Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) (19 page)

BOOK: Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)
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“Sounds good,” the guide said, smiling politely. “If you have any questions, there are cards next to the bottles describing each one. I'll just be downstairs if you need anything else. Enjoy your stay.”

With that, the woman turned back to the door and disappeared out into the hallway, leaving the two of them very much alone in the small room.

“Can I get you a drink, m'lady?” Jace asked, heading to the bar. “Would you prefer to try a white or a red first?”

“A white, I think...” Ella followed him and stared at the opened bottles. There really was seven of them, each with two glasses already prepared. “I don't think I can drink seven bottles worth, though.”

“Darn,” Jace said, shaking his head. “How else am I supposed to get you to like me?”

Ella giggled and bumped her shoulder into his. It still amazed her how comfortable she felt around him. “You didn't even need a single one.”

“Which of my amazing charms impressed you most?” Jace asked, carefully pouring them each a small glass of white wine.

Ella spun the glass, smelling the sweet scent of the wine before tasting it for the first time. “I think it was your laugh.”

“My laugh?” Jace's eyebrows went up. The answer obviously wasn't what he was expecting.

Ella nodded. “You have a great laugh. You throw your head back and your whole body shakes with it. It's hard not to like you after that.”

“My laugh, huh?” Jace smiled slowly, his eyes on his wine as he considered her words. He held up his glass. “Cheers to that, then.”

She clinked her glass against his.

“What about me?” she asked quietly. She wondered if it was her hair or her eyes. Maybe the way she walked. “Which of my amazing charms impressed you most?”

Jace set down his wineglass and took her face in his hand. “That you rescued me. Some strange man in your barn, and you helped him.”

“Well, he was a
strange man,” she corrected, but still her heart was melting like butter. “And he did help me with my chores.”

Jace laughed, drawing her face closer to his. “Plus, you called me a stallion.”

“That's true, I did...” Ella grinned. “Want to prove me right?”

In just a moment, he leaned in and kissed her. It was an incandescent kiss that seared straight to her core and lit her spine on fire. It wasn't just her desire that hit fever pitch with the kiss, but his as well. His body pressed into hers until she found herself up against the wall. He was so strong he could hold her there and she'd never escape. Not that she wanted to. He could keep her pinned against that wall for all eternity as long as he kept kissing her like this.

His erection throbbed against her thigh, the heat of him coursing through the thin skirt separating them. His need mirrored her own, as she buried her nose into the curve of his shoulder. He smelled so good, the slight cedar scent that was uniquely his filled her brain.

She reached for his shirt, needing to feel his skin against hers. They were wearing far too many clothes. He let go of her hips long enough to help her pull the shirt off. She loved the way his arm muscles flexed, showing off his perfect shoulders and ripped pectoral muscles. Underneath the simple shirt, he was all hot muscle that made her insides heat.

His kisses skimmed her throat, where he paused to nip at her pulse point before trailing down the delicate flesh of her jaw. The sensation was so erotic and with just enough hint of danger that goosebumps ran up and down her arms.

A low moan escaped her throat as he felt for her through her dress. His hands were rough, but not painful as he massaged her breasts through the dress. For a moment she wondered if he was thinking about the lacy bra he'd purchased for her, but the thought was quickly lost as he whispered her name.

“Ella...” Primal desire, urgent need, and barely controlled lust echoed through the simple syllables that she shivered. Deep inside, her belly tightened. She had never felt so wanted, so hot, so beautiful, or so turned on before.

His hands found the hem of her dress, pulling up and over her head. The soft fabric whispered past before falling to the floor. He stared at her for a full moment, his eyes dilating and constricting as if he'd never seen anything quite as amazing as her.

“You're so beautiful,” he whispered. His hands went to her waist and then moved reverently up to cup each breast in his big palms. She felt beautiful under his gaze. He leaned forward and kissed the tops of each breast peeking out of her lacy bra. She couldn't stop the little whimper at his kiss.

