Yes to Everything (42 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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Every performance, even with exorbitant ticket prices set by the venues, was sold out within minutes of being announced. They used the twins’ tour bus when they traveled and the security was insane but appreciated. Even if the label hadn’t insisted, Travis and the Bradshaws were taking no chances with her safety.

Turning back toward the house, Brooke wondered at the restlessness she was feeling but ignored it, despite Buttercup’s aggravation at being held back. There was always enough work to keep her mind occupied. An occupied mind didn’t have time to dwell on things like love lost or guilt about desires that shouldn’t exist. Allowing a light canter, she shut her mind to pathways she didn’t want to remember and numbed her mind to a future she couldn’t have.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Christmas 2011…

Since Thanksgiving, the Kincaids’ home had been overrun with friends. Brooke was positive Rex’s three friends had discussed a schedule to ensure at least one of them was in residence at all times during the holidays.

It was obvious no one wanted her to be alone but since having the Marines visiting also meant having her best friends close at hand, she couldn’t protest their overprotective tendencies.

A week before Christmas, Sidney’s men booked an entire floor of an exclusive and highly secured Dallas hotel for three days. They’d taken her to every decent store within a three mile radius with their large entourage in tow. It seemed so normal, Christmas shopping and stopping to eat lunch, then dinner as the day got away from them and stomachs started growling. She hadn’t eaten so much in a very long time.

The Bradshaws talked her into seeing a movie, choosing a comedy and smiling as she laughed all the way through it. Sitting on either side of her, the brothers made Brooke hold the popcorn which gave them the excuse they needed to lean toward her constantly. Though flushed, she didn’t move away and didn’t withdraw emotionally.

As the credits rolled and the lights came up, several people recognized them and approached for autographs. Pulling her out into the open lobby, they guarded her between them while her protection detail kept all of them from being overwhelmed by the quickly gathering crowd.

One young woman stepped forward and told her what a big fan she was. When Brooke thanked her, she added quietly, “I think you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever seen in my life, Miss Kincaid. You finally look like you’re healing and I bet Mr. Black would be so proud of you. We’re all rooting for you, wanting to see you come back.”

The brothers felt Brooke go completely still between them and were shocked when she said softly, “I’m working on it, I’m not as strong as I wish I was, but thank you for saying he’d be proud.” Pulling one of her cards from her pocket, she handed it to the girl. “Call the number and we’ll send you out a tour bag.”

She backed up slightly and the brothers told everyone they had to go and thanked them for stopping to say hello. Waving, they were hustled from the mall and into the waiting limo.

Decklan touched her face as he took her hand. “You alright, honey?” She nodded and exhaled slowly. “You do better and better every time you get out of the house, Brooke. Take it one step at a time.” Her fingers tightened on his and she gave him another nod.

Logan stroked her hair until they reached the hotel and everyone settled in to visit and eat the huge meal Jeanette had ordered. She’d already checked on the kids who’d been left with Kate on Brooke’s ranch. Mack had his own team watching over them. Everyone’s shopping was done and they decided to head back so they could be there when the kids woke up.

Brooke dozed throughout the drive, alternately leaning on the brothers and wrapping her hands around their arms. The others were impressed with the Bradshaws’ control with the object of their desire so close.

Reaching the quiet house close to midnight, they nudged Brooke awake and she looked confused for a moment. Giving them a careful smile, she made it into the house and went to check her sisters and Sofia before she took a shower. Avoiding her reflection in the mirror, she slipped on sleep pants and a tank top with thick socks to battle the chill of the wood floors and walked the house.

Sidney and her men were already settled upstairs and Mack had gone to feed Sofia. Jeanette sat at the big farmer’s table with a cup of coffee waiting for her. “Sit with me, pretty girl.” Sliding into the chair and pulling her knees up, she sipped her coffee, relishing the warmth. “How are you, Brooke?”

“Lonely.” The answer had left her mouth before she’d thought and regret flashed over her face. “I…I’m sorry.”

Slender, capable hands settled over hers. “Brooke, why do you edit everything you say? Why are you so worried about being honest? Don’t you know you’re loved and accepted unconditionally?” Her closest friend, the woman who’d saved her from desperate loneliness, was ready to come back to the world of the living and Jeanette could tell the desire to live again was consuming her with guilt.

