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Double Down: Game Change 2012 by Mark Halperin, John Heilemann
The Magician King by Grossman, Lev
Dissolve by Andrea Heltsley
Master of the Crossroads by Madison Smartt Bell
7 Days by Deon Meyer
In the Land of White Death: An Epic Story of Survival in the Siberian Arctic by Valerian Albanov, David Roberts, Jon Krakauer, Alison Anderson
El perro del hortelano by Lope de Vega
A Face in the Crowd by Lynda La Plante
Standing in the Rainbow by Fannie Flagg
Distant Echoes by Colleen Coble
The Ivy Lessons by Lerman, J
Fatal Convictions by Randy Singer
Shout Her Lovely Name by Natalie Serber
Sweet Agony by Charlotte Stein
Sisterchicks Go Brit! by Robin Jones Gunn
His Secret Past by Reus, Katie
A Thousand Suns by Alex Scarrow
Heart of Gold by Michael Pryor