03 - The Wicked Lady (23 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jernigan

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Later that night Trevor had Kristen very much on his mind as he opened the door to her room. Should he tell her about her parents? What would she do? And his grandmother--that was another matter. She would have one royal fit when she found out Kristen belonged to the man Constance hated.

Kristen sat on a sateen stool in front of her mirror, brushing her hair. Just the sight of her made Trevor's loins tighten. He stepped behind her and picked up a strand of auburn hair, and rubbed it between his fingers. Silk, he thought. Just like her body. "It's been a long time," he told her.

"Aye, it has." She nodded her head, and her eyes locked with his. "I was beginning to think you'd forgotten where home was."

"Never." He finally smiled. "Kristen, have you ever noticed that Hagan doesn't have the same accent as yourself?"

She shrugged and stood. "Never thought much about it, but I don't remember my mother having my accent, either. Perhaps, I took after me da. Why do ye ask?"

Now was the time to tell her. She had every right to know, but when he opened his mouth, something entirely different came out. "No reason. Come here."

Deciding he would tell her later, he pulled her against him. Right now, he wanted the woman he held so much that it overruled every other thought in his head.

Hunger ignited him as he kissed her. The feeling was so overpowering that his arm tightened, pulling closer as his tongue tasted her sweet mouth.

Evidently, she'd missed him, too, because she didn't resist him in the least.  Her arms slid up his chest and wrapped around him as she pressed herself against his arousal.

"Did you miss me?" Trevor whispered against her throat. For some odd reason, he had to hear it from her.

"Aye," she said breathlessly.

Her admittance pushed him over the edge. He swept her up in his arms and pushed through the connecting door, then shoved it closed with his foot. He laid her on the coverlet of his bed, and her hair spread out across the bed like hot coals spraying in a grate. God, she was a beauty.

She slipped her hands behind his neck and drew him down to her. "I want you," she whispered.

Trevor dragged her against him with a groan. His mouth eagerly took hers and raw passion exploded. His tongue explored her mouth with tender stroked as he deepened the kiss. She clung to him as though she couldn't get enough, which pleased him very much.

In very little time they had disposed of their clothes tossing them carelessly on the floor. Their eyes never leaving each. Finally they were holding each other again.

Kristen couldn't get over how Trevor made her feel when he kissed her. He actually robbed her breath until she was talking in ragged gasps. She was withering within his arms, wanting more. Now she began to explore his mouth. The minute she reversed the kiss, his arms tightened around her.

Every time Kristen was with this man it was a completely different experience. When she thought she could feel no more, he would awaken a new sensation within her. She marvele
d at the taste and feel of him.

His lips were hot and insistent as Kristen lowered her hand ever so slowly and marveled at the texture of his skin beneath her fingertips. His skin trembled everywhere she touched until her fingers found his arousal, and then he gasped. She closed her hand around him, and felt the warmth of him. She realized he'd suddenly gone very still. "I'm not hurting ye, am I?"

"N--no, love."

She thought he sounded funny as she rubbed and stroked him, and she found she liked having control over him. Usually, he was doing things to her body.

Finally, he moaned and brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her fingers. "I cannot endure any more of that, love. Now it's my turn," he whispered

He kissed a path down her throat until he found a taut nipple. His lips closed tightly, and he began the sweet torture. Her hands twisted in his hair. She enjoyed the strange sensation running through her body. His hand slipped between her legs and she gasped when his fingers slipped between her curls and began to stroke her, making her wild with need. Her hips moved restlessly. She could hear her own whimpers as she clung to him.

She couldn't stand any more, she thought as she tugged on him to kiss her again. He captured her lips with his and the hunger inside of her begged for fulfillment. "I want you to make love to me now," she pleaded.

Trevor had waited as long as he could. He plunged inside her, and Kristen wrapped her legs and arms around him. She belonged to him, and he claimed her as he poured himself into her and they became one.

The demons that plagued each of them dissolved and, for a little while, they knew peace and contentment.



Kristen felt gloriously happy when she woke up in Trevor's arms. She felt so warm and protected as she lay in the morning light.

Then, her stepfather's warning came barging back into her head, and she tensed at the thought of having to do what he wanted. She really had been trying to be good since she'd promised Trevor she would. Now the vicious cycle would start again. Somehow she would have to find a way to honor both promises. A way out of the house was what she needed, and without being noticed. She remembered all too well Trevor's warning yesterday about her riding alone.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Trevor's deep voice startled her, and she flinched.

Feeling silly, she realized he couldn't possibly read her thoughts. "Oh, nothing really." She hoped her voice didn't betray her distress.

He brushed a finger up and down her arm in a leisurely manner, teasing her newly sensitive skin. "I think it's about time you learned how to run the household. It is, after all, your responsibility."

"I thought it was yer grandmother's."

"Only until I wed."

Mixed feelings surged through her. " 'Tis perfectly fine with me if she continues. After all, she's been doing it for so many years."

"But it's your job."

" 'Tis a job I dinna know how to do." The admission stung, but it was the truth.

"Then you will learn."

Kristen rose up and leaned back on her elbow. She could see Trevor wasn't going to take no for an answer, so she reluctantly agreed with a sigh, "As you wish."

He chuckled.  "It's about time you learned to be obedient."

Kristen punched him in the side with her hand, then scooted out of bed before he could catch her.

She didn't want to run the house. Most of the servants were her friends. How could she order them about?



