#1 Fan (3 page)

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Authors: Andrew Hess

BOOK: #1 Fan
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              “These are for me, courtesy of Mr. Waters.”

              “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

              Kat’s mischievous grin indicated the type of relationship she shared with Christopher Waters. They approached the register and, paid for the purchases and took the car back to the office. Evan followed her back to the tenth floor and through the glass doors.

              “Is he in with a client,” Kat asked.

              “No ma’am. Go right on in.”

              Evan and Kat made their way down the hall. Mr. Waters sat in his chair watching ESPN recap the previous night’s games from the sixty-inch flat screen plastered across the far wall. “Hey, how did it go?”

              “He cleans up pretty nice. He just needed a little guidance,” Kat replied while holding her purchases behind her back.

              “Great.” Mr. Waters walked towards his desk and pulled a piece of paper from a folder on his desk. “Here is your itinerary for the weekend. A car will pick you up on Friday afternoon and will bring you to the hotel. You can stay there and relax for the night. I’ll swing by with a car to pick you up at noon for your first signing.”

              Evan took the paper. Hearing his schedule and how well he would be taken care of made him feel like he was a celebrity. It was a feeling he didn’t want to let go of.

              “Sounds good. Is there anything else I need?”

              “Just make sure you’re well rested and ready to go. We’ll see you Friday.” Evan was dismissed from the office. Mr. Waters and Kat watched him exit with a bit of pep in his step, much different from the way he entered.

Chapter 3-Evan


              Evan was ecstatic when the car pulled up in front of his house on Friday. He told his parents the good news about the book signings and about the increase in sales, but none of that mattered to them.

              “You lied to me,” Mrs. Taylor shouted after hearing Evan’s good news. “You told me you were going down to your brother’s store for the interview. Instead you took the car, my car, and took a train to the city.”

              “I needed to go. My agent said he had good news for me and had to tell me in person.”

              She scoffed at the mention of Evan’s agent. “He’s feeding you bullshit. You’re probably going to some hole in the wall store and will sign two books the entire day. He’s just stringing you along, wasting your time and money.”

              “Really,” Evan snapped. “Then tell me why he bought me a brand new suit, tie and shoes to wear to the events. Why did he set me up in a hotel room for the weekend? And why is he having a car pick me up?”

              Mrs. Taylor was speechless. She pursed her lips and stormed off down the hall to her bedroom. No doubt to call Evan’s father and feed him lies about how his son treated her. Evan looked at it as a reprieve from listening to her nagging him.

              After a heated discussion with his father later that night, Evan decided it was best to stay in his room and avoid his parents. He remained hidden for the remainder of the week until the black Town Car pulled up.

              He grabbed his duffle bag along with the items Kat and Mr. Waters purchased for him, which were still concealed in the garment bag the store provided. He checked to make sure neither of his parents were wandering the house. He didn’t want them to make a scene or argue with him before leaving. He opened the door to silence.
Perfect, no one’s home
, he thought. He hurried down the stairs and out the front door, meeting the driver halfway up the front lawn.

              “Mr. Taylor, I presume.”

              “Hi…yeah…Mr. Waters sent you?”


              “Awesome.” He jogged to the car with the driver casually walking behind him. Seeing the open trunk, Evan dumped his bag inside. He was about to throw the garment bag on top of it, but felt the cold wrinkly hands of his driver clasp around his wrist.

              “I’ll take that.” He gently removed the hangers from Evan’s grasp and opened the rear doors. He placed the garment bag on one side before moving to the rear passenger side to open it for Evan. “Here you go sir.”

              Having someone open a door for him was something Evan wasn’t used to. It was a symbol of power and status, something he never had. It reminded him of how he felt when he wore the suit Kat picked out for him. That was the man he wanted to be, and he was on his way to getting exactly what he wanted.

              Hours later he arrived at the Town House Inn. The massive building’s beige and gold exterior welcomed Evan as he carried his bag inside.

              “Hi, I’m here to check-in.”

              A tall man with salt and pepper hair stood behind the counter. He scribbled into a book before turning his attention to Evan. “Name please.”

              “Evan Taylor.”

