Authors: Monica Luke

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Tenderly, he laid her down; then spread her thighs and put his body between them.

“Umm.” Laad hummed pleased as he looked at her breasts before he coupled them and kissed on them.

Nona breathed heavy from Laad
’s touch.

Ah, husband,” she inhaled and exhaled deeply, as his mouth now traveled pass her navel.

I thirst for the nectar of your fruit,” he said, as he tasted her, “And so sweet it is.”

Taste of it.” Nona now panted, “Then fill me with yours.”

Careful my love,” Laad warned, his tongue now relishing her sweetness, “I have much to give and it will find its place well and I am sure make you with child.”

Nona laughed, as she put her fingers into
his hair to pull him to her. “It cannot make me what I am.”

Happy about her news, Laad hurried his mouth to hers.

“Ah, Laad,” Nona whispered into his mouth, “Such a handsome man you are and well desired by me.”

Laad stopped and rolled onto his back; the
n pulled Nona on top of him.

Then show me how well,” he said, as he again put his fingers into her hair, and as she straddled him, she did just that until he called out her name feverishly and fell limp.




Back at Ivodgald, Aderac called for Belon to come to the king’s private council so he could speak with him, his ten men of council sitting at the table beside him along with his treasurers, when he walked into the council room, although none stood, as always Aderac did.

Belon,” Aderac said when he sat back down, “The treasurers revealed that the Jeboric villages have brought no tolls to Ivodgald for at least three harvests. Will you go to them and find out why or what toil has caused such?”

I shall ride out at once,” he answered obediently.

ght off guard, Aderac looked surprised searching for words.

Belon uh, uh …” he caught himself before he spoke lovingly to him in front of his council and treasurers, “Must you leave so soon? Would dawn be more fitting so you can be rested and ride out with a clear head?”

It would great king,” Belon agreed, as he looked into his love’s eyes knowing the real reason for requesting a delayed departure.

After going over plans with Enek, as well as, Ven, the other in command over the horse guard, but under Ene
k, and drinking with them for a short while, he came early to bed to wait for Aderac, but when he walked into their chamber, he found Aderac already readily waiting for him just inside the foyer.

Although, pleased he was naked. Belon said nothing as he wa
lked farther inside, then after he stretched out his arms; Aderac took off his belt and began to undress him.

Both quiet while he did, Belon kept his arms stretched wide, then once done as they stood in the foyer, Aderac looked up and let out a heavy sad s
igh and that and the look in his eyes, let Belon know Aderac would long for him the very second he rode off.

As they stood, Belon tenderly put his hand behind Aderac
’s head, and as Aderac put his arms around his waist, Belon kissed on his neck before he moved to his mouth.

Such misery is within me when I leave you,” Belon said, between his kisses.

A chair in the foyer, instead of moving to their bed, Aderac moved Belon backwards onto it while he kissed him, then when he sat; straddled him and put his arms
around him to hold him.

Return unharmed my love and with haste,” he whispered in his ear and hissed painfully pleased when he felt Belon suddenly thrust hard upward, instead of inching himself inside him slowly.  

The chair their place of passion until bo
th could take no more, they held each other closely as their bodies finally went into convulsing fits; then once both had calmed, after whispers of love and soft kisses, moved to the bed to sleep.

That morning, as Belon
’s men lined in front of Ivodgald, Aderac rode in front of them giving them his words of encouragement before they rode off, and already knowing to ride ahead so Belon could speak to Aderac alone, the men did just that.

Unable to kiss tenderly, which they normally did when Belon rode to Worrl
genHall, as the men rode away, Aderac, instead jumped from his horse as Belon jumped from his, and stood in front of him.

As they looked at each other, Aderac
’s stare into his eyes speaking for him, he tried to speak but couldn’t.

I shall be bold,” Belon finally broke their silence; his voice deep and resolved not caring who saw them, “And feel the soft full lips of who I love upon mine before I ride away.”

Aderac smiled, as his breath quickened always weakened when Belon spoke to him in a deep tone.

“Kiss me,” his soft words, before he put his arm around Belon’s strong wide back; then closed his eyes as Belon kissed his lips long and hard, and after he pulled his lips away, he gave him another tender kiss upon his forehead.

After he mounted his horse an
d rode away, Aderac stood and watched until Belon had joined the men waiting for him; then after he mounted his horse too, he let out a few deep sighs, and rode through the gate into Ivodgald.

That same night, at first unable to fall asleep, he finally di
d, but in the darkest hours, when sleep becomes deepest he began to dream.

In his dream, he saw Belon soaked in blood from head to foot trying to wake him, but when he woke and tried to hold him, he suddenly vanished, and it vexed him so deeply he woke swe
ating profusely while heavily breathing; then leaned over the side of the bed vomiting.

Wasting no time, right after he vomited; he leaped out of bed; hurried to the door and ordered his guard to get a messenger.

“Ride hard to Belon,” he ordered deeply troubled, “Get word to him the king needs him to come back.”

Shall I give a reason why my king?” The messenger asked puzzled.

The king needs him…” Aderac lied, not wanting to reveal it was because he had a bad dream, “The king needs him back at Ivodgald now. Get word to him it is dire, dire, and ride such that your life is at stake!”

