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::EPISODE 13::

Author’s Note


CHAPTER 1 — Other Will Bishop

CHAPTER 2 — Boricio Wolfe Part 1

CHAPTER 3 — Charlie Wilkens Part 1

CHAPTER 4 — Luca Harding Part 1

CHAPTER 5 — Edward Keenan Part 1

CHAPTER 6 — Boricio Wolfe Part 2

CHAPTER 7 — Will Bishop

CHAPTER 8 — Edward Keenan Part 2

CHAPTER 9 — Luca Harding Part 2

CHAPTER 10 — Charlie Wilkens — Part 2

CHAPTER 11 — (Other) Luca

::EPISODE 14::

Author’s Note:

CHAPTER 1 — Boricio Bishop

CHAPTER 2 — Charlie Wilkens Part 1

CHAPTER 3 — Brent Foster Part 1

CHAPTER 4 — (Other) Will Bishop

CHAPTER 5 — Boricio Bishop Part 2

CHAPTER 6 — Brent Foster Part 2

CHAPTER 7 — Luca Bishop

CHAPTER 8 — Charlie Wilkens Part 2

CHAPTER 9 — Boricio Bishop Part 3

CHAPTER 10 — Charlie Wilkens Part 3

::EPISODE 15::

CHAPTER 1 — Teagan McLachlan

CHAPTER 2 — Boricio Bishop

CHAPTER 3 — Charlie Wilkens Part 1

CHAPTER 4 — Mary Olson

Chapter 5 — Teagan McLachlan

CHAPTER 6 — Boricio Bishop Part 2

CHAPTER 7 — Charlie Wilkens Part 2

CHAPTER 8 — Mary Olson Part 2

CHAPTER 9 — Other Ed Keenan

Chapter 10 — Boricio Bishop

::EPISODE 16::

CHAPTER 1 — Boricio Bishop

CHAPTER 2 — Ed Keenan

CHAPTER 3 — Luca Harding

CHAPTER 4 — Other Ed Keenan

CHAPTER 5 — Boricio Bishop

CHAPTER 6 — Callie Thompson

CHAPTER 7 — Mary Olson

CHAPTER 8 — “The Prophet”

CHAPTER 9 — Charlie Wilkens

CHAPTER 10 — Boricio Bishop

CHAPTER 11 — Boricio Bishop

::EPISODE 17::

CHAPTER 1 — Luca Bishop

CHAPTER 2 — Brent Foster

CHAPTER 3 — The Prophet

CHAPTER 4 — Ryan Olson Part 1

CHAPTER 5 — Boricio Wolfe Part 1

CHAPTER 6 — Boricio Bishop Part 1

CHAPTER 7 — Ryan Olson Part 1

CHAPTER 8 — Boricio Bishop Part 2

CHAPTER 9 — Boricio Wolfe Part 2

CHAPTER 10 — Ryan Olson Part 2

::EPISODE 18::

CHAPTER 1 — Luca Harding

CHAPTER 2 — Boricio Bishop Part 1

CHAPTER 3 — “Charlie”

CHAPTER 4 — Other Ed Keenan

CHAPTER 5 — Ryan Olson Part 1

CHAPTER 6 — Brent Foster Part 1

CHAPTER 7 — Boricio Wolfe Part 1

CHAPTER 8 — Boricio Bishop Part 2

CHAPTER 9 — Ed Keenan Part 1

Chapter 10 — Boricio Wolfe Part 2

CHAPTER 11 — Ryan Olson Part 2

CHAPTER 12 — Callie Thompson

CHAPTER 13 — Boricio Wolfe Part 2

CHAPTER 14 — Luca Bishop

CHAPTER 15 — Ed Keenan Part 2

CHAPTER 16 — Paola Olson

CHAPTER 17 — Brent Foster Part 2




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Copyright © 2012 by Sean Platt & David Wright. All rights reserved

Cover copyright © 2012 by David W. Wright

Edited by Shane Arthur

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The authors have taken great liberties with locales including the creation of fictional towns.

Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without express written consent is strictly prohibited. You are, of course, free to use short excerpts from the book for the purpose of review. We can’t do much to stop piracy, and we don’t enable digital rights management because we don’t want to restrict your enjoyment of this book or keep you from sharing it with a friend or two. However, we’re indie authors, and put a lot of our time and money into creating what you see here.

The authors greatly appreciate you taking the time to read our work. Please consider leaving a review wherever you bought the book, or telling your friends or blog readers about Yesterday’s Gone, to help us spread the word.

Thank you for supporting our work. You rock!

Published by Collective Inkwell


eBook Edition -
July 30, 2012

Layout and design by Collective Inkwell


* * * *



“Paths Not Taken”

* * * *

Author’s Note

Welcome to Season Three of
Yesterday’s Gone

We’d like to begin by thanking you, the reader, for making this series such a success!

