Read Wrath Online

Authors: Kristie Cook

Tags: #soul savers, #angels, #angels and demons, #vampires, #warlocks, #were-animals, #werewolves, #mages, #magic, #paranormal romance, #contemporary fantasy, #fantasy romance, #demons, #sorcerers, #sorceress

Wrath (8 page)

BOOK: Wrath
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“It’s still hard to believe, but can’t be denied,” she said quietly.

“Her conversion or that she’s my sister? Because I’m not sure I totally believe either yet.”

“Oh, I sensed the truth about her being Lucas’s daughter decades ago, but he would never confirm it, even when we were together.”

” I demanded. “You knew, and you didn’t bother to say anything to me? To anyone?”

“I said I
it, but I didn’t know for certain.” Mom reached across the table and placed her hand over mine. “Until she decided to come to us, there were too many risks and no benefit in spreading possible rumors.
didn’t know for certain until the other day, right? I feared what she might do to you if she knew, and also how it would affect you if I told you, especially if my sense happened to be wrong. She was Daemoni. Our enemy. Things might have been different if I’d known what she really wanted back when I took Tristan.”

“She told you about that?” I asked, somewhat surprised Vanessa disclosed so much. “How she’d wanted to convert when he did?”

“She told us many things. She didn’t think herself ready then, but I might have been able to help her.” She sighed sadly, but then her voice lifted. “But it all happened the way it was supposed to, and she’s here with us now. As I said, Rina will tell you more when you see her.”

I finished chewing my bite of croissant as I watched Mom. “I know it’s how we’re supposed to be, but you sure did forgive easily. Vanessa hasn’t exactly been your biggest fan for the last thirty years.”

how we are, Alexis,” Mom said. “We forgive. But we may not forget. I won’t forget what she’s done to you and me, to other Amadis, and to innocents, but it’s all in the past. She’s not the same person anymore.”

“Hmm . . . ” came my only response.

Mom pushed her chair away from the table and stood. “I need to get some work done before Rina wakes up.”

“How’s she doing, anyway?”

Mom grabbed the back of her seat to push it under the table, and the corners of her mouth twitched, but I didn’t know if she was trying to force a smile or fight a frown. “Not well, to be honest. Not as well as I’d hoped she’d be by now.”

My brow puckered. “I thought maybe since she stayed up all night, she was doing better.”

“She took a long nap yesterday afternoon to be ready for you and your guests.”

“Oh.” Not the news I’d wanted to hear.

“She did warn us that she’d never fully recover, but I’d hoped she’d been wrong. She tires easily. She has me doing a lot on her behalf for official business and Julia taking care of other tasks.” Mom’s eyes darted around the room as she inhaled an unsteady breath. “I honestly don’t know how much longer we have with her, honey. Although . . . she can be quite stubborn, so who really knows?”

She gave me a quick smile and a hug before hurrying out of the room, as though trying to escape the subject. Mom and Rina had never been very close. Mom had resented Rina and the Council after my birth because of the control they tried to exert over both of our lives, but I thought there were lots of hurt feelings between them that went back further. In fact, I suspected their relationship began to deteriorate when they were both Normans, before Rina had left Mom to go through her
. Now, however, it seemed as though Mom wanted to make up for all of their history. Maybe she wanted to close the gap in their relationship because hers and mine wasn’t as close anymore now that we had separate lives. Or maybe she simply knew time with her mother would be short, as she’d just said.

I pushed my plate away and stood, not wanting to be here alone. Not wanting to think about losing Rina.

I considered releasing some stress by working out with Tristan, but I had the feeling he wanted time alone, and I really didn’t want to spend my energy on beating up a sandbag. I didn’t want that kind of release. I wanted answers, direction, guidance. Since I was stuck here, I figured I might as well make the best use of my time. And I knew the place that might hold the secrets I needed to know. With the house so quiet, it was a perfect time to check out the Sacred Archives.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought so.

