Yes to Everything (29 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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Mack said calmly, “You’re getting a law degree, baby? That’s really cool.” The other men glared at him and he said carefully, “You’re flipping out enough for all of us and Jeanette is very sensitive. She’s ready to take responsibility for the entire incident and she is about to cry. So chill the fuck out.”

The three men looked at Jeanette who was looking very stressed with tears in her eyes. Rex sat and said, “I’m sorry, honey. We’re just very worried. All three of you should have a contingent of people hired to do nothing else but keep you safe. As high profile as Brooke is, and you both with her all the time, you need protection, all of you. We’re not upset with any of you. I promise. Please don’t cry.”

Boyd sat and said gently, “Jeanette, we didn’t mean to yell, sweetheart. That could have gone very differently, for all of you. Any one of you could have been hurt. Seriously hurt.”

“It’s okay, honey. We’re going to hire people to make sure you all stay safe. Our primary focus is the three of you and the kids. The rest of them can handle their own security but we need to know the people we all care about are protected at all times.” Zane smiled, “Okay?” Jeanette nodded.

“What hotel are you in? We’re going to send people to you.” Jeanette told them and Boyd wrote it down. “How many more days?”

“We’ll be here three total nights, counting tonight, before we head to DC, then Raleigh.” Brooke was playing with her ponytail and Sidney had her head on Jeanette’s shoulder. “We all stay together with the kids so that should make it easier. I get two connecting suites so we’re not separated.”

“Brooke, baby, I’m sorry I yelled at you. I’m so furious the tour isn’t as secure as I thought it was. No one should ever be able to get that close to you. Six men being able to get that close is very very dangerous. Do you understand? If six can push through, a mob can. The fact that Sidney was able to take them down was a good thing…thank you so much, Sidney…but if they’d been armed or if one of them had been trained like any one of us he could have taken all her energy and attention, leaving you open and vulnerable. Either of you could have been hurt.” Brooke and Sidney looked at one another quickly and glanced away.

“What?” Boyd asked with his eyes narrowed.

Zane was leaning on the desk with his palms flat. “What happened?”

“One guy did get her but she was checked out, she’s good and we know what you’re saying. My side is fine. No one was really hurt.” Brooke was quiet.

“What do you mean one did get her, Brooke? What about your side?”

“He…uh, he kicked her in the back. I had her X-rayed, Boyd…Zane. I was scared so I made sure she was alright.”

In a dangerous voice, Zane said, “Sidney, stand up and let us see, baby.” She shook her head. “Baby, stand up and let us see what happened to you.” Chewing on her lower lip, she stood and turned, pulling up her tank top and exposing her narrow back. “Jesus fucking Christ!” In the center of Sidney’s back was a perfect dark purple boot print.

“Brooke. Now, baby. Let me see now.” Hearing the contained fury in Rex’s voice, Brooke stood and lifted her shirt to just under her breasts. There was a clear, deep handprint along her waist where she’d been gripped brutally.

“Oh no, someone did not fucking stomp Sidney like that. Grabbed Brooke so violently? No. Fucking. Way. There are police records, a trail. We could figure out which one did that to them. I bet I could get the shoe size and make pretty fast. Nobody is going to touch our women like that.” Boyd moved to another laptop and started typing. The other three men were huddled around him, whispering furiously.

Pulling down their shirts, Sidney and Brooke turned with a sigh. Sidney shouted, “Hey. Hey!” They all turned to look at her. “Stop. I’m fine and Brooke is fine. We all know what you’re saying and we’ll let you send security for us. However, I’d like to take a little bow for sustaining one bruise in a hand-to-hand confrontation with six men who looked like they were part of a football team, by the way.” She jumped up and down, shadow boxing. “I would like kudos and attention. Don’t go nuts.”

All four of them gave a tired laugh and Sidney’s men turned back to the main screen. Zane told her, “Sidney baby, we are so proud of you, so fucking impressed. But, honey, he could have broken your back. You’re small. Judging by the approximate size of his boot, the guy who did that was far from small.”

“When…” Boyd swallowed and continued, “when we put you all on that bus, we knew we’d miss you but we didn’t think anyone would ever be able to hurt one of you. We thought security was so much better, baby. You’ve done six shows, you have nine more to do, and there are literally tens of thousands of people at these arenas.”