One of his hands went behind her back to undo the pretty bra from her body. Except, this was a new bra and not easily removed. He fumbled for a moment, his brows coming together. She wondered if he would just rip it off her, and while the thought was exciting, she didn't want the pretty thing to be damaged. She reached behind her, twisting slightly to undo the stubborn clasp

He grunted with satisfaction as the lace fell to the floor. Her nipples pebbled at the sound, and his mouth quickly found them. Heat and pleasure rushed through her. He didn't hesitate to use his teeth and tongue to make her whimper for more, arching her back to give herself to him as he felt her with both hands and mouth.

His thigh was strong and hard between her legs, and she rocked herself against him, desperate to have the extra sensation where she needed it. Her mouth found purchase on his shoulder, tasting his hot and salty skin. He was all muscle and deliciousness as she gently bit down. She licked her bite spot, loving the groan that came from deep within his chest.

His hands moved slowly from her breasts to her hips, caressing the curve as only a lover could. His hand dipped to the front of her very pretty, very revealing underwear.

“You're so wet,” he whispered, his voice catching with desire. “That's so incredibly hot.”

She smiled, but it quickly turned into an open mouth moan as he pressed his fingers against the dampness. His leg had been easing her desperate need to have him inside of her, but his fingers were so much better.

His mouth went back to her breast, carefully lavishing attention on her sensitive flesh while his hand slid under the lacy fabric of her panties. Her muscles tightened as he touched her, flexing and begging for more. He swirled his fingers, working magic against the center nub of her arousal.

She closed her eyes, seeing the world slow into perfection. His fingers dipped inside of her, filling her with himself and she lost her grip on reality. She wanted so much more than just his fingers there, but for this moment, it was enough.

Her brain went dizzy as heat coursed up and down her spine in liquid waves. Her legs forgot how to work and she would have fallen if he'd not been there to hold her up. The only thing that didn't fade as her mind lost itself to pleasure was Jace. He remained constant always.

His name fell from her lips as he kept up his pleasure causing ways. He groaned slightly as her back arched and toes curled. He was the only solid thing in her world as pleasure melted everything else into oblivion.

“I need you, Jace,” she whispered as her world slowly came back into focus. Having him inside of her, completing her, was the only thing she could think of. “I need you.”

He stepped back, leaving her leaning heavily against the wall, and slid out of his pants. His boxer briefs struggled to contain him and his desire. She was just coherent enough to reach out and pull the boxers down, gasping as he sprung free.

He was the perfect male specimen.

He chuckled at her expression, reaching down and grabbing something from the back pocket of his pants. It only took him a moment to sheath himself in a condom, but it was a moment that Ella wished she didn't have to wait for.

“You were saying something about needing me?” he asked, looking smug and sexy as hell.

She nodded, unable to speak as she stared at his perfect body. Her body moved of its own accord to wrap a leg around him and pull him toward her needful center as her back pressed against the bar.

“Good,” he said, sliding into her to the hilt. “Because I need you.”

Her inner muscles tightened around him, never wanting him to leave. He groaned, low and deep, his eyes rolling back into his head as pleasure washed over his features. Together, they moved, slow at first, reveling each inch of sensation. He opened and filled her as only a big man could, driving her slowly wild.

“Ella...” Her name was a benediction. It was a prayer of desperation and wonder as he completed her.

She smiled into his shoulder, using her leg as leverage against his tight ass, pushing him ever deeper into herself. She never wanted him to leave, except that every time he rocked out, he always rocked back in better and stronger than before.

Without warning, he thrust deep, making her gasp and her legs tighten. His hands went to her waist, and lifted, picking her up as if she weighed nothing. She shrieked in surprise, completely skewered upon him as he walked them both over to the love-seat where he gently lay her down.

His body covered hers like a hot blanket of sexiness. From this angle, each muscle in his arms and shoulders popped out, looking as strong as she knew he was. She looked up at him, seeing only the strength of his shoulders and the beauty of his blue-green eyes.

