Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (82 page)

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He used her knuckles to rub the front of her panties and it stimulated her engorged clit to perfection. The sensation started to spread and she moaned. He gently pushed her upper body on the table so that her upper body is flat, while her legs dangled near the edge of the table. He took his chair and sat as he focused her attention on her underwear. He lightly rubbed the wet spot with his nose and breathed deeply as he inhaled her womanly scent. She felt hot all over and moaned as his tongue rubbed and licked on the wet, wet part. The bulk of his tongue rubbed her against the fabric, while the edge rubbed against her sensitive kitty lips. He spread her legs wide and licked faster and her juices came and came. He started rubbing her thighs using his palm and it felt so good, coupled with his intent licking.


He rubbed Carmi’s pussy with his warm palm, the sensations making her crazy as the cotton fabric seem to make her feel wetter. She clenched her pelvic muscles and wished he’d so something about her pussy, now ready to beg for more.


At long last, he took the hint and removed her underwear and tossed it somewhere. Without preamble, he parted her legs and kissed her inner thighs as one of his fingers slid inside her. She moaned then, a really delicious and sinful sound that filled the room. “Oh, Mr. Greene...Oh my...”


Just then, his tongue found her pussy again, this time with no barrier.  She moaned loudly, the sensations coming all over her body beyond her control. She was ticklish and wanting at the same time and the combination made her close to insane. He moulded her breasts as he sucked her clit, making her want to fall out of the table. His pace was intoxicating and simply made her toes curl. She gripped her neck using both her legs, urging him to get even closer. She felt her belly tighten and just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, he intensified his exploration by inserting a finger inside her hole, making her gasp for some air.  His tongue encircled her womanly folds over and over until her moans filled the entire room. 


He quickly tore his clothes off and stood in front of Carmi with just his underwear. Carmi slid away from the table and kneeled in front of him, too excited when she saw his bulge. She gently kissed his thighs and rubbed her nose against his hardness. She quickly removed his underwear and knelt down staring at his goods. Goodness. He was huge, a tiny drop of clear fluid making his cockhead glisten. Her eyes narrowed and focused on his tool, slowly, very slowly kissed it with her pouted lips. He groaned deep in his throat and held her shoulders for support. She carefully slid his cock smoothly in her mouth and he felt sexy warmth enveloping his erection. Her movement was achingly slow yet steady, building the pace until he wasn’t able to think straight. Carmi increased her pace, moving his cock in and out, in an out in a steady and addictive rhythm. He was sure he was going to shoot up if she didn’t stop, but he can’t stand it if she stopped.


He ram inside her, making rapid fucking movements that was a challenge for her jaws. Her mouth was close to having a spasm but she didn’t care. Tasting him, loving him like this made her more aroused. He smelled like a true man----dangerous, warm, and exciting. She’d be a total fool to let this moment pass. She took him again and again and again until he pulled himself out completely.


“Why’d you do that? Don’t you want to...?”


“I want to. Now, lie down again.” Now Carmi knew what he actually intended to do. She went back on the table and waited...It was the longest 13 seconds of her life.


As if like hot stiff silk, she felt him probing for her entrance. She felt her inside opening and adjusting to accommodate his size. It felt so good to be filled again, after a really, really long time. She spread her legs really wide and moaned as he started moving slowly and sexily, filling her completely.


Carmi moaned over and over and felt her juices flooding inside her. “Faster, babe. Faster!” He went faster, hearing her command and their skin rubbing on each other produced a sound that made them both even crazier for more. Mr. Greene held the edge of the table as he slid in and out of her, some of her juices spreading on his thigh. At last, the two of them couldn’t bear it anymore and they both exploded, their bodies coming in spasms, rocking their world.


He held her tightly and whispered in her ear. “God, you were amazing!”


She giggled. “So are you Mr. Greene. So are you.”


That evening, they were able to finish all the copies that were needed. It had been the beginning for them.


“You look even better in the morning, Ms. Stoddard.” He smiled at her as she opened her eyes.” After the heat-filled night they shared, Mr. Greene invited her to his place.


She stretched her hands and looked up at him. “I can’t believe I allowed you to see me with no make up on. I feel naked.”


He chuckled. “Well, you are naked, young lady. And you’re very pretty too.”


“Is there a chance we might do this again? I mean, are you seeing someone?”


She smiled then. “I’d like that. No, I’m not seeing someone. Are you?”


“I wouldn’t have done what I did if I was.”




After all the directors left Mr. Greene’s office, he asked her to come to his office. She bumped onto Angie on the way. Her colleague pinched her arm. “Now, tell me I was wrong.”




“The man is obviously smitten. Will you stop pretending not to know what’s going on?”


“I told you, you are imagining things. He’s not eyeing me. He’s very civil and polite. Stop reading his body language and mind your own business.” She winked at her.


Carmi smiled to herself and thought about last night. It was the best series of sex she ever had. Plus, it’s not just the sex. The man was attentive and funny and dotes on her in a really, really nice way.


She took a deep breath and knocked on his door before entering. He was looking out on the window, his arms crossed. She could see his profile and she couldn’t help but beam on how good looking he is. “Lock the door, Ms. Stoddard.”


She was suddenly out her wits but did as she was asked.


“Come here for a moment.” He commanded, without looking at her. He continued to gaze at the window and suddenly, Carmi felt really nervous. She walked towards him, expecting the unexpected and there it was----he swept her on a long lingering kiss, his arms wrapping her all around. She felt all warm and tingly as he continued to kiss her lips over and over. His tongue went inside her mouth and she sighed as she tasted his tongue again. It started to rain outside, the cold wind fogging the windows as much as her head, blocking all thoughts away.


