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Authors: Melanie Schuster

Working Man (10 page)

BOOK: Working Man
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She checked the bathroom once more; the extra towels were in place, along with a big fluffy terrycloth robe hanging on the back of the door. It was a beautiful shade of Nile green that would look devastating on Nick. Her bedroom was exquisite. She had an antique bed that had been made for a very large man and his wife and it easily held a king-sized mattress. It was so high off the floor that she had a little set of steps to use, but it would pose no problem for Nick. There was a bouquet of roses next to the bed, which was turned back invitingly and the gentle smell of the lavender powder she'd sprinkled on the mattress cover scented the room. The quilt Meemaw had made was folded at the foot of the bed and a soft amber light glowed from the nightstand. The silk jacquard curtains were rosy pink to match the duvet cover on the bed, and the 1,200-count sheets that had been a Christmas present from Billie last year were a softer shade of pink. It looked very feminine and girly, but she had a feeling that Nick would enjoy it. She just hoped she'd enjoy the fashion show, for which she was about to be late.

She picked up her tote bag and started making a mad dash down the stairs, calling to Cha-Cha to stay off the bed. Carefully locking the door behind her, she got into her HHR, which looked brand-new again, and headed to the hotel where the fashion show was being held. This was a special event for charity, as Toni had stressed over and over. A friend of hers had designed a new line of clothing for all sizes with the emphasis on the larger ladies, and this fashion show would introduce the line to Chicago. It was a big, festive event and Dakota was as prepared as she was going to be. Before she'd left for her next modeling assignment, Billie had taught her how to walk, how to move her body as though she owned it and not the other way around. She could do all the turns, she could step out with confidence and no fear of falling because of the masking tape crossed on the bottom of her shoes, she could look like a super-model and even toss her hair seductively. But could she make it out of the dressing room? That was the only hitch in an otherwise perfect plan. She had found out at rehearsal that Toni's friend designed lingerie. She'd almost caved right on the spot, but the other models seemed so together and in control Dakota had no choice but to step up her game.

She parked the car in the parking structure beneath the hotel and took the elevator up to the ballroom level. When she got to the area designated for the dressing room, she was relieved to see that she wasn't late; everyone else was just getting there, too. She greeted the ladies by name and exchanged hugs with a few that she'd gotten to know in the last few days. Some were older than she, some younger, and most were bigger, but what they all shared was beauty and confidence. It was a noisy, happy group of buxom beauties that was going to take the town by storm that night. They were modeling loungewear, bathing suits and underwear, as well as some amazing night-wear. Dakota had three outfits to wear and since she was in the first group of models to go out, she found she got rid of her nerves right away.

Her first outfit was a deceptively simple violet dress that came to the floor. It was Grecian-styled in front with a modest cowl neck, and it was sleeveless. But when she executed her first turn and the audience could see the back, the ladies in the audience gasped and applauded because the back was nonexistent, exposing everything right down past the curve of her back. It also had side slits up to her hips and it was obvious that this was an outfit made for seduction.

“I want that for my honeymoon,” a woman said loudly.

Now the place was rocking. Her next ensemble was a bathing suit in gold Spandex that was also backless with a lace-up front that exposed her breasts. The built-in bra made her breasts look spectacular, and when she deftly removed the matching sarong, the high-cut legs of the suit made her luscious legs look even longer. The applause was deafening, but Dakota wasn't paying it any attention. She had to get into her last ensemble, the one that would end the show. The designer, a woman named Maggie Jones, had created a special outfit to close the show. “Since it's traditional to end most fashion shows with a bride, I made this bridal lingerie. It's your size and you'll look wonderful in it,” she'd assured Dakota.

For the first time in a long time, Dakota felt absolutely gorgeous. The white corset was made of silk organza and trimmed with handmade Belgian lace. It had tiny white buttons in the front and tiny bows with silk rosebuds at the top of the garters that held up her sheer white silk hose with lace tops. There was a small flirty skirt around the edge that didn't conceal the white lace thong worn with the ensemble. And thanks to Billie's surprise, she had no fear about wearing the tiny thong in public. The day Billie insisted she come home early, she'd taken Dakota to a wonderful day spa and given her the works, manicure, pedicure, bikini wax, massage, facial and aromatherapy. She had a whole new appreciation of her appearance now. Her makeup was perfect and she knew she looked her absolute best. She put on the amazingly sheer matching robe and the stiletto-heeled mules that matched the corset and made her entrance with a bouquet of white flowers and a gardenia nestled in her hair, which was full of luscious-looking curls and waves.

