Read Wyatt Online

Authors: Susan Fisher-Davis

Wyatt (2 page)

BOOK: Wyatt
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“Jerry, you need to leave the women here alone,” Wyatt said.

Olivia did everything she could to stop the shiver that ran
through her at the sound of his deep, sexy voice. She’d wanted him since the
first time she’d laid eyes on him. He stood six foot four with hair as black as
a raven’s wing. A straight, narrow nose sat over a gorgeous pair of lips, bowed
upper lip and a full bottom lip, which screamed, “Suck on me.” His eyes were
such a dark brown they appeared black. In fact, Olivia was beginning to think
black. She just needed to
get close enough to look to be sure. He’d never let her though. For some
reason, he kept his distance from her, despite the fact they were constantly
thrown together. Her best friend, Becca, was married to his oldest brother,
Jake, and her other friend, Emma, was married to the next older brother, Gabe.
They were always together, but never
She’d made it clear to him she wanted him and yet he still stayed away. Oh, he
was always polite to her but that was as far as it went.

Olivia wanted to lick him all over. Her eyes instinctively
went to his crotch. This time the shiver emerged. His jeans fit him like a
glove and the soft denim cupped his sex just so that she couldn’t pull her
attention away. She knew what the backside looked like too. His jeans looked as
if they’d been made specifically for him. His black T-shirt hugged his biceps,
his chest, and she could make out the six-pack abs under it. She wiggled in her
seat. Whoever thought she’d want a cowboy? The black Stetson sat low on his

Jerry stood. “I’m not doing anything wrong, Wyatt. You need
to butt out.”

Wyatt smirked. “Not doing anything wrong, huh? How about the
fact you’re married and hitting on these women?”

“I’m only hitting on Olivia. The other two are married.” He
dropped down onto his seat again.

Wyatt laughed. “That’s rich. You won’t hit on a married
woman, but you’re a married man hitting on a woman.” He pulled Jerry up out of
his seat by his shirt collar. “I think it’s time you went home to Carol, though
why she wants you is beyond me.”

“Come on, Wyatt. There isn’t a man in this place who doesn’t
want Olivia.”

Wyatt’s eyes met hers. “Yes, there is.”

Olivia hissed in a breath and stood. “I’ll see you two
tomorrow,” she said to Becca and Emma then strode out the door.


* * * *

Wyatt swore under his breath as she strode past him with her
head held high. His gaze shifted to his sisters-in-law to see them glaring at
him. He stared at them, waiting for the lecture he was sure was coming. Becca
stood and narrowed her eyes at him.

“That, Wyatt Stone, was totally uncalled for.”

“I’m just telling it like it is.”

Becca laughed. “You’re such a bad liar.” She sat back down
and ordered another drink.

“You’re not driving, are you?” Wyatt asked her, feeling
protective of the two women.

Becca shook her head.
is. She’s only drinking Coke.”

Wyatt swore under his breath. Pissing off either Becca or
Emma was not a good idea. His brothers would gang up on him if they learned of
it. He smirked as he realized they’d have to gang up on him since he could kick
their asses separately and they knew it. Wyatt was a Marine, and a badass
sniper, the best in his unit. It didn’t matter that he’d been out of the Corp
for seven years. Once a Marine, always a Marine.

“Good. I don’t want to have to bail you out of jail.”

“Go away, Wyatt. I’m pissed at you right now…and take Jerry
with you.” Becca waved her hand at him dismissively.

Wyatt frowned when he realized he was still holding onto
Jerry’s collar. He unclenched his fist from the man’s shirt. Jerry turned and
took a swing at him. Wyatt ducked but Jerry clipped his jaw, sending him
backwards. Jerry pounced on him.
here’s the fucking fight you were looking for.
Wyatt pulled his fist back
to punch Jerry, but a strong grip locked onto his arm. He spun around to see
Clifton’s Sheriff, Sam Garrett. Sam was staring at him.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Wyatt. Don’t make me run
you in.”

Wyatt raised his eyebrows. “Run
in? He started it.”

“He’s also so damn drunk he can barely stay on his feet,”
Sam said.

Wyatt nodded and Sam released his arm. “I’m leaving anyway.
I was just trying to get Jerry to leave them alone.”

