Authors: Monica Luke

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      Both laughed, and when Belon noticed Aderac didn’t hold his ribs when he did, looked at him and smiled even wider.

      “How do you feel?” he asked through his smile, “As you dressed, I saw that the skin near your ribs was no longer blue and black, and you did not hold your ribs just now when you laughed.”

      “Such is true. I can move much better without pain.”

      Belon’s eyebrow rose delighted. “Is that all you can do without pain?”

      Aderac stopped, and looked at him recognizing the particular inflection in his voice that he so enjoyed, as well as, the look that came with it and his chest began to rise and fall with bated breaths. “Do we have time for such?”

      “If not, we shall make the time for such,” Belon averred, “I want and need to be full from you, long has it been.”

      “Umm, my lustful love.” He hummed aroused at the thought of being inside him again.

       “Let us go,” Belon said, as he began walking.

      Pacing each other, they rushed to their chamber, and before Belon even made it to the bed had stripped naked, then stretched his arms wide from side to side before falling backwards onto it.

      “Get over here to me,” he lustfully commanded. His legs spread wide, he began caressing himself, as with each second his shaft began to swell, “I have already begun.”

      “Keep them wide,” Aderac salaciously commanded back, as now naked himself; he hurried to the bed, “I shall be between them in only a blink, and then deep inside you.”

      “From the length of your large manhood,” his erotic reply, “Deep you shall.”

      Crawling onto the bed and between Belon’s legs, Aderac did indeed journey deep, as Belon, who now again able to cling to him, passionately did.

      As he panted Aderac’s name until his body delightfully convulsed, Aderac collapsed onto him, and went limp.

      When he did, Belon rolled him onto his back; then rested the weight of his body on his arms, instead of putting it fully on Aderac and then he opened his legs and looked down at him.

      “Am I yours?” his question, as slowly his hard shaft now had its turn delighting in Aderac’s clinging hot tunnel, “Am I?”

      “All mine,” Aderac pleasurably replied, “Ah honey, you are all mine.”




       All in court, when Ovfren walked to the stables, he saw Enek standing by his horse brushing it. No one around him, ashamed by his foolish behavior, he decided to go over to him and apologize again.

      “Careful,” Enek sarcastically stopped him, now knowing all that had gone on in the past with the three from Belon, “I am in no mood to have your angry looking one leap over something to challenge me, and try to cut off my head.”

      Ovfren looked at his feet, then back to Enek.

      “Again forgive me.” His humbled sincerity, “So foolish I was, and can be.”

      “I reasoned that and agree,” Enek casually commented, and stopped brushing his horse.

      Not intending to at first, Enek stepped closer to Ovfren, and got so close that if he moved an inch more, their noses would have touched.

       “But your kiss to me was not from a foolish deed, as you now try to believe it was. You wanted me, and still do,” he said right into his face.

      Ovfren looked at him surprised by his remark and unsure if he should confirm or deny what Enek truthfully spoke, decided to leave.

      “I must go,” he blurted, showing his annoyance.

      “Then take these words from me with you, and hold them in your head,” Enek added, as neither still had moved, “If you come to me, I will not let you go back to him.”

      Ovfren, their faces still so close he could feel his breath on his skin, looked at him stunned by his bold statement.

      “I will not betray him,” he declared adamantly, but diverted his eyes unable to look into his. 

      “You already have,” Enek simply replied, then pulled back and began to turn to walk away.

      “Then I will not betray him again,” he averred, as he raised his chin smugly when he turned.

      By how emphatic he sounded, Enek stopped and turned back, then looked around to make sure no one was close to hear him.

      “So young and foolish is that head of yours. Still, you do not understand what is going on inside it,” he said, “You cannot look into my eyes when you speak to me without breathing heavy, and should I speak that I want your mouth wrapped around my manhood, I know you will turn as red as a rose.”

      “I must go,” Ovfren said, annoyed with this blunt truth, yet still he did not take a step.

      “Hear me well!” Enek said slightly annoyed with Ovfren, as well with the ambivalent lust raging through the young man, “I am not one for this foolishness. I care not to swim in the murky water of what is going on with you, the dark haired one, and Belon. I have no ties to me as you do, and I am free of the guilt that is festering within you from the want you have for me.”

