101 EROTICA STORIES (36 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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He cupped my breasts and I sighed at his familiar smell. I started to feel weird but I ignored it. I cannot believe that I am all of a sudden teary eyed. Roy looked at me, saying nothing and started kissing my eyebrows. In seconds, the waterworks opened. He wiped my tears with his thumb and moved out of me. He wrapped me in his arms and soothed me as I said “I’m sorry.” I repeated the words like a mantra, feeling them up to my toes for the first time in two days. My head spun, not really sure if I still have a marriage to salvage after everything.


I cried in his arms, wanting to prolong my stay there as much as I can. What I did is terrible and even I hate myself for it. He cupped my face and stared at me with mixed emotions. “For a second there I thought you were pretty hot. I was torn between punching Matt and being so aroused. I am sorry for not being too much of a husband lately. Now I understand what I have been taking for granted. Seeing you with another man, seeing him take what’s mine is enough to kill me.”


I kissed him, trying to erase the image of me and another man, knowing I can’t. He kissed me back, reminding me of the very first time we locked lips. It’s one of the most memorable times of my life. He was my first love, and perhaps my only, ever. I kissed him deeply, savouring the taste of him, the feel of his tongue against mine as I made a solemn promise to myself to make it up to him.


His mouth kissed my neck as he held my back lovingly. Now, this is the kind of sex that I wanted----the true kind. The thing with Matt was good while it lasted, but this one is something that is beyond compare. I kissed his entire face, thinking about the very day I said my vows. I am only too sorry I strayed.

Dina Calls the Shots

Dina strode briskly into the room. Her posture was sharp and erect, and her high heels made click-clack sounds as she walked. She saw the man was already seated in one of the two chairs placed in front of the large wooden desk. Hearing her footsteps, the man looked up and, seeing she was responsible for the sounds, straightened up visibly, even attempting to smoothen up his coat with as much discretion as he could muster.


“Good morning,” Dina said formally, almost coldly. The man was drop-dead gorgeous—they all were—and she knew where things would eventually lead, but she didn’t want to take the risk of having people think their firm was loose or, worse, unprofessional. She prided herself on the fact she was one of the few people who put the firm where it was today, which was nothing less than at the top. She knew, of course, it wouldn’t stay there forever, but as long as she had her position tucked under her belt, she was determined to make it stay at the top for as long as she could.


Save for her high heels and silver necklace strung delicately around her neck, Dina was naked. Everyone at the firm worked in their birthday suits. The only clothed people one could see inside the building were the guards and the new applicants. The big bosses imposed nudity on both male and female personnel, reasoning it helped make them deal with their jobs better. For her part, Dina didn’t take so well with the policy at first. But, like most of her coworkers, she eventually got the hang of it.


Dina had an awesome, spectacular figure. She knew it, and the man knew it, proof of which was the fact his eyes widened slightly as she walked into the room without a single article of clothing on her. Her hair was as dark as brewed coffee, but her skin was pasty white—almost like milk, really. The sharp contrast added to her appeal; for the men, it was like getting down and dirty with someone who was of a different time or era. One man even wrote down in the comments section of the form he was given post-interview that it was like having sex with a female vampire.


Dina stood five feet ten barefoot. She wasn’t skinny nor was she chubby. Her build was just right, something that most men found very attractive. Her shoulders were narrow and delicate. Her breasts were small but round and juicy looking. Her waist curved gracefully from her chest to her hips, and her hips, although not as wide as those of her friend Grace’s, was slightly wider than her shoulders, giving her body the illusion of a perfect hourglass figure.


This was the sight that greeted the man’s eyes as soon as Dina stepped into the room and shut the door behind her.


“Good morning,” he answered back at Dina’s greeting, standing up as he spoke.