“I’ve been here making rounds and I was watching him. Liv
was handling it. If it had gotten out of hand, I was going to intervene.”

Wyatt put his fingers to the brim of his hat, nodded to
Becca and Emma, then headed out the door. Outside, it had stopped raining and
he took a deep breath of the late September air. Soon, fall would move in and
he knew snow wouldn’t be far behind. His eyes roamed the parking lot, and he
swore aloud when he saw Olivia sitting on a bench across the street. He headed
over toward her and halted in front of her. His breath whooshed out when she
raised those gorgeous eyes at him.

“Why do you hate me?” she asked sadly.

“I don’t hate you, Olivia.”

She snorted. “Well, you sure have a weird way of showing me
you like me, cowboy.”

He sat down beside her. “I’m not looking for a relationship,
Olivia. I’ve been there and I had my heart torn apart. I sure as hell don’t
want to go through it again.”

“You think you’re the only person who’s ever had their heart
broken? I found my fiancé screwing my college roommate.” She sighed.

“I know I’m not but I’m not going through that again,” he

“I’ve made it pretty clear how I feel,” Olivia whispered.

Wyatt laughed. “Hell, Olivia. You’ve done everything but lie
down and spread your legs for me.”

Olivia abruptly stood. “That was a little crude, even for
me,” she said. “Well, you can bet your ass it will never happen now, cowboy.”
She marched off across the street.

Wyatt watched her cross the street and only after a slight
hesitation, he ran after her and grasped her arm, spun her around to face him
and pushed her back against a truck.

“You just don’t get it do you?” he said through clenched

“Let go of me.” Olivia jerked away from him, pushing at his
chest. Wyatt stepped back and glared at her. He swore under his breath. “What
is it I don’t get, cowboy?”

He leaned down close so she wouldn’t miss a word. “I don’t
want you.”

Olivia laughed. “I don’t believe that—not for a minute. I’ve
seen the way you look at me.” She poked his chest with her fingertip. “You want
me, Wyatt Stone. You just don’t want to want me.” She gave him a hard shove and
strode away from him.

“Son of a bitch,” he roared and ran after her, stepping in
front of her. “Are you so sure about that?” She nodded. “Wrong. If I wanted
you, I’d have you.” He stepped back when she stepped closer to him, gazing up
at him. She grinned at him.

“I know when a man wants me and you do, cowboy. You just won’t
go for it for some weird reason.”

“You know when a man wants you, eh? So you’ve been with that
many, huh?” He smirked. “Are you telling me you’re a slut, Olivia?” Wyatt
wasn’t ready for the slap she gave him, and his head jerked back and a red-hot
heat stung his cheek.

“That’s twice you’ve said something totally uncalled for.
What does it matter to you if I am, if you don’t want me?”

“Maybe that’s why I don’t want you,” he said then swore when
he saw tears fill her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away.
Christ, she has balls.

“I hate you, Wyatt Stone and I’m so glad I finally see the
real you. Now get the fuck out of my way and don’t ever speak to me again.” She
marched around him, got into her vehicle, and drove off. He stood in the street
staring after her.

This was just great. How were they going to be around each
other now, when she hated him? Their family threw them together constantly.
They had no clue about how Wyatt felt. Getting involved with Olivia would tear
him apart again. She’d made it clear she wanted him, but he couldn’t take the
chance. The chance he’d fall and she wouldn’t. He groaned. She was so beautiful
and he’d love to feel her under him, above him, or any other way he could think

traitorous body went rock hard. Just thinking of her was all it seemed to take.
Anytime he was close to her, his body betrayed him. He loved inhaling her
perfume. His cock started to ache just thinking about inhaling her feminine
scent. He wanted to bury his face between her legs and taste her.

