Deeply Odd by Dean Koontz
Ramage & the Rebels by Dudley Pope
The Legend of Jesse Smoke by Robert Bausch
The Skies of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
1990 by Wilfred Greatorex
The Lonely Hearts Club by Brenda Janowitz
The Darkest of Secrets by Kate Hewitt
Body Rush by Anne Rainey
Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes
Unraveled by Him by Wendy Leigh
Charming the Chieftain by Deanie Roman
Hexad by Lennon, Andrew, Hickman, Matt
Nemonymous Night by Lewis, D. F.
Tear Tracks by Malka Older
The Year That Follows by Scott Lasser
Sybil Disobedience by Paulin, Brynn