      “You are just as haughty as your commander!” Ovfren spouted upset that all he said was true, “Now I know why you are such friends, you are the same.”

      “Then go.” Enek dared, now becoming even more annoyed with him.

      “I am going!” Ovfren slightly shouted.

      His anger causing him to breathe loudly through his nose, Ovfren stood unsure what exactly to do; then when he finally gathered his will to walk away, Enek quickly grabbed his arm. 

      Suddenly turning him, he pulled Ovfren forcibly close, and before he could speak, his lips were to his.

      “No,” Ovfren feebly resisted when they took a breath.

      “Yes,” Enek’s assertion, as now his arms wrapped around him, “It shall always be yes.”

      “Noooo,” his again word of resistance, spoken so softly even the best ears could not have heard it, as his arms instantly wrapped back around his muscled broad back. 

      Feverishly, they kissed; until neither could breathe, then when their lips parted, Ovfren took the time to catch his breath and stared at Enek’s handsome face.

      Both unsure what to say to each other at that impulsive moment, they held their tongues; then in a mere instant, their lips feverishly melded together again.

      This time as they kissed, Ovfren moved his hand slowly down Enek’s tight chest and stomach, until it reached his steadily tightening manhood, and when he did, he pulled his lips away to speak.

      “Hard as stone you have become,” he marveled lustfully, “And such a man you are.”

      Boldly, Enek took Ovfren’s hand, and put it inside his pants so he could actually feel the heat and tightness of his manhood.

      “My hand has touched or caressed no others, but mine and his,” Ovfren confessed.

      “Then that is now no longer so,” Enek whispered.

      Hesitant only for a second, Ovfren did indeed touch; then caress Enek, letting his thumb twirl around the smooth wet slit and as he did, Enek pulled up Ovfren’s shirt to return his touch and caress.

      “I must go.” He softly anguished longing to let him feel him, but slowly pulled away before he could fully reach it.

      “Yes, you must,” Enek agreed, although not really wanting his hand to end its journey.

      Again stepping closer, Ovfren closed his eyes and gave him another small tender kiss before he strengthened himself to this time really walk away.

      “Dare you now make it such that you fill my head when I lay to sleep and wake,” Enek confessed, slightly disturbed by how much he thought of him.

      Ovfren smiled contented, perceiving his words as tender words of want.

      “It is such as that for me with you, but it is not only when I lay to sleep and wake, but all day. But, my heart has conquered my want, and will not betray him to do more.”

      Now conquering his will, he did finally walk away, and as Enek watched, he let him get slightly farther down; then added his stipulation.

      Calling out his name to get his attention, when he turned, he gave it.

      “From this, my words are not the same as before. If you come to me, it shall be from more than want. If you come to me, you must be willing to give me your heart.”

Chapter 53



hat did you see?” Tagia, the sister sent back to Celgon asked, as she stood staring out the window at the ominous sky, “Who did you see it in?”

      “I saw no faces, but I saw lightening strike a tree covered with red leaves,” Celgon’s seer answered, “Which fell onto Celgon.”

      Tagia sneered, and looked at the seer.

      “You also saw me wed to Lord Borlos,” she snidely remarked, as her hand went to her cheek where still to the day, she remembered Belon’s strong hand across it, “Instead, I was sent back shamed.”

      “Shall I reveal again,” the seer said in her defense, “That I spoke against it when I saw you standing in a grove of rotting fruit?”

      Tagia again looked out. “Do my brothers live?”

      The seer chose her words carefully. “I see death and life, yet I cannot speak of whom.”

      “Forgive me, my lady,” Atorad, who was in the room interrupted skeptical of relying on the wisdom and visions of seers, but custom was custom in Celgon. Always within the kingdom, they had a seer.

      “What is it?” Tagia asked, annoyed he interrupted them.

      “While they are away and until they return, I shall remain on the throne as is my place that none try to claim it,” he shrewdly and selfishly said.

      “How will my brothers feel knowing this?”

      “It is only for a time,” Atorad added hoping they were already dead, “The courts and decrees must go on.”

      Filled with disdain for him, Tagia took in a breath, and held it a few seconds.