He caressed her hair started nibbling on her ear. She giggled.




“I thought you sent me here to reprimand me. You took me by surprise.” She answered.


He held her tighter and kissed her all over again as his hands travelled up and down her back. Her hands did the same thing to him and caressed his back and buttocks. She parted her lips wider to accommodate his tongue and it felt so good, just kissing him like this and being held by a man. He pulled away gently and tentatively felt for her breasts. She sighed upon contact and pushed her body against him even closer. He unbuttoned her blazer and ran his hands all over her silk blouse, making her want to melt, her knees weakening. He continued to kiss her while his hand reached under her blouse, feeling her skin. His hand felt warm against her and she ached for his touch even though they’d just been together last night. She pressed against him as his fingers found one of her nipples. Her breasts throb with excitement, loving the piercing pleasure he caused. She felt his bulge and that made her own desire manifest itself. Carmi has never felt such gripping desire and wanting for another being, not until she was able to get a taste of Mr. Greene.


In a few seconds, she wore nothing but her skirt and her bra. His hands went behind her and lightly caressed her back. The sensations went from her toes up to her head and she moaned as his fingers went up and down her body. His lips found Carmi’s neck and nibbled on the delicate skin there. Her fingers dug on his back as his tongue tickled her silky smooth skin and licked her behind the ears. Her hand tightened its hold when he raised the hem of her skirt and warmed her thighs, making her feel even more aroused.


His mouth went down her shoulders and kissed her there, again and again. He slid her bra straps and unfastened the clasp with one hand. “Somebody might knock.” Carmi feigned panic.


“Sssshhh. Let them” He said as he fastened his mouth around one budding nipple. His tongue felt wickedly warm and wet, making her feel deliriously good. Her breathing halted as he sucked her even harder, while the other breast is being moulded by his hand. “Oh, that feels amazing...” she breathed as he pinched her nipple. His tongue licked the valley between her breasts and she arched her back, tossed her head, and moaned even louder. His hand found the heat between her legs and the colour graced her cheeks as she realized he’d definitely find her wet. He smiled as he teased the damp front of her panties. “Are you trying to impress me, Ms. Stoddard?”


Her blush made her even more enticing to his eyes. He has never been with a woman as passionate as her. Her answer was to bat her dark long lashes and raise her nose up in the air. She is so irresistible. This ran through his head as he pulled down dainty lacy mauve underwear. His middle finger found her cherry clit and rubbed it gently, loving how wet she is. She parted her legs and allowed her flesh to be caressed by his warm hand. The warmth mingled with that sexy slickness and suddenly, all thoughts simply vanished. She held onto him for support, as his fingers explored her intimate folds.


She tossed her head as his hand became more intent. Carmi moaned sweetly as his thumb played with her clit. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter, her whole being gripped by a very strong sense of arousal. Her fingers dug into his flesh as he slid his fingers in and out of her pussy. He slowly ran his palm against her clit and that made her even more turned on. She surrendered to his touch, calling out his name over and over and pulled his hand to her mouth and licked it. Her hand flew in between his legs and squeezed his bulge lightly. There’s no mistaking what she wants. He opened his pants and reached under his underwear to reveal his cock, now ready for action.  She looked at it excitedly and watched it as it stood proud---looking rigid and unbreakable. Mr. Greene lifted Carmi on his table and his hand felt for her entrance. His cock slid in with a bit of resistance, his cockhead taking its time before it plunged in deeply.  She sighed as his entire length filled her, loving the silky warmth of his cock. He took her hard and fast this time and she followed his rhythm, moaning as she did so. His cock rubbed all her sensitive spots nicely, making her legs quiver in anticipation. Carmi pulled him closer to her, wanting to get more of him.  He quickened his pace, until she was almost breathless. He pulled in and out of her, in and out, in and out, in a steady frenzied rhythm. Carmi wrapped her legs on his waist, loving the tender yet fierce movements he is making. He pinned her on the table and moved his hips with hers.  Mr. Greene pulled out completely and motioned her to go on all fours. She looked at him, uncertainty written all over her face. He kissed her cheek softly and reassured her. “You’ll like it. I promise.”


“If you say so.”


She nodded and did what she was asked. She had to admit that she’s not very much the experimental type. But now that she’s with Mr. Greene, it’s as though it is the perfect time to be open to new things. Now that she’s on a crouching position, it was as though she’s a new different person.


Carmi felt him entering her from behind and she sighed, realizing that this is a whole new kind of thing in a really good way. His cock rubbed her in all the right places, making her feel wetter and sexier. He entered her slowly, taking his sweet time and allowing her to get used to it. Soon, she was moving his butt against him, urging him to do more. Her moans become even sweeter now and she almost lost her mind as his two hands grabbed her breasts and squeezed them as he plunged inside her. Their rhythm became hot and frantic, her butt making love to his lower belly. He was gentle yet consistent, rubbing her neatly.  He found her clit as he moved in and out of her. She tossed her head and moved with him, urging him to go faster this time. She closed and eyes and took a deep breath. She could feel one big orgasm coming and she bit her lip, releasing all her juices and feeling her whole being explode. He had to rub her back in order to calm her and after a few seconds, Mr. Greene came, his seed spilling inside her. He groaned and took a deep breath, holding her for a few more seconds.

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