Kristen tried to keep her mind on Constance's instructions while she followed the duchess around the house. She noticed that Constance was moving slower than normal, and wondered if the woman was feeling ill. The duchess would never admit she was sick.

Kristen learned that everyone in the house had a special job they were supposed to do. There was a head cook and her staff, and that was just the beginning. There were so many maids that she lost count. The butler seemed to carry the most weight, and even though Frederick was old, he commanded respect when he spoke to the other servants.

She was instructed on the proper way for the servants to serve dinner and tea.

When they went into the kitchen, Kristen noticed a young woman scrubbing a spot on a tablecloth. Kristen thought it impossible to get that purple stain out, but after a few minutes the stain was gone.

"How did you do that?"

The girl's eyes grew large as she stared up at Kristen and said, "It's a mixture of water mixed with alkaline salt, black soap, and bullock's gall." She gave Kristen a quick smile. "It's never failed, mum."


"Yes, mum"

"Kristen!" Constance snapped, and Kristen jumped. The woman didn't sound sick anymore and, as usual, she never failed to make Kristen feel like a child.

Constance said nothing else until they were out of the kitchen. Then she turned and said, "It isn't proper to mingle with the help. Remember your station."

Kristen knew better than to argue. She was losing precious time, and she needed to finish this ridiculous training and leave the house.

The sun was slowly sinking behind the trees when Constance finally grew tired, and decided that Kristen had learned enough for one day. She dismissed Kristen.

Kristen breathed a sigh of relief and headed straight for her room. Yanking open the bottom drawer, she grabbed the red, silk scarf and untied the knot. She selected a brooch and a ring, and slipped then into her pocket. Then, deciding she was in too big of a hurry to refold the scarf properly, she laid it loosely in the drawer and shut it. A little too late, she noticed that part of the scarf had caught in the drawer, but she'd fix that later. For now she had to hurry.

Kristen hurried down the stairs, wondering where Hagan was. She couldn't remember seeing him all day. Hopefully, he hadn't gone out riding; she hadn't had the chance to warn him about Ned's presence yet.

She ran to the stable. "Hello, Baxter," Kristen called as she opened Paznell's stall. "Have you seen Hagan?"

"No, mum. He hasn't been to the stables today."

"Good. Will ye saddle Paznell for me?"

"Certainly, mum." He took the mare's halter. "I'll find a groom to accompany you."

"No!" When Baxter's eyebrows shot up, Kristen realized how sharp she sounded.

"But His Grace said--"

Kristen waved her hand. "I know. But I'm only going down to the lake today instead of a long ride.  It would be senseless to take up someone's time. I don't think he meant for you to waste your time unless I was leaving the grounds." She hoped God wouldn't strike her down for her lie.

"Well, in that case . . ." Baxter agreed reluctantly as he tightened the cinch.

Kristen didn't wait a moment once she was in the saddle. She spurred the horse and raced toward the lake. However, once there she veered left and raced to where she was supposed to meet Ned.

When she arrived at the spot, she looked for Ned. She didn't see him anywhere, and her heart plummeted. She was too late. He'd be hungry for revenge.

"About damn time ya showed up," Ned said as he rode out of a clump of trees. "Do ya have something for me?"

Kristen didn't answer with words, but reached into her pocket. "Here." She shoved the jewelry to him.

He looked at the lovely items, turning each one over in his hand. The dying light caught in the gems and seemed to make them glow. Grinning, he licked his lips. "A few more of these and I'll be set."

"Wait a minute," Kristen cried. That was not what she'd agreed to. "What I gave ye is enough."

"Not hardly," Ned said, casting a contemptuous glance over her. "I want to make sure my future is safe. I'm not getting any younger, ya know."

Kristen wanted to say that dead would be a preferable state for him, but she held her tongue. She was going to have to do something; she couldn't let him control her future. He would always come up with an excuse to want more money. It would never be enough, and she'd be just as much under his thumb as she had been on the streets. She'd have to think of something to stop him, but for the moment, she'd just play his game.

"Get me some more and meet me here tomorrow."

Kristen glared at him, then turned her horse to leave. How in the world was she going to get
out of this muddle? She remembered how Trevor had reacted the last time he'd met Ned. If she told Trevor, he might kill Ned. She didn't want Trevor to go to jail.

No. This was her problem, she'd solve it somehow herself.


Chapter Fourteen


As Kristen lay in bed, she experienced something she never had before . . . guilt. She lay beside Trevor regretting that she'd broken her word to him. She thought about confessing and asking him to help her, but she couldn't. She couldn't burden him with her problems, and she would never let Ned hurt Trevor. Not because she cared about Ned, but because she cared about Trevor. After what seemed like hours, she finally fell asleep.

Late in the night the sound of footsteps in the hall, immediately followed by someone pounding on the bedroom door, woke her.

Kristen gasped, then raised up on her elbows as Trevor slid from the bed.

"Just a minute," Trevor called out. He went to open the door. "What is it, Frederick?"

dowager duchess, sir. She--she's had a seizure." Frederick's eyes showed the tortured dullness of disbelief as he twisted his hands together in dismay. "You had better come quickly."

"Send for the doctor.  I'll be right there." Trevor came back to the bed to fetch his robe.

"What is it?" Kristen said sleepily, peeking out from the covers.

"It's Grandmere."


"She's had a seizure. I'm going to her."

"I'll be there in just a minute." Kristen threw off the covers.

Trevor hurried down the hall unsure of how many more attacks his grandmother could survive. She'd become more frail every time she fell ill.

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