      “Such is so,” she agreed in an exhale, deep within hoping that at least two of her brothers were dead, which were Cadon and Elgen because she resented how they tried to marry her off, “Until...”

      “Gather those from court,” he quickly asserted, as he walked out of the private room and into court to inform all that he would hold the throne until the king and lords returned, “As is my place, I shall remain on the throne until…”

      No sooner than he sat down, a sealed message addressed to whoever held the throne came, and not trusting them, Baric didn’t allow the messenger to enter Celgon’s walls with it for fear they would kill or hold him.

      “Treachery!” shouted Atorad, as if shocked, while deep within he beamed, “They lured our king and lords to Worrlgen only to kill them.” 

      When Tagia heard the shout and gasps from court, she rushed through the connecting doors to see what happened.

      “Nooo! Such horror!” Tagia surprised words, feigning her shock about her brothers, yet deep within glad of the fate of Cadon and Elgen, “Give the letter to me!”

      Frantically, she read, her eyes scanning the letter back and forth, before giving it to the men of court, and tearfully dramatically exiting into a private chamber with her seer close behind her. 

      “I fear your vision may well be at hand,” she said, her tears from only moments before instantly gone, to her seer when she walked through the doors. The words written on the letter vivid in her mind, which were to abandon Celgon or see the kingdom crumble, “May will be at hand.”

      “Then let it not be,” Atorad said, as he walked inside after following her, and closed the door.

      Tagia stiffened; she never liked him, and knew she wouldn’t like what he had to say.

      “What do you mean?” she asked, nibbling on his bated line.

      “Wed me,” he simply suggested, “And as the crowned king, I shall bring down Worrlgen.”

      Tagia mockingly laughed, and turned as the thought of it turned her stomach, but her brothers excluded her from the affairs of court and kingdoms all her life and because of it, she knew she didn’t have much time to win the loyalty of the people, and doubted if the men from Celgon would fight and die for her sake.

      “You alone,” she doubted and questioned, “Can do what my father and brothers have failed to do for so long.”

      “I am not your farther or brothers,” his comment, unknown to her as soon as the invitation came about the vying, he had begun his conspiracy.

      Tagia shook her head hesitant.

      “Soon enough someone will rise to take over brother’s throne,” Atorad schooled her, “No man here knows much of you or would follow you to their death. Wed me, make me the crowned king, and the two of us shall do what your father and brothers could not. We will bring down Worrlgen once and for all; then wipe all other kingdoms away until only Celgon rules.”

      “And should I refuse?”

      Atorad stiffened only a moment, taken aback by her question, but knew she was not a fool. “Your high born blood will flow into the sea the same as ours if Celgon falls.”




       His ribs only bruised and not broken, happy to ride a horse again, Aderac, Belon, and the children went for an early morning ride. Concerned for King Aderac and still wary about King Gegorad and the strange tribe that rode to WorrlgenHall, Laad had guilds follow them.

      “Must they,” Aderac commented when he saw them trailing them.

      “They must,” Belon said, when he turned and saw them gathering it was Laad’s or Loth’s doing, “Two lords hanged just days before. Any could be looking for their chance for revenge.”

      Aderac nodded.

      “Can we all ride to the Rocks of Worrlgen?” he then asked, “The children would enjoy the sight.”

      “They would,” Belon agreed, but knew better. “But it is not safe now, and you are still not mended enough for such a long ride.”

      Aderac smiled at Belon.

      “Yes, my shielding giant.” He accepted without question basking completely in his warrior’s protective watch.

      Pleasantly all rode, with Ihon and Beladera playfully trotting ahead, but as they did, when the children got farther ahead than they should have Belon called out loudly.

      “Beladera and Ihon slow your pace!” he yelled, “You are to far ahead.”

      “Yes father!” both yelled back, but didn’t slow down.

      As he watched them waiting for them to obey, when they didn’t Belon growled.

      “So stubborn are our children,” he voiced to Aderac, before he called out again. This time more firmly. “You will slow your pace. If not, I will send you back to WorglenHall and you will nothing more than stare at walls!”

      “Yes father!” both bemoaned and slowed.