Dina felt the man’s eyes crawl over her breasts as she stepped behind the large desk and placed the folders and papers she was carrying on top of the table. The papers contained the man’s files, necessary information intended to aid her as she does the interview process. She looked down at the paper on top of the small file and saw the man’s name was John Thompson. She wiggled slightly, making her twins jiggle just a little bit. She watched discreetly as the man’s eyes widened again. She nodded inwardly. Things are looking good so far for Mr. Thompson.


She held out her hand. “I’m Dina Frann,” she said. “But you can call me Dina.” She glanced at the paper again. “You’re Mr. John Thompson, right?”


The man shook Dina’s hand. His grip was firm but not overpowering. He nodded in agreement with Dina’s statement. “That’s right. But you can call me John,” he said, letting go of her hand. There was slight twinkle in his eyes, and she found herself amused by this man.


John Thompson was a welcome break from the usual hulking figures of men that were a frequent sight in the office. He was tall—towering, in fact—but he didn’t look like he was born and built to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. From the business suit he was wearing, Dina saw his shoulders were broad yet not too muscular. He was fit, trim, and toned all over, yet his muscles weren’t overly done in a manner that was too scary, at least in her standards. John had dark brown hair that constantly fell in his eyes, which too were brown but in a much-darker shade. She couldn’t figure out the exact shade of his eyes. They were too dark, and she would have to lean in closer to find out what color they were specifically. Well, there was time for that later. There always was.


“John it is then,” she agreed. She motioned for him to have a seat, and she sat down at the same time he did. Although she was naked, she didn’t feel cold. The office building was equipped with a special machine that kept the cold out and the heat in so that the people inside it didn’t feel the slightest bit of draft even though they had nothing on.


Dina took the folder with John’s file and skimmed through it. “Tell me something about yourself, John,” she said, her eyes glued to the folder in front of her.


“Well, I’m John Thompson,” he began. “I work as a mechanic somewhere down south. I currently live in an apartment downtown. I don’t have a wife nor do I have kids. No girlfriend either. I’m all I’ve got.”


Dina looked up. Her light-brown eyes met John’s dark ones. As it happened, she felt a stirring in her loins. Her pussy suddenly felt damp. Also, she was aware her nipples had perked up a little. She had to remind herself to calm down and not get excited. That was one downside of being in the nude. The slightest physical reaction could be seen by the man she was interviewing. The higher-ups always reminded them to never let even an inch of physical reaction show, lest the applicants think the interviewers were being weak and yielding. For the higher-ups, power and control were the names of the game. Dominance should be on the firm’s side, not the other way around.


“I see,” Dina said, her voice neutral. “Do you enjoy being a mechanic?”


John smiled. “The work was fun, and the guys were great,” he said a little wistfully. He shrugged. “But I gotta live, if you know what I mean.”


Yes, she did know what he meant. They all wanted to live. That was why they wanted to make ties with the firm in the first place. Yet not all men truly wanted to live, and not all those who wanted to were qualified.


She nodded in agreement to John’s statement. “Yes, I know what you mean.” Again she rifled through the sheaf of papers she was holding. “Since you worked as a mechanic before, I believe you have thorough experience in the matter of, let’s put it this way, giving service more than getting it.”


“Absolutely,” John answered immediately. “It has always been in me, you know, this trait of giving more than what I can get back in return. I don’t expect to be paid for what I give. That would defeat the purpose of giving in the first place.” He shrugged. It was a habit Dina observed he seemed to be doing quite a lot.


“Valid points, John,” she said. “Your personal philosophy quite coincides with what the firm has in mind.” She put the folder down on the table, out of her way. She leaned closer, planted her elbows on the desk, and her chin on her hands. The sides of the table concealed her breasts, which was how she wanted it to be. Her nipples had stood erect again, this time even stiffer than the previous instance. She was beginning to like John Thompson. Not only was he a desirable piece of flesh, but he also apparently had the brains to boot. She sort of missed talking to other people about deep, meaty stuff. The firm didn’t explicitly tell them to refrain from engaging in conversations that stimulated one’s mental juices. However, it was hinted—and strongly at that—that such conversations are better kept to a minimum and best not made at all. The directive made Dina sad. Fortunately there were others who felt the same way about it, and they all talked of serious brainy stuff every now and then.