When we started this story last summer, it was an experiment in serialized fiction — an experiment we
would work — but an experiment, nonetheless. We mentioned our influences in prior author’s notes, and why we wanted to do serialized fiction, and how now seemed like the time for serials.

But we weren’t certain how well serials would work.

We’re thrilled to say that
thanks to you
, we’re now able to write fiction full time — which was merely a dream this time last year.

You supported
Yesterday’s Gone
, plus our other serials,

Thank you!

While we’re able to make a modest living from our writing, we’ve not signed any book or movie deals, or anything else that would eliminate the stress from our weekly production or turn our business model into a certainty. We’re working hard to create the kind of work that gets people talking, like
50 Shades of Grey
. Once that happens, we’ll be able to write with the confidence that comes with knowing we can make a living from our stories for a while.

We are so close, yet still so far.


Season Two
Yesterday’s Gone
was the season that showed us we had something special, though.

More readers were finding us. Daily emails started pouring in, asking when
Season Three
would start. And we started getting our first haters! You know you’re doing something right when the haters start hating.

People were suddenly paying attention to our story. And we felt pressure not to drop the ball! This season combines our lessons learned from Seasons One and Two of Yesterday’s Gone, plus the first seasons of WhiteSpace and ForNevermore, so that we could bring you the perfect blend of character, scares, action, pacing, and, of course, our WTF cliffhangers!

, we’ve accumulated many questions over the previous twelve episodes. This season answers the question: What happened on October 15?

We’ll also be answering many more questions and connecting the dots of many of the mysteries. The main storyline for
Season Three
is our favorite so far.


While we haven’t yet “made it,” we’re on the right path. You’ve told us in sales, reviews, and emails.

We’re still working writers and writing our asses off, sticking to the goal we set for ourselves in January — to release a new book every week in 2012 — either an episode of our serialized stories, or a short story.

We want to make 2012 the year of the serial!

And thanks to you — it might just happen.

Thank you for taking a chance on a couple of indie authors and allowing us into your heads to tell you our weird little tales each week. Please enjoy, and remember, every review matters.

Sean Platt &

David Wright

Like us on Facebook:

* * * *


Here’s a quick refresher of what happened in
Season Two
Yesterday’s Gone
. Not all the details — that would take forever — but enough to remind you of what you need to know going into
Season Three
. We’ll update you on other story lines as necessary during the season.

On October 15, 2011, all but a handful of people vanished from the planet.

Except, as mysterious government agent
Ed Keenan and Brent Foster
discovered at Black Island Research Facility on an island off New York — the rest of the world didn’t vanish —
they, along with a bunch of other people
did. And they were brought to an alternate Earth for reasons unknown. A world which lost most of its people at the exact same moment they were pulled over.

Ed and Brent were tasked to go south to find a person believed to have something to do with what happened, a man named Boricio.

Boricio Wolfe
is a serial killer/rapist who, through circumstance, wound up partnering with a group of young people including Charlie, Adam, and Cassie (who Charlie has a crush on), along with a few other misfits, who have no idea how bad Boricio truly is.

Shortly after a skirmish with a group of bandits,
Charlie, Adam, and Cassidy
wound up getting lost in a freak tornado that decimated a store they were hiding in. After the storm, the three were separated from one another, at which time Cassie was abducted by unseen men in a black van.

Charlie and Adam went off in search of Cassie. Charlie nearly died during a snowstorm, but was dragged to safety by Adam. They found their way back to the compound to find Boricio gone, and a former member of their group turned monster, trying to kill them. They escaped and went off in search of Cassie. They found a van on the side of the road. As they investigated, they were shot with tranquilizer darts by someone.

Boricio Wolfe, searching for Charlie, Adam, and Cassie, found himself led to the gates of a church and compound called The Sanctuary, a place he, Charlie, and Adam had been held prisoner months back by the cult.

Upon his arrival, Boricio was surprised that nobody recognizes him. There has been something of a turnover issue at the church, apparently.

The Sanctuary
is run by an enigmatic old man calling himself The Prophet, on the account that he’d seen events of October 15 before they happened. The Prophet runs a strict old school Christian church where morality is imposed with violence. The Prophet also had something to do with events, as he was given a vial by someone. When he opened it, everyone vanished, in what he assumes was The Rapture.

Unbeknownst to The Prophet, one of the men he took in,
, is actually part of the evil plaguing the world, hiding in the shell of a human, waiting and biding its time for the right moment.

John, before his transformation, was part of a group of survivors from
Warson Woods
, which includes Desmond, Mary, her daughter Paola, Jimmy (who the possessed John secretly killed), who also wound up at The Sanctuary when John rolled in to save the day when the barn they were staying at was overrun by monsters. At first, The Sanctuary seems just that — a safe place where the monsters roaming the world cannot breach. So they accept an invitation by John to stay.

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