Chapter 8

When I rounded the corner between Rina’s office and the hallway to the Sacred Archives, I found the door ajar and my grandmother inside. The room glowed around her in that luminous way it does, and she looked as majestic as the day I first met her, wearing a pale pink ball gown, her chestnut-brown hair tumbling in curls down her back, her skin healthy and beautiful. Although she was over a hundred years older than me, she didn’t look a day over twenty-seven. She, Mom, and I could practically pass for triplets. Until you looked into Rina’s eyes and saw the wisdom of time, or into Mom’s and saw the strength one could only gain from decades of living with heartache. Me—you still saw youth and inexperience. In fact, I did look a few years younger than them, more like early twenties or younger. I often felt like a child compared to them, and nowhere near ready to serve as matriarch. Good thing I had a long time. Even if Mom was right about Rina, hopefully we had a few decades or longer of Mom holding the seat of matriarch before anyone had to rely on me.


I came out of my thought-trance at the sound of Rina’s voice. She stood outside the door of the Sacred Archives now, and something about her had changed. Without the Otherworldly glow of the room, I could now see the tightness in her brow, the tug downwards at the corners of her lips, the exhaustion in her eyes. Her skin and hair seemed less bright, the coloring in both more sallow. She held her arms out for me, and when I hugged her, her embrace didn’t feel as strong as it had in the past. I couldn’t help but think the Sacred Archives had given her Otherworldly strength, but the Earthly realm drained her of it.

“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” I asked, the concern obvious in my voice. “Mom said you were up all night.”

Rina tsked. “Your mother exaggerates. I had four hours of regeneration, much of it in the Sacred Archives. That is plenty, considering.”

“Mom worries about you.” Rightly so, it seemed.

Rina let go of me with one arm, holding her other around my waist as she began to walk toward her office. I kept an arm around her, too, and I’d say she pulled me with her, but it was more like I held her up, giving me no choice but to go with her because I was afraid she’d fall.

“A little too much,” Rina said. “There is much else for us to worry about.”

We paused for her to open the door, and although her breaths seemed to come evenly, I could feel the tightness of her muscles under my fingers as she struggled for air.

“Please stop,” she said, her voice sounding firmer than I’d expected with her condition. “Do not worry about me. I am strong enough to do what needs to be done, which is all that matters. When it is my time, it is my time. Only God knows when it will be, and there is no use in wasting our energy worrying about what we cannot change. Your mother is strong, and she will be ready to be matriarch when the time comes. As will you, dear Alexis.”

I stifled a snort, but she must have seen the doubt on my face as I helped her sit in the throne-like chair behind her huge mahogany desk. She smiled.

“I know you do not believe it now, but you
be ready when your time comes, darling. For now, however, you are our warrior.”

I let out a small chuckle. Ten years ago I would have never thought such a thing. Actually,
years ago I wouldn’t have believed it. But now I knew
was the right term for me.

“A warrior, like Tristan. And we need that right now.” She motioned for me to sit down in one of the chairs across the desk from her. “Sophia is emotionally and spiritually strong, but not physically. Her blood is too diluted. She has her power of persuasion and can often sense the truth, and that makes her a powerful converter. She is just and fair. But physically, she does not compare. She is faster and stronger than Normans, but we do not fight Normans. She can channel water when a large body is nearby and fight for a while against the Daemoni. But, she is not a warrior. She is not you, Alexis.”

I’d started to wonder where Rina was going with this inventory of Mom’s strengths and weaknesses, but now she made her point: I may have looked like Mom and Rina, and we may have shared a few other similarities, but I was set apart from them. I was different. As always.

“Sophia and I are meant to lead from here.” She lifted her hands and spread them to indicate her surroundings. “From this desk, this office. You, darling, will one day be here, too, but not now. As much as the Council wants to fight me about it and keep you here on the Island to ensure your safety and that of our next daughter, I know this is not where you need to be. You
ready to lead—”

This time I couldn’t hold back the snort.

ready to lead,” she repeated, “but on the battlefield. That is where you belong.”

