101 EROTICA STORIES (30 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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Her hands entangled themselves in his hair, making him pull his face up of her shoulder, a completely satisfied look on his face. She leaned up slightly, pressing her lips against his in a soft kiss, smiles gracing their features when they pulled away.


She whimpered when Joe pushed his body off the table and pulled out of her, already missing the warmth and the delicious feeling of being completely filled. He smirked, tugging at her arms and pulling her into a sitting position, his mouth finding hers again once she was within reach. This time, it was her who snaked her tongue out and into his mouth, her moan of satisfaction dying at the back of his throat. With one last peck, she pulled away, leaning her head against his broad chest, his heart thundering beneath her cheek.


“That was amazing,” she said breathily.


“I’ll say,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. His arms snaked their way around her, pulling her body flush against his. They stayed in companionable silence as they both tried to catch their breaths. “I want a copy of those pictures.”


He felt her chuckles vibrate against his chest. Taking one hand under her chin and gently pushing her head up to look at him, he couldn’t help but grin at the dazzling smile she sported, her eyes alight with amusement. “Don’t worry,” she said wryly. “I’ll make sure you get them. Just leave me your email address and I’ll send them to you later. Maybe I’ll send a few extras,” she finished with a wink.

He growled, capturing her lips in a fierce kiss at the realization of what she was saying. He took the breath away from her, leaning into him even when he pulled away. “How about you give me your address instead? Maybe we can schedule a few more private photo shoots while we’re at it. I’d love to try a couple of other poses with you.”
Yin and Yang

My best friend Kat has a really cutesy baby sister named Bunny. Kat and I grew up together as we used to be neighbours. They moved to a new place a few blocks away, so technically we still live quite close to each other. She has an older brother as well----Flynn. However, he was like 8 years older than Kat and I so I never really bothered with him. I knew both her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gray are like second parents to me.


Bunny is a five year old girl who takes after her mom. She has golden curls, brown eyes, and ultra long lashes. I love playing with her as she’s smart and she picks up things quite easily. She has the same temperament as Kat, maybe that’s why we easily get along.


Bunny’s babysitter caught the flu bug and she won’t be able to look after her subject so Kat asked me if I’d be willing to look after her sister. She wanted to do so her self but she’s busy with a series of job interviews.


It was Kat’s brother who opened the door for me. It’s very rare that I see him here as he is based in Nova Scotia. Well, the weather there must be really good as his skin looks very vital and he seems to be brimming with energy. “Marge! Long time no see, pal! What brought you here?”


“Kat called. She said Jay won’t be able to make it. She’s pretty contagious.” I cleared my throat. “Where are the other Grays?” I asked.


He smiled then. “Kat didn’t tell you? They are on a cruise---Caribs this time.”


I laughed. “Third honeymoon, perhaps?”


“Who knows? Well, come in. Bunny is in her room. You know the way.”


“Nice. Okay, I’ll see you around then.” I walked up the stairs and headed to Bunny’s cutesy room.


Her room is still pretty much the same, but with new wallpapers----paisley flowers. I knocked gently and opened the door. “Hi Marge!” She ran towards me and hugged my knees. “I missed you.”


“I missed you too Bunny. Wow, what are doing there?”


“I am making cookies for Kat.” I looked at her clay cookies and ran my hand on my tummy. “Wow. Don’t I get something too?”


“Sure you do. What do you like?”


“I want gingersnaps and some chamomile tea please.”


“Coming right up, Margie.”


We spent the next couple of hours playing chef. After that, I bathe her and got her ready for her piano lessons. Her instructor arrived and I left them for their session. I went inside Kat’s room to wash my face and freshen up a bit. I opened the door to her room and smiled. She missed spending nights here telling girl stories with Kat and a couple of other friends. The room is very feminine----lots of pinks, flowers, and whites. The queen size bed, with its dainty sheets and pillow cases is its focal point. It’s more like a vintage bed fit for a royal. It is a four-poster bed with light curtains as seen in most mid-eastern houses. I entered the room and closed the door quietly. I sat on the bed for a while but I was lured by the pillows so I sagged onto them and closed my eyes. The second I opened them, Flynn stepped out of the shower and walked towards the room in all his naked glory.


“OMG, Flynn please put some clothes on!”


“Marge! I... What are you doing here?!” He automatically covered himself with his hands.


“I went in to use the bath but I was sleepy so I lay down for a while.”


He went back to get some towels and wrapped one around his waist. “Why are you here? You have your own bathroom, right?”


“The damnable heater is not working. I was supposed to go downstairs but Kat is away anyway so I used her shower instead.”


“You didn’t...” He started to say.


“I, no. No. I didn’t. I mean, just a little.” Heat went up to may face.


“It’s not little, though. I assure you.”


“Of course, Flynn.”


I went out as fast as I can and caught my breath the minute I closed the door. Wow. I lied when I said I saw just a little. In fact, I managed to do a twice over----twice, so that’s four, before I even yelled for him to put some clothes on. Okay, so I was acting like a woman possessed. But, heavens, he has the most gorgeous body I have ever seen. I haven’t paid much attention to him before because he was Kat’s brother---but could I be so blind and oblivious to such a body like that?


I thought about the naked Flynn that I saw and I felt some chills go up and down my spine. Damn Kat’s brother.  Late that afternoon, I looked at some photos I have seen more than a hundred times. There were pictures of the young Kat and Flynn, more recent photos with Bunny and the Gray parents. It’s hard to reconcile the Flynn she knew for years with the Flynn she saw naked in Kat’s room. But whatever. He’s still Kat’s brother.


