03 - The Wicked Lady (29 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jernigan

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"Thank ye," she said, pushing her hair back in place. She promptly stepped away, putting some distance between them.

"That's what husbands are for," he told her, opening the door.

She couldn't help the half-smile she gave him. "I knew they were good for something," she murmured as she scurried past him and hurried downstairs.

The rain had stopped. A bright morning sun shone with a radiant orange glow as they made their way outside. The carriage stood waiting for them, the horses prancing as they impatiently waited to be going. Once in the carriage, they wasted little time getting under way.

Since Kristen had gotten very little sleep, the swaying of the carriage quickly lulled her to sleep. However, when she dozed off her leg would brush Trevor's and she'd jar herself awake, then doze off again.

The next thing she realized, Trevor was shaking her awake. "We're here. Do you want to stay in the carriage or come into my office?"

Kristen rubbed her eyes as she gazed out the window at a small brick building. "I'll go with ye. My legs are cramped and stiff, and it will do me good tae stretch them out."

Kristen was surprised at how small the office was compared to all the other places that Trevor owned. When she commented on the fact, Trevor explained that they didn't need much room.

A small gentleman sat behind a desk. He was bent over a large book, which he was writing in as they entered. He looked up. "Good day, Your Grace. I did not expect you."

"This is an unplanned trip, I'm afraid," Trevor said, then motioned to Kristen. "James, this is my wife."

"Nice to meet you, mum." He nodded his head toward her, his spectacles sliding further down his nose.

Trevor stopped in front of James's desk. "Have you seen the man who came here the last time I was in London?"

"No, Your Grace. I believe the bloke was too scared to show his face around here again."

Trevor muttered a curse. "Now I will have to track the scoundrel down!" He nodded to James, then turned to Kristen and said, "I'll be only a moment, Kristen." Trevor strode past her and ducked into one of the back rooms.

James squirmed in his chair as if he felt he needed to talk to her. Finally, he laid down his quill and folded his hands on the table before he said, "The man His Grace spoke of, had some nerve asking him for money." James shook his head and looked over his spectacles at her. "I don't think I have ever seen His Grace so angry."

"What did this mon look like?"

As soon as James described the character, Kristen knew it had been her stepfather. So, Ned had gone to Trevor for more money! And Trevor had paid him. She wondered why. He'd had said before that he would never give Ned any more money. Could Trevor possibly have done it for her?

"That's a fine husband you have, mum."

"Thank you," Kristen said, wanting to ask a few more questions, but Trevor returned and prevented her from doing so.

"We'll go to my town house," Trevor said.

She felt momentary panic as her mind jumped. "But Hagan!" She had not come so far to be left at home.

"I'm sending a dispatch out for help," Trevor said, his response holding a sour note of impatience. "We'll find him. But first I want to get you safely home." Not waiting for her to comment, he took her by the elbow and escorted her out of the office.

Kristen didn't brother to argue. It was kind that he wanted to protect her. Did that mean he cared for he
r and didn't want to admit it? No matter. She was not going to sit at home while her brother was out on the streets. She would find Hagan herself if Trevor couldn't.

Because Kristen Johnstone Claremont knew these streets better than anyone.


Chapter Seventeen


Over the next several days, Kristen stayed behind while Trevor went out to search for Hagan. She felt much like a caged animal, and it killed her to be so passive and wait, but for once she was trying to listen to her husband.

On the fifth day, Trevor came home extremely tired. There were shadows under his eyes, which hadn't been there before, and she knew then that he loved Hagan just as much as she did. Her heart tightened at the realization.

That nigh
t, they ate dinner in silence. Kristen didn't like the uneasiness she sensed. What was Trevor thinking? Did he know something, but wasn't telling her?

Soon dinner was over, and they retired to the library where tea was served. She noticed Trevor hadn't indulged in spirits since she'd returned, and she sure hoped he wouldn't. But when he withdrew like this, she became nervous. She still remembered the last time he'd become drunk much too well.

Trevor sat in a chair, his shoulders slightly slumped. He stared down at the brown liquid as if it held some dark secretes. He didn't seem to notice that she was even in the room.

When Kristen couldn't stand the silence any longer, she demanded, "Tell me what's wrong!"

He looked up at her and blinked a couple of times before he spoke. "I thought we'd have turned up something by now," he admitted as he shook his head with regret. "I hate to think of Hagan out on those streets with that leech."

"I do, too." She shuddered inwardly at the thought. "He's so young."

"I know." Trevor stood, then went to the window, and stared out into the darkness as if he were searching for answers. His shoulders were rounded and his head bent.

Kristen had never seen him so helpless and sad. Without thinking she got up, and went to him, placing her hand on his arm. "We'll find Hagan," she assured Trevor in a choked voice, wanting to ease his hurt. "Ye just haven't looked in the right places." She hesitated. "I appreciate ye helping me," she
added softly next to his ear.

Trevor turned, capturing her within his arms. He hugged her fiercely and for the longest time. Then his hands began exploring the soft lines of her back down to her waist, before he squeezed her tightly. He looked at her again. "Don't you know, I would do anything for you," he admitted honestly as he gathered her back to him, letting her soft curves fit into his body. Slowly, his seductive gaze slid over her face, and she saw the longing in his eyes.

She melted right on the spot.

He examined her in a way that made her knees buckle. His hands held her head captive while he lowered his mouth inch by inch until she wanted to scream to please hurry.

God, she couldn't breathe. Nor did she want to.

After a few agonizing minutes, his lips touched hers. Softly at first. Inviting her . . . enticing her to give into her swirling emotions . . . and become his.