“I think I would go crazy here on the Island,” I admitted. “Especially right now. Please don’t let them—”

Rina cut me off. “I know, darling. I will not make you stay here, regardless of what the Council thinks. At least, not until you become pregnant, at which time, we re-evaluate. However, we do need to discuss your current directives.”

Here it comes
. The lecture I’d been expecting since we left Florida was about to start.

“First, though, I have other business to address. Preparations to make before I send you and your team away.” She glanced at an antique clock sitting on her desk. “Give me a few hours, then I will call for you and Tristan, yes?”

I understood the dismissal and nodded before I stood and headed for the door. After leaving Rina’s office, I returned to the Sacred Archives. The door still stood open, as though waiting for me, and I basked for a moment in the change in the air, how it smelled and tasted like sunshine, how it felt thicker but somehow cleaner against my skin—the air of the Otherworld, I was sure. But once inside, I found nothing useful. I still couldn’t decipher the swirly lines and images that covered the pages in the majority of the books—symbols I thought the Angels might have made. I called for the
Book of Prophecies & Curses
, and once again, it floated through the air to me. Although I could read the Latin now, nothing in its pages helped.

I studied the curse about the brothers more closely, but there was no new information to gain. No clear-cut answer on how to break it. An Amadis person must sacrifice themselves to the Daemoni to benefit the greater good, but nothing stated who or when or how. Tristan apparently hadn’t broken the curse when he’d gone to the Daemoni to protect all of us, so it couldn’t be just anyone in the Amadis. It had to be someone specific. A daughter? A son? The matriarch? Or perhaps a certain situation. Lucas had said if he kept me against my will and Dorian tried to save me, the curse would be broken. But I didn’t know if that meant Dorian could break it, or if the fact that he was saving an Amadis daughter would break it, or if Lucas had any clue at all what he was talking about. He could have been bullshitting me, and probably was. He probably planned to lead me down a false bunny trail with such a lie.

I studied the prophecies again, too, and found the one Vanessa had been told belonged to her. But I found no prediction that any of us would break Eris’s curse. No foretelling of Dorian being kidnapped or anything indicating he would ever return to us. The Angels were not being very helpful.

Or maybe I wasn’t ready to understand their messages.

The hours dragged by as I waited for our turn to speak with Rina. I felt as though she was putting all the pieces into place before talking to Tristan and me, and once we did receive her lecture, we could finally be on our way. Until then, I was like a horse in a starting gate, my competitors already halfway around the track while I still pawed at the ground waiting for release.

Blossom and I spent some time in Dorian’s room, and her spell gave us a big push west, but my mind couldn’t reach beyond the Aegean Sea to the mainland of Greece. If the strength of the shove to go west was any indication, Dorian remained much farther away than I could ever reach. Blossom, however, couldn’t make the spell focus beyond that general direction, and Rina interrupted us to request Blossom’s audience. After a lengthy meeting with the matriarch and her second, the witch immediately went to the village on an errand she couldn’t tell me about.

And still Tristan and I waited. Until, finally, Rina silently called out for us.

As we approached her office, I couldn’t believe whom we found coming out of Rina’s door, closing it behind him.

” I asked, my eyes popping at the site of the big, bald were-croc who should have been in the Outback of Australia.

“G’day, princess,” he said with a grin.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

He pushed his hands into the pockets of his faded jeans and shrugged nonchalantly, but a frown tugged the scar over his brown eye, betraying his true feelings.

“Kuckaroo never fully recovered,” he said, and I knew he spoke of the Daemoni attack when we were there two years ago. “We lost too many mages. Now that hell’s breakin’ loose, those who can’t fight came here for safety.”

I tilted my head as I studied his face and considered this. Jax was mighty and powerful and not someone who’d hide instead of fight . . . unless he worried about being around Normans too much, which had been the whole reason he’d isolated himself to the wilderness.

“I’m here for a diffr’nt reason,” he said. His eyes slid over to Rina’s office door and back to me. “Ms. Katerina just gave me her blessin’.”

