Worthy of the Billionaire's Attention (4 page)

BOOK: Worthy of the Billionaire's Attention
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He slapped my ass again, my ass-cheeks red with handprints from the previous spanks. I held still waiting for him to release me. Instead, he stood up and walked to the dresser, opening a drawer. He pulled out a delicate pearl necklace. He carefully undid the clasp and placed it around my neck, reaching around and closing it on me. He then reached up and undid the scarf holding me in place, my hands going to my throat once they freed themselves of their satiny bounds.

It was a strand of iridescent black pearls that just hovered above my collarbone. They were all perfect matches of each other, and so dark they seemed purple in the gleam of the light. I had never seen anything like it; it was simple yet absolutely stunning. He had a sheepish grin on his face as he watched me play with it.

“You like it?”

“Love it.” I beamed at him.

His smile lit up the room. He looked like a proud child, happy to have pleased.

“Do you promise to keep it?” His brow crinkled a little at the thought that I might return it. I couldn’t dash the hope in those eyes. Besides, I knew whatever it cost he could afford it. I promised and he practically danced around the room. His happiness made me laugh as he did a happy dance. He clicked the light-switch off and tackled me back into the bed, his grin contagious even in the dark. He deftly maneuvered me into the nook of his arm as he settled back onto the pillows. I played with the pearls, wondering why he had made me promise to keep it. He whispered into my hair as we snuggled down for the night. I felt safe and warm. I felt sleep tugging me with its sweet embrace, and I let it take me as I relaxed into his strong arms.


$6,000. That’s what a strand of similar pearls was going for on Ebay. My hand trembled as I stroked the beautiful beads. I almost took them off, feeling like something worth that much should not be gracing the neck of someone with $127.65 in their bank account. I was afraid I would somehow lose them, that they could magically fly off my neck the minute someone found out how much they were worth. I took a deep breath in, finding that it really didn’t help soothe me as much as I had hoped. So, with a shaky hand I collected my papers and went into my first meeting of the day knowing that I had a small bank on my throat.

As I walked into the boardroom, Mr. King caught my eye and grinned at me. He touched his neck and winked, making the gesture look random, but knowing that I would see he was glad I was wearing his gift. I shook my head and took a set my supplies down at an empty seat. The meeting hadn’t started yet, and only three of the five board members were present. Two older men stood by a coffee pot discussing a round of golf, while a stylish woman sat at the table glaring at her laptop. My fingers shook as I shuffled my papers and tried to look calm. I was just being introduced to the board. I didn’t have to present anything yet or answer any questions, but the pit in my stomach apparently thought I was. The woman at the computer glared at me, waves of disdain radiating off her. I wondered what had her in such a mood. The last two members shuffled in, deep in conversation that stopped as soon as they sat. Mr. King introduced me and the meeting began. The meeting didn’t pertain to me, so I began looking over the financial reports for the quarter. Something about the numbers felt off and I buried my nose into the laptop, trying to catch the scent of what bothered me.

The room was suddenly quiet. I looked up realizing that almost everyone had left. The angry woman slammed her laptop into a case and stalked out, silent fury dripping from her every pore. I looked after her for a moment, the funny numbers in my laptop forgotten. Mr. King shook his head at her as the door slammed behind her. He sat on the table next to my computer so he could look at me.

“What’s her problem?” I asked him as I stared at the closed door.

“No idea. Dinner tonight?” He managed to keep an innocent face.

I did my best impression of coy, as I slowly closed my laptop and pretended to think about it. He laughed at my pitiable attempt and ran a finger across my pearls. I shivered with anticipation.

“They look good on you.”He paused, obviously deciding if he should say more. My curiosity piqued at why he had chosen these pearls, and I resolved to ask him at dinner.

“Dinner’s at 7 sharp. I’ll give you a ride.” He winked and hopped of the table.

“Oh, and I was planning something special for dessert…” He let the sentence drift as he strolled out the door. I bit my lip and started counting down until dinner.

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He came in, right next to her, and moved in for a kiss. She let him take it, kissing him back for a few moments, before pushing him away. “Let’s get one thing straight, Mr. Hayes. I am not one of your bimbos that you can use up and throw away. If you think you’ve got an easy lay coming your way, you are mistaken.”

Again, he looked a little crestfallen, but she could see the way it turned him on. She decided to go with it. She unbuttoned a couple buttons from her blouse, and he eagerly looked at her black bra.

“We are going to have some fun tonight, but on my terms. If you start to get out of line, I am going to reel you back in. If you get way out of control, then this is over and you’ll never touch me again. If you keep going from there…”

She gestured around. “There are several cameras in this restaurant, and I know where each of them are. In addition, I’ve installed one of my own, and it’s been running all night, streaming to a friend of mine’s computer. It’s shown you watching me all night, touching me, and helping me clean up. It’ll also pick up whatever you do here tonight.”

He went pale, leaning back against the table. “It’s encrypted, so he won’t be able to watch it or copy it. If you do things to me that I don’t want, I’ll release the file and the password to the media. However, if you manage to continue to please me tonight, then the file and the hard drive it’s been printed on will be yours.”

He still looked stunned. “Why are you doing all this?” he asked.

She looked him dead in the eye. “You’re a very dangerous man, Mr. Hayes. Not only are you physically able to assault me, but you’re able to buy your way out of most trouble. So far, you’ve been willing to please me, but, like most men…” she paused for effect. “…You could change your mind.” She walked toward him, put her hand on his chest, and kissed him. It was the first kiss that she had given him without prompting, and he seemed like he was instantly back in the mood. They kissed for a few moments more, and she pulled away and whispered in his ear. “Forget about the cameras for now. You’ve begun to please me, and I can see things going your way for the rest of the night...”

About the author

Krista Lakes is a newly turned 30 year old who recently rediscovered her passion for writing. She loves aquatic life and running marathons. She is living happily ever after with her Prince Charming and her bouncing baby boy.

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BOOK: Worthy of the Billionaire's Attention
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