lips under Jake’s talented mouth. The feel of his body snuggled close to hers set her soul on fire.

She let out a moan as his tongue snaked inside her mouth and tangled with hers. She threaded her fingers though his hair. Tilting her head, she returned the kiss with a blazing intensity that she’d never felt before.

“Take your shirt off,” she panted as her fingers found the buttons on his shirt. She needed to feel him, now.

“But…” He pulled back and met her gaze.

“We’ll keep our pants on.” She bit her lip as her fingers danced across his buttons and flicked them open.

He groaned as she parted the shirt and shoved it off his shoulders. Her fingers danced over a broad chest and rock-hard muscles. His fingers were curled into fists at his sides as he let her explore his body with her touch.

By the set of his clenched jaw, she knew he had to restrain himself from pulling her into his arms. She’d never thought she could cause such a reaction in Jake.

“I want to see you.” He rasped, looking up at her under heavy-lidded eyes.

She laced her hands behind his head and pulled him to her mouth. She couldn’t get enough of his kisses. They were addictive, like chocolate.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as he kissed her deep and hard. Her heart stuttered in her chest as she began to fall in love with him. The thought terrified her, and she pulled away.

He must have read the fear in her eyes because what came out next shook her to her core.

“Don’t, Eliza. Don’t overthink this.”


“I’m not going to hurt you.”

“What are you? A mind reader?”

“No.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips. He pressed a gentle kiss on her knuckles as he kept his gaze on her. “I’m just a guy. A guy who has been in love with a girl since high school.” He pressed his lips to her wrist. “I’m just a guy who wants you so bad it hurts. I’m just a guy who wants you to trust me with your heart. And I’m a guy who wants a forever future with you.”

Her throat tightened with emotion. It was the most perfect words a guy had ever spoken to her.

“You’re not just a guy, Jake.”

“If I thought you would say yes, I would ask you right here. Right now.” His breathing increased as he spoke.

Her mouth dropped open at what he was implying.

“I want to go slow,” she said.

He nodded. “I understand. Whatever you need.”

“I want you. All of you. Tonight.” She spoke with her heart, ignoring her head. Tonight she was going to live by her heart and damn the consequences.

His eyes widened, and he opened his mouth. She pressed her fingers to his lips.

“Don’t try to talk me out of it. I’m pretty convincing when I want to be.” She slid her hands down his chest. “Do you have anything?”

He frowned as he felt for his wallet in his back jeans pocket. “I don’t know. I haven’t planned for this.” He dug out his brown wallet and pulled it open. A slow grin crossed his lips as he pulled out a silver square.

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