Read 100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It Online
Authors: Florence Strang
Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Diseases & Physical Ailments, #Internal Medicine, #Oncology, #Cancer, #Medicine & Health Sciences, #Clinical, #Medical Books, #Alternative Medicine, #Medicine
corn tortillas, and anything else made with corn. Read your labels,
because you’ll be surprised where corn is lurking.
Limit dairy. There are great alternatives for cow’s milk such as almond
milk, coconut milk, and rice milk. Plant-based milks can also have more
calcium than cow’s milk and less fat. Choose the unsweetened versions
when you can. There are wonderful plant-based mayonnaises, butters,
and yogurts out there as well, and they taste exactly the same or better
than their dairy-containing counterparts.
Limit or eliminate eggs and egg products.
Limit or eliminate beef and chicken, particularly industrial-produced (fac-
tory farm) corn-fed versus organic grass-fed meat products.
Limit or eliminate soybean oil, safflower oil, and other polyunsaturated
vegetable oils and switch to
olive oil,
a monounsaturated oil that is neutral
Perk #10: Cancer Gave Me Something to Hope For
(monos do not affect inflammation). You get even more benefits if the
olive oil is extra-virgin organic. Technically, EVOO stands for extra virgin
olive oil, but I like to use EVOOO, which is extra-virgin,
olive oil.
Extra virgin
means it’s minimally processed.
To increase omega-3s:
If you eat fish, increase fish intake—mackerel, sardines, or salmon (wild
fish if possible)—to two to three times a week.
Increase deep-green, leafy vegetables—spinach, kale, and other dark greens.
Include algae supplements, which are loaded with omega-3s, and can be
grown organically. (Please check with your health provider to see if these
are right for you.) There are many different kinds to choose from. If you’re
not sure, consult your naturopath or healthcare provider for the proper
Include walnuts and freshly ground flaxseeds as they are rich in alpha-
linolenic acid (ALA), which converts to omega-3 fatty acid in your body.
Include chia seeds in your diet as one tablespoon of chia seeds can have
as much omega-3s as five fish oil capsules. Simply toss them in salads,
shakes, or cereals.
As a last resort, include fish oil capsules in your daily regimen. While flax
seed oil capsules are also an option, fish oils provide a better form of
omega-3 that is more easily metabolized by the body, Flax seed oil also
lacks the beneficial cancer-fighting part of the flax: lignans.
So how do you know that your new “omega diet” is working? There are
blood tests available that will measure the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty
acids in your body so you can see how close your levels are to desirable.
You can obtain the tests kits from a mail-order company, supply a small
blood sample at home, and mail it in for results. It’s not enough just to
measure the omega-3s, as some tests do. You must measure the ratio of
omega-6 to omega-3, as it is the ratio that determines your risk of inflam-
matory illness.
100 Perks of Having Cancer
Counting every single milligram of fatty acid that you consume so you
can look at the ratios for the rest of your life would be a bit ridiculous, but
if you’re moving toward a cancer-fighting diet, it would be a good idea to
count your omega-3s and omega-6s for a few days so you can see where
your levels are to identify where to make changes. Once you know where
omega’s lurk, it’s easier to make good dietary choices. A great place to find
the omega-3 to omega-6 content of your favorite foods is at www.nutrition
A Bit About Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules
Eating the whole food is the best way to get omega-3s, but you may choose
to use supplements in your daily dietary routine. Omega-3 fish oil capsules
are one way to get the omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs to be
healthy. New research indicates that two grams of omega-3 supplements
daily (usually four capsules) can actually change the length of your telom-
eres, which are the structures that tell your healthy cells to live longer. Fish
oil is sold in 1,000 milligram capsules, but not all 1,000 of those milligrams
are omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil also contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
and eicosapentaenoic (EPA), which are great for your heart. That means that
only about 500 milligrams of that capsule are actually omega-3s.
Please note that not all fish oils are created equal.
Some companies make their fish oil from all kinds of fish—sardines,
mackerel, salmon, tuna, and anything else they can catch in the wild, or
in a fish farm. Farmed fish have a lot more contaminants, pesticides, and
PCBs (pollution byproducts) than wild-caught fish.
To remove the contaminants, some companies put their fish oil through
a process called molecular distillation. This process uses high heat and
chemicals to break apart the omega-3 chain and essentially gives you the
important parts of the fatty acid in pieces. (I generally avoid “processed”
anything.) Not the most efficient way for your body to use it, but better
than nothing.
Some companies add vitamin E to the capsule to keep the oil from going
rancid. Most unstable fish oil capsules will say on the bottle, “Refrigerate
Perk #10: Cancer Gave Me Something to Hope For
after opening.” With quality capsules, this is not necessary. (My personal
recommendation is Wholemega by New Chapter, but there are many
If you take anything away from reading this health tip, it should be the
1. Increase your dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids by eating more
veggies and high omega-3 plant-based foods like chia seeds, or if you
must by eating fish or taking omega-3 capsules. If you decide to take a
fish oil capsule, research it so you know what you are taking, how pure
the fish oil is, how the oil is processed, and the philosophy of the
company that is supplying your supplements.
2. Try to reduce your intake of omega-6 (corn products and vegetable oils)
to avoid encouraging the inflammatory process that may put you at risk
for dozens of chronic illnesses by throwing off your
omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. This does not mean you
Increasing omega-3 fatty
need to completely cut out foods that are high in
acid intake and decreasing
omega-6, like healthy protein-rich hemp seeds for
omega-6 intake can have
example, but be mindful of your intake so you can still
dramatic health benefits
hit that 4:1 (or even better 2:1) omega-6 to omega-3
that can reduce your risk
ratio. Switching out food during your day like olive oil
of a long list of illnesses,
for sunflower oil or flax crackers for corn chips are sim-
including cancer.
ple small ways to tip the scales in your favor and have
a significant healthy effect.
3. Please talk to your health provider if you decide to start taking any sup-
plement, as fish oils can interfere with some medications, particularly
blood-thinning agents.
Perk #11
Cancer Made Me Realize
My Own Strength
here is nothing like a battle with cancer to prove
to yourself just how strong you really are. Ten years
ago, if I could have looked into the future and saw
forty-four-year-old Florence: divorced, single parent-
ing three children, dealing with the many challenges
of having a child with autism, and then facing cancer
on top of that, well, I probably would have said,
“Hand me a rope, would ya?” But I would have been
underestimating the strength of forty-four-year-old
Florence. Not only did I handle it, but I experienced
some of the most joyful moments of my life in the
process! It is true: God never gives us more than we
can handle. But God, if you are listening, “I GET IT! I’M STRONG! Now go
pick on someone your own size.”
Celebrate your own strength!
Celebrate Healthy Fats
ooking was a lot different when you were a kid. Back then your mom’s
choices were:
pot roast or steak?
baked or fried?
crisco or lard?
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