As ordered, he rode hard and caught up with Belon and his men just before outskirts of
  the Jeboric villages and while they camped, when his men saw a messenger with the crest of Ivodgald draped across his horse’s neck riding hard towards them, got word to Belon, who quickly rode to meet him.

What is it? What is it?” Belon asked worried when he reached him, “Has something happened to the king? Has it?”

He sends word that you must return, and it is dire,” the messenger answered.

What has happened to the king?” Belon asked and grabbed him hard, worried about his love.

He did not speak it,” he answered, as he tried to pull away from Belon when he grabbed him, but couldn’t.

lthough, not pleased with his vague answer, Belon released him; then hurried back to camp to speak with Enek and Ven.

King Aderac has sent for me,” his anxious words, “I must go back. Stay the course and speak to the Jeboric leader and if there is treachery deal with it.”

If you grant it, I will go with a few,” Enek said confident, “Ven and the others can go back with you.”

Do not be haughty,” Belon warned, “I know how the people of these tribes are. They band together when they feel they have a cause.”

Let me go with a few instead,” Ven offered eagerly, “And be peaceful with them. Let me show my skill with words as one high under your command just as Enek has done.”

Only after Enek nodded, did Belon agree.

“So be it,” Belon said, but warned, “Be wary Ven. This will be your first command alone. Do not be eager to agree with a willing agreement to soon and trust an uneasy feeling you have no matter how small.”

I understand,” Ven said proudly, happy they trusted him to do it alone.

Without stopping o
nce, as fast as his horse could go, Belon raced back to Ivodgald ahead of Enek and the other men, who had to pack their things first and as soon as the guards saw him coming, informed Aderac, who went to their chamber to wait for him.

Where is King Aderac?” Belon rushed into court and loudly asked one of the guards.

The guard said nothing; instead, he looked towards the hallway that led to the chambers.

Belon immediately walked out and turned down the hallways.

Where is King Aderac?” he asked impatiently, when he passed another guard.

In his chamber,” he answered as Belon rushed passed him.

’s steps even heavier when he walked with a determined purpose or was angry. His belt clang from his axe, knife, and sword as he walked, which Aderac heard as he got closer, and so filled with anxiety he was rushing to him, he could hardly breathe.

Aderac! Aderac!” he loudly shouted when he burst through the door, making it clang loudly against the wall, “Are you well? Is there trouble? What is wrong?”

ly, Aderac threw his arms around him to hold him.

Oooh, Belon,” he said beside himself, “So awful was my dream; awful it was.”

Belon put his arms back around him to hold him.

“Are you well?” he asked worriedly still unsure what was wrong, “Is there trouble?”

So troubled I am from my dream,” Aderac confessed, as he held him more tightly, “I dreamed that I could not hold you. I dreamed that someone harmed you Belon, and I could not hold you.”

Because of what he said, Belon pulled his head away and looked a
t Aderac dumbfounded, but when he did, so genuine was his expression and worry for him, although, he wanted to be angry with him for sending for him in such a way, he couldn’t and instead held him again.

So silly you are my cherished one.” He lovingly coddled instead, “Death faces me in all things as one in love with a king, as well as in command fighting battles and wars for him.”

I know such, but never have I dreamed of you in such a way,” Aderac’s anxious words. His tone expressing clearly how shaken and vexed he was by it, “And it troubled me.”

Belon laughed and shook his head, but deep within, Aderac
’s obvious worry only made him love him more deeply.

Are we now so deeply in love with each other that even a dream cause frets?” he crooned, as he looked at him lovingly and rubbed his nose to Aderac’s nose.

Yes, we are Belon,” Aderac averred, “Yes, we are.”

I will stay the night, my love, and ride back in the morning.”

Must you go back?” Aderac pleaded, as he looked at him, “I beg you Belon, stay with me.”

Belon looked into the eyes of his love and saw the worry in them.

“The way you look at me,” he admitted, weakened to his core, “I cannot leave you with such a look as that in your eyes.”

Aderac inhaled relieved.

“Let me speak with Enek,” Belon said, as he put his arms around him, “And when done, I will hold you as you speak your dream.”

Ah Belon,” Aderac’s relieved words, already beginning to feel better, “It is within your arms that I am only comforted.”

Still slightly concerned Ven may beco
me overconfident commanding alone, he sent Enek to aid him, or at least be a visible reassurance, then as promised went back to Aderac, who was pacing while waiting for him. When he walked back inside their chamber, Aderac again rushed to him and threw his arms around him.

Now,” Belon said lovingly, as he walked him to their bed so he could hold him more, “Speak of your dream,” and Aderac did.

As obeyed, Enek and the men rode back to Ven, but when they got close to the Jeboric villages, as they crossed an
open field, all stopped horror-struck at what they saw.

Get this to Grand Commander Belon!” Enek shouted, while staring down at Ven and the other men. All brutally massacred and their bodies stripped bare and strewn about. “…with haste!”

As commanded,
he rode back hard; then once he reached the main doors into Ivodgald, jumped from his horse and ran inside.

Hurrying down hallways and skipping stairs two at a time as he climbed them, when he reached Aderac
’s chambers, he gave the guard Enek’s sealed letter.

With haste give this to Grand Commander Belon,” he said to Ciron, as he panted from running, “If you do not such will be his wrath.”

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