Wulf's Redemption (Borne Vampires Book 3) (29 page)

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The kids each picked up long, canvas bag and
carried it inside the hotel room. Edgar thumbed at the dark-haired young man
beside him. Sir, my cousin, Eddie.” If she didn’t know they were cousins, she’d
have thought they were twins.

“Pleasure to meet you, sir. Ma’am.” Eddie nodded
to her.
He was
definitely German, yet his English was perfect.

“Hi, I’m Kai Jordan.” She offered out her hand to
him, restraining her usually strong grip, not wanting to hurt him.

“You’re pretty. Have you been a vampire long?”

“Uh, my mother was half Borne, my father human. My
friend turned me when I was sixteen, after I’d been attacked and was dying.
He,” she indicated to Alex with her chin, “was born a vampire.”


“Yes. My parents were vampires. We are called the
Borne. Edgar,” Alex asked as he lifted his jacket off the chair and put it on,
“let’s have the bullets.”

sir.” Edgar and his cousin unzipped the bags and withdrew cartons and handed
them to Alex and her. “Sir, we had to sneak in the backway into the hotel.” He
explained, “The ghoul, who was here earlier, is back and standing across the
street, watching the hotel. You’re under surveillance.”

Alex said, looking to her, as she examined the bullets. “that’ll make it difficult
for us to slip away unnoticed.”

shoved his hands in his pockets. “Uh, sir, I hope this isn’t out of line, but
can you shift into an animal?”


could sneak you out that way.”

inquired to her, “What do you think?”

the cartons into her backpack, including the boxes Alex handed her, she
replied, “We could change into rats and they could carry us out. Where did you
park?” she asked the humans as she pulled on her coat, arranging her guns more
comfortable against her ribs and shoulders.

block over.”

else do you have in your bags?”

grinned, a devious one in light of the serious situation. “We’re fans of Buffy
the Vampire Slayer. We’ve been stocking up on stuff that would be helpful in a
jam, if ya know what I mean.” He winked at Alex in a conspiring gesture.

“Good show.” Alex stared thoughtfully at the
canvas bags. “Kai, let’s put our swords in the bags.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Remember, only
way to kill Lisle is to chop her head off?”

“We’ll have our guns on us as we enter the club.
Edgar and Eddie, can you sneak into
with the bags?”

Eddie answered, “I’ve been in and out of the club
several times now without being seen. We can get your weapons in.”

“Eddie,” Edgar looked like he hurt, “why didn’t
you ask me to go with you?”

“Sorry, man, you didn’t believe me vampires were
real. I got pictures!” Whipping out his cell phone, Alex stopped him before he
could access the photos stored on it.

“We already know there’s vamps in
Club Vampyre
It’s extremely important you bring us our
swords otherwise tonight will not end well for us or you.”

Not happy about being parted from her sword, she
took hold her scabbard and sword, wrapping the belt around it and cinched it. Edgar
unzipped one of the bags. Putting it in, she stepped back as Alex put his in on
top of it. He zipped it closed.

“Won’t the vampires have a problem with you
carrying in guns?”

Blurring their weapons, she asked innocently,
“What weapons?”

“Way cool!” the humans said together.

heard several cars pull up outside. Checking out the window, she saw six
vampires and four ghouls exit the vehicles. They held short, compact machine
guns, and were watching the rooftops and park, prepared for an attack. A third
car arrived, a white Mercedes, and an immaculately dressed, blonde-haired vampire

“Gentlemen,” she said, “time to leave. Company’s

A knock wrapped on the door, surprising them. Alex
put his fingers to his lips and urged Eddie and Edgar to carry the bags into
the bathroom, closing the door behind them. He opened the room door and the
vampire she saw getting out of the white car stood in the hallway, flanked by
two muscle-bound bodyguards.

“Mr. Walker, Miss Jordan, I am Leo Sper, and we
are here to give you safe escort to

With no way to decline without raising suspicions,
Alex offered his arm to her. “Shall we?”

Slinging her backpack over her shoulder, she
accepted his arm. “Let’s.” They left their room and one of the bodyguards
closed the door for them. As they walked down the hallway, she asked, “Mr.
Sper, has Waters sent men to search for Lisle?”

“Yes, ma’am. Why do you ask?” Sper waited for his
bodyguard to push the button to open the elevator and the doors opened.

Entering the elevator, she said brusquely, “Call
your boss and tell him to bring them back. Lisle’s returning to Magdeburg, to
the club.”

Gulping, the man’s composure slipped. “She is
returning to
Club Vampyre

“Oh, yes, and she’s pissed.”




