101 EROTICA STORIES (155 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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I came over and over. It seemed I would never stop coming, but of course I did. The girls changed positions. Georgia’s pussy became Rachel’s the next. The tongues toying with my breasts took on a different texture and feel. I still couldn’t see whom those tongues belonged to.


I couldn’t stop moving and thrashing on the bed. I screamed at the girls to please, for Pete’s sake, let me go. I wanted to pleasure them as much as they were pleasuring me. I wanted to grab at those ripe breasts swinging so teasingly above me, a case of so near and yet so far. I wanted to sink my fingers into the girls’ fresh meat, into the private crack between their legs. I want to explore every inch of their sex, to take their sex in my mouth and suck on those exotic juices like there was no tomorrow. I wanted to force them into an all-fours position and smack their behinds furiously. I also wanted to make them lie down on their backs and smack their pussies like Ruth did with mine. Oh, Lord, the longing was so bad. I screamed and screamed some more. The girls ignored me. I wasn’t surprised. Save for my body which they continued to ravage to no end, they acted like I wasn’t even there.


Now I look out the window and see the sky turn into a darker shade of orange. It was late afternoon now—very late, in fact. I whimper. I want to go home more than anything else. I don’t care if I’ll never have sex again in my entire life. I just want to be freed from these bonds and go home.


But the girls have other plans. A minute later, I hear the door swing open followed by a burst of giggling. The five girls stride into the bedroom a minute later. My eyes widen. All five of them are still as bare as the day they were born.


“Round 2,” Ruth says with a smile.


I grimace and shut my eyes.


The Sleepover


It was a Monday night that was typical of most Monday nights: moody, miserable, and manic. Lea Michaels was beginning to feel the first strings of despair creep throughout her system. She had a huge biology exam the next day, and she still wasn’t halfway the required reading chapters. Lea sighed. She knew she shouldn’t have said yes to the frat party last Friday and Saturday nights. But Graham had done the asking, and she couldn’t say no to Graham to save her life. So she went and had loads of fun, but she felt she was paying for that unforgettable fun right at the moment.


Lea sighed, picked up her book, and flipped through the pages again. She didn’t see how it could be done, but she swore for what felt like the ninth time to read through the required pages properly this time. She picked up her favorite highlighter and began to pick right where she left off.


About thirty minutes into her reading, the phone rang and yanked Lea out from her bubble of concentration. She looked at the clock and was surprised to see it was almost nine-thirty in the evening. Who could be calling her at this hour? Graham was out of town with his family, so it couldn’t be him. Not her parents either; they had called an hour ago, and she was sure they had told her everything they believed she needed to hear.


Lea picked up the receiver. “Hello?”


“Lea? Is that you?” a distressed voice came on the line.


“Yeah, it’s me,” Lea answered, and recognized the voice half a second later. “Kansas, what’s wrong?” It was Kansas Mathers, one of her best friends.


“Lea, can I come over?” Kansas had begun to sob, much to Lea’s alarm. She hated it when people cried. It made her feel uneasy.


“Of course you can,” Lea answered immediately. “My parents don’t get back until tomorrow. Tell me what happened, Kansas. Are you hurt?”


Kansas sniffled. “No, I’m fine. Physically, I mean. Look, I’ll tell you everything when I get there. Lea, do you mind if I sleep over for the night? I’m not sure I want to sleep on my own tonight, after everything that had happened.”


Lea gripped the receiver even tighter. Kansas wasn’t the type to just sit down and bawl her guts out. Whatever it was she had gone through must have been really tough. “No, I don’t mind at all,” she told her friend. “You can definitely sleep over tonight. My parents won’t mind, I know. You’re practically their daughter too.”


“Thanks, Lea,” Kansas said gratefully. “Let me just prepare my stuff. I’ll be right over in twenty minutes, tops.”


“Take your time,” Lea said. “I’m not going anywhere. See you in a few, Kansas.”


Lea hung up and began to place her books and notebooks back into her backpack. She knew she wasn’t going to get any studying done tonight. She sighed. So much for trying to make it to the dean’s list.


It’s just one night, anyway
, Lea consoled herself.
Kansas needs you. Besides, you can get your grades on track after this.


She was fluffing up the pillows on the living room when the doorbell rang. Lea went to open the door and saw it was Kansas, all right.


Kansas Mathers was, in Lea’s opinion, her most beautiful friend. Kansas was tall and lean, and had a build like that of an athlete. Kansas had dark hair that fell down her shoulders in soft waves. Her eyes were a piercing bottle-green shade. It was a color that never failed to garner compliments from onlookers, and growing up, Kansas had learned to accept them gracefully. She had medium-fair skin that tanned easily, and because she loved going to the beach, she was perpetually tan. Lea was particularly envious of her friend’s golden glow. Lea herself could never get a tan even if her life depended on it.


“I burn, but I don’t tan,” Lea would say jokingly.


As if her looks weren’t good enough, Kansas had a body that was the stuff of every teenaged boy’s wet dreams. Not only were her breasts huge and meaty, but they were also firm and perky. Kansas had hips that were as wide as her shoulders, giving her a perfect hourglass figure. Her behind wasn’t as remarkable as her chest, but it was still remarkable in normal standards. Her butt was toned and firm as well, because Kansas went to the gym regularly. She wasn’t an athlete, not by a long shot, but she occasionally played volleyball and swam laps at the school’s swimming pool.


