Authors: Monica Luke

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      “I see such.” Ovfren noticed. “I was on my way to the pastures, and took the long way hoping to see your handsome face.”

      Patting the side of his horse’s neck, Enek turned his head away to reply.

      “And I am glad to see your handsome face as well.”

      Both sat side by side, struggling to look at everything around them except each other, yet uncontrolled, their eyes fell to the other’s, then fixed in desiring gaze making them want to leap off their horses and into the other’s arms.

      “I want you badly,” Enek quietly professed, wanting to grab him at that very moment, “We must embrace as much as possible. Soon we will be apart for some time.”

      “I know,” his anguished reply, “And miserable I will be.”

      “As I.”

      “You must steal to me somehow,” Enek begged. “And make it such that we have much time. I need to be on you sweating. Pushing deep into your pleasure hole, or shall I call it my pleasure hole?”

      Ovfren gasped deeply, roused by Enek such that he had to adjust how he sat on his horse several times to sit more comfortably because he became stiff immediately.

      “Umm Enek, I shall,” his eager reply.

      Fearing he was now watching, Enek cut their conversation short.

      “You must go.” He knew, “Belon’s eyes are now on us.”

      Looking out, and noticing that they were, Ovfren turned his horse to leave.

      “I love you much,” he said, as he did.

      “And, I you even more.”

      Wanting to go over to them to interrupt, Belon decided against it and let them finish their conversation, but as soon as Enek rode back and was near him, he questioned him.

      “What did Ovfren want?”

      “He spoke he was passing by on his way to the pastures,” Enek spoke Ovfren’s half-truth, “And by chance passed us, and watched while we trained for a time.”

      Belon brows furrowed suspiciously.

      “He went well out of his way he did to do such,” he commented, and pointed, “The pastures are that way.”

      Enek ignored his comment, right away going back to train, but as Belon stood and looked out at Ovfren disappearing from sight, then back to Enek, his mind began to wonder.

      Right away, he thought of how flustered Enek looked the time he came to his chamber and suspected he was not alone.  Moreover, he thought it odd that even when in the same room neither man looked at the other, but for some reason as Ovfren sat on his horse, Enek went to speak with him for several minutes.

      As Belon’s mind ran with even more suspicious thoughts, he realized why Enek did such a foolish stunt with his brother was solely to entertain Ovfren.

      “I fear what was seeded has now began to grow, if not already grown,” he woefully mumbled to himself.

      That night, as they lay in bed to sleep, bothered by his suspicion, he voiced it to Aderac.

      “Did you want to fall in love with me?” Aderac asked after he did.

      “That is a silly question.”

      “Did you?”

      Regretting it was the truth at the time, Belon pulled him close to answer.

      “I did not,” he recalled how adamant he was about not letting himself fall in love. Yet did, and madly such that Aderac became the blood that flowed within his own body.

      Aderac turned his head, as Belon held him to look at him. “We have no control over our will, or heart, once they are seized by love.”

      “Ogorec is my friend.”

      “And, so is Enek,” Aderac reminded.

      Belon sighed, as he thought of Ogorec, Enek, and Ovfren, and the convolution of their situation with him possibly caught in the middle of it.

      “What should I do, my sweet?” he asked, as Aderac put his chin into his shoulder.

      “You tried to sway Ovfren, and you tried to sway Enek, and still somehow they became drawn to the other. If it is anything like how I was drawn to you, I know without question they are already in love, and I will even be bold to believe deeply,” Aderac wisely said, as he lifted he head so he could face Belon to speak more, “Fate was fate with us, and should be the same with them. It is not for you to put your hand upon it in any way.”

      Belon again sighed, agreeing with Aderac.

      “So true,” he whispered, while giving him a tender kiss on his neck. After he did, Aderac put one of his legs around Belon’s hip, and his arm around his waist, as Belon moved closer snuggling comfortably back, then both went to asleep.


Chapter 57


rantically, Ovfren’s mind raced with ideas of how to be alone with Enek long enough that they didn’t have to rush, but no matter what came to mind would not be long enough.

      “Curses!” he said aloud, tormented by how badly he wanted to be close to him, as well as, under him, “Such agony this is that I cannot be with him when and as long as I want.”

      “Are you speaking to yourself?” Ogorec asked, as he walked into the cottage, which surprised Ovfren because he expected him a little later.

      “Only of how much I missed you this day,” his quick reply.

      Ogorec walked closer, but didn’t begin to undress.

      “Why are you not undressing?”

      “I must ride out with King Baric, and came to kiss you before I did,” he answered, “He is meeting with King Borlos from the People of the Vells. Should those from Celgon flee to his land; they are not to take them in and are to cut them down.”

