Read 100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It Online
Authors: Florence Strang
Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Diseases & Physical Ailments, #Internal Medicine, #Oncology, #Cancer, #Medicine & Health Sciences, #Clinical, #Medical Books, #Alternative Medicine, #Medicine
healing with their patients. Given the health benefits of laugh-
favorite feel-good
ter, you might want to consider getting yourself a “prescription”
for Netflix.
Watch the Movie, but Ditch
the Microwave Popcorn
don’t think there is anything that smells better than
buttery microwave popcorn; do you? But the smell
of popcorn popping on the stove or in an air popper
can be just as enjoyable—and a little less toxic. Aside
from the unhealthy hydrogenated oils and palm oils
that are used in the popcorn mixture inside the bag,
the popcorn bag itself can pose the biggest risk of all.
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100 Perks of Having Cancer
Plastics that line the inside of the microwave popcorn bag contain per-
fluorinated compounds (PFCs). This group of chemicals and its cousins,
perfluorooctanoic acids (PFOAs), act as the water and oil repellent on the
inside surface of the bag. Exposure to PFOAs is known to cause cancer as
well as liver and hormone disruption and has recently been associated
with lowering the effectiveness of childhood immunizations by affecting
the immune system to the point where it inhibits the production of anti-
bodies. (The purpose of the immunization is to increase antibody produc-
tion.) Anything that weakens the immune system opens the door for
illnesses of all kinds.
Exposure to PFCs is not limited to popcorn bags as it is present in many
food containers (such as fast food french-fry boxes) and is even present on
stain-resistant carpets and clothing; recent testing shows that PFCs exist in
high levels in the air supply of many office buildings. We all are exposed
to it, as a random blood sampling of the general population showed that
90 percent of us have an ample amount of PFCs pulsing through our veins.
Because PFCs accumulate in our body and can take decades to excrete,
and because of the rising concern over recent research, the U.S.
Cut down on
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been devising a
chemical exposure
“PFC action plan” to deal with the increasing evidence that PFC
by switching to
exposure is dangerous and harmful. However, some of the U.S.
stove-top or air-
EPA’s action plans can take over ten years to complete, so it’s
popped corn to get
up to you to be aware and eliminate it where you can.
your popcorn fix.
Okay, I can tell that a little toxic plastic probably won’t be
enough to keep you from those light fluffy pieces of buttery
heaven. So, let’s talk about what makes those pieces so buttery.
The main chemical used to make artificial butter flavor is diacetyl. The
EPA initially approved diacetyl for flavoring because it appeared that it was
safe when used in foods. But when it is high-heated, like in manufacturing,
or when making microwave popcorn, it emits a toxic gas that causes bron-
chiolitis obliterans, a potentially fatal, nonreversible lung disease that
caused the death of a handful of “popcorn addicts” and has sickened hun-
dreds of factory workers. Bronchiolitis obliterans has become known as
“popcorn lung.”
Perk #24: I Could Watch My Favorite Movie Any Time I Felt Like It
After an investigation in 2007, most manufacturers removed diacetyl
from their popcorn products. But don’t push the “start” button on that
microwave yet. The chemicals used to replace diacetyl are just as bad, and
it is believed that the lung problems will continue to exist, especially for
the one who first opens the bag and inhales that heavenly but toxic vapor.
Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer, but there is hope! You can pop your
own corn using organic ingredients (of course!). Here’s how it’s done:
1. Place a 3-quart or larger pot with a lid on the stove.
2. Pour 2 tablespoons of oil (cold-pressed and/or organic oil if possible) in
the pot with 4 kernels of organic non-GMO popcorn and cover.
3. Turn heat to medium-high and watch the pot. When the first kernels pop,
pour in 1/2 cup of kernels and cover pot.
4. Shake pan over the heat, keeping it moving and venting the steam ever
so slightly. When popping slows down to 2 to 3 seconds apart, turn heat
off and leave pot covered until popping stops. Pour into a bowl and sea-
son with toppings. While butter certainly is an option, a healthier choice
would be seasonings like sea salt, cinnamon, or garlic powder. You can
always use Earth Balance plant-based butter or something similar to keep
your snack plant-based, healthy,
While the intake of corn products in general should be limited because
of many health factors (most corn is genetically modified and it is high in
omega-6 fatty acid), there is a huge happiness factor with this delicious com-
fort food.
Perk #25
Speaking My Mind
s far as indicators go, I was not considered to be at high risk for breast
cancer. There is no family history, I am healthy, I exercise, I don’t
smoke, and I generally take good care of my body. The biggest risk factor
for me was stress, largely brought on by years of holding back my thoughts
and feelings, and swallowing anxiety. While science has not confirmed a
direct link between stress and the onset of cancer, there is ample evidence
to show how stress can impair the functioning of your immune system.
Whether or not stress caused my cancer (I do believe it played a role),
there is no doubt that I needed a strong immune system to recover from
it. Therefore, an important part of my survival plan involved stress
I am sure that you have heard the analogy of the oxygen mask in an air-
plane. If the mask drops, you are to secure your own before you try to help
other people; otherwise, you may lose consciousness. When I got cancer, I
realized that I needed to take care of myself first and foremost; otherwise,
there was a chance I wouldn’t be around to help the others in my life who
need me.
A critical component of taking care of myself involved (and still does)
reducing the stress in my life. Rather than keeping things bottled up, I
learned to honor my feelings by speaking my truth. I abandoned my old
pattern of avoiding conflict at all costs, in favor of standing up for myself
in a respectful way. I also added a new word to my vocabulary—”No”—
sometimes followed by, “That doesn’t work for me.” The funny thing is,
while I feared that people would not like me if I put my own needs before
theirs, the opposite is true: I am shown more respect than ever before.
Be kind to your body, mind, and spirit by standing up
for yourself and speaking your truth in a respectful way.
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Perk #25: Speaking My Mind
Speaking My Spirit
ow important is spirituality to your health? If recent research is correct,
the answer is
We are all spiritual beings, whether you want to admit it or not. Spiri-
tuality can have different meanings, but basically it is your core belief system
developed by your connection with others and is the essence of what brings
meaning to your life.
The evidence for the connection between health
and spirituality has grown over the years. It doesn’t
really matter what form of spirituality you practice—
be it one of the organized main religions, personal
meditation, or just an appreciation for nature. But
one thing is clear: your physical health can improve
by getting in touch with your spiritual side.
How does spirituality make you healthier? In
part, it seems to have to do with a reduction in stress.
Reducing stress improves immunity and reduces the
incidence of illness. Spirituality usually includes some form of meditation,
which has been shown to directly improve the immune system. It can also
offer a sense of hope or faith, which is a positive feeling that can have heal-
ing physical effects. Spirituality can provide you with a connection to others
and gives a sense of purpose to your life.
If spirituality is already a big part of your life, I suggest you make it big-
ger. If you’ve never explored your spiritual side, there
are scads of books and resources to help get you started.
Explore your
The best way is to find someone who has a spiritual
spirituality as
side that you admire and ask them what they do. Spir-
another avenue
ituality just may be the missing piece of your health
to better health.
that you were looking for.