When she appeared on the runway all by herself, the ladies went crazy. Dakota felt as though she could fly. She looked like a very happy woman who was about to greet her brand-new husband for the most special night of their lives, their wedding night. She felt elated, filled with excitement and triumph and yet, strangely melancholy. She made her turns, flashed a beautiful smile and left the runway to return to the dressing area. She had no sooner reached the backstage area when the voice that haunted all her days and nights called to her.

She slowly turned to see Nick standing there looking like something out of a dream. For one wild moment she was afraid she'd conjured him up out of her fevered imagination. She watched him walk towards her and she prayed it wasn't just a fantasy. He was so close to her now she could smell his cologne and he touched her, putting one big hand on her shoulder and tipping her chin up with his other hand. “Let's go home, baby. I got something for you,” he said before kissing her gently on the lips.

“And I've got something for you, too,” she answered. “Let me get changed and I'll meet you there.”

“Hurry, baby.” He leaned down and kissed her once, hot and sweet. “Drive careful, but hurry.”

Chapter 8

fterwards, Dakota couldn't remember how she got home. She must have changed clothes at some point, because she wasn't wearing the bridal lingerie anymore. She had on the same little blue dress she'd worn to the event, the one Billie had brought her from Italy. She was wearing the matching sandals and her toenails were still gleaming from her recent pedicure. She didn't remember parking the car in the driveway or even opening the front door. All she really remembered was Nick walking in the door. She was once again struck by how handsome he looked in his casual attire of jeans, pale-blue dress shirt and a navy sport coat. “You look wonderful,” she said in a low voice unlike her usual manner of speaking.

“Not as good as you.” He crossed the room to where she was standing and without any further conversation, he picked her up and headed for the stairs.


“Yes, baby?”

“We're supposed to start downstairs,” Dakota protested feebly. “I have wine and music and candles…ooh,” she sighed as they entered the bedroom and Nick placed her in the center of the bed.

Nick locked his eyes on hers as he took off his jacket and hung it on the back of her vanity chair. It was followed by his dress shirt, which he unbuttoned while he kicked off his highly polished loafers. “We can finish downstairs, baby. But we're starting right here and now.”

Dakota was mesmerized by the sight of his broad shoulders, his muscular arms and chest, which was covered in a thick mat of the same soft curls that graced his head. He was unbuckling his belt when Dakota rose to her knees, saying his name urgently. “Nick!”

He didn't pause in removing his pants, he just said “What is it, honey?”

“Close the door if you don't want Cha-Cha in here. And lock it,” she said breathlessly.

Nick did as she asked and, when it was done, he turned around. He was naked, throbbing and ready for her, something all too evident from the massive erection he was displaying. He walked to the bed, saying, “Now it's your turn, Miss Lady.”

Dakota, still in her kneeling position, reached for the straps behind her, but Nick stilled her hand. “Let me do it,” he said in a deep, loving tone of voice. He lifted Dakota off the bed and turned her so her back was to him. He undid the straps and the zipper while she stepped out of her shoes. A soft sigh of pleasure escaped her lips when she felt his strong hands stroking the dress away from her body. It fluttered down to her ankles while Nick kissed the back of her neck, running his tongue down the sensitive skin until he touched the delicate bone at the top of her spine. She was now wearing only her strapless bra and a matching thong, so that Nick got his first look at her derriere, a view that brought him a lot of joy, to judge from the sharp intake of his breath. “Damn, baby, you've been hiding all this from me?” he moaned as he palmed the smooth globes.

He unfastened her bra and took a deep, shuddering breath as he put his hands on her bare breasts, squeezing them gently, then cupping them in his palms and tracing her sensitive, erect nipples with his thumbs. He turned her around to face him, smiling down at her. “I knew you'd be beautiful,” he told her. “You're everything I knew you'd be.” He put his thumb in the band of her thong and gently pulled it off, holding her so she wouldn't fall when she daintily stepped out of the flimsy garment.