      Aderac again smiled, waiting for Belon to look over at him.

      “What?” he asked curiously, when he noticed.

      “So watchful a father you are,” he said affectionately.

      “Those are my two treasures.” Belon said, as he looked over at him, “Along with great treasure riding beside me.”

      “They love you.”

      Belon raised his eyebrow. “They?”

      “We.” Aderac smiled wide, “And much.”

      “Ah, that is much better.” He winked, “Come let us enjoy the feel of the cool morning, and later back at WorrlgenHall, when we are alone, you and I shall enjoy more.”

      “Belllooon.” Aderac blushed fearing those from WorrlgenHall may have heard him. “Dare they hear you?”

      “I spoke of us kissing,” Belon said, and laughed, “And they are not close enough to hear us.”

      “Oh.” Aderac gave a chuckle, his mind running with thoughts of a more physical enjoyment.

      “Hmmm.” He suggestively winked and laughed; his mind now filled with the same thoughts Aderac had, “What ran through your head is just as pleasing.”

      “Then when we get back, pleased you shall be.” Aderac winked back, as now both laughed while they rode.

      Pleasantly, enjoying their morning ride, when Belon looked out and saw two riding hard back towards WorrlgenHall, recognizing one as Osgorad, he knew when higher guilds rode out in twos, it was to look or watch for something specific.

      “Hold!” Belon yelled out to the guilds that followed them.

      “What is it Belon?”

      “I want to speak with the two I see riding.”

      “Is something wrong?”

      “Aderac,” Belon said soothingly, knowing he would worry, “Do not become fretful. I only want to have a few words.”

      After he spoke to Aderac, Belon rode over to the guilds.

      “Do not let the king or the children out of your sight,” he said; then rode away.

      As they rode over the hill, Belon rode to the trail to wait for them; then when close, he caught up with them.

      “Belon,” Adeon, who once served under him with Lord Bayl, and got along with him casually said, “Why are you out this early in the morning?”

      “Riding along to enjoy the feel of the sun in the cool of the day,” he answered, “Where are you both coming from?”

      “From...” Adeon, about to answer, but Osgorad interrupted.

      “Belon is not from Worrlgen anymore,” he spouted his apparent contempt, “It is not his matter. Hold your tongue and only speak to Laad or Loth.”

      Belon’s forehead creased still gathering Osgorad resented the blow to the head he gave him with the pommel of his sword long ago.

      “True,” he shrewdly replied, “But I am commander to a kingdom united with Worrlgen whose king sits on that hill watching us. Dare you hold from me anything, with all that has gone on these many days, that if known could keep him from harm? Speak all you know and now, or I swear to you Osgorad. The pommel of my sword against your head long ago will feel like a thump to what you will feel if you do not.”

      Osgorad swallowed hard and loud from Belon’s threat, then looked out and saw King Aderac staring intently over at them.

      “Very well,” he relented.

      “Then speak,” Belon impatiently demanded.





      “Are the two back?”

      “Not yet.”

      Laad hummed; then turned to Loth as more suspicions entered his head.

      “Now that you revealed your wariness, I have reasoned on much of what you spoke the other night,” he said, as they talked on the wall, “King Gegorad did indeed ride to us with no first in command, and that is indeed strange.”

      “True,” Loth commented, “Why would one be fearful of treachery if they are the ones doing the treachery?”

      “King Aderac graciously promised him a chest of gold for his troubled stay,” Laad scoffed, “When all learn he is behind this treachery as well, he will not get gold, and instead cold steel.”




       From what Osgorad and Adeon revealed, immediately Belon hurried back to Aderac.

      “What is it?” Aderac asked, as he stared at him trying to read his face; then he looked over to Osgorad and Adeon who Belon made wait for them, “What did the men speak to you?”

      “Betrayal!” Belon revealed through clenched teeth, wishing he had killed more than just the two from Hemrock.

      “What betrayal?”

      Knowing Aderac would fret right away, Belon instead, called for the children to join them to delay telling him.

      “Belon,” Aderac said firmly, knowing he was stalling. “What of your words that you will hold nothing from me?

      “And I will not, Aderac.” He tried to dance around it. “My words of that were of other things, not this.”

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