At first, Lea couldn’t believe how she managed to have someone as gorgeous as Kansas for a best friend. Lea wasn’t bad looking, but she was a far cry from Kansas’s bombshell beauty. She had brought the topic up with Kansas once, who was displeased with the question. Kansas was well aware of her physical gifts, but she didn’t like it when people compared their looks with hers.


“Everyone’s unique,” she told Lea once. “I’m beautiful, but so are you. There’s no beautiful or ugly, there’s only different.”


Easy for you to say
, Lea had thought. But she didn’t say anything else to her friend.


Now the Kansas who stood in Lea’s doorstep was a far cry from the glamorous, confident Kansas the world had come to know. Instead, a haggard-looking Kansas was in her place. Her hair was a tangled mess, her eyes were puffy, and she was wearing a loose-fitting shirt and sweatpants. Lea was horrified. Kansas
wore sweatpants.


“Kansas!” Lea exclaimed, and took a step forward to give her friend a hug. “Oh, sweetie, is everything okay?”


Kansas let herself be hugged and, as soon as Lea’s arms were around her, burst into tears. “Lea, my world’s falling apart!” she wailed.


“Come on, let’s talk about it inside,” Lea said soothingly. She broke her embrace and ushered Kansas into the living room. “Go, sit down. Make yourself at home. I’ll get you something to drink.” She went into the kitchen and poured two tall glasses of raspberry iced tea for herself and Kansas.


When Lea went back to the living room, she saw Kansas was more or less herself already. She was still crying, but her sobs had quieted down. She reached for a glass of iced tea as soon as Lea set the glasses down on the table and drank half of the contents.


“So what happened?” Lea asked, and settled herself beside Kansas. She wrapped an arm around her friend’s shoulders.


Kansas took a deep breath. “Paul broke up with me.”


“Kansas, no!” Lea gasped. Paul McMahon was Kansas’s longtime boyfriend. Lea couldn’t believe the news. The two had been together forever, and it seemed like they would stay that way for a long, long time.


“Oh, yes,” Kansas said grimly. Her eyes were starting to tear up again. “He told me he was sorry and all that shit. I thought he was joking, Lea. But he was so gentle and serious the whole time.” She took another deep breath. “He . . . he had been seeing someone in the university. Some tramp named Angela.” Her voice took on a bitter note, and she paused again.


Lea gave Kansas a sympathetic half hug. “I’m sorry, Kansas.”


“Thanks.” Kansas looked at Lea and attempted to smile. “It’s funny how everything can change in one afternoon, you know? I . . . I woke up feeling fine and happy this morning, Lea, and now, everything has changed.” Her voice cracked. She took another long sip of the iced tea.


“So it’s final then? You guys broke up for good?” Lea asked gently.


Kansas nodded. “It has long been over for Paul, you know. If it’s over for him, then it’s over for me. I’m not gonna force myself on someone who doesn’t want me.”


“Paul’s gonna regret what he did,” Lea said fiercely. “You’re gorgeous, Kansas, you can find someone to replace that jerk in a jiffy.”


“But I love Paul,” Kansas whispered. “God, I love him, Lea. I don’t see how I can get by without him for now.” Her voice cracked again, and this time she didn’t give in. Kansas broke down and sobbed into Lea’s shoulder. Lea let her friend cry. She didn’t say anything but simply stroked her hair and, save for Kansas’s sobs, let the silence envelope them.


When Kansas’s weeping had quieted a little, Lea asked her if she would like to hit the sack already.


“We’ll talk about this in the morning,” Lea promised. “I know you’d want to talk about it, and I’ll gladly listen if you do, but you seem pooped, Kansas.”


Lea had expected an argument, but Kansas nodded and agreed with her suggestion. “You’re right. I’m beat. I’ve been crying my ass off the whole afternoon.” She gave a shaky laugh. “I’m a sight right now, I know.”


“You can stay in my room,” Lea offered. “I know you want some time alone. I can sleep in my folks’ bedroom.”


“Well,” Kansas began hesitatingly, “I was just about to ask if you don’t mind sleeping in your bed too. With me, that is. I don’t feel like being alone right now, Lea. These crazy thoughts fill my head, and I don’t want to do anything stupid.”


“Oh, of course,” Lea said hurriedly. “We’ll share the bed tonight, if that’s what you want. Come on, let’s take your stuff up.”


The two friends went upstairs to Lea’s bedroom. Lea ushered Kansas into her room and made her change into a spare bathrobe.


“You get yourself a good wash right now,” Lea instructed. “You’re right, you look like a mess, but a bath should take care of it.”


Kansas smiled wanly. “Thanks, Lea. A bath does sound good right now.”


Lea handed the robe to Kansas. “I’ll just go down the basement and prepare some sheets. You’ll need a towel too, but it’s all in there.”


“Thanks.” Kansas took the robe. “Go on, I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’ve never been inside your house, anyway.”


Lea chuckled and left her bedroom, closing the door behind her. As she went down the stairs, she thought of Kansas’s news and felt sorry for her friend. Apparently, even stunning people aren’t spared from the aches and pains of a shattered heart.


She went down the basement and got the clean sheets she needed from the linen cabinet. She plucked two bath towels from the pile and added another bathrobe into her load. Then she went back upstairs to her bedroom and, balancing her load of fresh sheets on her arm, opened the door.

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