Read You'll Say Yes Online

Authors: Tri Amutia,Jovy Lim

You'll Say Yes (45 page)

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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And now, it's the big day. If I didn't feel nervous, that would be a lie. All the preparations were paid off; don't forget my bridal shower hosted by Stella, and now I'm standing in a room which Stella turned to be a dressing room at the church where I will get wed to my childhood friend. A big mirror was in front of me and I looked over to my reflection. There's a beautiful woman with an elegant white dress, a veil in her head and a bouquet in her hand. I took deep breaths several times to calm my erratic heartbeat. I've been waiting for this day when finally I was bond to him in every senses and I was nervous for that.

A soft knock was heard from the door and I turned to see my dad already standing in the door. He arrived in Seattle few days before my wedding day and stayed at a hotel. I knew how much this day meant to him. He already knew my future husband when I even didn't look at him at all. And I knew he will be so happy to see his only daughter wed with a man who loved her so much.

My dad smiled. "Are you ready, Abby?"

I smiled timidly. "Yes, Dad."

He approached me and looked at my eyes. "You look beautiful, honey. I'm so happy for you. Be happy with Joshua."

My eyes brimmed with tears. "Thank you, Dad. I love you."

He smiled again and kissed my forehead. "I love you too, honey." He lowered the veil so it covered my face. "Come on. I must take you to him."

I chuckled and took his arm.

I walked down on the aisle with my dad in my arm. All the guests were turned to look at me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at them. My eyes automatically searched for him and I saw him there. Joshua was already standing in front of the minister and my heart almost stopped when I saw him. This was the first time I saw him after Stella successfully separated both of us two nights before the big day. He was so handsome in his black tuxedo with Dr. Keller standing next to him. I also saw Stella and Josia as my bridesmaids. Josia now worked as a junior editor in my office and she gladly accepts my offer to become my bridesmaid.

Joshua smiled when he saw me. I locked my eyes to him. So many had going on in our relationship and I was sure there were lots to come, but I knew he will always by my side. He extended his hand and my dad gave my hand to him, an old symbol from the father to the groom, and he took my hand to his.

I honestly didn't hear what the minister said. I was returned to the ceremony from my daze mode when he mentioned Joshua's name and he answered the minister's question with 'I do'. He looked at me deeply through my veil when the minister repeated the question and I answered 'I do'. His green eyes were lit with happiness. We broke our gaze briefly just to put the wedding ring on our third fingers. I looked over my wedding ring and smiled slightly.

I am a wife now.

"You may kiss the bride."

Joshua slowly lifted up my veil and our eyes locked. He smiled coyly before he kissed me hard in front of the minister and lots of people. I returned his kiss between the clapping sounds and some catcalls voice from the guests.

He broke the kiss and looked at me deeply. "I love you, Abby Walsh."

I shivered when I heard my new name.

Abby Walsh.

I loved that.

I smiled and looked at him.

At my husband.

"And I love you, Joshua Walsh."












Chapter 33
The Happy Ending II
Four years later

I nervously fidgeted in my seat. This book launching was very stressful and it took all of the effort from me to finally hold this event. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. It has been four years since my wedding day and Joshua will finish his pre-med next week. That was why I asked the book launching to be held this weekend so I could attend my husband's graduation.

I still worked in my office while Joshua lived in North Carolina. I managed to visit him twice a month or more when I had the chance to ask for day offs from my boss. As for Joshua, he always had the good grades and spent his holiday with me in Seattle. Sometimes we visited my parents or his parents whenever we had the chance. Joshua's aunt, Carissa, still lived in France and we still kept in touch with her. Joshua's relationship with his aunt slowly turned to normal, especially after Carissa and her family attended our wedding.

As for my best friends, Stella finally walked on the altar four months after my wedding and both my husband and I attended her big day. Stella still lived in New York with her husband and now she was senior editor on her office. Ethan White finally wed Samantha a year ago. I didn't know why he waited so long to get married. Joshua and I also attended his wedding and my husband seemed a little bit relaxed when he met Ethan again. I guessed my best friend already passed from the 'loving me' stage. They now still live in Long Beach.

Joshua also had a good friendship with Kevin Morgan after learning that he helped me once. Kimberly and I didn't make it to a good friend term yet, but it was started to get better.

"Abby? It's time!"

Josia's voice halted my daydreaming. I blinked several times and looked at her. She still worked at my office and as I predicted, she was good in her job. She was my best friend now.

"It is?" I asked weakly.