Now she was standing before him completely nude, her silky skin glowing in the muted light of the room. It was an amazing moment for her. A few weeks ago she could barely stand to think of taking her clothes off in front of anyone, and now she was proudly putting herself on display for him. She wanted Nick to look at her, to continue to devour her with his eyes the way he was doing now.

“I want to see all of you, baby, every single inch. Damn you look good,” he said as she moved so he could see her back as well as her front. “Kiss me, Dakota, I want to taste those sweet lips again.”

Trembling with anticipation, their bodies made contact for the first time. The feel of his chest against hers was wonderful, but there was more to come. Nick's hands slid down her back to caress her hips and behind, and then he picked her up and put her back on the bed, lying down next to her. He kissed her again, a long, languorous kiss that went on and on as he stroked her breasts, continuing his exploration of her body. His hand moved down her firm, rounded tummy and stopped when he got to the apex of her thighs. He stroked her there and she parted her legs to allow a deeper caress, which he expertly and gladly applied. His middle finger found her wet and yielding to his touch while his thumb explored the most sensitive part of her.

Now his lips were traveling down her throat, past her collarbones to find her breasts. When his mouth, hot with passion, covered her nipple she cried out, calling his name. He answered her by intensifying his assault of the tender tip of her breast, coupled with his sensual exploration of her womanhood, which was hot, wet and throbbing just for him.

“Nick, Nick, ohh, Nick don't stop, don't stop,” she moaned as her fingers gripped the linens.

The pleasure went on until she cried out again and he could feel her muscles clenching and unclenching and he knew she'd had her first climax. Only then did he still his motions long enough to put on the condom he had in the palm of his free hand. Dakota sighed in protest when he stopped touching her, but the sound turned to one of satisfaction when he lowered his body onto hers. He held his manhood in one hand, rubbing the tip against her and sliding it into her with excruciating tenderness. He took his time, entering her with reverence and control, letting her get used to the size of him. He was rock-hard and heavy with desire, and his strokes became deeper and faster, plundering her sweetness as she clung to him, screaming his name and digging her fingers in as another climax rocketed her into a universe of pure sensation.

He was braced on his elbows, sweat was glistening on his face and his body and the sensations he was experiencing were the most intense and sensual he could remember, but he didn't want to stop. He didn't want the feeling to end, even though the release would be earth-shattering. Suddenly, Dakota's hips starting moving in a new rhythm, matching him stroke for stroke but adding an unexpected suction that almost knocked him off the bed. Now it was his turn to cry out and her name was torn from his throat as a feeling of absolute euphoria took him over. He shuddered as he strained to ride out the incredible tremors that were rippling through his body. He wrapped Dakota in his arms and rolled over so she was on top of him and held her tightly until he could breathe again.

He had to strain to hear it, but the silence was broken by the sweet sound of her sigh. “I love you,” she said softly.


Nick was more content than he could ever remember being. Dakota was still on top of him, but they were downstairs on her couch at last. The CD player was giving out the incredible sound of Johnny Hartman and John Coltrane, the rich scent of the Warm Spirit Paisley candles scented the air and Cha-Cha was inspecting the remains of their feast, trying to see if there was some scrap that had her name on it. Dakota had arranged a low table next to the sofa and they had fed each other while sipping champagne and kissing madly. The shrimp and smoked oysters were all gone and Cha-Cha wasn't fond of the fruit that was still on the tray, so she contented herself with a cherry tomato, which she knocked to the floor and chased through the dining room.

Nick was wearing the rich green robe Dakota had bought him and she was wearing a soft peach camisole with matching tap panties. It was so sheer she might as well have been wearing nothing at all, but she looked so delectably sexy he could barely keep from ripping it off and making love to her again. But since they'd already done that in the bed, in the shower, in the bed again and then on the sofa, he thought he'd better let her rest. Dakota stirred, although all she did was raise her body up so she could open the front of his robe and then nestle against him, stroking his chest while she sighed with happiness. At least he thought it was happiness. She'd confessed her love for him, which was a first, just like the robe he was wearing. He was trying to remember when a woman had done something like that for him but he was coming up short. Dakota was just one of a kind, something he'd already known.

“What's on your mind, baby? I can hear the wheels spinning so I know you're thinking about something,” Nick teased her.

“I'm thinking about making love. Can we do it some more? It was wonderful,” she said dreamily.