Mack added, “If no one is looking out for you, it scares each of us on a base level we can’t help. People are crazy, ladies. That’s been proven time and time again. If nothing else, we have to know you’re safe.”

“You did so well, Sidney, and I’m sure none of us can explain how glad we are that you kept the three of you safe. But it shouldn’t have fallen to you. You are not there for that, sweetheart, you’re there as a stylist…not to take down rowdy fans. You and Brooke have bruises from rowdy men touching you violently. That is a huge deal.” Rex rubbed his hand over his head.

All three women sat on the side of the bed, heads down and holding hands. They were nodding. “You three look so fucking adorable I can barely stand it,” Mack said gently. “You’re not in trouble, darlings. Anyone who touches you from here on out is in trouble. Not you. You didn’t do anything wrong and we’re so proud of all of you. You kept your heads, handled the situation…your job to do so or not…and looked out for one another. You’re an excellent team. Like really pretty, deceptively fragile-looking, smart as hell ninjas. I know I speak for all of us when I say I’d be proud to have you guys at my back in any situation.”

They lifted their heads and smiled prettily. Rex, Boyd, and Zane glanced at Mack with total respect. Rex said, “Man, you are fucking eloquent. Exactly what he said.”

“Hell, yes,” Boyd and Zane added.

“If you only knew how much we all miss you, it’s crazy. How are the kids? They must be ragged from the pace,” Mack asked. He effectively changed the subject and they told the men how Jeanette was keeping them level. Making sure they got plenty of rest.

“This is the worst week because the cities are all so close together. They packed so many in. Over the next three weeks, we’ll have three shows a week. That will be better.” Brooke was tugging on her ponytail while she talked.

“We’re going to go now so we can call you separately, alright? Sidney, we’ll call you in a few minutes, baby.” They each said goodbye and their women blew them kisses. Cutting off the visual and audio on their side, Boyd turned to the others. “I’m going to New York, anyone else?”

“Hell yes,” the other three men said.

Chapter Twenty-One

The four Marines waved to Jackson in the lobby and the three youngest Kincaid kids all headed in their direction. The girls hugged everyone and chatted a mile a minute. They were going to see the Statue of Liberty with a whole group from the tour.

Their brother said, “The Three Musketeers are hung over for the first time ever. Want me to take you up?”

“Why don’t you seem surprised to see us?” Mack asked with a grin.

Shrugging, he said, “Are you kidding? They’ve been a wreck all week. I’m surprised it took you so long actually.” The big men laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll leave the girls with Kyle and run you up real quick.”

“Jackson, what kind of security is in place for you three?” Rex asked carefully. There were reporters outside waiting to catch a glimpse of any member of the show. Boyd and Zane scanned the lobby nonstop while Mack examined each of the people going with the kids.

Smiling, Jackson motioned to the group waiting near the reception desk. “We’re all going together and Brooke only said yes when she assigned Kyle to Becca and Molly to Finn specifically to watch so I could keep an overall eye out. Logan and Decklan have a bodyguard they’re sending with us, too. Jeanette called Travis this morning and relayed the issue that Brooke’s security was so lax they’d all been put in danger and that you were bringing in security to keep it from happening again. He agreed her popularity had grown much too fast to depend on the roadies anymore. The Bradshaws planned to hang here today so their guy was free.”

Somewhat appeased, Rex gave him a smile and gestured for him to lead on. Jackson took the girls to Kyle and Finn who nodded and gave the four Marines a cheerful wave. Waving back, they followed Jackson to the elevators and met the Bradshaws and Travis coming out.

“Fellas. Long way from Chicago,” Travis said with a smug smile. “’Bout time y’all got here. Brooke’s been fakin’ it real good onstage but they’re a mess for sure.”

“How far we are from home is all relative.” Rex shook the older man’s hand and introduced his friends. Shaking hands with the twins, he said, “Is your security guy going with the kids or are you leaving?” Rex wasn’t letting Brooke’s brother and sisters out of his sight if there wasn’t enough security to keep them safe.

“We’re going to breakfast and might go with the rest of the crew. If we do, I promise everyone’s focus will be on the kids,” Logan was careful not to reveal the frustration they felt at seeing Rex in New York.

They’d been trying so hard since their last conversation with Brooke. They’d slipped once or twice over the last week but there were three nights they’d gone to their suite alone for the first time in two years.

