Yes to Everything (6 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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Vaughn never stopped shooting, backing up to get the brothers on the rail and Jackson on the other side. He zoomed in on the brothers’ faces, noting how they watched her. He figured they were the most photogenic people he’d shot in a long time. When the song ended, she accepted kisses from the girls and Jackson came to take her place. “Let me change.”

“Actually, Brooke, if I promise to be discreet, can you stay in what you’re wearing?” She sighed and nodded with an air of resignation. He headed toward the hay field and gestured for the three of them to follow. The brothers hopped the railing after Brooke did and Vaughn’s crew followed with a small scaffold they’d assembled.

Finding a uniform section of clean, golden hay, Vaughn held out his hand to Brooke and she took it. “Please, lie on your back.” Snorting, she did and watched as makeup and hair people came to fuss over her for about thirty seconds before stepping away. “Yeah, I didn’t think you’d have much to do,” he told them smugly.

They set up the scaffold and Vaughn climbed to stand above her. “Look at me, there you go. Put your hands over your head…perfect. Now drop one to your stomach. Lovely.” This went on for about ten minutes before he turned to the Bradshaw brothers and said, “Shirts unbuttoned, lie on each side. Oh please, now you’re shy? You know I know better than that. We have a lot of ground to cover and currently have excellent light.”

Logan and Decklan unbuttoned their shirts and walked to either side of Brooke, dropping to their backs beside her. The makeup people came in and positioned their clothing. When the wardrobe girl yanked their jeans lower to show more of their defined abs to their lean hip bones, Brooke couldn’t control her nervous giggles, taking her lower lip between her teeth as they turned their heads to look at her. Vaughn got a perfect shot of it.

“Outside arms up men. Like that, yes, now take one of Brooke’s hands, Logan. Keep it on your chest, let’s keep them guessing. Yes, perfect. Okay, Decklan, same thing only hold her hand on your stomach. Exactly, now move in closer. Very nice…damn it! Don’t move. A bird shit on my lens. Give me two minutes. Stay.”

As he moved away, Brooke barked. The brothers burst out laughing. “So are y’all having fun? I’m sure you’re used to lying around in fields and whatnot. This is fairly new for me. Mama is probably laughing her ass off. This man I’ve never met before has me laid out in hay with two other men and no bra. Jesus H. Christ. What I manage to get myself into.” Decklan was grinning and Logan was trying real hard not to laugh.

“Brooke, you are something else, darlin’.” Decklan lifted her hand and kissed it. She looked at him and was amazed at how pretty he was. Logan squeezed her hand, stroking his thumb over it and she turned to the same gorgeous image on the other side.

“Wait ‘til you see the pictures Vaughn took, honey,” Logan said with a whistle.

Decklan groaned, “So hot. There wasn’t a man who wasn’t affected.”

“Good grief. Y’all stop talking. You’re killing me. Behave.” Even she could hear the huskiness in her voice.

They gave a small chuckle and the sound shot straight into her womb. Vaughn appeared above them, “A couple more then I found some good spots for the others. Were you talking while I was gone? You look relaxed now, Brooke. That is a very nice look for you. Good lord, I can’t wait to put you through wardrobe changes.” He said a few things in Italian and gave a low whistle.

Quirking her lips, she asked cheekily, “Did you just say something about my boobs, Vaughn?”

Coming out from behind the camera, he stared down at her with dark eyes and gave her a wicked grin, his voice low and sensual, “Are you guessing, love?” She grinned and nodded, “Then because you are honest with me, yes, I was saying you are so firm and perfectly shaped. I am also enthralled with your legs, Brooke. Very long and leanly toned, covered in sleek golden skin. I could continue but I see the Bradshaw brothers are becoming annoyed with me.”

He leaned back and said, “Everyone up. Michelle! Get them changed into the first outfits. Quickly, I lose this light and no one will be happy. Night shots are done at night, not sunlight filled shots.”

The brothers stood and each grabbed one of her hands, pulling her to her feet. They picked hay out of her hair and led her over to Michelle. Ten minutes later, they all emerged in leather outfits. Logan and Decklan walked around her, stopping shoulder to shoulder and staring at her.

Clearing her throat, she gave a small smile before mumbling shyly, “Snug.”

They winked and heard Vaughn calling them impatiently. Her hair had been flat-ironed and hung a few inches above her waist. The style brought out the light browns and deep honey shades streaked naturally through it. There were steps along the outside of the barn, leading to the second floor loft. Vaughn wanted Decklan’s feet on the ground, Brooke behind him with her knees tucked along his sides, Logan behind her.