“That’s great, Dina,” John said. It was the first time he said her name out loud, and it thrilled Dina. She felt herself become damp down there again. Her breasts began to ache, and her heart beat faster. She wanted to get to the matter of things and jump into his pants right away. He was so different from the others who had gone before him, in a good kind of way, of course. But no, it wouldn’t do for John to think she was having the hots for him right now. She reminded herself to be careful. John had a mind that was nowhere near dull. If he sensed she was going weak in the knees for him, he might use it to his advantage. She could lose not only her reputation but also—and more importantly—her job.


Dina wouldn’t allow that to happen.


Still leaning toward the table and making sure her chest was aptly covered, Dina continued to speak. “We value people who have something to show beyond their physical gifts. You know by then how much the firm puts an emphasis on all things that is pleasing to the eye. But we are more than that. I wouldn’t say forming conclusions about a person based on looks alone is shallow, because that’s exactly what we do, sort people according to how they look. But there are tons of people out there who were born and gifted with remarkable physical attributes.” She paused. “Not all of them can follow directions, instructions though.” She leaned even closer. “Anyone can give orders, John, but not everyone can follow orders. Which are you?”


John answered without a moment’s hesitation. “I can give and follow orders, Dina.” His dark-brown eyes were steady and unblinking, and she knew he was telling the truth. Another point in his favor then. She was satisfied with his answers but didn’t show it, of course. The thought of having John in the same building as she was sent a fresh batch of chills and tingles all over her body. She had to stop herself from giggling out loud. She couldn’t believe it, but she was behaving like a schoolgirl!


But not for long. It was time to get to business and to the most important matter at hand. The air in the room thickened almost palpably. Dina knew John knew what was about to happen next. Good. Him knowing took out some of the stress that had to do with what was to come next. It was easier for the persons involved to know what was going to roll around.


Dina leaned back on the office chair. “You know what’s coming next, right, John?” she asked. Just to be sure.


To her relief, John nodded. “Yes.” He gave a short laugh. “We’re getting to the main event now.”


“Good,” Dina said. “Well, let’s get started.” She glanced at the clock mounted near the door. “We don’t have much time.” The firm only allotted an hour for every interview, and every second past that specified time was a point less in the applicant’s favor.


She stood up at the same time John did. They smiled at each other in the almost synchronized movement. She saw he stood over her at about two more inches.


“Ready, John?” Dina asked softly.


“I’m ready when you are, Dina,” John replied.


That set things in motion. She went to the front of the desk, still wearing her dark and dangerous high heels and nothing else. A soft sighing sound escaped his lips as her naked body once again came into view. He began to take his clothes off.


Dina stood in front of him the entire time he stripped himself of his clothing. By the very visible bulge beneath his pants, she saw he was having a hard time keeping control of himself too. She laughed inside. It appeared the feeling was mutual. She guessed they were going to have an awesome moment.


John was now rid of his wrinkled coat and stiffly starched shirt. He stood bare-chested in front of Dina, who was slowly taking in the sight of John’s naked torso. Just as she had guessed, he was as fit as a whip. He had muscles and slight bulges in all the right places, which was how she liked the men to be. Too many muscles didn’t earn too many points in her favor, but with John, everything seemed to be just right.


He didn’t notice her looking as he was looking down and unbuckling his belt. Dina stepped forward and grabbed his wrists gently. He looked up, surprised at her touch.


“Let me,” she said. She took another step closer. By now they were so close to each other her nipples grazed his rock-hard chest. The pink sleeping nubs almost instantly came to life. She moaned as the tips of her nipples rubbed against his skin, which was surprisingly soft. It provided an arousing contrast to the toned texture of his muscles.


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