She chuckled. Her dark eyes twinkled. "I know this is your first time, but don't worry you'll get used to it. By the way, where's Joshua? I thought he'll be here."

"Looking for me?"

A warm voice was heard from behind me and I turned around to see my husband already standing close to me. My heart almost flipped when I saw him. It's been four years, but he still could make me feel this way. I looked back to Josia. She smiled warmly.

"I'll be on stage." And then she turned around and walked away from me.

I turned back to my husband when suddenly he hugged me and kissed me fiercely. I froze and couldn't think of anything. I moved my lips slowly against him, and then he broke the kiss and smiled on my lips.

"Hello, dear. I missed you."

I chuckled nervously. "I missed you too. I was afraid you will not going to make it." Joshua will start his full duty in the hospital soon and he just took care some of administration files to do that.

He raised his eyebrows and offered his arm to me. "And missing your first published book? I'll still come here even if my legs were chained."

I rolled my eyes and took his arm.

Yes, this was my book launching.

My own book launching.

I almost forgot about the draft that I wrote before I got married and apparently my lovely husband found that in my laptop. No, he didn't intentionally open my laptop. Even though we were married, he will never trespass my personal things like that. It was in the afternoon when I was working with my laptop, but it won't work. Joshua was visiting me before he had his mid-term test.


I frowned when I saw my laptop won't make it to the office application. I want to finish the chapter, so I could spend my time with my husband. I re-started the laptop several times until I gave up. I hung my head in my hands.

"What's wrong, dear?"

I sighed and raised my head. Joshua just finished his shower and I must admit he looked sexy with his half-dry hair. My body surged with desire to pull him for a kiss, but I shook my head slightly from that thought.

I chewed my bottom lip. "Something's wrong with my laptop. I guess I need to buy the new one."

Joshua furrowed his eyebrows and sat next to me. His scent clouded my thoughts and I clenched my fists to hold myself from attacking him.

"Let me see that."

I took a deep breath. "I think I need a coffee."

He frowned at me. "No coffee. You already had two cups last night."

I rolled my eyes. "All right. No coffee."

I rose from my sitting position and walked to the kitchen of my old apartment. I moved back here after Joshua moved to North Carolina and I was the only married person in this building. John was my personal 'bodyguard' while my husband stayed in NC. I made myself a tea and walked back to the living room. I could see my laptop already working, but my husband still sat there and seemed reading something. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked slowly to him. My eyes widened when I saw what he read.

It was the draft that I wrote in the cafe years ago.

I gasped.

My husband slowly turned his head to me. "You wrote this?"

I swallowed hard and hastily grabbed my laptop, but he stilled my hands. Our eyes locked and I sighed. I sat next to him.

"I made that years ago. I even didn't remember it. How could you find it out?"

Joshua smiled slightly. "I need to see all the files in your laptop, to see if any of them infected with a virus. And then I found...this."

I exhaled. "I just want to delete that story. Thank you for reminding me."

He raised his eyebrows. "Delete the story? Why don't you try to publish it?"

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows and I burst out laughing. "Oh, please, Joshua. Be serious."

"I am serious, Abby. I think it's a good story," He insisted.

I scoffed. "A woman who tried to save a man's life after he was sentenced to death by marrying him? Yeah, right!"

He pursed his lips. "It's very unique theme. Why don't you try to finish it first and then you can say if this book is worth to publish or not."

I sighed and wrapped my arms to his neck. "How could you be so great all of these years?"

He smirked. "I've told you I have my own way."

"Uh-huh..." I skimmed my nose to his face and I could feel he shudder slightly. "So, what is this plan that you want to talk about?"

"Uh... a what?"

I giggled and leaned back to look to his dark eyes. "You said you want to spend your time with me this afternoon."

"Hmmm..." He wrapped his arm on my waist and one of his hands already sneaked under my shirt. "You know that I will have my intern exam next week, right?"


My husband smiled coyly. "How about if we review the anatomy first?"

*End of Flashback*

Well, I didn't have to review what we did for the 'anatomy' part. I managed to finish the book five months later and I decided to give my book a try. Mr. Smith was so interested in my book and decided to publish it. He asked me to choose my editor and I wanted Josia to be the one who edited my work.

So, here we are now in my own book launching.

I walked with Joshua from the backstage and nodded to Josia as a signal she could start the event. Josia was good as an editor, but also as a master of ceremony. My bosses couldn't be happier about that, because they could press the budget from hiring a MC.

I sat in the front with my husband next to me and I squirmed in my seat when I saw the audience. There were lots of people and I could see some of my authors too. I took a deep breath and silently prayed I could make it to the day.