In a low broken whisper, Brooke confessed, “I…I’m forgetting how he smelled, the taste of his kiss. Two years and things I thought I would remember for the rest of my life are fading, Jeanette.”

“You will never forget the love you shared with Rex, Brooke. He’ll have a piece of your heart always. No matter who you go on to love, it doesn’t lessen what you had together. It’s your guilt holding you back. It isn’t Rex.”

Sighing, she took another sip of her coffee. “I know it is. On a rational level, I do know.” Setting the mug on the table, she tried a smile, “Now, I have to wrap presents.”

“Why? Why didn’t you let the stores gift-wrap them for you? I don’t get it!”

Snorting, Brooke answered, “Kincaid tradition. Adults wrap on Christmas Eve and show up bleary-eyed to watch them opened.” One delicate shoulder lifted in a shrug, “Honestly, I don’t know. The thought of wrapping their gifts myself, just seemed like the right thing to do.”

Jeanette stood and hugged her hard, kissing her hair. “I’m going to get some sleep. Sofia’s been running a small fever so I want to be alert if she wakes up.” Leaning back, she tweaked her chin, “I sure do love you, Brooke. You’re the best sister a woman could ask for and Sidney can be our scrappy, spider monkey sister.”

They laughed together and soon Brooke was alone in the kitchen, sipping her coffee. Nights were always harder for her. Restless and alone, she had to keep her mind occupied to avoid the ache taking over. Grabbing supplies and the bags of gifts, she got to work, happy for the distraction.

At three in the morning, she put the gifts under the tree over several trips between the kitchen and music room. Stepping back, she found herself staring down at Decklan’s bare chest as he slept. Logan was further in the shadows on the other sofa, not touched by the light she left on in the hallway.

In sleep, they were even more beautiful if that was possible. Dark lashes created crescent shadows on his tanned cheek, his hair tousled, his body relaxed more than either brother ever was while awake.

They’d crashed here last night instead of going upstairs to her old room that now held two queen beds. She wondered why and an instant later, she knew. Her bedroom, where she lived, was on the first floor. They wanted to be closer to her, just in case she needed them during the night.

Her heart clenched, her eyes burned with unshed tears, and she needed air.

The brothers were the first to realize Becca and Molly were up the next morning. Probably because it was six in the morning, the girls were screaming, and the tree was in the music room…where they’d been sound asleep moments before. Rubbing their faces blearily, their eyes tracked to the open doorway. Brooke held a tray with steaming cups of coffee on it.

“What a woman. Gimme.” Logan didn’t mince words and fell silent until he’d taken several sips of the rich brew.

Decklan managed a small smile, “Angels are real.” His groan at the first sip was unintentionally sensual and sent a flare of heat through Brooke’s blood. She sat at the end of the couch Decklan was sleeping on, lifting his feet into her lap and sipping her own coffee groggily.

Her own sleep had been fitful. Without realizing, she was absently stroking the top of his bare foot. Suddenly aware, she froze and glanced at his face. He was staring at her hard and she watched as he picked up a throw pillow and put it over his lap, never breaking eye contact with her.

Logan stood to stretch a moment later in nothing but his jeans, rubbing his hands through his hair with a yawn. Brooke’s eyes went slowly down his torso and back up to meet his eyes. They were filled with sparking hunger.

“Have y’all been working out fourteen hours a day or what?” she whispered.

“Sometimes,” they answered just as quietly. Decklan sat up and put down their coffee so he could scoot Brooke closer to him. He handed her back the mug and Logan sat on her other side. Instantly hot, aching need shot through her body and she clamped her control in place. If there was anything she understood, it was controlling her physical reaction to the Bradshaws. It didn’t matter that their bare chests, warm golden skin over sculpted muscle, were touching her bare arms. She concentrated on her coffee.

The girls were searching out everyone’s gifts and putting them in piles. Gradually, everyone else drifted downstairs. Sidney grumbled as she entered the room, “This hour is ungodly. My bears are right behind me. Girls, you owe me big for not letting them tickle you until you passed out. Who the hell gets up this early? There is something wrong with you people.”

She came across the room and kissed the Bradshaws with a “Merry Christmas” then took Brooke’s face in her hands and said, “Merry Christmas to the prettiest and sweetest woman I know.” Her smacking lip kiss was followed by a wink.