“I'm trying to spare you, Miss Lady. I don't want you all sore and uncomfortable tomorrow 'cause then you'll be mad at me and I don't want that. Oh damn,” he groaned as her hand wrapped around his manhood. “Dakota, baby, it's a good thing I had on a condom tonight because you'd be pregnant right now.”

Dakota laughed at his outrageous statement, but she kept caressing him, holding him gently but firmly, moving her hand up and down as she contradicted him. “You sound mighty sure of yourself. Suppose I did get pregnant, what then? You'd run for the hills, wouldn't you?”

She squealed in surprise as Nick abruptly sat up and swung his long legs down, bringing her around to sit in his lap while he grasped her upper arms firmly. “You need to warn somebody before you do things like that,” she fussed.

“And you need to quit playin'. If I was lucky enough to make a baby with you we'd get married and have the prettiest baby anybody ever saw. Did you think I was playing when I said I was going to make you mine?” Without waiting for an answer, he kissed her hard and fierce with an intensity that was almost punishing until his mouth softened and it turned into the kind of sweet, sensual kiss she'd learned to expect from him. He locked his arms around her waist and when they slowly pulled away from each other he looked completely serious. “Are you my woman?” he asked softly.

“Are you my man?” she countered, looking equally serious.

“You know I am,” he growled.

“Show me,” she said boldly.

“Stand up for a minute and I will.” She stood while Nick took off his robe and spread it out on the sofa. “Take off your panties and sit down, baby. Sit right on the edge.” He took a couple of the throw pillows off the sofa and knelt on them while he brought her legs over his shoulders. “Now try not to scream too loud,” he cautioned and then bent his head to begin a long and intimate kiss that made her dizzy from sensation. His lips and tongue were bringing her to the edge of unreason with hot sparks igniting every part of her body. Her hips were pumping in sync with the stroking of his tongue and her fingers were laced in his thick hair as she was shaken by one massive orgasm after another.

She tried to hold it in, but the sounds of her release filled the room, she was screaming Nick's name again and again. He finally began to end her sweet torture, kissing his way up to her lips. She was trembling and glistening with a fine sheen of perspiration, and she clung to him while they kissed. Tears shone in her eyes and Nick kissed them away. “Damn, you're loud. I like that in ya, baby. Now, am I your man?”

“Yes, you are. And I'm your woman. Take me upstairs and I'll show you,” she murmured.

And he picked her up and did just that.


A long time later, Dakota awoke. She was lying on something wonderful; it was soft and warm and she arched into it, craving more of the sensation. The warmth increased as she felt something enfold her, something that made her feel even more secure. Her eyes opened slowly and she realized that she was on top of Nick and her breasts were cushioned against his chest. His arms were around her and her head was nestled into the crook of his neck. Nick was awake, too, because she felt his arms loosen and his hands begin to move up and down her back. She didn't have on a stitch of clothing and she felt wonderful. She was tingly all over and when she moved, all of her erogenous zones throbbed. Everything they'd done the previous night came back to her in crystal-clear detail and a low murmur of contentment issued from her lips. She moved so that she was straddling Nick, but she didn't raise her head. She felt too comfortable, too safe and too loved to do much more than she was doing.

A deep laugh came from the depths of Nick's chest. “Good morning, baby. How do you feel?”

She took her time in answering, mostly because she didn't want to break the spell that surrounded the two of them. Finally she slid down his body a little, so she was resting her face on his chest, rubbing her cheek against the soft hair that felt so good to her bare breasts. “I feel wonderful, Nick. How about you?”

“I just woke up with my woman in my arms after making love all night. That's a pretty good start to any day,” he said with gentle amusement.

“Are you hungry? I can make you breakfast,” she said with a dainty little yawn.

“What I'm hungry for doesn't need to be cooked. And you don't need to get out of bed to fix it,” he answered.

He moved his hips and Dakota could feel his erection growing. She giggled while she moved her own hips so she could feel more of it. She raised her head and braced her chin with her hand as she looked down at him with love in her eyes. “You're just insatiable, Nick. Are you never going to get enough?” she asked.

“Never in this world, baby,” he said while gripping her hips. “And I seem to remember someone in this bed saying she wanted more. Said it several times, if I recall,” he reminded her.

BOOK: Working Man
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