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Domesticated by Jettie Woodruff
Emma: Part Two by Lolita Lopez
What the Lady Wants by Jennifer Crusie
Kristin Lavransdatter by Undset, Sigrid
Holding Out For A Hero: SEALs, Soldiers, Spies, Cops, FBI Agents and Rangers by Pineiro, Caridad, Hamilton, Sharon, Low, Gennita, Fenech, Karen, Weber, Tawny, Hughey, Lisa, Carew, Opal, Agnew, Denise A.
Kill For Me by M. William Phelps
Nory Ryan's Song by Patricia Reilly Giff
Silver is for Secrets by Laurie Faria Stolarz
Waiting For You by Ava Claire
Snobbery With Violence by MARION CHESNEY
Cool Down by Steve Prentice
Weird Sister by Kate Pullinger
The Unlucky Lottery by Hakan Nesser
Panteón by Carlos Sisí