“Speaking of,” Tristan murmured next to me.

Right. Rina. I didn’t need to delay any longer.

“I wish we had time to talk, but, well, our son—”

“I know, princess. No worries. We’ll have time to catch up later.” He gave me a wink, then strode off toward the main entrance of the mansion. Nothing against Jax, but I hoped there wouldn’t be a later—that we’d be in the air shortly after this meeting.

Come in, darling
,” Rina called out before I could knock.

As soon as I saw her form, sagging as though the weight of the world physically rested on her shoulders, worry crept into my heart.

“Do you need to rest?” I asked, feeling guilty as I secretly hoped she’d say no.

She gave me a soft smile from her seat in one of the wingback chairs by the fireplace. “I can regenerate anytime, but this is an urgent matter. I have someone I would like to join your team, and some things must be said by the matriarch. Your mother may be my second and doing much of my work, but people accept some messages more powerfully when delivered by me personally.”

Tristan and I sat on the leather sofa next to her, and we both leaned forward on the edge of the seat. The hairs on the nape of my neck prickled with curiosity. Not about the new addition to my team. I knew she’d send Julia to watch over us and ensure we followed the Amadis rules and stuck to the mission. Charlotte had prepared me for this possibility during our flight over. I didn’t like it—I didn’t like Julia—but arguing about her would be futile, and we had more important things to discuss. Especially now that Rina had mentioned messages.

“Like what things? What kinds of messages?” From the Angels, maybe? Were they going to help us get Dorian?

Rina’s mahogany brown eyes scanned my face with consideration. “You, for example, need to believe Vanessa is trustworthy.”

My shoulders deflated, and I sunk back against the sofa. “Do you believe she is?”

“I have assessed her. We spent much time together. Yes, I believe she is.” She flattened her hands against her thighs and tilted her head. “No, I do not only believe. I
she is.”

“A message from the Angels?” Tristan asked. “Because they might be the only ones who will convince your granddaughter here.”

Not the message I’d hoped for, but Tristan was right—their confirmation about Vanessa would have been comforting.

“No, not from the Angels. A message is not necessary. Vanessa is fully converted. You have done a very fine job, Alexis.”

With all of my prior insecurities, Rina must have thought I doubted my own conversion abilities. She didn’t know how complicated Vanessa’s situation was, with her involvement with Owen, the traitor, and all.

“I know it all, dear, but I also know what is in her heart and in her soul. I feel it so completely, I have sent her into the village for enhancements—her own leather gear, enchanted weapons, and a supply of mage blood suited to her particular needs.”

“And you think that’s a good idea?” I asked, pretty skeptical myself. If Vanessa was pulling one over on us, the last thing I needed was her powered up with mage blood.

“I do. If she is to guard you, she will have every advantage we can possibly give her. I also have spent time with Blossom, and now she is with your mother and Charlotte, taking a—what do you call it? A crash course?—heavy training in conversions.”

“That’s great, but it’s not Blossom I’m worried about,” I muttered.

“You do not need to worry about Vanessa, either. Just as you accept Tristan for the man he is
, you must accept Vanessa for who she is now, not then.”

Of course she was right, and I really wanted to. Life would be a bit easier if I knew Vanessa was definitely on our side. But there were still too many questions in my mind, regardless of what Rina said.

“Your family has grown again,” Rina said. “Embrace it, darling. Family is very special.”

I twisted in my seat to face her more fully and leaned toward her. “It
special. All family is. Including our sons.”

Rina’s mouth formed a scowl as she looked away from me and to the flames dancing in the hearth. Did she really think we could avoid the subject? Or maybe she’d only been waiting for me to bring it up. A moment passed before her gaze returned to me.

“The Amadis
our family, Alexis,” she said. “We are called a matriarchal society because I—like my predecessors—am a mother to our people. They are all my children, and I love them as though they are. I must care for
of them. As will you some day.”

BOOK: Wrath
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