      “And you must leave now?”

      “A message just came that he is almost at Worrlgen’s border.”

      “How long will you be gone?” he asked, as a hint of happiness filled his tone, which he quickly squashed.

      “I should be back by mid sun.”

      “Ogorec,” Ovfren said, but Ogorec cut him short.

      “I know, I know,” he lovingly said, “You will miss me.”

      “Yes.” Ovfren smiled, “I will.”

      “And, I shall miss you,” he said, as he walked to him and pulled him close.

      “Do we have time?”

      Ogorec lovingly laughed wanting to ravish him, but knew the men were already gathered.

      “It is not from lack of want,” he assured him, “…yet the sooner we leave, we can return, and I shall ravish you then.”

      “Then hurry away and hurry back.”

      “I shall.”

      Ogorec pulled Ovfren closer and kissed him hard.

      “Not one day have I regretted my love for you,” Ovfren lovingly said, “Or ever will.”

      “I know,” Ogorec said. “And it is the same for me.”

      Later just after the sunset, as Enek and his brother ate and chatted, Ovfren casually walked into the men’s hall. He sat on the other side of the room, then after sitting for several minutes intentionally eating nothing, after he quickly finished his drink, he turned the cup over and left, which was a signal to Enek.

      “Was that the guild that watched us earlier?” Cyorec asked when he saw him walk in and then leave quickly.

      “I did not see.”

      “It was.” Cyorec brows furrowed, “Did you see how he looked over at us? He is an odd one, and I am beginning to reason touched in his head, as well as many of the other guilds here.”

      “Hold your tongue,” Enek retorted. Annoyed that he insulted him, and his rank higher in command, and older than his brother, he gave him an order, “You will show honor to all the guilds here and not insult any of them. Is that understood?”

      “What did I speak wrong?” Cyorec questioned.

      “Am I understood?” Enek asked, the sternness in his voice reaffirming his resolve.

      “Understood,” Cyorec answered, and patted him hard on his back, “Brother you must calm. I fear you have been to long without a woman, and need release.”

      “Let me worry about what I need.”

      “Tsk tsk.” Cyorec sounded, “Then at least drink something to have you so not on edge.”

      “I am tired.” Enek ignored him, as he stood, “And going to the chamber.”

      The only place he reasoned he could have gone quickly, which was the stables, Enek hurried to it, then after he waited in the darkness for awhile and Ovfren didn’t show, gathered Ogorec must have hindered him somehow.


      Enek decided to retire to the chamber for the night just as he said. While he walked, his thoughts consumed with Ovfren, he longed to be with him even if it only to touch his virile body. He recalled how pleasant it was to have him sit and watch him earlier in the day, and let his mind entertain the thought of him at Ivodgald training alongside him.

      Still trying to guess where he could be, it instantly dawned on him just as he opened the chamber door. Hoping he was there, his mouth opened wide pleased, as his eyes beheld him standing just beyond the door completely naked.

      “Make sure it is locked,” Ovfren whispered, as slowly he walked in front of him and stood.

      “I feared I would not get to see you,” Enek words, as his eyes bounced all over Ovfren’s body always basking in the pleasure of his form.

      “When I walked into the men’s hall, I longed to rush to you,” Ovfren admitted, “And lead you away with me.”

      Latching it and double-checking to ensure he did it securely. His back turned to Ovfren as he did; Ovfren walked up behind him and put his arms around his waist.

      “This night is all ours Volenek,” Ovfren whispered his name, as he moved back to unbuckle Enek’s belt, “And a great night we shall make it.”

      “I enjoy the sound of my given name off your tongue.” Enek moaned, “Let me hear it well into the night just the way you spoke it then and in panting breaths when you spend.”

      “You will have it no other way.”

      As he spoke, Ovfren took his hands, and from behind put them firmly on Enek’s thighs and moved slowly upward with deep massaging strokes.

      As he felt his hands moving closer towards his groin, it wildly jerked sending hot pulses between his thighs all the way down to his toes.

      As fast as a blink, Enek turned and lifted Ovfren, who impulsively wrapped his legs around him as he did. 

      “You are getting every drop I have in me on you or inside you,” Enek vowed. His manhood jutted solid, as his hands firmly gripped Ovfren’s tight naked rear while Ovfren frantically tried to take off his tunic.

      With his legs still securely wrapped around him, kissing and nibbling on him as he did, somehow Enek managed to get his pants down, then still gripping his rear, but his boots still on, Ovfren jumped down so he could get them off, then immediately leaped back his arms.