She reached up, stretching to kiss him and bring his lips to hers. He tasted so damn good. His hips never stopped, never stopped rolling and filling her completely. Her hands scrambled along his muscled back, searching for purchase to draw him ever deeper into her.

Skin pressed to skin, they both struggled to find a frantic pace that met both their needs. Her hips arched and writhed to meet him, and his strength and stamina pushed her ever upward. She was so close to finding release yet again, with him deep inside of her.

She closed her eyes and stars formed behind them as she crested a wave of such intense pleasure she wasn't sure she was going to survive it. Nothing in her life had prepared her for bliss such as this, bliss that rode through every inch of her body, from head to toe. There were no words for pleasure like this.

It was more than just sex. Ella could feel him deep in her soul, settling within her in the space made just for him. There was no way two people could have this much physical chemistry without having something to power it. Their bodies fit together, while their emotions wrapped them like blankets. They were connected, and Ella knew it.

Ella let herself free. She gave herself over to Jace completely, letting herself shatter into him.

Jace was right behind her, riding her wave into one of his own. His body crashed into hers, claiming hers as his own. She'd never loved anything as much as she loved the way his heat coursed through the entire length of her. She melted around him as he melted into her, the two of them combining in the most perfect of ways.

She opened her eyes, just to look at him and gasped. It was the look on his face, the one she put there, the one of pure wonder and love that seared straight into her soul. There was more than just lust in those eyes, more than just animal desire. There was affection and... love? Her heart jumped into her throat. She had to be imagining things. Seeing what she wanted to see. They were so connected on a physical level that she assumed she must be projecting her own feelings.

Still, there was something there. That look, along with the way he wrapped around her, etched into her mind as one of the best memories of her life.

Chapter Twenty-Three

lla snuggled her cheek against Jace's chest, listening to the pounding of his heart. She loved the way it sang to her, thumping away with the passion they had just shared. For a moment, just one, she let herself imagine that she could listen to it again. That it was beating just for her and that this moment would be one of many, rather than just a weekend fling.

She knew she shouldn't think of him as hers. He was a billionaire CEO, for heaven's sake, and she was just an overworked, underpaid servant for her stepmother. She was barely allowed to wash his sheets, let alone sleep in them.

Yet here she was, wrapped up in his arms and the most content and happy she'd ever been.

It wasn't fair. Ella closed her eyes, focusing on his heartbeat again. She wanted to save this moment up, store it in her mind for the rest of her life. For this moment, she was happy. She was loved. She wasn't sure when another moment like this would come again, so she was determined to keep it for as long as possible.

“You're awfully quiet,” Jace murmured, pressing his lips to the top of her head. “Penny for your thoughts?”

“I'm not sure they're worth a whole penny,” Ella replied. She wasn't sure if she should tell him what she was thinking or just pretend that everything was fine.

“I like to spend big,” he coaxed. “What are you thinking?”

Should she say anything? Did she want to ruin this moment?

“Just thinking about work,” she lied. “I'm thinking, 'what if I could make every wedding as good as this one.'”

She could feel Jace smile and he hugged her. “Just don't sleep with all the bride's brothers, okay?”

Ella giggled, giving him a push. “Depends on if he's cute.”

“Hey!” Jace wrapped his arms around her tighter, squeezing her so tightly she could barely breathe.

“Okay, okay...” she gasped, trying to wiggle free, but not trying very hard. “He has to be at least as cute as you.”

“No one is as cute as me,” Jace informed her.

“Then you have nothing to worry about.” Ella tried not to think of where this conversation was going. It was getting dangerously close to the 'what happens next' conversation that she was trying to avoid. Although, from the way he was talking, it sounded like he wanted something to happen.

Dating was hard.

Jace's phone, still in the pocket of his pants and half way across the room started to buzz. They both stared at it, wishing that it would just stop. It did, but only to start buzzing again.

“We should probably get going,” Ella said, not moving a muscle. She tried a little harder to send stronger brainwaves to turn off the phone.

“Yeah.” Jace's eyes bored into the phone.

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