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Alliance Forged by Kylie Griffin
My Heart's Passion by Elizabeth Lapthorne
Which Lie Did I Tell? by William Goldman
Mecanoscrito del segundo origen by Manuel de Pedrolo
Una vida de lujo by Jens Lapidus
Prophet's Prey by Sam Brower
Hellburner by C. J. Cherryh
The Rift by Bob Mayer
The Debutante's Ruse by Linda Skye
Stripped Down by Lorelei James
The Snow Globe by Sheila Roberts
A Grave Waiting by Jill Downie
Carrhae by Peter Darman
Blackout by Thurman, Rob
Black Arrow by I. J. Parker
Homenaje a Cataluña by George Orwell
Thankful for You by Cindy Spencer Pape
Trumps of Doom by Roger Zelazny