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Don't Kiss Me: Stories by Lindsay Hunter
Boyett-Compo, Charlotte - Wyndmaster 1 by The Wyndmaster's Lady (Samhain)
Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey
Every Breath You Take by Bianca Sloane
The Elusive Heiress by Gail Mallin
The Sky is Falling by Kit Pearson
Atlantis by Robert Doherty
Doctor Who: Planet of Fire by Peter Grimwade, British Broadcasting Corporation
The Merry Month of May by James Jones
Lucy Crown by Irwin Shaw
The Shadow of Ararat by Thomas Harlan
The Avenger 17 - Nevlo by Kenneth Robeson
The Victory by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
Expert Witness by Rebecca Forster
The Temporal Void by Peter F. Hamilton
A Point of Law by John Maddox Roberts
Bear Naked by Jessica Sims