Jesus Christ!
the fuck was he going to do? Did she really hate him now? Why wouldn’t she?
you implied she was a slut.
He didn’t know anything about her, not
really. Only that she was Becca’s friend, and they’d been together since they
were thirteen and before that, Olivia had been in foster homes. But he had no
idea why she was. Where were her parents? Were they dead? From what he’d heard,
no family had ever adopted her. He’d bet she was a real wild child since she
didn’t back down from anything now. He smiled when he thought of her glaring at
him. She was tough, there was no doubt there. Sighing, he walked back to his
truck, climbed in, and headed home. He needed to get some sleep. It didn’t look
like he was going to get that release he needed from a fight or a woman


Chapter Two


Olivia sat at the table with her laptop open in front of
her, working on next season’s reservations. The Clifton Bed and Breakfast was a
goldmine for Becca, and Olivia loved working here but for the past week, she
couldn’t concentrate. A certain dark-eyed cowboy kept invading her thoughts
more than usual.
Damn him!
She knew
he wanted her and yet he insisted on lying about it. Why would he pretend he
didn’t want her? He saw other women, she was sure because she’d heard rumors
about him with them, so if he just wanted sex, why not her?

Shaking her head, she tried to get back into her work but
finally gave up, and closed the laptop. She wasn’t going to get anything done
today, so she headed for the front desk and smiled at Stacy Miller, who was
sitting behind the counter. Olivia took a seat beside her.

“It won’t be long and we’ll be closing for the season,”
Olivia said, thinking aloud.

“Wow, hard to believe. The B and B did so well this year. I
mean last year was good but this year was amazing. Becca is so proud of
herself.” Stacy grinned.

Olivia laughed. “Yes, she is and she has every right to be.
Now with the cabins on the property, she’ll have even more people next year.”

Stacy groaned. “I know.” She turned toward Olivia. “How are
the reservations looking for next season?”

“We’re already booked solid.”

“We’ll be busy for sure with all the rooms and cabins full.”

“Poor Evelyn.
I’m sure Becca’s
going to have to hire more help in the kitchen. Evelyn can’t cook for so many
people alone.” Olivia shook her head, truly wondering how Evelyn would do it.

“How is that going to work anyway? All those people won’t
fit in the dining room here.” Stacy frowned.

Olivia was about to answer her when the front door opened,
and Becca entered. She smiled at them in greeting.

“What are you doing here, Becs?” Olivia grinned, always
happy to see her best friend.

“I was just heading home from town and I wanted to ask you
to dinner tomorrow night.” She folded her arms across the top of the counter.
“How are things going?”

“Great. We’re all booked for next season. Stacy and I were
wondering how the meals were going to be done. Not everyone will fit in the
dining room at the same time.”

“Hmm…I suppose the folks in the cabins can call here to let
us know they want dinner from here, and then they can come here to pick it up
or just like the guests staying here, they can go into town.” Becca smiled at
her. “Of course, they can always use the little kitchenettes in the cabins
since pots and pans are going to be provided and prepare their own meals. As
for breakfast, we can do the same or have separate seatings.” She turned to
Stacy. “You and Josh are more than welcome to come for dinner too.”

Stacy smiled at her. “We’re going to my mom and dad’s for
dinner, but thanks for the invite.”

“No problem.” Becca turned to Olivia. “You’ll be there,

Olivia nibbled on her bottom lip. “I suppose so.”

“You suppose so? What does that mean Olivia Rene Roberts?”

Olivia shrugged. “Is Wyatt going to be there?”

“Of course he is. Why?”

“I don’t want to be around him.”

“It never bothered you before.” Becca’s eyes narrowed as she
stared at her.

Olivia blew out a breath. “Never mind, I’ll be there.”

Becca stared at her, waiting, but Olivia wasn’t going to
spill her guts to her. She knew, without a doubt, Becca would tell Jake and the
shit would hit the fan as a result. Olivia mentally shook her head, deciding
she couldn’t do it. No matter how rude Wyatt had been, she couldn’t bring that
kind of tension between everyone. Her eyes met Becca’s, and she knew her best
friend knew something was up. They’d been friends far too long not to be able
to read each other. Becca finally nodded.

“All right.
Be there at six. I’ll
see you then.” She turned from the counter and left.

“Since when don’t you want to be around Wyatt?” Stacy asked
with raised eyebrows.

Olivia groaned. “Is it so obvious?”

Stacy laughed. “That you want him? Yes. Everyone knows it.”

Olivia stood and faced Stacy. “Well, I don’t anymore. Long
story, but I’m past it.”
knew she’d never be past wanting Wyatt. “I’ll be in my apartment if you need
any help. I’ve got reservations to work on.” She knew Stacy didn’t believe her
but thankfully, she didn’t say anything as Olivia walked away.