Jeremy Waters stared out his office window, gun in
hand. His first job as a vampire and the unhinged bitch Angel released was
screwing it up!

In the seven years of serving the Damned as a
ghoul, he’d
seen anything the
likes of Lisle Breber. Hell, he was
he’d never meet up with her again. To
top it off, the vampire hunters were staging organized attacks on his people. Between
them and Lisle, he was losing men.

His cellphone laid on the glass desk began to

Answering it, he asked, “Is it done?”

“Yes, sir. We have him in our possession. Cost us
a few men though. Strong bastard.”

“Dammit, it’s not like we had men to spare!”

“Couldn’t be helped, sir. Took everything we had
to subdue him.”

“The tranquilizers didn’t work?”

“Took twenty darts to slow him down enough so we
could get the chains on him.”

Eyes widening at the amount to bring him down,
Jeremy had to ask, “How many dead?”

“For us: seven. Them: all dead.”

“Excellent. Bring him back to the club.”

“Any sign of Lisle?” the vamp on the end of the
line asked, fear in his voice. Hell, it matched his.

“No, not yet. She’ll be here. That much we can count
on it. Return to the club. Keep an eye out for her. I can’t afford to lose any more

“Have the guys from Berlin arrived yet?”

“Yes, and they’re dead.”

“Dead? How, when?”

“Lisle attacked them when they rose from their

“Shit. Boss, I know you’re under a lot of stress,
but we have to kill that freakin’ bitch before she annihilates us all!”

“We will. I have the perfect bait to bring her in.
Hurry and get back here. Our guests have arrived.” Jeremy ended the call.

The Slayers exited the town car he’d sent for them.
Walker was dressed immaculately as usual, Kai dressed casual, except for both
were packing guns loaded with silver bullets. She glanced at where he stood and
he saw death in her dark blue gaze. Terror threatened to strangle his
confidence that he was in control and the Slayers were working for him. Kai
held grudges, just like her mother. She’d want revenge for what he’d done to
her in England. Want his head for it.

we tie those pesky loose ends, and I can get back to the plan,” he whispered to
himself as he watched the Slayers enter
Club Vampyre

Chapter Thirteen


through by armed bouncers, Kai did a check of
Club Vampyr
e. Four armed vamps were at the two exits, two stood guard at
the long, glass-topped bar illuminate by hot pink neon lights. Half-naked
people grinding to the rhythm of techno-rock, blended with heavy metal, while
others walked toward the back of the club, ducking in the small rooms set aside
for private parties. Weird part was the humans weren’t concerned; they kept on drinking
and dancing.

was insane to allow people in the club, especially with Lisle on her way there?

he hope the humans would slow her down so they could kill her? What about the
local police? How was he planning to explain to the local authorities the
bodies after the shooting started and the humans started dying in the

least the music is cooler over here in Germany,” she commented, winning a
questioning glance from Alex. “What? German metal rocks.”

Sper flashed her a pleased grin, exposing his white fangs. “From a Slayer,
that’s quite a compliment. My goal is to please the clubbers and provide an
evening of entertainment they’ll never forget.”


design?” Despite her aversion to the Damned and their subterfuge goals, Kai had
to admit she liked the neon and black lights, the glowing fog engulfing the
dance floor and its dancers.

Leon replied proudly. “I am in charge of designing our clubs in Germany,
Romania, and Greece.”

To Alex, she remarked,
“The Damned is
spreading everywhere.”

“I told you they have better PR than we

“I got a suggestion on how to draw the
Damned to us. Why don’t we start our own clubs?”

“That’s not a bad idea. We’ll have to
discuss it with Faeroes and Anya.”

Leon pointed up, directing their attention to two
levels, open rooms with plexy-glass and steel railing. “We are to meet Mr. Waters
in the VIP room, third floor.”

It wasn’t the third that drew her attention, it
was the second floor. Men and women fondled each other, making out, not caring
who was watching them. She didn’t need to read them, sickened by the perverse
entertainment they enjoyed.

“Lead on, Mr. Sper,” she forced a bright smile, “Mr.
Waters is waiting impatiently for us.”

The vampire looked like he wanted to ask her how
she knew; instead, he inclined his head. “Yes, Miss Jordan. Follow me.”

To the mirrored elevators Leon led them. Pressing
the button with arrow indicating ‘up’, they waited for the doors to open. When
it did, a group of meagerly-dressed women walked out, their high heels clicking
across the polished black and white tiles. One stopped in front of Alex, her
fake breasts ballooning out of the metallic scarf pinned around her in a
makeshift bra. The skinny little bitch raked her claw-like, red nails through
her long, bleach-blonde hair, her blue eyes sizing him up appreciatively.