Just in time since Boyd and Zane made their entrance, grabbed up Becca and Molly, and promptly flipped them upside down with bouncing shakes. “Why aren’t you sleeping? Why are you screaming?” The girls were laughing so hard that Becca drooled, which only made them laugh harder. “Merry. Merry. Christmas. Little. Ones.”

They punctuated each word with a twisting bounce and then Molly shouted, “Oh god, I have to pee! Put me down, Uncle Boyd!” He did immediately and she continued to laugh as she ran for the nearest bathroom.

Zane set Becca down with a kiss to the top of her head and both men came to crouch in front of Brooke. “Merry Christmas, Brooke.” She wished them the same and they rose to kiss her cheeks and stroke her hair before shaking the hands of each Bradshaw brother.

Plopping on one of the small sofas, they yanked Sidney over their laps and warned her not to get used to them being up at the ‘crack of ass’. She promised she’d never be able to handle it either.

Brooke watched the three of them, how happy Sidney was with her men. She was lying back against them talking and giggling. They petted her constantly and even someone who didn’t know them would see the love they shared.

Molly entered the room regally, approached Boyd with a dignified smile, and dumped a handful of ice down the back of his t-shirt. Not being a stupid child, she took off running and Boyd gave chase once he’d dumped Sidney in Zane’s lap.

Sidney scooped up a piece of the ice on the couch and dropped it in Zane’s shirt and he whispered something in her ear that made her face blush hot. Then she sweetly put her hands under his shirt to ‘help’ him find the ice. Once she had it in hand, she rubbed it all over his abs before popping it in her mouth. She glanced up at Brooke whose head was tilted while she watched them. She crunched the ice happily and gave her a wink. After Boyd plopped a wet, laughing Molly beside Becca on the floor, he put the ice in one of the plants and sat.

Mack entered a little while later with Jeanette wrapped sleepily around his waist. Kate was behind them carrying Sofia. “She was up most of the night. Sofia’s cutting another tooth.” He sat carefully in a large chair and his wife snuggled more closely into him. Becca brought a fluffy blanket for Mack to wrap over her and he tugged her closer for kisses and Merry Christmases. “You too, Molly. Jeanette is sleepy but you know she wouldn’t miss this.”

Meanwhile, Brooke handed Logan her coffee cup and held out her hands to Kate. The toddler was placed in her arms. “Hello, Princess Sofia. Did you exhaust Mommy? Did you? I’m not sure but I think…yes, I think you’re definitely prettier today than you were yesterday. At this rate, you’ll be too beautiful for us to look at.” Tickling her little belly, the toddler giggled and wrapped her arms tight around Brooke’s neck.

“I not pettier, Aunt Book. I jus’ me. You pettier.” They rubbed noses and Brooke inhaled the smell of clean child she still remembered from her siblings. “You eyes look happy today, Aunt Book. No’ so sad, I tink.” Cupping her face in her little chubby ones, she stared at her godmother with too-knowing hazel eyes.

With Mack’s hair and eyes, Jeanette’s calm demeanor and intelligence, she was a force to be reckoned with already. “Smile fo’ me, Book.” The demand was indeed princess-like and Brooke gave her a smile. “I tink you smile more wit’ all of us to help. You by youself too much. Dat exactly what it is.” Leaning forward, she pressed her soft baby lips to each of Brooke’s cheeks and hugged her again, curling up sleepily against her chest.

Kate went to make more coffee and Brooke asked her to call the security guys in. Kate’s eyes went wide, “All of them?” Brooke nodded with a smile. Ten minutes later, additional chairs had been pulled into the room and her own men as well as Jeanette’s and Sidney’s were seated with steaming cups of coffee.

“Do you guys have plenty of room?” Brooke had put Sidney’s guys in her tour bus and Jeanette’s detail was using the Bradshaw bus. “Becca, Molly…go ahead.”

Every single person had presents and it was soon obvious that Brooke had gone insane buying for all of them. Turning to Logan and Decklan, she said, “The presents for Travis and the crew are in my truck.” They nodded absently, staring at the stunning watches she’d bought them as well as clothing, new hats, and CD’s.

The children received the bulk of the gifts, as was natural, and Brooke felt tears in her eyes at the happiness so obvious on their faces. When Becca asked her how long it had taken her to wrap everything, she shrugged, “I had a lot of time on my hands, baby. Do you like the new drafting table?” Becca nodded and came to hug her sister. “I love you very much, Becca. Merry Christmas.”

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