* * * *

At exactly six o’clock that evening, Olivia pulled her car
up by the back door and glanced around. She didn’t see Wyatt’s truck anywhere.
Blowing out a breath, she pushed the car door open and stepped out. As she
started toward the porch, she heard a vehicle coming up the drive and when she
saw it was Wyatt’s truck, she quickly stepped onto the porch, knocked, and
entered the kitchen. Becca and Emma both turned and smiled at her. Olivia
flashed a quick smile at them.

“Is there anything I can do?” she asked them.

“We just need to set the table. Can you grab some plates?
Wyatt’s not…” Becca started but then stopped when the back door opened, and
Wyatt entered. Olivia turned her back to him.

“I wasn’t sure if you were going to make it,” Becca’s voice
held a smile as if his being there surprised her.

“Now why wouldn’t I make it?”

Olivia refused to turn and look at him. It was going to be
hard enough getting through the evening being at the same table with him, there
was no way she could look at him. She pulled the plates down from the cupboard
and carried them to the table in the dining room. Walking around the table, she
set each plate down at a place.

“Do you really think this is going to work?” Wyatt’s voice
came from behind her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She turned to find
him leaning against the doorjamb, his arms folded across his broad chest and
one hip cocked. The red T-shirt he wore stretched tightly across his pecs and
flat stomach. The short sleeves stretched tight around his biceps. Her eyes
seemed to have a mind of their own as they skimmed down his body to land on the
fly of his jeans. She’d love to know, firsthand, what was behind it. She bit
her lip to keep from groaning. She lifted her eyes to meet his, and they held
there. His lips rose in a slow smile.

“The hell you don’t, Olivia,” he muttered, his gaze not

She stared at him. She loved seeing him with his cowboy hat
on, but he looked even sexier without it. His hair was so black it appeared
blue under the overhead lights and curled slightly where it touched the collar
of his shirt. Her fingers itched to comb through the strands. She took a deep
breath and exhaled in an exasperated huff.

“It really doesn’t matter if it works or not, does it? We
aren’t together very often and when we are, we’ll just ignore each other.”

His soft chuckle ran along her skin, raising goose bumps.
“Ignore each other?”

Olivia slammed the last plate down and glared at him. “It
shouldn’t be too hard for you to ignore me, Wyatt. You’ve been doing it since
the first day we met.” She walked forward, halting in front of him.

“Move,” she commanded, raising her eyes to meet his. He
stared back at her, and then took a deep breath, stepping back from the
doorway. When she started to pass him, his fingers wrapped around her arm,
stopping her. She narrowed her eyes. “Get your damn hands off me.”

“Is something wrong, Liv?” Wyatt’s oldest brother, Jake,
asked from the doorway leading to the living room.

She tore her gaze away from Wyatt and smiled at Jake as best
she could. “No. Wyatt was just giving me a rough time.” She gave a half laugh,
noticing Jake didn’t look as if he believed her, but he gave a nod and left the
room anyway.

Olivia looked back at Wyatt and growled low. “Don’t touch me

She pushed past him and headed into the kitchen.


* * * *

Wyatt rubbed his hand over his jaw. Damn. His gaze followed
her as she headed toward the kitchen. His eyes instinctively went to her ass.
The woman sure could fill out a pair of jeans. His groin tightened as he
watched the natural sway of her hips.
Striding from the dining room, he headed toward the living room where his
brothers were. He flopped down in the recliner. He could feel Jake’s eyes on
him. Wyatt glanced over to him and raised an eyebrow.

“You have something to say, Jake?”

“What the hell is going on with you and Olivia?” Jake asked

Wyatt shrugged. “Just as she said…I was giving her a rough
Nothing to concern you, or anyone else.”
shifted his eyes to his other brother, Gabe.

“I don’t have any idea what either of you are talking
about,” Gabe muttered.

“They looked like they were having quite a conversation when
I interrupted,” Jake volunteered.

Wyatt stood and glared at him. “Let it go, Jake.”