Joshua sensed my nervousness and he held my hand. I raised my head to look at him. He smiled. "You can do it, Abby. I'm here; your family and all your friends are here."

I exhaled and nodded slowly.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," Josia's voice was heard from the speaker.

My book launching was held in one of the bookstores in town because I thought it was the best place to launch the book rather than in a hotel's hall.

All the guests turned quiet and I could see Josia smiles slightly. "Thank you for your presence in our book launching this time. We've held lots of book launching before, but this time it's more special because of the author. She is also a senior editor in our company and started to write this book years ago. I've met her once and I could tell she is a great woman."

Joshua squeezed my hand gently and I smiled at him.

"Even though she worked with lots of manuscript, but she could finish her book in time. I'm so lucky to know her as a person and as an editor. Please, welcome Abigail Walsh."

All the guests gave me applause while I gingerly rose from my seat. Joshua kissed my temple briefly before I walked to the podium. I took a deep breath while Josia smiled to me.

"Congratulations, Abby," She whispered to me before she stepped away from the podium.

Half of the audience still clapping their hands and I grimaced when I stood behind the microphone. "Thank you. Thank you so much for coming to my first ever book launching."

I could hear soft giggles and I smiled to myself. I glanced to Joshua briefly and he stared back at me. "This book means so much to me. Not only because it's my first book, but also a witness from my relationship with my lovely husband."

Joshua grinned and I pressed the urge to roll my eyes. I cleared my throat. "I'm very much hoping that all of you are enjoying my book and we could learn something from it."

I sighed and locked my eyes to my husband. "Sometimes we already find love from places that we least expected. Love is not always good, but it's also bad, in a way. We have to learn to love in every condition that we have and tell the one that we loved that we care for them and always be by their side." I smiled. "Thank you to my family and my friends for their support and my lovely husband. I love you, Joshua. Thank you."

All the audience gave me applause again and I could see my husband smiled at me. He mouthed 'I love you too' from his chair.

I stayed at the stage for some discussions for the book and book signing. It was already night time when the event was over. All my friends were here, Stella, Evan, Kevin, even John, Thomas and Jennifer. They already congratulated me and said goodbye shortly after everything was over. I sat on a chair and relaxing my feet with Joshua gently rubbed my shoulders when I heard someone called my name.

"Abby! Congratulations, honey!"

I turned to see my mom half running to my chair with my dad and Joshua's parents behind him. My mom enveloped me on a hug while I laughed lightly. "Thank you, Mom."

My mom released her hug and grinned. "I can't believe it. This is your first book."

I grinned. "Yeah, me neither. I need to say thank you to Joshua, though. He was the one who insisted for me to publish my book."

Joshua smiled coyly and leaned to whisper in my ear. "You can thank me later, honey."

My eyes widened while from the corner of my eyes I could see my mom grinned and my dad along with Joshua's parents cleared their throat. Trust my husband to make them uncomfortable.

"Anyway..." My dad tried to clear the situation. "We just want to say goodbye. We’re all going back to Long Beach after this."

"Oh...don't you want to stay for the night?" I asked my dad.

My dad raised his eyebrows. "Well...we loved too, but I don't think your husband is fond with the idea."

I blushed and they all chuckled.

"I'll come back to the hotel and go back to Phoenix on first flight," My mom said to me. Her eyes glinted and I froze. This is not good.

"And maybe after this first book, you can start to think about the new addition for your family."


This time they all laughed.

"Thank you for coming. We will visit you soon after I settled back at the hospital," Joshua said to our parents.

Our parents nodded and after several hugs and kisses, we were saying goodbye. I settled some things with my boss and Josia and then I went home with my husband to our house.

Yes, our house.

Joshua and I bought it few weeks after he finished his last semester in UNC. It was not big, with four bedrooms, one study room for Joshua and me, two bathrooms, garage, kitchen, living room, dining room and a warehouse; also with heaters and other appliances. Joshua also brought his piano and he often played for me. I fell in love with the house the moment I saw it and then after some discussions we bought the house. It took nearly two months for the renovation and now the house was homey enough for us.

My husband parked his car in the garage, next to his other ones and my Audi. Joshua bought the car as a wedding present for me. It was dark blue because he said I looked good in blue.

Ha ha!

He opened the passenger door for me and I walked with him to our house. I stopped dead on my feet when I saw our living room. Flower petals were all over the room with soft light from the candles. I blinked several times and before I could say anything, my husband hugged me on my waist and kissed my neck softly.

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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