When the hyperactivity left in the wake of no sex got to be too much, Decklan talked Logan into the gym to work off the tension. They’d driven themselves until they could barely lift their arms and stumbled back to their suite. On the upside, they’d end up in the best physical condition of their lives.

Rex nodded, “If there’s any change, we’ll go with the kids. Alright? Related to Brooke, they’re known on sight. Our own people will be here today or tomorrow.”

Travis said, “The situation last night has y’all nervous as hell, I can see that. We underestimated how fast she’d become an icon. She’s feelin’ a little, er, under the weather today. Jeanette and Sidney too. When she’s up and around, remind her about the mash-up session tonight at the MTV studio. I’ll get y’all passes to go over with us.” Glancing at the tense brothers beside him, he added, “Let’s get some grub, boys. See y’all later. I’ll call if we need help coverin’ the kids.”

The Marines nodded and stepped on the elevator with Jackson. The Bradshaws gave them a look over their shoulder and Decklan said, “Never thought there would be men that made me feel small. Fuck, that group is huge.”

“They’re real protective o’ those girls too. Tell y’all what, I know you’re goin’ through some shit right now and I’m willin’ to help any way I can. You might never have her now and that’s the plain truth. Something you need to hear. Whether you ever get her, you need to shake loose o’ this thing that’s got a hold on you. She was always right about that. It’s natural to cat around but not like you boys do. We’ve kept so much out of the press but it can and will ruin your careers if you don’t get it under control. If you were in a rock band, you could get away with it more, but country fans don’t take to this kind of shit. After the tour, we’ll sit down and figure things out, alright?”

“Thanks, Travis.” Both brothers sighed in relief. Travis knew and still supported them.

Thinking about Rex and Brooke, they figured Travis might be right. She was likely lost to them forever but they’d make her proud anyway. They owed her that, at the very least. Logan said, “Hey, let’s go with the crew. Help keep an eye on the kids. Rex and his friends are freaked for a good reason. That situation could have gone real bad last night.”

“Jesus, I know it. They had her in the air. Six big ass men had Brooke in the air. Thank goodness for little bitty Sidney. She is fierce.” Travis ran his hand over the back of his neck. “You know her men are personally hirin’ bodyguards for all of them? Wealthy as fuck apparently. She’s crazy enough to need two men to tame her.” Decklan whistled between his teeth. “Sorry Decklan. Don’t think about it. There’s pretty Molly and Becca. Focus on G-rated pursuits.”

They nodded and scooped up the little girls who ran to them, grateful for their affection and laughter.

Upstairs, Jackson keyed them into Brooke’s suite. “The doors connect. Sidney and Jeanette are that way. Later y’all.” With a wink he was gone.

“First, let’s mix them some cure,” Mack said and stepped into the kitchenette to grab three glasses and dump powder in each, adding water. Mixing well, he carried one and went in search of Jeanette. Boyd grabbed Sidney’s and Rex took the glass for Brooke.

“Meet here in four hours. They have that show tonight and they’re going to need to eat.” The four men nodded and split up.

Rex approached the only closed door and peeked inside. Brooke was curled on her side, the shades drawn and all her pillows lined up down her body. He closed the door behind him and went to the opposite side of the bed, watching her sleep for a moment.

He set the glass on the nightstand with his wallet. He toed off his shoes and stripped off his socks, everything coming off except his boxer briefs, then climbed in beside her. One by one, he removed the pillows and replaced them with a section of his body. When they were all on the floor, he stroked her hair.

When Brooke’s eyes fluttered open, she whispered, “Rex…I love dreaming about you, baby.” Then she went back to sleep. Smiling, he gathered her into his arms and she jumped. Her eyes opened wide and she flinched as her head reminded her she was hung over. “Rex…?” He nodded and she hugged him hard. “I missed you. God, I missed you so much, baby. Yuck, don’t kiss me. Don’t do it. I think my teeth grew a pelt. I feel like shit.”

Rex chuckled and pulled her into a sitting position, “Come on, baby, let me show you what the big dogs do when we drink too much.” He handed her the glass and made her drink it. “Hustle that fine ass up.” He was out of bed and guiding her to the bathroom. “Pee and brush your teeth.”

He turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up while she took care of the basics. When she stood beside him, she couldn’t resist stroking her hands down his chest. “Not yet, sugar. We take care of you first.”

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