He knew Jake was about to say something when Becca announced
dinner was ready.
by the dinner bell.
Everyone moved into the dining room and took
their seats. Just his luck, Wyatt ended up sitting across from Olivia. Biting
back a sigh, he knew his family had done this on purpose. He tried his best to
keep his eyes cast downward but he happened to glance up, and her gaze captured
his eyes. In the years he’d known her, he’d never seen her look at him like she
was doing now. It was a look as if she hated him, and it bothered him. It
bothered the hell out of him.


* * * *

Olivia had to get through this. With him sitting right
across from her, she was finding it difficult to concentrate on the
conversation flowing around the table. The food tasted like dirt because she
had no appetite. When she heard her name, she quickly looked at Becca.

“Are you all right, Liv? You’re not eating and that’s not
like you,” Becca scolded.

“I’m just not…” She glanced at Wyatt. “I’m not real hungry,
Becs. I’m fine.”

“You’re always hungry, Liv.” Gabe laughed then grunted when
Emma elbowed him. “Sorry,” he muttered.

It was a running joke with all of them how much Olivia ate,
but still stayed so slim. She always seemed to be eating and they constantly
teased her about it. Now she had no appetite, at least not with Wyatt sitting
across from her. Certainly not after the conversation they’d had a while back.
He’d practically called her a slut, and then told her he didn’t want her for
that exact reason. Her gaze ran over him. It didn’t look like he’d eaten much
either. She’d had enough. She stood quickly, drawing everyone’s attention.

“I’m sorry, I…uh, I’m leaving.” She quickly headed toward
the back door. Becca and Emma caught up with her in the kitchen. Becca grabbed
her arm and spun her around.

“What is going on with you?”

“I told you I didn’t want to be here to begin with, Becca.
Let it go.”

“The hell I will. What happened between you and Wyatt?”

“Something happened between you and Wyatt?”
This from Emma.

“We had a…a disagreement and I’d rather not be around him
anymore.” Olivia picked up her purse. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“You’re damned right you will. This is not over. You will
tell me what’s going on.
Becca ran her hand up
Olivia’s arm. “I don’t like seeing you like this and I want to know what
happened. We’ve never kept things from each other before and we’re not going to
start now. I’ll let you go for now, but we will talk.”

Olivia stared at her best friends wanting to come clean, but
knew she couldn’t so she nodded.
“All right, but not now.
I’m going home.” She left without looking back, got into her vehicle, and drove
home to the B and B and her little apartment. She could hear her dog, Punkin,
barking. Olivia didn’t know what she’d do without the little dog. There was no
one else waiting for her. If only she could just find a man who was as excited
to see her when she came home, she’d be content. Olivia laughed when Punkin
tore out of the apartment to head for the back door. Olivia opened the door to
let her out and noticed headlights coming up the driveway. Was a guest arriving
this late? Closing the back door, she headed toward the desk to check the
computer to see if someone hadn’t arrived yet.

As she started looking through the reservations, the front
door flew open and Wyatt strode in. Olivia let out a gasp. “What are you doing

She knew by the look on his face he was pissed off. “You ran
like a scared rabbit and left me to wolves. They all wanted to know what went
on between us, and then didn’t believe me when I told them nothing.” His jaw
clenched and a muscle twitched in his cheek.

He was so
gorgeous and no matter what she told him, she still wanted him.

“I don’t want to be around you, Wyatt. You’ve made it
abundantly clear what you think of me.” She shrugged. “It was your fault I left
the way I did, so it was your place to tell them what is going on. I’m done
talking about it. Now get out.”

Wyatt stared at her for a few minutes before turning on his
boot heel. He strode out the door, slamming it behind him. She blew out a
breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. It was going to be way too hard to
be near Wyatt knowing she’d never have him. Maybe it was time to leave Clifton,

Olivia sat behind the counter staring at the door Wyatt had
just stormed out of in a huff. It wasn’t her fault everyone jumped on him about
her. She sighed, thinking about Becca coming after her, and she would. Becca
wouldn’t let it go no matter what Olivia told her—Emma too. They were both
stubborn and they’d get it out of her, and then the shit would start. Becca
would tell Jake and Emma would tell Gabe, and then the brothers would go after
Wyatt. Olivia placed her hands over her face and groaned. Why did he have to be
so damn hot?

BOOK: Wyatt
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