I sat on the couch and realized that I got so aroused just thinking about him. Well, I do have my needs---sexual needs---but most of the time they are under control. Well, not this time. I sighed and shook my head. If only he isn’t Kat’s brother.


I flipped through some glossies to kill some time as I waited for the piano lessons to finish. Flynn came to the living room looking all sweaty from playing basketball. I almost drooled. Why did he have to be so handsome?


“Hi there. Sorry that you had to see me with no clothes on. I really had no idea someone would come in that time.”


“No worries, Flynn. The drapes are down so I didn’t really, you know. It’s fine.”


“The drapes are down huh? You want to see me with better lighting conditions?” He smiled suggestively.


I didn’t know what possessed me that time but what came out of my mouth was “I would love to.”


“I’m kidding, Marge.” He grinned at me.


I feigned some laughter. “Of course. Of course, Flynn. I was kidding too.”


He went up to his room and I sagged back on the couch. I wanted to give myself a swift kick on the ass for acting so silly. Anyway, he doesn’t seem to mind. Besides, Flynn isn’t the assuming type, although if ever he is, his assumptions would be pretty accurate. Good thing a few minutes after that, Bunny’s piano teacher left. At least I’d be too busy to fantasize about Flynn.


The entire afternoon was spent playing with Bunny. She’s really smart and is very artistically inclined. We spent a few moments colouring all her books and painting some plain mugs that Kat bought for her. With just a few strokes, the bare mugs turn into museum quality pieces of art. Impressive.


After that, the two of us went to the kitchen to make some fluffy pancakes. The cute kid helped me mix the batter and helped me garnish the pancakes with whipped cream and strawberry slices. Flynn joined us midway and was able to finish three pancakes. I got the tingles when he told me “These are yummy!” I imagined him telling me I am yummy.




I read stories to Bunny until she fell asleep. I read her all her favourites and she really seemed to enjoy every minute of our story telling session. I actually enjoyed babysitting her. She’s sincerely sweet and never runs out of antics. I tucked her neatly and tip toed quietly out of the bedroom.


I bumped onto Flynn in the hallway. He was carrying a bunch of DVD’s to watch. “Hey Marge. Want to have a movie marathon with me?”


“Sure Flynn.”


“Great. Let’s get the popcorn and sodas. I also ordered some pizza. You’re not a vegetarian like Kat. Are you?”


I smiled at him. “No. I love meat.”


“Great. Me too.”


“Come with me.”


I followed him to the kitchen and I helped him with the popcorn. We settled ourselves at the large living room and started the marathon. There were James Bond movies, some Japanese horror films, and a number of Indie selections as well. The pizza guy came with Flynn’s orders a few minutes later.


I settled myself on one end of the couch and Flynn took his place a few inches from me. We started with a very naughty comedy, La Brassiere. It’s a flick about two men creating the “ultimate bra.” I have seen this movie twice already but it’s one of my favourites, so when he picked it, I instantly nodded my approval. We spent most of the time laughing and munching popcorns. The pizzas were great and soon enough, we were almost rolling on the floor as the movie progressed.


The next movie happened to be The Hangover, which is a very wacky adventure movie set in Bangkok. A good ten minutes after it started, I noticed that we were seating so close to each other and that my hand rested comfortably on his thigh. Talk about comfort level.


After a while, his arm became intertwined with mine, as if we have been movie buddies for so long. He slowly caressed my nape, giving me goose bumps all over. I loved the way he touches me and soon I was reciprocating, by caressing the back of his hand with my thumb. The room was kept dark and more conducive to being naughty. His hand went to rest on my thighs. As soon as the contact was made, I started feeling feverish. Flynn smelled good----like pure Dove soap mingled with the scent of a hot male. I couldn’t move and my breath started to come in shallows.


I leaned on his shoulders as he started rubbing my thighs up and down. The skirt I was wearing slightly became pretty much annoying for me. His hand felt really good and I can feel goose bumps forming all over my body. I sighed as he deepened the caress and wish I was somewhere far with just him. I rested my hand as well on his thighs, which were hard and strong. I felt instantly feminine as my hand travelled around them. My hand accidentally touched him between the legs and I gasped when I felt his bulging erection.


I squeezed his muscular arm, liking the way it felt on my hand. Just sitting beside him and touching him like this makes me sigh with pleasure. Driven by boldness, I kissed his jaw lightly and gently licked the area of skin there. I felt him shiver and so I kissed him again, this time on his cheek. I let my lips linger there. He held my waist gently and buried his face to my hair. There was nothing I wanted more then than to kiss his lips. However, I already made the first move. Now, it’s totally up to him.


I can barely focus on the movie now, as his lips kiss my eyelids and forehead and my nose. I tried to remember that I’m in Kat’s house and was supposed to be babysitting but none of that mattered anymore. I couldn’t care less about where I am and what I was supposed to do. All that registers is Flynn and his lips kissing my face.


He took his time and teased me with his lips. He kissed the sides of my mouth, allowing his lips to get acquainted with my puckers. He looked at me intently just as we were only an inch apart. He locked his lips with mine and kissed me for real. My heart started to pound and just as my mouth started to welcome his tongue, I wrapped my arms around his neck, unable to get enough of him.


My lips parted almost automatically---only too eager to have a taste of him. His tongue entered gently, rubbing its velvety surface on the sides of my mouth. I felt him groan inwardly as his tongue met mine. He sucked me, licked me, and fucked me with his tongue. I know something true----Flynn is delicious.


I was tempted to let him do all the work and just receive his kisses, but my urge to taste him even more was to strong. I moved my tongue with equal passion inside his mouth, the sensation was simply amazing. His hands went up and down my back, soothing and exciting me at the same time. I have never felt that way before and before long, my hands found his chest and touched him there over and over.

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