              His fingers nimbly typed the name on the keyboard until it appeared on the screen. “Ah yes, we have you down for a two-night stay in a queen sized bedroom.” The man at the desk checked Evan’s license and credit card before entering the data in the system. After handing them back, he printed out two keycards and placed them in a holder with the blue, teal, and gold emblem on the front. “Here you go Mr. Taylor. Do you need any assistance in bringing your bags up to your room?”

              “No, I think I can make it.” Evan took the keycards and moved towards the elevator. He took it to the third floor and trotted off down the hall to his room.

              Any time he stayed at a hotel, the bathrooms were dirty, the furnishings were old, the blankets were two decades behind in style, and the bed seemed like someone had slept on top of the covers. This room, this room was much different than all the previous places he stayed. The size alone topped everything. There were two rooms devoted to him. One was set up like a living room; complete with a burgundy couch with matching chairs, surrounding a mocha colored coffee table. The other room had a king sized bed, a dresser that matched the coffee table and a sliding door to access the bathroom.

              Evan dropped his bags at the foot of the bed. His jaw hung open as he explored the rooms. He didn’t know why Waters booked him such a massive and obviously expensive room, but he wasn’t going to complain. This was his chance to live like a rock star and he planned on enjoying every moment of it.

              He kicked off his shoes, jumped on the bed, and turned on the big screen T.V. before his phone started vibrating in his pocket. The name on the screen gave him a surge of joy as he saw Chris Waters appear.

              “Mr. Waters, thank you so much for the room. It’s incredible.”

              “You’re welcome. I was calling to check up on you, but by the sound of it, I’d say you made yourself at home.”

              Evan smiled as he rummaged through the mini-bar. “I am, but am I supposed to stay here all night?”

              “You’re free to do as you’d like. There are a few places to eat nearby, and a restaurant a few miles from the hotel. The car is at your disposal until tomorrow morning, but I expect you to be ready and in the lobby by eleven thirty.”

              “Sounds good. I’ll see you then.” Evan hung up and sat down on the bed. Knowing he would need to be well rested for the next day, Evan decided to lay in bed and watch T.V.

              By nine that night, the restlessness of staying cooped up in a hotel room all day nagged Evan. The desire to go out and have fun for once was too tempting. He searched for some of New Jersey’s hotspots on his phone and checked to see how far they were from the hotel. He called for the car and had the driver meet him in front of the hotel an hour later.

              The Town Car pulled up to a white building with a metal gate fencing in those lined up to get in. “Are you sure you want me to drop you off here,” the driver asked.

              To Evan, Bliss looked like the bars and clubs he frequented when he was home and when he was away at college. Memories of his drunk nights with the few friends he had flooded his mind in an instant. It was everything he wanted and needed the night to take the edge off before his signing.

              “Yes, this is perfect.” Evan opened his door before the driver exited the front of the car “I’ll give you a call when I’m ready.” The diver looked back at him, shaking his head.

              Evan joined the line of people waiting to get in. It didn’t look long at first, but was still waiting ten minutes later. He was only a few people away from the bouncer. He pulled out his license and money, handing them to the tall long haired man with the flashlight. He was waved forward and proceeded through the doors. The loud beat dropping music met Evan the moment he stepped foot inside the bar. The D.J. sat atop a stage with the booth surrounding. The sea of drunk, sweaty men and women dancing to the music made Evan feel like he was at home.

              He slipped through the crowd, finding it difficult to navigate at first, but found a spot at the corner. He waited two minutes with a folded up twenty held between two fingers, holding it up to catch the bartender’s attention.

              “What’ll it be?”

              “Jack and Coke.” The bartender filled the glass and slid it towards him. Once he tipped him, Evan moved back towards the dance floor.

              His eyes were focused on the men pawing women on the dance floor. Their hands wrapped around the waist of the intoxicated women they chose to hit on, while the men pressed their bodies firmly against their partners’ ass. Evan didn’t dare dance. He went to the bars to mostly drink and watch everyone else have a good time. The idea of him getting on the dance floor was completely off the table unless he was drunk.