“My god, leather was made to hug your curves, Brooke. Circle your arm around her knee, Decklan. Curl your hand, exactly. Logan, lean her back on you please. Yes, good, good. Brooke, elbow on his thigh. Logan, forearm across her collarbone. Yes, so good. Both of you look at her. That is it!” They stayed touching one another for almost half an hour, Vaughn barking direction.

Decklan stood first when they had to go change, helping Brooke up and Logan standing behind her. “My butt is numb from the wooden step. Anyone else?” They nodded with big grins as they walked back to wardrobe. Jeans and a bustier with very high heels and she met the twins on her porch, they were back in button-down shirts with the top few buttons undone and cowboy boots. “You got boots? Bastards…” They smirked and seemed to be happy with the heels she’d been dressed in.

Glancing at her sisters churning ice cream, she realized they’d been moved up on the porch so they didn’t get trampled. They were watching their big sister so she rolled her eyes and made a funny face. Molly told her, “They’re putting you in really neat clothes, Brooke. You’re so pretty. Gosh.” She smiled and thanked her, waiting for direction.

The photographer was happy to give it. “On the porch swing, Logan and Decklan, slightly separated. Yes. Brooke, you are looking very hot in that, by the way. I need you to straddle their center legs, lean back with your arms over their shoulders.” She did. Her hair slipping forward as she lowered herself. “Pull her down, boys. Yes, Brooke, they won’t let you fall, honey.” Brooke felt their arms cross her back, each of them with a hand on her waist. She slid her hands over their shoulders and they snugged in closer. “Gorgeous! Just gorgeous! Play with their hair, Brooke.”

“Crap, Vaughn, I’m only human.” Both brothers sucked air through their teeth. Sighing, she put her hand in Logan’s first and he leaned into her. “Way to wind people up, Vaughn.” Two hands tightened on her waist.

“I like the way that looks very much. Okay, other side. I’m liking it, put your hands on both of them now. All of you on the steps.” They stood and were positioned with Brooke on the top, a brother on either side. “Logan, pull her leg over your lap. Brooke, drape yourself over Decklan’s back. Yes, lovely, oh I do like that. Shoes off, Brooke.”

Logan removed them for her and took her bare feet in his hands as Decklan lifted her to his lap. Vaughn started to speak and Decklan put his hand up. “Just shoot and tell us when you’re ready for us to move, Vaughn.” They started moving her back and forth between them, sitting and laying her down, running their hands through her hair.

Then she was swung up in Decklan’s arms and carried around the back of the house to the girls’ huge wooden swing. He sat and put her on his lap, her legs outside of his, her bare feet on his calves. Logan stood beside them, his hand stroking through Brooke’s hair. They stood her on the swing, each of them with a hand wrapped around one of her legs, her palms on their skin at the bend of their neck and shoulders.

Vaughn had one of her sofas pulled out in the field and sent them back to wardrobe. She came out in a laced up layered gown and tiny braids scattered over her hair, barefooted and looking like a fairy. Decklan carried her so her feet didn’t get dirty. The brothers wore brown suede breeches and boots, unbuttoned linen shirts and cowboy hats.

A pale green swatch of velvet was laid over the couch and they started posing her again. Sitting her on the back of the couch, they sat on the cushions, their heads on her thighs and her hands in their hair. They moved to sit on either end of the couch and laid her out between them, her head and shoulders in one’s lap, the back of her thighs touching the other, their hands over her stomach and legs. They sat her up, Logan behind her with his hand around her stomach. Decklan lifted one leg and put it behind him on the couch, her other stretched over his thighs.

Finally they stood with her between them; facing one with the other’s back turned, swapping places. Then both turned into her, pressing close, whoever was in the back had his face on the other side of her head away from the camera. The one facing her had his mouth beside her ear. Their hands were on her torso, on her hips, at her back, the side of her legs. Then they both faced front and lifted one of her arms up and around their necks. Exhausted, she laid her head back on their shoulders, turned slightly toward center, while their hands were on her hips and they stared down at her.

“Oh my god, you are gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.”

Oh yeah, she could see the draw of both men together. Strangely breathless, her mind a complete blank with the feeling of them on her body, Brooke managed, “All my witty repertoire has evaporated, Vaughn. So thanks. Are we done?” The hands on her body out of sight of the camera flexed on her skin and her breath left her in a rush.