      Moving him to the bed, once he was by it, Enek sat down first, and Ovfren still well securely held slightly lifted his rear and eased down onto Enek’s blood engorged organ.

      “Ssssss,” Ovfren marveled, “You are as solid as stone.”

      “You make it that way,” Enek’s wanting words, “…only you.”

      “Pound me to a pulp with your massive stone,” Ovfren begged.

      Before he granted Ovfren’s wish, Enek stopped and looked at him lustfully.

      “You spoke that we have all night,” he said, as slowly he pushed it inside him, “…and all night I will make it.”

      “Ah, Volenek.” Ovfren panted his loves name, “Ah ssss, my Volenek. I can feel all of you inside of me.”

      “I am deep inside my wonderful pleasure hole.” Enek panted, “Umm, and hot and tight it is.”

      As both breathe heavily, Ovfren moved his clinching muscle up and down Enek’s hard organ as they alternated their kisses from passionate to tender.

      “We love each other,” Ovfren said during the tender kisses.

      “I want you, all of you,” Enek’s words during the passionate ones; “I have who I want and love.”

      “Ah ssss Volenek, you have me.” Ovfren’s turn. “Ah, ssss Volenek, you have all of me.”

      Their first position, Ovfren straddled Enek’s lap as he raised and lowered onto his unyielding pole. Both moved to the second position, which was Ovfren on his side with Enek right away lying beside him.

      As Ovfren wrapped his leg around Enek’s hip, he scooted closer to Ovfren’s body and hissed when he felt Ovfren’s swollen shaft now enjoy the pleasure of his scorching tunnel.

      “Sssssss,” Enek hissed loudly, as Ovfren made every thrust deep by pushing his shaft completely into him until it wouldn’t go any farther, before pulling it completely out and repeating his well-timed thrusts until his final thrust pushed deep and stayed releasing a creamy floodgate.

      His body quivering, Enek held Ovfren tightly. Both still petting as Ovfren spent, as they did the friction of their tight hard stomachs rubbing with his throbbing shaft pressed between them giving him feelings of stroking sensations, Enek spurted his creamy ecstasy only seconds after Ovfren’s did.

      “Umm,” Ovfren moaned pleased when he felt the heat of it all over his stomach, as drops of it reached his nipples, “From the look and feel of it you did indeed release every drop.”

      Enek laughed and kissed his head, the uncontrolled jolts of his deflating organ still causing more fluid to leak out of him.

      “Let us breathe with ease for a moment in the other’s arm to gather more strength,” he said, as his hand sensually rubbed Ovfren’s rear and back, “To begin our third, fourth, fifth, and …”

      “And what?”

      “And for the first time sleep in the other’s arms.”

      Ovfren smiled pleased at the thought of being all night beside him. “And close,” he added, “Let us sleep close.”

      “When you are next to me to sleep,” Enek lovingly said, “I shall always, and I mean always keep you close in my arms.”

      “And right where I wish to be.” Ovfren sighed, as he nudged his head into Enek’s neck to rest until their third.




       “It is late.” Belon mentioned, as he yawned and stood by his horse half-asleep.

      “It had to be late,” revealed Loth, “That no other knows.”

      Belon looked at him blankly. “Well, I am here.”

      “It is about your commander…”

      “Which one?” he asked, but in truth when he said commander he already suspected what he was about to tell him.

      Loth knowing he knew which commander, didn’t answer his question, as he looked out into the darkness. “Someone saw Ovfren sneaking away from a back stable.”

      “Whose eyes?”

      “A servant.”

      Belon shrugged his shoulders. Servants are always peeping nosily here or there. “Who cares what a servant sees?”

      “I do,” Loth answered, “And we both know servant’s ears take in every word they hear with delight, and often when they speak those secrets they reach the ears of who they should or should not.”

      Belon exhaled loudly knowing he spoke the truth. A servant discovered Irenea’s secret affair, which lead to the plot to kill Aderac.

      “What did the servant see?”

      “It is what he heard.”

      Annoyed he was being vague; Belon rolled his eyes in exasperation. “What did he hear?”

      “Heavy breathing and sounds of…well you know what sounds come from heavy breathing in the darkness?” Loth answered, “He hid away when someone walked by; then when he looked back, saw Ovfren.”

      “Did he see who he was breathing heavy with?”

      “He did not. Just as I spoke, he heard someone walk by and hid; then when he moved out again, he saw Ovfren sneaking away.”

      “Who was the servant?”

      Loth looked at him apprehensively, wondering what ran through Belon’s head; then warily answered.

      “I am trusted well with secrets from many,” his answer, “And it is for a reason. I spoke this to you that no bloodshed comes from it, which we both know could should it reach the wrong ears.”

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