“Sexy beast. Wanna take me home?” the girl rubbed
herself suggestively up and down him.

Jealousy rose up in waves of blinding rage in Kai.
Grabbing a fistful of the girl’s hair, she pulled her off Alex. The girl
started screaming. Whipping her to face her, she snarled, her fangs longs. “Shout
up or I’ll drain you dry!” The girl’s mouth clamped shut. “He’s mine. Understand?”

“You a vampire, too?”

“No, I’m in costume. Want to feel how real my
fangs are?”

“No! I’m good.”

“Get the hell out of here.” She shoved the girl at
her friends who caught her. They fled, casting worried glances behind them.

Alex was grinning at her. Punching him in the
bicep, she warned, “Not a word!”

Rubbing his injured arm, Alex grinned, “Yes, dear.”

“Slayers, if you would please,” Leon held the
elevator open, trying to keep a straight face.

Stepping into the elevator, Kai maintained an
impassive face, expressing no emotions. Alex took position in front of her,
protecting her if it were a trap. She placed her hand on his shoulder, he
covered it with his and squeezed. With a bump, the elevator halted. They
readied for a fight as the doors rumbled open. Jeremy Waters sat on a black
vinyl couch positioned across the red velvet room. Thirty vampires guarded him.
They were wearing bullet-proof vests, helmets, and battle gear, the whole
battle gear, and they were aiming their laser guided machine guns at them.

“Welcome to
. Ready for war?” Jeremy asked, his attractive features
disappearing into the true face of a demon vampire.




Checking out the red dots centering on his chest,
Alex arched an eyebrow at the nervous vampires, “War with us or Lisle?”

rose from the couch. “Gentlemen, relax. We invited the Slayers, remember?” His
face returned to human. “Forgive us. We’re a bit jumpy.”

Lisle has a way of making the strongest of men frightened.”

nearest vamp snapped, “We don’t fear her. She’s a traitor and will be executed
as one!”

you met Lisle Breber yet?”


your boss what the Wolf of Magdeburg is like. He’s personally seen her in

vamp’s confidence slipped a notch when he saw his boss flinch. Attitude
changed, he asked, “You know how to bring the bitch down?”

her seems to be the only thing we haven’t tried.”

“Shit, that means getting close to her.”

“Yep. Want to volunteer?” Alex asked him with a
straight face.

“Where are your swords?”

“Didn’t think we’d need them.”

The vampire cast worried looks with his
companions. “You said the only way to put her down was to take off her head.
Slayer, why aren’t you ready to do that?”

“We’re ready, are you?”

“Renner, the Slayers know how to kill us better
than we know how to kill them. Just follow their orders.” Jeremy motioned Alex
and Kai to follow him to the rail overlooking the dance floor. “As you can see,
we have the manpower to hunt Lisle down. What we couldn’t figure out was what
to use as bait to free you and Kai to kill her.”

“Is that why you opened your doors and let the
humans in?” Kai accused, glaring at him.

“Lisle has to be stopped. My tactics might not set
well with you, but I’ve lost two-thirds of my force in two days, and she’s
killed the extra men Berlin sent me to stop her. If we don’t stop her, she’ll
start making other vampires indiscriminately and will set them loose to feed
and destroy out of control. The world will truly be drenched in blood.”

Alex watched the unsuspecting humans as they
danced, fog swirling around them, rising in white waves from the floor to
engulf the people. “What do you want from us, Waters?”

“We wait for Lisle to arrive. When she does, we’ll
keep her occupied while you and Kai try to cut off her head. You
have your swords, yes?”

Kai straightened, asking Waters, “Where are the
armed security guards?”

“If she thinks there isn’t anyone to stop her,
she’ll seek us out.”

“So, you have all your men here, with you?”

Jeremy nodded. “Yes. I want to draw her into a
tight area so we can pin her down.”

Alex pushed away from the rail and placed his hand
on Kai’s back, urging her to the waiting elevator.

“Where are you going?” Waters demanded.

“I need a drink. Feel free to watch us from here.”
In the elevator, Alex pushed the 1
floor button. The doors closed.

“A drink?” Kai repeated, bemused by his actions.

“Yeah, I need a drink. Why?”

“I just find it odd, that’s all. Waters sure didn’t
expect it.”

“I hate being in a fight with only one way out.”

“I agree with you there. He does seem to
understand what his enemy has in mind though.”

“No, he doesn’t. He thinks he does, but he

“Do you?”

“No, and that’s why I need a drink,” Alex
admitted. “Edgar and Eddie had better be here. We need our swords.”

