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Authors: Jennet Conant

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Oral history interview: transcript of interview with Dorothy McKibbin, conducted by Los Alamos National Laboratory, January 13, 1982; Historical Perspectives Educational Films, Santa Fe, NM; courtesy of LAHS.

Oral history interview: videotape of interview with Dorothy McKibbin, no. 33, “World of Enrico Fermi”; courtesy of the Center for History of Physics, the American Institute of Physics, New York.


“Baggage, Babies and the Atom Bomb: The Unique 20 years of Dorothy McKibbin.” Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory News, June 28, 1963.

Corbett, Peggy. “AEC Office in SF Closes.” The New Mexican, July 30,1963.

———. “Oppie’s Vitality Swayed Santa Fean.” The New Mexican, June 26, 1960.

Hall, Rosanna. “Dorothy McKibbin Remembers Early Days in NM.” The New Mexican, June 11, 1981.

McMaho, June. “‘109’ to Close: Dorothy McKibbin Retirement Told.” The Los Alamos Monitor, June 27, 1963.

McNulty, William. “World’s Most Famed Scientists, En Route to Los Alamos Project, Go Through Ancient City Office.” Santa Fe New Mexican, May 10, 1946.

Pillsbury, Dorothy L. “The Adobe House That Helped Build the Atom Bomb.” New Mexico Magazine, March 1962.

———. “Santa Fe Woman Serves in War and Peace.” Christian Science Monitor, July 14, 1958.

Poore, Anne. “A Special Lady Creates Special Memories.” Los Alamos Monitor, June 5, 1983.

“She Was Den Mother to Early Los Alamos.” Associated Press, July 16, 1985.

“Smiling ‘Front Man’ for Atomic Bomb.” The New Mexican, June 30, 1963.

Staley, Elizabeth. “Close to Oppenheimer: ‘Gatekeeper’ Kept Secret for 40 Years.” Albuquerque Journal, April 9, 1982.

Ward, Eugene. “Los Alamos: Then and Now.” Albuquerque Journal, August 14, 1977.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following:


Hans Bethe, Philip Morrison, and Edward Teller: transcripts of 1999 oral history interviews for the documentary
The Moment in Time
, Los Alamos National Laboratory; courtesy of Los Alamos Historical Society, P.O. Box 43, Los Alamos, NM.

Marge Bradner: written reminiscences, correspondence with Dorothy McKibbin, Bradner family papers, San Diego, California.

Vannevar Bush: transcripts of oral history interviews, courtesy of the Niels Bohr Library, the American Institute of Physics, College Park, Maryland.

Kathleen D. Church: poems of Peggy Pond Church, Albuquerqe, NM.

James B. Conant: papers and correspondence; courtesy of Harvard University Archives, Cambridge. Conant family papers, Hanover, NH.

Priscilla Greene Duffield: transcript of oral history interview, conducted by LANL; courtesy of LAHS, P.O. Box 43, Los Alamos, NM.

Ernest O. Lawrence: letters and papers; courtesy of Ernest Orlando Lawrence Papers, the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

Dorothy Scarritt McKibbin: biographical material and papers; courtesy of the Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, MA.

Dorothy McKibbin, Robert Oppenheimer, Katherine Page, and Edith Warner: correspondence; courtesy of Papers of Robert Oppenheimer, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Also, for their invaluable assistance, the archives of the American Institute of Physics, Children of the Manhattan Project/Manhattan Project Heritage Preservation Association, Kansas City Public Library, the Museum of New Mexico, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Zimmerman Library at the University of New Mexico.


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