              The first drink stung as liquid courage slid down his throat. The refill came quicker than he thought. He positioned himself to view the crowd once more and found a woman approaching. She was taller than him, dressed in an ivory tank top with matching tight jeans that hugged her thin body. Evan’s eyes dropped to the floor to avoid looking at the stunning brown haired beauty walking towards him. He noticed her plum color painted toes as they glided over the floor in her leopard print sandals. The woman smiled as she passed by him on the way to the bar.

This is it. This is the start of a new life
, Evan thought.
Stop being some scared little prick and buy that girl a drink
. He hated doing things outside his comfort zone. He was always a little socially awkward, but something about that girl begged him to listen to the voice inside his head. He approached her from behind, but thought better and turned around.
Come on; be a man and just talk to the girl.

              He inched forward while watching the girl signal for the bartender for the third time. He slid next to the girl and signaled the bartender. The man nodded in their general direction.

              One of the female bartenders saw the money in Evan’s hand and slid in front of him. “What’ll it be?”

              There was a sigh from the woman as Evan placed his order. “And whatever this beautiful lady wants.” His finger pointed to the girl to his left.

              She looked at Evan, unsure of what to do. “Can I get a Corona?” The woman opened the bottle and slid it across the bar before turning her attention to the Evan’s drink. “You didn’t have to do that.”

              Knowing the music was too loud, he leaned in and shouted into her ear. “I know, but it saved me the trouble of asking and you turning me down.”

              “Who said I would’ve turned you down?”

              Evan contemplated what was said and decided to tap into his inner wise ass. “Then can I buy you a drink?”

              The bartender appeared with the Jack and Coke in her hand. “Can I get ya anything else?”

              The woman grinned. “Two shots of tequila.”

              Evan closed his eyes, secretly counting how much money he had left in his wallet, wondering if he could cover the amount of the drinks. He dug into his pockets and pulled out the remaining wad of cash he had, paying the bartender.

              He grabbed one of the shot glasses and held it up for a toast. “What should we toast to?”

              “To a night we’ll never forget.” They clinked glasses and downed their shots. The liquor stung like a vengeful wasp. They each took a swig of their drink to mask the burn.

              “I’m Evan by the way.”

              The woman held up her bottle, tipping the neck towards Evan’s glass as a salute. “I’m Sara.” She looked around the bar and saw more people were making their way inside. “You want another shot?”

              “Nah, I don’t think…”

              “Come on; it’s on me.” Sara took Evan’s hand and moved them down the bar to avoid the people that just entered the bar. She ordered another round of shots. They quickly threw back the tequila and winced at the burn before downing their drinks. “You dance?”

              Evan was already starting to feel a strong buzz and knew he would inevitably end up on the dance floor. He looked into Sara’s golden brown eyes and knew he would kick himself if he didn’t do everything he could to score at least a kiss or a number.

              “Sure, let’s go.”

              Evan took Sara by the hand and led her to an open spot on the dance floor. Her skin was soft and smooth as he entwined her fingers with his own. The house music pumped loudly causing everyone to jump and throw their hands in the air to the beat. Knowing how awkward he was, Evan followed Sara’s lead, trying his best to mimic everything she did.

              More than twenty minutes past since they hit the dance floor. The sweat dripped down their faces. Evan’s heart raced every time their hands met. A simple touch was igniting a fire inside that screamed for him to kiss her.

              He leaned in, but Sara turned her head to the door. “I’m going to get some air for a minute.” She headed toward one of the exits and slipped out the side. Evan followed her outside and waited until she leaned against the wall. Her eyes lit up when she saw Evan appear beside her. “I was hoping…”

              Before she could utter another word, Evan lunged forward. His lips crushed against Sara’s. It was his most passionate attempt at a kiss. His hands gripped her waist and pulled her closer to his body. He could feel her arms wrap around his neck. Her lips responded to his and could feel something stir inside. His tongue swept through the small opening, parting her lips. If there was ever a moment to have a hotel room, it was that night.

              “I have a…”

              “Sara, there you are,” a woman shouted from the doorway. Evan and Sara separated from each other and wiped their mouths as if the last few moments never happened. A shorter woman with curly dirty blond hair stormed towards them. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Sara’s friend looked at Evan, rolled her eyes and continued talking as if she didn’t notice him. “Come on; Christie wants to go. She’s not feeling too well.”

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