The doors of the elevator opened. There, standing
in the myriad of flashing lights, his black hair pulled back in a ponytail, the
white streak at his right temple brilliant in the black light. Garbed in a
black tee-shirt and worn jeans, bicep muscles bulging as he crossed his arms.
Sin Dracula grinned at them.

“What? No welcoming kiss?” Sin teased.

Kai jumped into Sin’s arms, hugging the surprised
vampire. “You got one from me!” she laid a kiss on Sin’s cheek before releasing
him to grab a laughing Mina, who stepped up by his side. “You have no idea how
glad I am to see you, both!”

Mina wrapped her arms around her, similarly dressed
and armed like Kai. “When we talked, I didn’t think you’d seriously go through
working with Waters. What were you thinking, girl?”

Stepping back, Kai shrugged her shoulders
helplessly. “We’d run
out of

“Not anymore,” Sin said with a predatory smirk.

Alex wanted to hug the big man, too. Extending his
hand out to Sin, he said, grinning, “Man, you are a sight for sore eyes.”

“I’ll bet. Let’s get a drink. You look like you
could use one.”

“Hell, I could use a dozen.”

At the bar, Alex ordered a bottle of whiskey and
four glasses. Mina emptied a table for them, using her power to influence the
humans to leave. Sitting down, he poured four shots and set the bottle down.

Lifting one, he made a toast, “To friends.”

Sin added with a dark note, “To killing our

They downed the fiery brew and held out their
glasses for him to pour another round. After downing the second shot, he asked,
“How did you know we were experiencing difficulty here, in Germany?”

Kai replied, “I reached out to Mina, except she
was supposed to stay on Angel’s trail not come
.” She directed to Mina, who merely

“No way in hell was I going to let my best friend
be in the same club with Jeremy Waters and his goons. Family sticks together!
Besides, what we encountered in London, Lisa is one sick bitch.”

“I,” Alex said, “am very glad you and Sin are
here. The Damned
clean up their
messes and to ask us to help is way off track.”

forward on his forearms, Sin asked, “Why is this woman after you and killing
her own kind?”

luck attracting a psycho.” Sin coughed, trying hard not to laugh. Alex glared
at him. “Knock it off. Not like Angel was any better. If memory serves
correctly, your ex is trying to rule the world,” he shot back at Sin who nearly
choked on a sip of whiskey.

Mina glared at Sin, who straightened in his chair. “Why is Lisa so hard to kill?”

hear of the legend, Wolf of Magdeburg?”

leaned forward. “
Wolf of Magdeburg?”

Breber is her name. Bitch cost me and my family dearly. Apparently, Angel found
her tomb and released her. She promised Lisle that she could have me as her reward.
Kai said Lisle, which is who you would know as Lisa, went crazy and left
Angel’s castle before we got there. She followed us to Magdeburg and is killing
the Undead left and right.”

that’s a bad thing?” Sin asked, tilting his head to the side, confused.

recently turned a family,” Kai said grimly, “with young children. She killed
fourteen children in 1819 and has threatened to return to her old ways, if Alex
doesn’t agree to be hers again.”

leaned closer to Kai, sniffing her. Kai drew back, frowning at her. “What?”

her a sly look, she asked, “What have
been up to?”

red, she glared at Mina. “None of your business!”

Sin had caught on and instead of harassing him, he appeared concerned. “Lisle’s
gonna know, and it will set her off majorly.”

leaned forward, fearful. “Alex—”

her hand in his, he pressed a kiss on the back of it. “Kai, I chose you.
Together, we can put Lisle to rest.”

you, two, have admitted you loved each other! Wonderful,” Mina crowed, grinning
from ear to ear.

of machine gun fire sent the humans screaming and running for the doors. Sin
and Mina’s swords appeared, the illusion of being hidden removed. They drew
them, prepared to fight as she and Alex pulled their guns out, aiming at the
third floor. A vamp flew over the railing, hit the dance floor in a broken heap
of broken bones and green blood, his head nearly ripped from his body.

ear-piercing howl broke over the loud music, breaking windows in its ferocity.

“Dammit, Lisle’s already here!” Alex shouted,
checking on Kai, who looked shaken. “Kai?”

“I didn’t even feel her presence!”

“Don’t stress over it,” Mina said to Kai. “She
learned a few tricks from Angel.”

Another howl interrupted them, followed by men
shouting, more machine gun fire. Body parts flew over the railing, splatting
everywhere. They jumped back to a safer distance as blackish-green blood
erupted, coloring the fog. Waters jumped over the railing and landed not far
from them. He was covered in green blood. His eyes wide and the man looked

“The bitch rode the elevator and walked right in
and just started killing my men!” He saw Mina and Sin, his gaze dropped to
their swords.

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