Smiling benignly, the photographer shook his head, “Oh honey, not just yet. One more outfit change and I’ll even let you pick what you’re most comfortable in from the stuff we pulled together for you in the dressing room.”

She put all her weight on her feet and almost dropped. The brothers caught her and Logan carried her to the wardrobe girl. Placing her carefully on her feet, he said, “Put her in her own clothes, Michelle. Give us just a minute, will you?” The young woman nodded and ducked out.

Chapter Six

Decklan stepped up behind Brooke, his hands on her hips, while Logan stared at her, his hands cupping her face. “Look at me, Brooke. Hey sweetie, you alright?” She nodded then shook her head, her hands going to his wrists. “What’s wrong?”

“Y’all are killing me. I…I feel flustered and overheated. Not right in my own skin.” He stared at her for a long moment before dropping his mouth over hers. He and Decklan pressed into her and she moaned, letting him swallow the sound, feeling her tentatively open for him. Licking into her mouth, his cock came to aching attention. Logan toyed with her tongue for a moment before moving his lips along her jaw.

Decklan turned her face to the side and claimed her mouth with just as much skill as Logan had. Again, she moaned, one hand moving to Logan’s shoulder, the other to cup the back of Decklan’s head.

The sound of footsteps had the brothers moving to either side of her, turning her body and setting her behind the changing screen. It was almost a dance move, how smoothly they protected her from being seen.

Michelle was back, smiling at them. “Hey guys, y’all go ahead and throw on a couple button downs, your own worn boots. Stay in the brown tones so you match Brooke.” Reaching around the screen, she handed Brooke clothing. “These are your jeans, honey. Use this top and jacket. Your own boots. I’ll bring the girls in to work on your makeup in a minute. Once the pretty boys out here are done.”

Brooke asked quietly, “Uh, Michelle, where is the rest of this shirt? Are you serious? This is it? And girl, these are the tightest jeans I have. I possess an ass and it falls out of these.”

“You’ll be gorgeous. Come on so I can play with your hair before Vaughn starts squawking.” Five minutes later, she stepped from behind the screen and the Bradshaw men had to sit down. Michelle smiled smugly, “See, I told you. That’s the reaction Vaughn wants.”

Brooke was allowed to wear her own boots, a pair of low-hung jeans that fell below her hip bones and exposed the dimples just above her ass when Michelle turned her. She wore a top that was really the size of a sport bra in worn brown leather which exposed every inch of her lovely abs and highlighted perfect breasts. Her shoulders and arms were sculpted and lean, like the rest of her.

Michelle pulled her hair back from her face with two clips and picked sections of the straightened length to crimp. Brooke glanced up to see the brothers watching her in the makeup mirror and suddenly had trouble breathing. Their eyes clearly showed their hunger and she felt the answering ache in her own body, unfamiliar with the tension and what it meant.

When she was done, Michelle handed her a leather bolero jacket to pull on that matched her top. Crankily, Brooke sneered at the offered clothing, “What is the point of the jacket? Honestly…”

Michelle blinked, “The appearance of more clothes but less.” She grabbed her and pulled her to the door, “Come on, guys.” The brothers followed in a daze. “Alright, Vaughn, what do you think?” The photographer glanced over his shoulder as he checked light and almost fell off his scaffold. The assistant chuckled brightly, “Excellent. You’re welcome. She’s all yours.”

They’d saddled Buttercup and guided her to the fencing along the pasture. Brooke laughed loudly, “Y’all know I can’t ride in these pants. Hell, I can barely walk in them.” Vaughn wanted her to walk her horse back and forth along the fence while the brothers sat on the fence watching.

When they were ready to take the horse back to the stable Brooke played with her for a minute. They bowed to one another and nuzzled noses before Jackson took her. “Give her extra treats, Jack. I didn’t ride her, you know she hates that.” He nodded and quirked his brow at her outfit. “Bro, don’t ask. I know exactly what you’re thinking.”

They posed around her vintage truck, her in the cab with them standing inside the door, hands inside her knees. Leaned up against them, while they faced the other way. When Vaughn told her to slip her palms flat into their back pockets she actually shuddered. The brothers groaned, making her accidentally curl her fingers into the tight muscles of their asses with a gasp. Then she was in the middle facing forward as they stood to the side with their elbows on the truck, staring at her, their outside hands splayed over her hip bone and stomach. Vaughn brought their instruments and they played while he clicked away.

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