Trevor's mouth moved in such an mesmerizing way, she automatically opened her lips. She wanted to be a part of him so bad it hurt. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she shaped her body into his. She felt his arousal pressing against her. There wasn't any mistaking that he wanted her, but she needed more. How could she make him love her?

She drew his tongue into her mouth, marveling at how seductive it felt. His arms tightened in response.

"Kristen, I want you," Trevor whispered in her ear. He heard her soft whimper of assent, and it took every ounce of control not to take her over to the couch and cool his burning need for her. Time away from Kristen hadn't eased his desire for her one bit. He wanted her just as badly now as he had the first time he'd met her. Her fingers slid into his hair, and she kissed him back with a hunger he hadn't expected.

He explored every corner of her mouth. He couldn't get enough. He adored the taste of her . . . the feel of her.

She was more like opium to his system. No matter how much he obtained, he needed more. Somehow this woman managed to always be in his thoughts, no matter what he was doing. When they were not together, he felt as though something was missing. Kristen was a part of him, whether he wanted her to be or not.

As Trevor pulled away and looked at Kristen's slightly swollen lips. That's when he heard his grandmother's
words . . .

When you can think of nothing but that one person. When they block all others from your mind so that when you're not with them, you find a part of yourself missing. When the first thing you do is look for them as you enter a crowded room and think of them when you are eating, and dream of them when you are sleeping. When you forget about pleasing yourself and think only of pleasing them. And suddenly the moon and stars are brighter when they are standing beside you, and turn dull when they are gone . . . That's when you'll know a love so powerful that it will bring you to your knees

His grandmother had been right, Trevor thought.
But what was he going to do? He had no idea how Kristen felt about him. He couldn't trust her. But he wanted her just the same. He wouldn't lie to himself on that point.

"My beautiful temptress, I want you. Just as much now as I did the first time we met. And I believe you feel the same things I do."

Kristen wanted so much to deny his statement, but she made the mistake of looking deep into his eyes. She knew the lust she saw there matched her own, and she couldn't lie because she, too burned with need. "Aye," she murmured.

He kissed her forehead. "At the moment, I don't have the answers to our problems," he said, brushing his lips across her cheek. "I may not have the answers tomorrow either, but tonight I'd like to forget everything but us." He stepped back and looked at her. His gaze bored into hers in silent expectation.

Kristen's blood raced through her veins like a raging, boiling river. She wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words. With a moan of desperation, she slipped her arms around him and squeezed. She just wanted to be close. . . to be able to have some small part of him. If only for tonight, with no thoughts of tomorrow.

Without another word, Trevor swept Kristen up in his arms and carried her upstairs to his bedroom. Kristen barely noticed the upstairs maid, who opened the door for them as they brushed through the door.

All Kristen could see was Trevor. He was the most important thing to her tonight . . . tomorrow . . . forever.  Somehow she knew she'd never have feelings like this about anyone else.

Her mind tried to tell her that she needed to know how Trevor felt about her, but her body wouldn't let it. Did he love her? She needed his love as much as she needed to breathe.

He stopped beside the bed, where he let her slide out of his arms. He fumbled with the fastenings of her gown, then removed the layers of her clothes until there was nothing left between them. Warm fingers brushed her skin.

Kristen tried to resist the sensuous onslaught his fingers brought to her needy body. She trembled as all the questions she had asked herself slipped easily into an abyss. She loved this man, whether she wanted to or not.

Trevor noticed her flushed face, and liked what he saw. The pink of her cheeks accented the emerald-green of her eyes. He started to remove his clothes as he stared at her magnificent body. He liked the way she didn't try to hide herself from him. Her nipples were erect, her waist narrow, her hips voluptuous, and he intended to explore every inch. He saw the hungry look in her eyes when she boldly returned his gaze. The slow burning ache deep inside him grew to an inferno.

He cupped her breasts, marveling at the weight and smoothness of each one. He massaged each mound as his thumb teased the ends of her nipples
into tight little buds. Bending down, he placed a soft kiss on her lips, then nibbled his way down her neck and across her cheek. He couldn't stop there and moved lower. He ran a tongue around her nipple before closing his lips over the tiny bud.

Sliding her fingers through his hair, Kristen gasped. She held on to him so she wouldn't fall down. He might threaten her soul, but she couldn't think when Trevor's lips seared everywhere they touched.

Hot . . . she was too hot.

Urging her down on the bed, he placed feather-like kisses on her forehead, then down her cheeks, and finally, after agonizing teasing, he took her mouth.

His lips sucked the very life out of her. Her fingers held the back of his head as she opened her mouth to let his thrusting tongue enter once again.

God, this was good.

He was good. How could he not love her?

Instinctively, she pressed her body into his. His firm muscles felt splendid against her softness.

And to think only a short time ago, she'd never been kissed.  er tongue met Trevor's as she pushed her way into his mouth. She wanted to give as much pleasure as he gave her.

Pulling back slightly, she placed small kisses on his face and down his neck, loving his manly smell. S
he moved lower. The hair on his chest tickled her nose.

But Trevor needed her now. He pulled her back to him and rolled over her, pinning her beneath him. His fingers sought a path down her stomach until he found the warmth between her thighs. Gently, he stroked. She responded, withering beneath him as he kissed her.

He had to have her now. He positioned himself over her, and with a powerful thrust he entered her warmth. He found heaven as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer.

Kristen gasped with pleasure. Her hands caressed the muscles and planes of his back. She trembled as he began to move within her.

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